The First by Rebekah - HTML preview

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Chapter 23

Within My Mind I Wander

 I watch the happenings that I have caused, and I love it. Those who think that they can stop me by taking what is mine shall soon learn that I am of my own and my own I call to me. I allow my thoughts to wander for a moment, just a moment. I need Taher to die, but there is one problem that I face, the Knight is not weak. I have made sure the Rhuparos’ path crosses with his but I do not think that it shall be enough.

 I turn as one of my own draws nigh to me. He bows as he should, for his power is mine to use. I have no need to say a word for he knows my will, for he is of me and to me he answers. Vile is the smile that spreads like decay across his face, before he turns to do my silent bidding.

 This is a war with many battles, and though I must admit the High Prince has won many of the battles yet. In the end all I wish is to drag those that His Father the Creator has made to the very abyss in which I was cast. And to why was I cast down, because I had the courage to think for myself. I exhale, soon, very soon. I remind myself of this. The time is coming when I shall remove the High Prince from his place at the right hand of His Father the High King. I shall also remove the High King, the great Creator as well. I walk through the paths of Aion, watching the children of Tselel Legeon, as they ready themselves. The eldest of the three brothers Tselel can feel it too, the time nearing when I shall release him also from the bonds that bind him.

 Pulling in my free running thoughts I stop my continuous wanderings. I focus on the means by which I shall arise again; I now turn my full attention to my flower, to the First.