The First by Rebekah - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

A Realm Called Eldon

 Cody waited down stairs looking at the pictures that hung on the wall; while Amori changed. The two were the only ones in the house, being that Spencer and Pierce had to go to headquarters and her parents were out food shopping. He knew that Amori had wanted to go with her parents, but they had returned too late, everyone having already left.

 He turned as he heard her descending the steps, “Want to go for a walk? Ryan won't be here for a couple hours.” She asked.


 As they walked along they talked about everything and nothing, catching up a little on what their plans for college would be.

 “You’re still into journalism right?”

 “Yep, one day I hope to start my own either journalism or publishing company.”

 “Smart, you'll be your own boss.” Cody kicked a rock as they walked along the sidewalk.

 “What about you, still going to the Army?”

 “Yeah I'm still planning on it.” He rubbed the back of his neck, “I'm hoping to become a Marine, I haven't signed up or anything, but I will soon.” He said a little sheepish.

 “Wow, first the Army and now it’s the Marines,” she smiled up at him, “I think you'd be good at it, your built like an agile tank.” She said poking his bicep playfully.

 They walked to the ice-cream shop, then a few blocks to the town shopping center. Buying herself a new phone, seeing as her own was now broken, from when she had thrown it across her room. Looking at the time Amori realized they had been out all day, “Hey Cody, we should be heading back, it’s almost seven.”

 It was seven fifteen when they arrived back at her house. Going inside she went to her room, knowing that she would need her phone. Taking it out of the box she plugged it so that it could charge. Switching her Sims card into her new phone, she walked out of her room, to where Cody was sitting on the couch watching TV.

 “Hey Amori what time are your parents supposed to be home?”

She shrugged. “I don't know, I thought they'd be back already.” She went to the kitchen, opening one of the drawers she pulled out a pen and pad. “I'll write them a note so that they won't worry.”

 “Why not call them?”

 “Phones charging, and our landlines down.”

Mom and Dad I should be home by eleven, out with friends.

Please tell Spenc that his uniform is hanging in his room.

I will make sure to call if I'm running late.

Love, Amori

  Lifting one of the many magnets that resided on their frig Amori place her note in the open. Looking at the stove top clock, the time flashed seven twenty-five. Going back up the stairs she grabbed her phone, it was at twenty-two percent, it would have to do.

 Locking up behind themselves Cody and Amori sat on the front porch steps to wait for Ryan.

 Ryan pulled around the curve in his car, having dropped Anna off. He switched from his Harley to his Tahoe. He'd be at Amori's house in three or so minutes. Reaching over he cranked up the AC, his thoughts elsewhere.

 He knew that the best way to explain this whole thing would be to take her to Addar, but it wasn't the safest way. So coming to a conclusion he decided on taking her to Eldon, the realm of the elves. Since that was one of the only known realms that accepted mortal human. He came to a stop sign. Ryan laughed to himself, 'they even allowed humans to live among them if they wished to.' Seeing no cars coming through the cross way, Ryan pulled into the neighborhood. Driving till he came to Amori's house.

 Amori and Cody saw Ryan's car before it had fully turned onto her block. They stood, walking to the end of the driveway.

 Ryan saw Amori and whoever was with her stand, as he pulled into her drive. He stared at the guy; he was the same one from her nightstand photo.

 Amori and Cody waited for Ryan to get out of his car, “Ryan this is Cody Elwyn he's a close family friend.” The two guys shook hands.

 Ryan was pleasantly surprised at the strength in Cody's grip.

 “Nice to meet you Cody, hope you don't mind, but me and Amori have to get going.”

 “Nah I don't mind, though Amori did ask me to tag along.” Cody shoved his hands in his pockets, his expression relaxed, and his stance casual.

 “She did, did she?” He looked to Amori.

 “Yes I did, don't worry he knows everything I know, so there's no need to catch him up on anything.”

 “Oh, ok then, let's get going then.” Ryan looked at Cody, the two locked eyes, Ryan seeing the warning there. Telling him that the guy cared a lot about Amori, that in itself, earned him Ryan's respect.

 Amori sat in the passenger seat while Cody sat in the backseat. “I have quite a few questions that I want to ask you Ryan.” Amori said once they were all seated, Ryan having gotten in last, he was clicking in his seatbelt.

 “Don't worry I'll answer them for you, but first I'm taking the two of you somewhere.” He backed out of the driveway. “Have you ever watched a movie where they were hopping through different worlds?”

 “Yeah, I've watched that type of stuff before.” Cody answered from in the back.

 “Well it's real.” He pulled out of the neighborhood, “We call them realms.”

 “In other words parallel worlds that are interlocked or connected together.” Cody said. Amori looked at him through the visor mirror; he was talking more than she.

 “Yes, this realm is Loam, though you call it Earth.” He turned onto Everstan drive, heading for Atwater Wood. “My home or realm is called Addar. Then there's Eldon, Avarice, Aion, Enos, Belial, Aiken, and the realm of Amadis.”

 “Wait, is Amadis another realm?” Amori asked.

 “No He is the High Prince; the realm of Amadis is bigger than any of the other realms. Still the true name of the kingdom has been long forgotten. He was the one who banished the Dweller.” He decided against telling her anything further about the Dweller, for now.

 “So Amadis is a person.” Cody stated.

 “Yes and no, He was the one who set the rules in place.”

 “What rules?” Amori asked.

 “Addar is the closest to Loam next to Aion, but it is a far more serious threat. So the rules were set in place, one of them being that we are not allowed to invade Loam. Part of our ever growing problem is that over the years the rules were changed by our Sages.” Ryan stopped at a red light.

 “The Sages are they your elders.” Cody asked.

 “In a way,” Ryan glanced at Cody in the rearview mirror, was the man guiding the conversation, “there are some younger Sages, or Psalmist as they are often called, who were specially chosen.”

 “So it was the new Sages who changed the rules.” Cody stated, gaze clashing with Ryan's. Cocking his head Ryan stared back till the light turned green.

 “I never really thought of that, I mean one of my closest friends is a Sage, but she seems to follow the rules quite closely.” Cody stared out of the window, as they continued on their way, “I want your honest answer.” Cody said without turning around. “What is it that you want to know?”

Cody was about to speak when he noticed that Amori was staring straight at him. Closing his eyes and turning away he sighed, “I just want to know where we are going.”

 “I am taking you both to Eldon.” Amori turned in her chair so that she was facing Ryan, “We're going to one of the realms?”

 “Yep, don't worry Eldon is-”

 “Eldon is the realm of the elves.” Cody said without thinking. He turned to look out the window again as Amori's head whipped around towards him. He hadn't meant to let that slip out. It had been a long time since he had been in Eldon, now he only had vague memories of his time there. He hardly even remembered his dad. Being that his mother was mortal, and his father an elf.

 “How did you know that?” Ryan took a quick glance to the back seat.

 “Um well, I think I was there once.”

 “Well this is an interesting development, so were you there or was it just a lucky guess?”

 Cody did not reply he simply watched as the cars passed them by.

 “So is Ryan your real name?” Amori asked to diffuse the direction of conversation. Though she was curious, Amori knew that it was not the right time to go into that direction.

 “Actually no, my real name is Dryan.”

 “Exactly how do you spell that?”

 “D-r-y-a-n, Dryan.” He looked back at Cody, “Hey bud, any of these landmarks familiar?”

 Cody cut his eyes at Ryan then focused back to the scenery, but still said nothing. Truthfully some of the places they were passing, and had passed did seem familiar. Though he thought it would be best to save that, and his story till there was no getting out of telling it.


 Deciding it best if she did not tell Morgan where it was that she was heading, Leora walked outside and along the lakeside. She went on till she came to the woodland edge. Morgan had told her the name of this wood was Atwater, since it was next to the lake. A smile graced her face as she ran into the tree coverage. She breathed in the smell of pine and sap, launching into the air Leora took flight on beautiful wings, her Nashar form being very different from Ryan's. Her wings moved at a fast rate, to the point where there was a lulling buzz that floated on the air. Not much different from that of our very own humming bird, though the sound that came from her was a lullaby on the wind. Leora in her true form was not as big as some of the others of her kind but her unnatural beauty was unmatched. Her plumage was of a luminous red gold and many more colors that cannot be described. Being no bigger than an average sized child, it was easy for her to move swiftly through the close set trees.

 It took but a moment for her to decide her path. From Atwater one could get to Eldon, this she knew from Morgan, from Eldon to Addar, and from Addar the Percival Forest. Weaving through the tall pine trees she flew faster, lifting higher and higher above the ground. With exhilaration pumping through her she perched on a tree limb that quivered slightly from her weight. She stopped taking in a deep breath. Then before she could control it she let out a call, a hum that drifted long and deep upon which the wind carried high and far away. When the thrill left she continued on her way, taking flight again.


 Ryan and the others were now entering Atwater Wood; they paused when a song like that of a bird but not quite sounding of one, floated to their ears. “That does not sound like anything I have ever heard before.” Amori looked to Ryan and noted that he was smiling.

 “It's not.” With that he lifted his head and let out a vibrant call of his own, one that carried with it power.

 Leora's ears twitched. She listened, and then let out a call. When the reply came she knew who it was.

 Amori and Cody both covered their ears, not from the call more so from how loud it was.

 “Can you please stop doing that?” Ryan looked at them, “Sorry I was just telling a friend where we are.” Just as the words were leaving his mouth something big swooped down from the sky. Amori let out a shriek, Ryan laughed.

 Touching the tip of the creatures’ beak, seeing as it had landing beside him, “This is one of my closest friends Leora.” The beautiful, yet big bird bowed to them, “I am truly sorry if I scared you.” She smiled, or at least what Amori thought to be a smile. “It would probably be easier for you if I was in human form.” Both Cody and Amori watched in awed amazement as she changed from beauty to beauty.

 “Well this is the Sage I was telling you about.” Ryan said, giving Leora a side hug.

 “Hello,” Cody spoke, “my name is Cody, and she is Amori.” He said pointed to Amori who was standing a little behind him.

 “Hello, my name is Leora.” Her glance bounced briefly off Amori before it focused on Ryan, “Where are you headed?”

 “I am taking them to Eldon.” He said. Not wanting to explain more till they were on their way again.

 “It seems that our destination is the same.” They started walking, Leora and Ryan taking the lead while Cody and Amori hung back.

 Leora gazed at Ryan, “Why are you taking them to Eldon?”

He started it off with the truth, “They broke into my house.”

 “That means you should take them to Eldon?” She asked, confusion written in her expression.

 Ryan glanced over his shoulder to make sure that Amori and Cody were not listening in; “Amori opened the book.” Leora looked at him questioningly.

 “You must be a little more specific, for there are quite a few books that mortals should not touch.”

 “There is only two that I have in my possession, at least till now-”

 “What do you mean by at least till now?”

 He let out a frustrated breath, “I'll get to that, she did not find the book of Kazab, but she did find the Nazarene, and she still has it. The one she opened and put back though is a whole another story.”

 “Is this the one you did not know you had?”

 “Yes.” Ryan ran a hand over his face; Leora stayed silent waiting for him to continue on, “The Blank book is the one that she opened.”

 “Please tell me you're not saying that which I think you are saying.”

 “She opened it.” Leora looked back at Amori, “It was said that one shall be tested, tried beyond measure, but would prove themselves worthy of bearing the seal.”

 “That is impossible, Amori cannot be the one, remember there are two that shall be tested. How can we know that she is the First?”

 “I do not know...” Leora's voice drifted as realization dawned on her; she turned, “You're the one, you're the one that the Dweller was talking to.” Her eyes unwavering as she focused in on Amori.

 Amori was taken aback by Leora's sudden change. “What are you talking about? Who on earth is the Dweller?” Amori felt something like heat rising in her, she looked up to the sky... night had come.

 Amori felt the heat rising as a voice whispered, “Where are you? I wait for you, you will come.” Suddenly he stood before her, him being more a shadow moving in the night.

 His gaze traveled around, “Where is he taking you?”

 “A realm called Eldon.” He menaced then smiled.

 “We shall have to meet another night, till then my flower.”

 Just as it had before it all faded into the deep recesses of her mind. Amori awoke in a bed; sitting up she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, realizing that she was not in her own bed. She looked around taking in her surroundings. She was in a cabin; to her left was a candle that rested on a round table, it legs interweaving through one another. The wood, in which the place was made out of, was white cedar. The cabin was unique in that it seemed it had grown out of the very ground. The walks had different designs and symbols, simple yet vibrant in their coloring. Getting out of the bed her feet touched the floor, an altogether warming sensation moved through her body, relaxing her being. Spotting her shoes she placed them on her feet before walking to the door. Upon opening it she was surprised at the sight that greeted her; all around her were people dressed in long elegant dresses and robes. Their very clothing seemed to be made of woven pearls. It caught and reflected the light in many dancing colors. The people were tall, and they walked with a grace all their own, their heads held high. Amori took a step out of the thresh hold and looked up to the bright sky. Unlike earth, she noticed that the sky was a soft pink, the sun shinned seeming very close, but it did not burn her. This place was like nothing she could have ever dreamed of. This place was Eldon.