The First by Rebekah - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

Visions in the Shadows

 Her irises turned a deep blue, shinning bright as the stars of Aileen, as she walked through the realms of space and time. She followed till she came to a house. She walked through the door and up the stairs, trying to walk through the first door she came upon. Feeling something blocking her path, she closed her eyes. She sang out in a voice light and smooth as the stars, “One above, give me sight beyond.”

 This time when she touched the door her hand passed through. Walking in she saw one clothed in false light talking to a girl.


 Unplugging her phone from where it sat on her desk charging, Amori sat on her bed and dialed Cody's number. Waiting as she heard the phone ring over and over, finally on the fourth ring he answered, “Hey Amori, are we still going over to Ryan's house today?”

 “Um, no not anymore, I was calling to see if you wanted to hangout?”

 “Sure, it beats the first plan.” She heard the laugh in his voice. “Where did you want to go?”

 “I was thinking the mall there in Griffin.”

 “Alright, what time do you want to meet?”

 “In about two hours, that's like twenty minutes after its open right?”

 “Yep, nine thirty then, I'll be there talk to you then, bye.”

 “Yeah talk to you soon.” Ending the call Amori, contacted both Anise and Alexis, informing them that the plan had been canceled. Changing into her running clothes she head down the stairs to the kitchen.

 Going to the frig she got herself a bottle of water. Turning around she nearly dropped the bottle startled by her brother.

 “Are you going for a run?”

 “Yeah, I like to get an early start.”

 “Mind if I join you.” He reached around her, grabbing a bottle that was already on the counter.

 “Nope.” Amori followed Spencer out of the house; at least she'd get to spend some time with Spence before his redeployment.

 It was an hour before Ryan woke up, when he did he saw Anna standing just inside his room.

 “You should keep your room cleaner.” She said, her eyes roaming the room. The biggest mess was the scattered books around the room.

 “Yeah I really should.” He rubbed a hand over his eyes as he pushed himself to his feet, “Did you need anything?”

 “Yes, I would like to go back to the mall; it seems to me that everything I need to learn about Loam is there.”

 “Your pretty much right about that,” Ryan looked around his room, and then at the clock, “I'll take you when it opens in an hour.”

 “Can we take the bike?” She asked. Ryan smiled and laughed, “Yes we can.”

 “Good.” She said turning to head out the room, she paused. “Dryan, sorry Ryan may I ask you something.” Ryan watched her, at least she was trying.


 “Who was the girl that you were talking to yesterday?”

 He couldn't think of how to reply at the moment.

 “Interesting.” She exited the room, keeping her thoughts to herself.

 Ryan worked the tight muscles at the base of his neck; great he had two women mad at him. Still at least he knew what it was that was bothering Anna, but Amori was much different. Seeing as the Dweller now lingered in her mind. Who knew when he would come to show his true face, or if she would open the Gate. All he knew was that his question might soon be answered, maybe sooner than he thought.


 “My little flower, remember your promise, tonight as the moon takes the sky you must be in Percival. Soon we shall meet in more than just your thoughts.”

 Amori spoke, “But I had promised never to go back.” Instead of seeing her face in the mirror she gazed into it and saw his, “How can you still trust him, he has played you. Pulled you along while he was yet engaged to another, and even now he has not told you the full truth.”

 “What do you mean the full truth? Their engaged, what else is there to know?”

 “That she is an Eidos that is she is a shadow dweller.”

 “What?” Though she did not know what they were, her gut twisted, “What is a shadow dweller?” She paused, “Never mind, and don't answer that question. Is there anything else I do not know?”

 He reached out to her through the mirror, but never touched her, “More will be told you in due time, when we meet.”



 Parking the two got out of the car. Cody having driven to her house to pick her up, “I hope you don't mind but I'd like to grab a bite to eat, before we start walking around the mall.”

 “I don't mind at all.” Said Cody, as they started towards the main entrance, “I'm a wee bit peck 'ish myself.” The two shared a laugh.

 Ryan pulled into the Griffin Mall parking lot. Finding a spot in the packed out place had taken some time. Pulling into a parking spot that was open next to a red Escalade, he parked. Getting off the bike he removed his shades. Looking up and to the entrance he spotted Amori just as she entered the building. As he helped Anna he thought, 'If we run into each other things could become rather interesting.' Their confrontation earlier that morning played on rewind for him. Both Ryan and Anna decided to start at the west wing of the mall near the Food Court.

 After finishing their Spicy Chicken Sandwiches, Amori and Cody cleaned the table after themselves, making their way to the stores. Spotting a book store Amori went inside, Cody following beside her, “Amori you won't mind if I take a quick look inside that store over there?” He asked pointing to the shoe store that was on the other side.

 “Nah, go on ahead, and you can take your time. I don't mind, I'll probably be in here for a while longer.”

 “You sure, cause if you want me to stay here with you I'm fine with it.”

 “I'm sure,” she gave him a light shove towards the door, “whoever gets done first can simply call the other.” Cody stood there for a moment, with a nod he walked out of the store and across to the shoe store.

 Once he left Amori headed to the myth and fantasy section of the book store. Searching for something that would at least help her with understanding what was going on.

 He saw the book store just as Anna spotted a clothing shop that she wanted to check out. So having explained how the whole cash thing worked, Ryan gave her one thousand dollars telling her to have fun. Waiting for her to enter the clothing store before heading into the book store, which was adjacent to it.

 Asking one of the workers where their myth and fantasy section was he thanked them for their help, once they had pointed him in the right direction. Walking over to that section of the store, he paused, coming to a complete stop noticing the top of Amori's head over the aisle. Backing up so that he wasn't seen, he checked again, yep it was her. Taking a breath he walked into the aisle, and noticed that she held in her hands a book on mythical birds and hybrids.

 Sensing that someone else had entered the aisle with her Amori glanced up from her book. Seeing that it was Ryan she shut the book in her hand, placing it behind her, hoping that he had not seen the cover. “So, you're following me now.”

 “No, I'm here with Anna.” He said not meaning for that tidbit of information to come out.

 Amori placed her free hand on her hip, “Other than the fact that the two of you are engaged, is there anything else about her that you would like to tell me?” She cocked her head to the left.

 “Not that I can think of.”

 “Oh, really, how 'bout you tell me what a shadow dweller is.” Ryan stared hard at her till she could no longer hold his gaze, having to drop hers to the carpeted floor.”

 “Amori, something’s are better if you don't try and figure them out. You don't know what you’re asking.”

 “Really, cause I know quite a 'bit.”

 “You might think you know a lot, but I know that you don't. N' what little you do know you don't understand most of it.” He crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for her to say he was wrong.

 Knowing that he was right Amori turned to the shelf, replacing the book. Removing the one next to it she began reading, completely ignoring him. With a shake of his head Ryan faced away from her. Looking through the book shelves he searched for the book he had come to find. Spotting what he had come for he picked it up, “Amori,” she looked up to see him standing close beside her. Taking a side step, she focused again on the book in her hand, he sighed, “If you keep going down this road you’re walking, you won't like what you find.” He bent his head angling towards her, with his voice lowered so that none could over hear him, “You might not even,” her head shot up, “come back alive.”

 She shoved the book in her hand back into to the place where it belonged. She crossed her arms, “Is that a threat?” “No, it’s a warning.” “Why do you even care? Truthfully you set all of this in motion. You invited me to the graduation party; you followed me while I was hiking. If not for you none of this would have happened.”

 He had thought that very thing himself. Yet at the same time, he thought that if she had never said she'd come then none of this would have happened either. So it was in a way both of their faults. Making sure no one was watching them, he pulled out something from inside his backpack, “Did you open this?” He had to be sure.

 Amori looked at the object in his hand. There was no point in lying, “Yes, why?”

 “I knew it!” He exclaimed as he placed the blank book back inside of his backpack. “After you opened it did you start to hear a voice?”

 “What is this some kind of interrogation?”

 “Yes, now answer the question, did you start hearing any voices what so ever?”

 “Yes, maybe, why does it matter?”

 He looked up for a moment before turning his gaze back to her, “I'll explain everything. I realize now that you're too deep in the mar to be taken out anymore.” He backed away, “I'll be coming by your place at seven thirty.” He walked away, heading for the cash register. Amori left the store to deep in thought to remember to call Cody. Instead she walked to the shoe store that he was inside of.

 A minute or so later she spotted him. Going over to where he was she paused at the sight of the pair of shoes that he was trying on.

 “Those really don't look good on you.” Hearing her voice he looked up.

 “Oh, you're here.” With a shrug he looked back down to shoe clad feet, “You sure?”

 “Completely, just look at them,” when he had taken one off she picked it up, “they look like they once belonged to a clown then a Goth. Whoever created this design deserves to be fired.” She handed it back to him.

 “Ok then.” He replaced them in their box. Standing he said, “I still need your opinion on another pair; don't worry after this we'll leave the store.

 Ryan and Anna walked around the mall going in and out of the stores. He looked at his watch, it was only eleven thirty a.m., and his hands were filled with clothes, shoes, and accessories. As she entered another store he followed after her, “Anna are you sure you need all this stuff?” He lifted up his arms, with the bags that he was holding, “You're only going to be here for a month.” She turned briefly and watched him. Then with a shake of her head and what seemed to him a hidden smile, she faced forward and continued on. He groaned. Maybe it would have been best not to let her acclimate so much to society. He looked once again to what he was holding and his wallet.

 Cody had two bags in his hands; he looked to Amori. They had planned on going to the indoor ice skating rink on the west side of the mall. So they were headed to his car so that he could put his purchases in the trunk, “If you want to go back home, you know that's fine with me.”

 Amori smiled up at him, “Sorry, I'm the one who suggested we come to the mall, n' you’re enjoying it more than I am, huh?” Cody stopped walking, as they came to stand at his car, “What's really going on, you've been acting out of it since we left Ryan's home.” Blue eyes pierced brown ones.

 She looked away.

 “You know you can trust me Amori.” She nodded. After he had placed his things inside the trunk of his car they headed to the skating rink. The place was an add-on attachment to the mall. Having been built three years after the mall was finished; it had no entrance through the mall.

 Entering they headed to skate rental stand. Renting their skates they sat down to put them on, neither saying much. As they got on the ice, Cody turned, skating backwards. Completely facing Amori he started the conversation again, “So, what's going on with you Amori?” When she opened her mouth he cocked his brow, “And don't tell me nothing's wrong.” They rounded the corner.

 “Fine then, I keep on hearing this voice in my head.” She rushed on, “I know it sounds ridiculous, but I'm serious.”

 “When did it start?” She looked at him that was not what she had expected him to say.

 “Uh well, it started after I picked up one of the books.”

 “Was it the one with the symbols?”

 “No, another one, it was black. The front had no pictures or writings, but it started when I opened it, though the pages were blank.” She noticed Cody's expression had changed.

 “Did you take anything from his house?”

 Amori took off, skating ahead of him. Rounding the corner she picked up speed. Turning Cody skated in the opposite direction. Glancing over her shoulder Amori smiled not seeing Cody, but when she turned back there he was, right in front of her. She came to a sudden stop.

 Puffs of air mixed between them, Amori with her slightly heavy breathing and Cody with his even ones. He knew, “you took something didn't you.” It was more a statement than a question.

 “Yes, but I didn't mean to-” sigh, “well I guess I did because I brought it home, but I didn't know that I had it.”

 He stared at her then motioned for them to get off the ice.

 “So you took one of his books?”

 “Yes, the one with the symbols.”

 “Let me get this straight,” he spoke as they removed their skates, “you took the book yet you didn't know that you had it, though you brought it home. Yet you had brought it home. So did you realize that you had it when you got home?”

 “No before.”

 “But I was in the car with you.”

 “Remember? I had walked outside of the house before any of you. Anyway I had seen that I still had it, and I was going to return it then...” Her voice drifted off. She knew that Cody would think her even crazier if she continued.

 “You were about to return it then what?”

 Amori breathed in the frigid air; not saying anything till they had turned in their skates, “I heard the voice tell me to keep it.”

 “Wait you're telling me that some creepy voice-” “It does not sound creepy.” “-Ok then, some random voice started talking to you and you listened to it?” “No. Well yes.” She sighed, walking out of the door he held open for her. She was slightly surprised, ok, a lot surprised at Cody's reaction. She had expected him to freak out, call her crazy and end their friendship. Of course she knew the last part was just a bit radical, but she had thought it anyway.

 “Truthfully I still hear the voice.”

 He looked concerned, “What's it telling you?”

 “Well he... it wants me to meet it in the Percival forest, you know the one I like hiking in.”


 “Tonight.” She pushed a stray strand of hair from over her eye. Cody pulled out his keys, as she continued on, “The only problem is that Ryan's picking me up at seven thirty-”

 “Wait; are you dating the guy whose house we just broke into?” He interrupted; coming to the car he unlocked the door. Opening her side first, he then went around getting in.

 “No nothing like that, he's engaged. I simply want answers, and Ryan said he'd tell me what I want or rather need to know.” The two went quiet as Cody started the car, neither speaking till they were on the highway.

 “You say that Ryan can give you answers and so can the voice, but you choose Ryan?”

 Amori nodded, “Well yes. Come on if you had the choice of finding out something from an unusual voice in your head, or a person you can see which would you choose?” He watched her from the corner of his eye.

 “Depends on whose voice it was.”

 “You know what I meant.”

 “Alright, but do you trust this guy?” Cody asked.

 “I never thought about that, I do maybe.” At least she did enough to know he wasn't going to try and harm her.

 “Well maybe, you should have someone tag along with you,” he angled his head toward her, not taking his eyes of the road, “just in case.”

 “I don't think it would be smart to have Anise and or Alexis come along.”

 Cody laughed, “You know who I meant.”

 “Yeah I know who you meant; I guess it would be cool.” She turned in her seat loosening the seatbelt so that she could face him better, “Instead of dropping me off and leaving you could stay till he comes.” Amori said.

 “Sounds like a plan.”


 Leora sat in an oaken carved chair that rest in front of a massive window that overlooked the lake, reading. She had brought her books of songs, so as not to lose track of her studies during her time away. Standing and taking in a deep breath, she placed the book on the lamp table in front of her. Lifting up her voice she sang with a voice clear and strong, one as the stars before their fall, “Now unto the Basililueo aionios, aphthartos, aoratos, the only biyn God, be honor and glory forever and ever. I pray ye show me the path of yon Dweller. Omen emunah.” She sang in the tongue of ages past, partly so that Morgan would not know or rather understand her, but also because the words only flowed when sung in that tongue.

 Her eyes turned a deep starlight blue, as she walked through space and time. She walked along the path, as it led her. On it went, seeming to stretch forever, till she came to a house. She passed through the door, and up a flight of stairs, trying to walk through the first door she came upon. Feeling something blocking her path she fortified herself and closed her eyes. She sang out in a voice light and smooth as the stars, “One above, give me sight beyond.”

 This time when she touched the door her hand passed through it. Walking in she saw one clothed in false light and beauty talking to a girl bound to mortality.

 “I promise.” Leora heard the girl say.

 “I knew I could trust you. To the Percival forest you must go, up and into the cave mouth is where I shall meet you tonight.” The Dweller looked up at her, his eyes dark as the pit. The smile that had just moments ago graced his face fell, but still Leora did not turn her gaze from him.

 “Leave us, you do not belong here.” He looked back to the girl then smiled, “I shall wait for you.”

 He walked from the mortal, as he did she faded away. His focus now completely centered on Leora, “Why are you here, you have no place in my realm child.”

 “The realm Aion belongs to none.” He gave a sardonic laugh, “Leave while I let you, and interfere no more.” He lifted his hand, and was gone.

 Leora came to herself; falling back into the chair she rubbed her temple. Who was the girl? That thought ran through her mind; she knew what she had to do. She had to go to the forest and figure out what was stirring in the unseen.