The First by Rebekah - HTML preview

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Chapter 13

The Sage’s Temple

 The Book of Naba was the one book in which they could count on, Leora knew this. She calculated how soon they could get to it, since it had been placed between the passages from Addar to Loam, which would be about two hours if they hurried three or so if they slacked. Not including the time needed to go to the Library, in order to find the map that would give them specific directions and instructions as to where the book was for it was not wise even for those who were used to it, to stay in the mid-plane for too long a period of time. The place was ever changing and one could get lost easily.

 Both Ryan and Morgan stopped when they had all made it through the pass over into Addar. “We need to get Amori and Cody to the Sage's temple before the Leith Moon rises.” Ryan said speaking to them all.

 “I think it would be best if we found the Book of Naba.”

 “It's too far, and we had never agreed that we would bring the book-”

 “If we are to find out anything about what is happening then we must find it, for the book was written by Iysh-Chayil the foreseer.” Leora said keeping her voice calm and speaking with much patience though it was she that interrupted him, and though she did this she knew that it was not the wisest of moves at the moment for though she and Dryan were the closest of friends, he still was her prince and he was to be respected as one. Still she knew that it was not a wise thing that he wished to do, but be that as it may what he said she would support even if her council went unheeded.

 “Then we will find it, but not yet. It is too dangerous while traveling with outsiders to be out during this night.” Ryan lifted his head to the sky, “Especially when the Red Moon is to rise.” Leora nodded her consent; for during the Red or Leith Moon was a time where by neither the Neshar’s nor the Eidos', were able to control their transformation to the concealed form. No matter what realm they were in.

 With their plans set Leora turned to see Morgan staring at Amori with an odd expression in his eyes. As he lifted his gaze they locked eyes, Morgan only being able to hold her stare for a second before having to turn away.

 As they walked along Amori took in her surroundings. She came to notice how the greenery seemed brighter and somehow more vibrant than anything that she had ever seen before. Continuing on she saw that everything around her seemed more pronounced, like it had been taken right out of a beautiful painting, one where every color you could tell apart, but at the same time they all flowed and blended together to make the whole masterpiece. The harder she focused on it at moments it seemed that there were slight imperfections. Almost like small tares and discoloration, though all seemed right it was just the slightest off kilter.

 The farther along they went the more engrossed in her surroundings Amori became. So much so that she was no longer paying any heed to which direction the others were headed.

 Noting Amori’s distraction Cody slowed for a moment, “What’s got you so unfocused?”

 Shaking her head she looked to him, “Nothing I was simply trying to put to memory everything that it is I’m seeing. I don’t know if I can take it all in.”

 “I understand.”

 “You do?” She sent him a quizzical stare.

 “Just because I’m half-elf doesn’t mean that I am used to all the ins and outs of the realms around us. I was raised by a human mother you know.” Amori nodded her understanding.

 At that moment Ryan glanced over his shoulder at them, “I have come to realize that we will not be able to make it to the Sage’s temple in time if we continue by foot, so…” He looked to the other, “We need to get them to the temple; the Leith Moon is soon to rise.”

 The sun moved further down on the horizon, casting shadows over them as it went almost beneath the tree line.

 The two agreed with him, though it was Leora who understood what it was that he was implying, “It will be quicker if we were to take them by air.” Shifting from bound to unbound form Ryan stood before them as his true self. Amori stood there in shock, Cody was the same though he did do a better job of hiding it.

 Bending his massive form he allowed them easy access, but the two did not move. With a harrumphs he stared at them, “Well what are the two of you waiting for an invitation? Climb on.” He looked to Morgan, “We shall meet at the temple.”

 “Agreed.” Turning away Morgan walked into the shadows that the trees were casting upon the region fading out of sight.

 Leora shifted form as well, taking to flight she headed towards their destination knowing that there was no need to wait for Dryan seeing as he knew how to find his own way.

 As they took to the skies Amori knew a moment of true wonder. She would have never dreamed that she would be sitting on the back of an enormous eagle, who just so happened to have the ability to conceal the form and look like a normal human, it was incredible. She glanced behind herself to Cody, as the two locked gazes she could tell that he was enjoying this just as much as she was. Gazing over Ryan’s shoulder she watched the blurring tree tops as they passed overhead. Amori also saw what looked to be a flowing river that, if she had her bearings right, flowed to the east. Looking further out and into the expanses she saw in the distance sparkling in the setting suns light what she believed was a massive body of water. With uncontained joy she lifted her head up to the sky, she laughed out loud.

 Leaning forward, so that she would be able to hear him, Cody spoke into her ear, “What’s so funny?”

 “I was just thinking of when we were younger, do you remember it, when we had made those cardboard cutout wings, and you had told me that if we flapped hard enough we would take off and fly.”

 He laughed as well, “I remember, I also recall that when that didn’t work, you suggested that we get on top of your grandparents roof and leap for it.”

 “I thought that we needed to have a running start, our moms near fainted when they walked out of the house and the two of us were headed straight for the ground.” Amori said smiling, as she remembered the moment.

 “My mom said she’d tan my hide if I ever did something so foolish again.”

 “Good times.” Amori paused temporarily before continuing on, “Do you think that anyone back home will believe us? Do you think they’ll believe that we were on the back of a giant eagle?” She asked turning her eyes to him.

 He shook his head, “I don’t think that anyone back home for the most part should know about any of what has happened. I think that something’s are not meant to be shared with others.”

 Accepting his answer, Amori stretched out her arms and lifted her face to the heavens; this was a moment she would always remember.

 Ryan slowed; as he took them lower the Sage’s temple now in sight. Landing he waited till they had disembarked before he shifted to his bound form once more.

 “We can wait here for the others, seeing as Leora is truly the only one who knows what it is that we should be searching for.”

 A moment later Leora arrived landing next to them, shifting forms she looked around, “Where is Morgan?”

 “I’ve been here waiting for you all to arrive.” They all turned to see as he exited the shadow that was cast by the temple.

 Ryan looked to Leora, “We have to hurry.”

 Morgan stated his agreement with Dryan, “We do not have the time to look for the Book, and I say that you give these two the instructions needed so that they can find it. Seeing as the moment that the Leith Moon rises, we are not allowed to enter the Sage’s temple.” He spoke to Leora directly, “Where is it that they will find the map?”

 With a wave of her hand she motioned for them to follow her, she spoke as she went along the walkway, “They will find it in the temple’s Library.” Looking up to the sky she quickened her pace, for the sun had almost completely settled over the horizon.

 As the darkness began to creep in on her, a humming note began to resonate in the air around her, making the hair on the back of Amori’s neck stand on end.

 Amori looked into smoldering eyes; the feeling of unease settling in the pit of her stomach. Something was seriously wrong, “Why the fear, you can trust me.” He spoke reaching out to her. For the first time since hearing his voice, she had an odd sense of fear rolling through her gut. Making her recoil from his touch, she turned her back to him.

 With eyes narrowed on her turned back he asked, “Is there something wrong my flower?”

 “No,” Amori glanced over her shoulder, to see him watching her through shrouded and unblinking eyes, “nothing’s wrong.”

 “Good because there is nothing for you to fear.” He smiled once again, that simple thing lifting his countenance. “Soon we shall meet face to face.” Upon seeing her confusion he said, “You remember you promise.”

 “Yes, but I can’t. Now is the wrong time.” Some emotion that Amori couldn’t explain flashed fleetingly across his face before it returned to his customary smile. “I understand, here is our new idea, when the time comes I shall bring you to me.”

 With that he turned fading into the dark recesses of her mind.


 “Ryan can you move the stuff off of that desk so that I can place Amori down.” Cody more stated than asked, as the group entered into the temple with him caring Amori in his arms. As the others went to the task of moving the books and other items off of one of the tables that sat just under the opening in the ceiling, he looked down at the girl that was cradled in his arms.

 Though it was obvious that she was sleeping it was also notable that she was not having a peaceful rest. A moan escaped her as she turned her head towards him. He needed to place her down, just as the thought came, Leora called out for him to place Amori on the table. Moving toward it he laid her down. She groaned.

 Turning so that he faced the others he moved his attention to Leora, “I know that Amori’s most likely going to be knocked out all night, so can you give me the instructions on where I’ll find the book before you all have to rush out.”

 Leora nodded her consent.