The First by Rebekah - HTML preview

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Chapter 16

Out of These Burning Ashes

 Slumping down to the grassy floor Amori groaned with the action as her sore leg muscles revolted against the movement. Pulling out her pocket journal she studied the rough map drawing that she had done, as she looked at it she was happy that at least she hadn’t been going in circles. Still, she had not found any sign that would help lead her to wherever the others were. The thought made her shoulders sag, and her resolve lessen. Amori had no idea what time it was, she had tried using her phone, hoping that somehow she would be able to reach Cody on his but that idea had failed, since the blasted thing had said that there was no reception. On top of that her phone was just about dead so she had to turn it off in order to conserve her battery.

 Resting with her back against a cut down tree stump Amori unwrapped the blanket, pulling it up to her chin she closed her eyes and was soon fast asleep.

 Two hours later she was awakened by a touch to her arm. Eyes flickering open she looked up to find herself staring into the face of someone whom she did not know.

 “It is alright I am not going to harm you, tell me child, what are you doing so far from your protection?”

 Amori contemplated not answering, but in the end she did, not because she thought that she had no choice but because there was a look in the eyes of the man before her. In them she found peace, and at the same time she found it hard to keep contact with those same eyes, a feeling of unworthiness washed over her.

 He smiled down at her, “Come.” Stretching out His hand He waited for her to take hold of it. Reaching out her own hand Amori took hold of the offered help, a knowing deep down telling her that it was wise to trust the man before.

 He took out what seemed to her to be an ackley fruit from his pocket she was handed it, “Here take and eat.” Grasping what was handed to her, Amori bit into the plump fruit. The flavors exploding against her senses, it helped to refresh her being. Once she finished it she began licking the juices from her fingers, ready to thank the man for the food she looked at him only to see another fruit held out to her, taking it with gratefulness Amori ate till she was full and could eat no more.

 They walked on until they came to the break line of the forest, where it broke open to a beach shore. Turning to her guide she asked, “What should I do next?”

 Placing a hand on her shoulder He turned her so that she was facing towards the west, looking down the side of the beach, “Hurry run down that way and do not stray, you shall come upon a home farther down, enter it. Remember you must hurry…” Amori zoned out for a second thus missing the rest of what was said.

 Then turned when she no longer could feel the hand on her shoulder, ready to ask her guide another question, but upon turning to do so she saw that He was gone. She turned here and there but He was nowhere in sight. Remembering that she was told to hurry, Amori ran in the direction she had been told to, finding that the soreness she had earlier felt was now gone. Slowing as she came to a group of foliage blocking her way Amori saw that the quickest way around would be to go through the shallow water. As she started towards it she heard what she believed sounded like a scream, rushing to the water edge with a renewed urgency Amori trudged her way through the shallows. Slipping on a slimy substance she fell into the crystal like water, making her way back to standing she coughed out a mouth full of water. Regaining her bearings she continued on her way, the closer she got to the other side of the high standing greenery more she smelt what she believed was smoke. Finally making it around the vegetation, Amori came back onto the shore and out of the water. To her right she noticed a boat overturned and broken, but it was the burning house before her that her gaze was soon riveted on.


 Landing next to him Leora let out a sigh not shifting her figure; she stayed in her unbound form, “I cannot pick up on Amori’s trail what so ever.” Her head lowered, placing a hand on wing shoulder, Cody encouraged her, “We will find her, she’s a smart girl I don’t think she’ll do anything unwise, and when we do find her we will learn why she left.”

 A smile lifted her countenance as she looked up to him, “Thank you.”


 Taking in as much of the fresh air as she could, she hesitated only a moment before plunging into the fire engulfed house. Covering her mouth with her sleeved arm, Amori looked around, squinting so that she could see well. Dropping to her hands and knees as she had learned to do during fire safety, she moved through the home calling out as loud as she could. Coughing she bumped her head as she came to a door on the far end of the house, lifting up so that she was only on her knees she felt for the door knob, but there was none. Beginning to back away she was about to leave the door as it was when from on the other side she heard a sob then whimper of whoever was behind the door.

 Banging on the door Amori tried to call out over the noise of the fire, “I’ll get you out!” Coughing she made her way back out of the house. Sucking in the much needed air, she ran around the side of the house until she spotted a window. Searching through vegetation till she found a stout enough piece of wood to break through window she rushed back to the window. Amori jumped back as the fire that licked and lapped at the roof caused a piece of it to fall off, firming her resolve she moved closer yet again. Making sure that she had a sure grip on the wood she clutched it in both hands and swung at the window with all her might, nearly tripping as the momentum sent her flying forward as well. Hearing the sound of coughing coming from inside she called out, “Can you make it to the window?”

 A soft whimper answered her question. Knowing that it would not be wise to try climbing through the window, Amori backed away as a thought began forming in her mind. Noting how low the window seal was she knew that it was strong possibility that she would be able to jump through it. Making up her mind she took another step back then made a running jump through the window before she lost her resolve. Protecting her face with her arms she hit the wooden floor with a thud. Pain shot through her body as shards of broken glass made their way through her clothing and into her skin. With a moan of pain she forced herself to sit up, having to squint for a second time so that she could see what was around her, her eyes roved around; stopping once they locked onto a now prone figure lying in the right corner of the wall that the window was on. Making her way to it she soon came to realize that it was a child. Taking off her hood she placed it over the young boys face, placing an arm under his pit she held tight dragging his limp body with her along the wall. Amori fought through the inhalation of the smoke, her vision now gone her eyes burning because of the smoke billowing around her. Fighting through the thickening fog, she knew that she had made it as she felt the cut of glass slicing into the palm of her hand. Forcing her body to comply she lifted the boy in both her arms and tossed him through the window. Reading to jump out after him she bent her knees to do so, but as she leapt the house structure lost its fight with the fire, and collapsed all around her.


 Ryan lifted his gaze to the shore line, a plume of smoke rising into the now darkening sky. Sending out a warning call to Leora of what was ahead he flew faster hoping that it would not be too late to save whoever it was that had the misfortune of being stuck in the rage flames. As he soared closer Ryan’s eyes were caught by the sight of a familiar glint in a clustering of vegetation at the forest edge. Shifting forms he dropped straight down from the sky and landed next to what it was that he had seen from up high. Picking up the silver bracelet he read the initials carved into it in bold lettering, AJ. Looking to the smoke rising from what he believed had once been a house Ryan quickly stuffed the item into his pock then moved to the almost burned through ashes. Eyes glinting emerald he plunged into the dancing inferno.

 Cody and Leora broke through the tall standing trees and had to take a step back, as a southward gust blew the fire there direction. Seeing a tree ignite in flame Leora went over to put it out. Cody stayed where he was only moving once he spotted the body of the child near the burning flames. Rushing to the inert form he picked the child up moving him to safety. Staring at flames a moment more he then turned his attention to the child, and near ran into the blaze himself, as he removed Amori’s jacket from over the boy’s face. Knowing that he had to make sure the child was still breathing he checked his pulse while placing his ear to the child’s chest. Though it was faint he caught the slight heart beat and knew that the kid was still alive.

 Ryan moved through the blazing fire its heat barely affecting him, squatting down he looked around unmoving till he spotted what he was searching for. Making his way there Ryan reached through the ashes and grabbed hold of Amori’s hand pulling her up he cradled her against himself so as to protect her as best he could from the fire surrounding them.

 Cody was the first to spot him as he walked out of the now dying flames. Leaving the boy in Leora’s care he went to Ryan, but let the other carry her not touching her till she was placed down on the soft sand. At his touching her cheek he just about shouted with joy as she mumbled his name in her unconscious state.

 Pushing Cody away Leora took Amori’s hand in her own and felt for her pulse. Nodding to herself she looked to Cody, “I need my bag.”

 Removing it from his back Cody handed it over to Leora, “Will she be ok?”

 “I believe she will have a speedy recovery, though this does mean that we shall have to postpone our journey until she has regained her strength.” Her gaze briefly went to the boy who Ryan was now sitting beside, “We must also figure out what it is that we are to do with him.” As she began working Cody sat back and watched.

 An hour later Leora rubbed the back of her neck speaking under her breath, “Now is when I need Morgan.” Bringing the water that she had asked for Cody handed over the container.

 “Why do you need Morgan?”


 “I heard you say that you need Morgan, does he have knowledge of healing?” Cody asked taking his seat on the opposite side of Amori.

 “No he does not, but he is an Eidos yet also a prince, he thus has been blessed with the ability to call people back from the shadows.” As Leora went back to work Cody asked no more questions, he simply prayed for Amori’s speedy recovery.