The First by Rebekah - HTML preview

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Chapter 15

In the Shadow of the Wind

 As night crept in on them, Ryan looked about trying to find a good clearing to land in. Spotting one that seemed good he landed; waiting for his two passengers to disembark before shifting into his bound form, Ryan took in his surroundings.

 Entering into the clearing Leora shifted as well, hands on her knees she took in gulps of air, once she had almost caught all her breath she looked to Dryan and said, “Next time do not go so fast, please, I am not a big as you are.” Laughing he nodded his consent.

 “I promise tomorrow I shall slow my pace just for you Leora.”

 “Thank you.” Taking the bag she had strapped over her shoulder off Leora threw it down, then turned her gaze moving to and fro, “Where is Morgan?” She looked to Dryan.

 Shrugging he dug through the pack that Leora had just tossed to the ground, “He travels through the shadows Leora, I would not be surprised if he is here and we just cannot see him.” Turning his gaze to the sky he continued, “Night is here and we are now in Eidos territory, I believe that he is warning his subjects away.”

 Not a moment after the Ryan had finished speaking his words Morgan entered into the clearing.

 “We should not have stopped till morning tomorrow.”

 Shooting a fleeting glance Morgan’s way Ryan shook his head, “That is easy for you to say when you are not the one carrying the extra load.”

 “Never knew that you were so weak Dryan.” Standing up Dryan faced off with Morgan, “Let us see just how weak I am.”

 Taking a step closer Morgan smiled, “Yes let us.”

 Leora watched the two and wanted to shout at nothing in particular, the both of them were acting as small children. Taking a step forward she raised a hand ready to try and talk sense into her friend and chosen, but as she was about to do so, Cody stepped forward instead.

 “I understand that the both of you have issues with each other, but remember the real reason why where here. Everyone’s high strung and hungry right now,” Dryan’s stomach growled in testament to what Cody was saying, “So I say we eat then decide whether to continue on or if we have a good spot to rest for the night.”

 Morgan looked eye level with him, “You are wise for a half-breed who was raised amongst the mortal humans.” With an odd look on his face Morgan took a step away from Ryan, walking to a tree that stood just inside of the clearing he sat leaning his head back against it and closed his eyes.

 Following suit Ryan turned away as well moving off with the intention of finding fire wood.

 Amori watch the three men, knowing that it was a real gift that Cody had come with her, because she had no idea what would have happened if he had not been there to stop the fight that was about to ensue. Turning at Leora’s calling of her name, Amori moved over to where the other female sat getting their food for that night ready, and began to help her with the preparations.

 “Can you tell me why Ryan and Morgan seem to be always at odds with each other?” Amori asked trying to keep her voice low, so as not to be overheard.

 “They are both the princes of opposite sides of this realm, Dryan’s father is Lord Dayan, and Morgan’s father is Lord Morgadon. From the time the two were babes they were told that they should hate one another’s kind.” Her eyes went to Morgan, “Their dislike for one another simply comes with the territory.”

 Amori continued her work happy that Ryan had returned with fire wood and was in the process of getting a good warm fire going.

 “Why does he act different towards you then?” She threw a quick glance Leora’s way.

 “Which one are you talking about?”

 “Morgan, I know why Ryan is so friendly with you, but I don’t get why Morgan treats you differently than he does Ryan. Since you and Ryan are like of the same kind.”

 Walking up to them Cody interrupted the conversation, “Ryan said he’s heading out to find some game for us to eat.”

 Leora sent a thankful smile his way, “Thank you, this is good now we do not have a need to take out the cured meat.” Placing the wrapped package away she closed the bag. Taking the food  that was handed to him Cody walked back to the smokeless fire that was now burned in bright blues and reds.

 Amori and Leora’s gaze followed him. Leora turned away looking to Amori, “He is unique.”

 Amori turned to look at her, “What do you mean?”

 Shaking her head Leora let the subject drop, but Amori turned to watch him again.

 As they ate the food that was before them, Amori decided that it was best not to ask what the meat that she was eating was. It tasted delicious but at the same time she was in an unknown realm, and she did not wish to know exactly what they were feeding her was. What she did know though was that it tasted somewhat like chicken, Leora having done a good job with the seasonings. She watch as Leora brought Morgan his food, and wondered what the relationship was between the two, and she could not help but see the irritation written plainly across Ryan’s face as he watched them as well. Still she asked no questions, allowing her writers mind to rest.

 Finished with their food they repacked for Ryan ended up agreeing with Morgan that it would not be wise for them to stay in the clearing any longer than they had.

 As he was readying to snuff out the fire a northern wind blew through their campsite. It brought with it the smells and fragrances that one could only associate with the comforts of home. A tiredness that none of them had ever known before laid its heavy weights upon their eye lids and shoulders making both sag. It dragged the group into a deep fathomless sleep and once its mission was completed it left just the same as it had come.


 Amori awoke with a start, rubbing the sleep from her eyes she looked to were the fading embers of the fire crackled. Placing a hand over her mouth she covered a yawn. Removing a blanket that she had no recollection of it having been placed over her she stood. A panic set over her as she turned this way and that... The clearing was empty, and the others gone.

 Amori spun around in a circle; they were nowhere to be seen. Walking to the tree that Morgan had occupied she walked around it thrice before she allowed herself to believe that he was not there.

 “CODY!” Amori called out his name; she knew that if there was anyone who would not leave her he would be the one to stay. She called out to him again, but there was no answer. Slowly walking back to where she had slept, she picked up the blanket; it was all she had been left with. Denying that Cody and Leora, and Ryan for that fact would leave her, she looked to the tree line surrounding her, believing that something must have happened to them she folded the blanket rolling it into a ball. Amori pulled the string from her hoody out; tying the blanket she held it to her chest and began her search for them.

 Feet sore and mind numb Amori leaned her back against a tree, trying to allow her tired limbs a break. She would not give up on Cody, he had come here to help her and she would do what she had to find him once again. Looking up she came to see a sliver of light breaking through thick foliage overhead her gaze followed the direction to which it was pointing. Sucking in a deep breath then exhaling it Amori pushed off of the tree with a firm resolve she set out on her way, moving in the direction that had been pointed out to her.


 Cody awoke with a start, his head pounding and vision somewhat blurry from the sunlight, which was beaming down into the clearing where he slept. Waiting a moment until his sight was clear Cody rubbed his head as he got to his feet. Stretching out he then turned his gaze to where he had saw Amori lay down at, just before he himself was dragged down into the veil of sleep that was now lifting.

 Not seeing her he began looking around, the others remained sleep as he searched the clearing for Amori, but she was nowhere to be found.

 Cupping his hands over his mouth Cody called out her name, “Amori!” Waiting he listened hoping to hear a reply but still there was nothing.

 He turned to the others, going to Ryan he kicked his foot, when the man didn’t stir he tried Leora. A moan escaped her but she too did not awaken. Looking to where Morgan was sleeping against the tree, he made his way there. Not touching him as he had the others he called out him, “Morgan, Morgan wake up!”

 Hearing his name being called Morgan fought to open his eyes, his whole body felt stiff. With a groan he forced his eyes to open, he took in a long lingering breath as he focused in on Cody.

 Now standing on his two feet he locked gazes with the half-elf, “What is the hour?”

 Looking at his watch Cody didn’t know whether it was right or not, since they weren’t in Loam but in Addar.

 “My watch says that its twelve p.m., does here and Earth work on the same time line?”

 Morgan shook his head no, “Your watch says twelve, which means that it is four p.m. here.” Morgan let out a sound of frustration, “We have lost half a day of travel. We need to awaken the others.”

 Cody followed beside Morgan as he knew that the other was taking in their situation.

 Going to Leora first Morgan bent at the knees and moving a hand over her face without touching her, “Leora wake, we must find the First.” Her lids fluttered before she awoke completely; to a headache she would never forget. Standing he motioned for Cody to help her up, then moving to where Dryan lay fast asleep still, he looked down at him, then without a second thought Morgan sent a firm kick straight into Dryan’s gut.

 Rolling away Dryan jumped to his feet glaring all the while at Morgan, “Was there really a need for that?”

 Morgan returned the stare, “You needed to wake, so I helped you. Now,” turning his back to Dryan he concentrated his attention on Cody, “do you have an idea to where she could have gone?”

 Cody shook his head no, “I don’t know, when I woke up she was gone.”

 Rubbing his head Ryan stared out to the trees that surrounded them, “We have to find her, there’s no option in it.”

 Leora agreed, “I believe that we must hurry, there is no knowing how long she has been gone for.” Looking to Morgan she said, “I suggest there be a warning put out that no harm should come to any human that is found, and that all activity should be reported to you.”

 “That is wise, though I must still receive my father’s consent to do so.” Combing a hand through his hair Morgan stood still for an instant then making his decision he moved to the forest edge, “I have to get permission directly, Dryan send out a call to the Neshar so they know not to harm her. I shall find you all, go search for her.” Before leaving Morgan looked to Dryan once again, “When I get back no other better be lost.” Waiting until Dryan gave his word Morgan melded into the shadows, beginning his trip to his father’s palace.

 Packing away the campsite Cody suggested that he be the one to hold the bag, allowing Leora freedom to go ahead of them and search. Cody started towards the forest but was stopped by Ryan, “Leora is going to be with you under the tree line, I will be in the air soaring above the both of you. If I spot her I’ll let you know.” Nodding Cody moved on and walked through an opening that was between two trees. His resolve firm, he would find Amori.