The First by Rebekah - HTML preview

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Chapter 14

The Red Moon (Leith Moon)

 ‘The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood...'

-Written in the Book of Naba

 Leaving Cody with Amori in the Library, Leora left the information Cody had needed, so that he would be able to find the map that would lead them to the Book. Though he had gotten the instructions, he still thought to voice his opinion about the fact that he would not know what the map was to look like. The only reply that she had given him was that he would know it when he found it and the area in general in which it would be. As well as adding in that he was not to open any of the other books that he was to see in the Library during his search.

 Glancing to where Amori had been placed so that she could rest, after her having passed out, a smile pulled at the corner of his mouth for a moment as she turned over and curled into a ball. He didn’t know what it was that had caused her sudden weakness but he hoped that when she awakened she would feel well.

 Moving to the center of the more than large Library he took in his surroundings. How in the world did they expect him to find the map amongst all of these many books? He exhaled. This was going to be a long night.

 Gazing up at the spherical opening above him, he was given a perfect view of the Leith Moon. It shone blood red, its light illuminating forth. It shinned in only four directions to the north, south, east and west. The tail of it trailing long like that of a kite, it was an odd sort of amazing. Reeling his thoughts in Cody moved over to a ladder that was leaning against the south wall. Lifting it he rolled it, for it was on wheels, to the first row of shelving. Starting his search for the map with only the light of the moon and a few hanging candles for sight.


 The time was nearing, he smiled, the Leith Moon happened once every century, but this was to be the first time that Loam, Addar, and Enos would watch the Red Moon at the same time. For even though all could feel the effects of it, it was only those in Addar that saw the Red Moon as it rose and set. Which intern meant that the Offering was to be made soon, during the aligning of all the realms. The Dweller stared down at the book that he held in his hand, if he was going to succeed he would need the key, and that was one of the few things that he still did not have any knowledge of how to obtain.


 Chay looked out of her room window; she had forgotten that the Red Moon was to rise on this day. Unable to stop it, her irises turned a deep luminous blue, her own being starting to shine like the stars above. Chay let out a growl of frustration as her inner firer began to burn. It started slow at first only a spark igniting up on the inside of her, and then it began to burn brighter and brighter. She dropped to the floor; the pain becoming more intense than it had ever been before. Tears streamed down her cheeks, as in that moment the very poison that ran through her veins began to be burned out. Screams ripped out of her throat, loud and piercing.

 Looking up she came to realize that she was on her hands and knees, her whole body turned and facing her, considerably sized, bedroom window. The Red Moon seeming to turn its gaze to her, it shined full and bright. Lifting her hand through the pain that seared her she reached out. Her veins having now turned black and seeable through her skin, the poison continuing its fight for dominion over her being.

 Chay’s hand flopped back down to her side, as she collapsed on the floor; she curled into a fetal position. Weak whimpers emanating from her mouth now. The pain beginning to drag her into a dark abyss, as it did one whom she once called on, in her youth, appeared before her.

 “Will you return to me, oh simple one, for I call to you will you answer?”

 Another tear fell as she tried to fight through the numbing pain and speak, “Yes.”

 Reaching out His hand Amadis pulled her to her feet. “I give all who are and who will be mine a new name.” The pain that had been there but a moment ago dissipated. Chay looked up at the High Prince, “Why me?” His smile was kind and pure, emanating love Himself, “I choose you, the simple, because I call to Me all those who are lost, those who are deemed by others unworthy and unimportant. I call them to Me and in Me they become who they were meant to be, and you have always been meant to be a light that shines in the darkness.” He opened His arms to her; Chay entered into them as a little girl would her father.

 “You are Mine, for you hear My voice and follow, I call you Hadarah.” He looked down into her eyes, “Dryan will need you, I am sending one who will help guide you on your way.”

 When the vision had passed over she awoke to find that the sun had rose, its light shining bright into the room.


 Amori awoke with a jolt, bead of perspiration rolling down the side of her forehead. Swinging her legs over the edge of the desk? She looked around not recognizing her surroundings.

 YES! He’d found it; Cody rubbed a hand over his tired eyes. Climbing back down the ladder steps he clutched the map tight in his left hand. He hopped of the ladder to the ground, as he turned he saw Amori walking around, “Hey there sleepy head.”

 She jumped, startled by Cody’s voice. Placing a hand over her heart she turned facing him, “You scared me, I had no clue you were in here.”

 “Have been the whole night, what’d you think we’d place you somewhere and not leave one of us there with you to keep an eye out?” Lifting the item in his hand he motioned for her to come closer.

 “Is that the map?” She asked walking over to where he stood.

 “Yep, I found it just a moment ago. It’ll lead us to the Book they all keep talking about.”

 “You mean the Book of Naba?”


 “But how do you know that it’s the right one?” She asked confused.

 “Leora had told me that I’d know when I found it, and she was right.” Lifting the map in his hand so that she could observe it he continued on, “You see these markings?”

 “They look like a bunch of scribbling’s to me; can you understand what it says?”

 “Yes, it’s written in elfin, it translates to ‘The Path to the Book of Naba’.”

 Amori laughed, “No wonder she had been ok with leaving us to find it, she knew that you would be able to read the cover.”

 Cody nodded.

 With the sun now hanging high in the morning sky Ryan, Morgan, and Leora entered into the Library. Walking down the hallway path that was to the right they followed it to the area where Amori and Cody was.

 Morgan entered first crossing over the threshold he walked over to the main archive holding space. Lifting his head Cody watch as the three arrived, seeing the direction his gaze was turned to Amori looked to that direction as well.

 Stare directed to Cody Morgan asked, “Have you found the map?”

 “Yes, I have.” Cody replied, and then looked to Leora, “You knew?”

 “That it was written in your native language, yes I did. Forgive me for not telling you so, but there was not enough time for me to explain.”

 Ryan moved to stand beside Leora, his narrowed gaze upon Amori. With a shake of his head he then looked down at Leora, “You’re the Sage, Cody give her the map so that she can tell us where we need to go.” The half-elf nodded, handing the map over. Walking over to the table that Amori had previously occupied Leora laid out the map.

 “Interesting, it seems that the Book is in a mid-planes crossway.” Morgan leaned over her shoulder and glanced down at the map.

 “That does not help us much, seeing as one must have a key or special right to pass into a crossway.” He stated.

 Leora held her tongue; she knew that some fights weren’t worth it.

 Redirecting her attention back to the map before her, she traced the path that they would have to take, pausing at the place to where it would lead them.

 Noticing her shift Ryan could tell something was off, “What is it?”

 “We have to go into Aiken’s mid-plane, the pass that connects with Enos.” Ryan and Morgan both paused, their gazes locking with each other’s.

 Morgan was the first to find his tongue, “That makes no sense, why would it be hidden there?”

 Ryan agreed with Morgan, why one would place a book as sacred as this one near Aiken, it did not add up to him.

 Pacing back and forth Ryan spoke his thoughts out loud, “So now we have to figure out how to make it through Avarice?” He looked to Leora, though she continued to study the map she nodded in answer to his question.

 “There is another way; if we were to go through Aion we would have a straight path to Aiken.”

 Morgan leaned his hip against the desk, “But would that be wise, especially seeing as we are not traveling alone, Aion is almost as dangerous as Aiken itself.”

 Leora looked to him, “Yes that is true, but it will save us the trouble of having to pass through Avarice, which I believe is a more dangerous and uncertain realm than the other.”

 Morgan gave his consent, “Now that it’s settled what path we are to take, by what means shall we be getting there?”

 Everyone turned to look at Ryan, “No, no.” They stared at him. He grumbled something unintelligible for a moment, “I can only go a certain distance with the two of them on my back it is a three day journey to the overpass that leads from here to Aion.”

 Leora spoke up then, “It will not be for the whole trip, only during the beginning since that is to be the hardest part of our journey.”

 Morgan shot a fleeting glance to the map, “We have to go through my father’s territory.”

 Amori and Cody looked between the others, as they suddenly went silent. The air around them even seemed to hold itself still at the mention of Morgan’s father.

 Amori asked the question that weighed on her mind, “What’s wrong with your father’s territory?”

 Morgan concentrated in on her, “Some questions are best left unasked, and others such as this one unanswered.”

 Shifting her eyes to the ground Amori focused on a spot there, backing out of the conversation once again.

 It took a moment longer but finally having their plan laid out the group exited the Library, they waited as Leora entered into the temple, saying that she was going to get them provisions needed for their journey, and food for them to eat for breakfast. After eating a hearty meal, they readied to leave Amori and Cody going on Ryan’s back, while Leora took to her own wings and Morgan to the shadows.