The First by Rebekah - HTML preview

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Chapter 24

To Meet Her Guide

 Hadarah packed what it was that she believed she would need for her coming trip. It had been almost a week now since her encounter with the High Prince, and now she knew that the time was near when she would be leaving to go in search of her chosen. A knock to the entranceway door, had her rushing down stairs to answer it. Unlocking and opening the door she was greeted by a for lack of a better word considerably sized man. He stood taller than the top of the door mantle giving her a need to crane her neck in order for her to be able to look him in the eyes. His broad shoulders expanded a good width to either side, all she could think was that it would take some work for him to fit through the somewhat dwarf door compared to him.

 He held an outstretched hand to her. “I am Asah Raanan, a Knight of Nazarien and I have been sent by the High Prince to bring you safely to Aiken.”

 Hadarah looked him up and down, this was only the second time that she had met one of the Knights of the High Prince, and this one looked nothing like what she would have expected.

 Raanan wore a dark brown felt Stetson hat. His plaid shirt was tucked into his jeans, a rather nice belt buckle held the belt in place. The ensemble was topped off by a pair of square toe boots that encased his large feet.

 Taking hold of his hand she shook it, which was something that she was not used to in the least bit. Giving her a grin Raanan asked, “Are you ready, our journey must be quick.”

 Nodding she stepped aside motioning for him to come in. Bending down and angling his shoulder he made his way through. “Can I ask you something?” Moving to the stairway she turned waiting for his reply.

 “Yes you may.”

 “I can tell that you are most definitely not born of mortal man, and you are also not one of the giants of Avarice.” She sized him up, “What are you?”

 Raanan’s laugh filled the house. “I am a Neshar.”

 Hadarah kept that thought with her as she ran up the stairs taking them two at a time. Making it to her room she zipped her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. Walking out of the room she shut it behind herself.

 As she headed back down to stairs she said, “You look nothing like the Neshar’s that I am used to seeing. For one you’re much bigger than they are. You even make the royal family look, well…” She thought for a moment. “You make them look small.”

 “That is because I am a Neshar born in the Great Mountains of Kadmiel.” Reaching out his hand he took the bag from her.

 “Kadmiel? I thought that place no longer existed.” She said heading to the kitchen, with him moving to the island, he leaned a hip against it.

 “That is what many believe, but it is as real as you and I. Though no longer are our borders open to those of the outside world, unless the High King and Prince sends them to us.”

 Walking into the pantry she looked around trying to find food that would make sense to bring with them. “Who is your bloodline from?”

 “My father is Nazar, and his father was Amad.” Exiting to pantry with what she deemed would be logical to bring she placed her find on the island countertop.

 “You are the grandson of Amad Ischus?” He smiled at her. “Yes I am.”

 Shaking her head in awe she realized something that she had not before thought of. This was the first time in her life that she could remember that she had ever been able to talk with someone with ease. It was odd but comfortable.

 “I have heard the name Nazar spoken before but I cannot place to where I have, was he one of the ones who fought during the First Rising?”

 Raanan gave somewhat of a nod. “Yes he did he was also the guardian of the paths into Kadmiel.”

 The two went quiet the only sounds heard where what came from the nature outside, and the food bags that Hadarah was placing inside of another pack for them to bring. Once finished she handed that to Raanan as well. Walking outside of the house, she locked the door behind herself.

 “What will we be traveling in?”

 Angling his head to the left, Hadarah turned her gaze that way, and was greeted with the sight of a truck. She looked back to the Knight, “Would it not be quicker if we went by air.”

 “Quicker, yes, our problem though would be that it would be much too easy to spot us. Those who see us, would without question notice us, it is broad daylight.”

 She nodded her understanding. Opening the door for her he waited until she was inside before shutting the door and walking around back he placed her clothing case in the truck bed. Keeping the food with him he opened the driver door, getting in he placed the food bag on the console between them.

 She wanted to laugh seeing his huge body trying to fit comfortably in the, for her, large but for him small truck.

 “You ready?”

 Inhaling than releasing it she gave him a confident nod. Yes she was ready for whatever it was that was ahead of her.