The First by Rebekah - HTML preview

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Chapter 26

The Deity They Worship

 “Ryan when do you think that Leora and the others will get here?” Amori asked concerned. Leaning against the low set side wall of the bridge, she looked to Ryan who was still holding the Book.

 “I do not know.” Worry passed over his face, as the darkness of the night encircled them. One thing about it that Amori could honestly say that she did not like was that the darkness during the night time hours was almost as thorough and consuming as the light of the sun was during the daylight hours. Moving closer to Cody she leaned against his side in order to block out the chill of the night.

 Placing an arm around her Cody rubbed his hand up and down the side of her arm, trying to help her warm up.

 “Why does it feel warmer when were up high, than when were on the ground?” Amori asked, her eyes straining to make out Ryan’s silhouette in the less than adequate lighting.

 “Because when we are high up we are closer to the sun. I know it makes little sense when you think of it from how Loam and many of the other realms operate. But here, though you cannot see it, the sun is hotter even at night. So the closer we are the warmer it is.” Ryan said answering Amori’s question. A breeze moved through the trees cold and angry. Both Ryan and Cody lifted on high alert, their eyes roaming the now moving greenery. Amori looked but with her limited sight she could see nothing. A sudden silence sent a hush over the entire region.

 A battle cry sounded from somewhere southeast of where they were now. Not waiting for a decision to be made Ryan leaped into the air taking flight he moved through the sky like a bullet shot from a riffle barrel.


 Morgan hit the ground with a grunt of pain. A jagged cut ran down the length of his face. He heard the chorus of laughter surrounding him.

 “Lu’k thee little prince, heehee, he has nowher’ to turn.” The inhabitants of Aiken laughed at him again.

 An unseen blade sliced across Morgan’s chest, the pain making his vision blur.

 “Heehee, we take his girl. Now she go’s to the Deity, heehee, he will marry her. She is his bride, heehee.” They all cheered, at their friend’s proclamation.

 A rage like he had never know before rose up in him, as he heard them go on about the wedding that was to come. A burning sensation shot through his leg and made its way up to his head. Standing to his feet he closed his eyes, and listened. The creatures that had taken Leora were still laughing in the tops of the trees and hurling down insults at him. He smiled. They were all going to die.

 As he opened his eyes once more he locked gaze for gaze with the Pyor, tapping into his unearthly ability to see into the originally unseen. With a sound that shook everything to its core, and made the very air that surround the arena that the oaken trees had made around him draw back. Morgan unleashed his wrath on the inhabitants that had dared touch his chosen.


 Ryan moved swiftly, he had heard the battle cry and knew who had issued it. Coming to what seemed to be an arena Ryan moved to pass over it, until he spotted only briefly Morgan.

 Dropping down he landed in the center, just as Morgan dropped as well from the top boughs of the oaken trees about them.

 Taking a step back at the sight of Morgan, Ryan waited, not knowing what to say.

 Dragging behind him one of the TreeStalkers which was what some of the inhabitants of Aiken were called he threw the fearful creature down.

 “Please, we only hav’ fun, no harm meant.

 Ryan had to suppress a shiver at the expression that Morgan gave the TreeStalker. “Where is Leora?”

 “Leora? Sabin knows not’n of a Leora.” Eyes narrowing Morgan knew that this had been the instigator of the entire mess that had transpired. He also knew that this Sabin had been the one talking about giving Leora over to another in marriage.

 “Where is she?”

 Seeing that he had chosen foolishly to play his games with the prince of Geder, Sabin’s fear liberated tongue began to run like water.

 “Sabin only do wha’ Sabin is told. The Deity want you’re lady for his. Sabin only do wha’ Sabin is told.

 “When is this wedding to happen?” Morgan asked his gaze not leaving the trembling creature before him.

 “Sabin no’ know.” Grabbing Sabin by the back of his neck Ryan lifted him off the ground. The power that rumbled out as he spoke caused the hairs on the back of Sabin’s neck to stand on end.

 “On the morrow, she weds the Deity on the morrow.” Without releasing Sabin Ryan addressed Morgan, his own eyes glinting with dangerous intent.

 “We keep him alive, he leads us to Leora, and then he dies.” Both of them came to a swift agreement.

 Throwing the now begging Sabin to the ground once again, Ryan took over the interrogation. Knowing that if Morgan did it Sabin would end up dead.


 Cody picked up the Book that Ryan had dropped in his rush to see what had caused the shout. Unlike the Book that they had found in Ryan’s house, this one was different there was no seal to keep someone from opening it, and reading the words written inside. Making the temptation to do so even stronger than it should have been.

 “When do you think that Ryan will get back?”

 Cody shrugged turning his eyes to Amori. “I honestly do not know. Hopefully we’ll be able to be on our way soon, I think I’ve had my fill of realm hopping.” Amori nodded her agreement. Leaning her head against his shoulder an elongated sighed pressed past her lips. All she wanted to do was get back home. A thought popped into her head, as she remembered that they had cell reception here. Lifting up she held her hand out, “I need your phone.”

 Reaching into his front pocket he pulled it out. “Uh, why do you need my phone?”

 “Because you most likely have more battery life left than I do.” Taking the offered phone, Amori turned it on. Happy that Cody had thought to shut it off, this meant that there would certainly be a good amount of power. Once it had booted completely she looked at the battery sign in the top right corner, and nearly jumped with excitement, it read fifty-five percent remaining.

 “Who are you going to call?”

 She tapped the phone against her chin in thought. Who was she going to call?

 “I don’t know, hmm.” Looked up at him she asked, “Have you called your mom yet?”

 “No.” Pulling up his mother’s contact number she then shoved the phone into his free hand.

 “Call her I’m pretty sure she’s worried about you. I can call my folks after you’re done.”

 Pressing the call button and placing the phone to his ear, he waited as it rang. Once, twice, three times until he finally got the message tone. Hanging up he handed his phone back to Amori. “She’s probably sleep right now.”

 “Then in a bit you can shoot her a text so that she knows you’re alright.” Amori stared down at the phone screen, trying to decide who she should call.

 “I think the only person who’ll be awake right now, or close enough to a phone to pick it up is Pierce.”

 Rubbing the back of his neck Cody coughed, “I don’t think you should call Pierce.”

 “Why not?”

 “What do you think will happen when you call him using my phone?”

 “I understand that, but whether I call him or anyone else, it’s still going to be with your phone. And you and I both know that the news is going to end up getting told to him either way. So I say might as well call him and try and straighten it out before any more wrong conclusions are drawn.”

 Typing in Pierce’s number she had to wait only two rings before he picked up.

 “This is Pierce Sewell.”

 “Hey Pierce, this is Amori… again.” She could hear what sounded like the ruffling of bed sheets.

 “Amori where in the world are you? And this time don’t hang up on me.” His huff of frustration was easily made out over the speaker.

 “It’s a bit hard to explain, especially over the phone so…” Her voice trailed off.

 “Whose phone are you using?” His voice was calm as he asked the question. Remaining silent she caught her lower lip between her teeth.

 “Amori either you tell me, or I dig and find out, which do you prefer?”

 “Fine then, I’m using Cody’s phone.” The line went so quiet that she thought Pierce had hung up on her. Removing the phone from her ear she checked to see if the call was still connected. Sure enough it was. Replacing the phone she waited.

 “Is he the guy who used to live across the street from you?”

 Amori nodded, before remembering that she was on the phone and he wasn’t able to see her nodded answer. “Yes he is.”

 “Is there something that I need to know?” Pierce’s voice was deadly calm, which only aided in making Amori more cautious with what she said.

 “I told you already there is nothing happening; we simply went to hang out at the mall. We ended up meeting with a friend of mine and now we are lost somewhere in the woods.” Cody tilted his head at her a smile creeping up on his face. She looked at him and mouthed “What?” he just shook his head at her.

 That same feeling she had had when they were searching for the crossway from Aion into Aiken. The feeling of being stalked or watched shrouded her thoughts. Looking around she tried to see what was out there but the darkness about her was much too thorough.

 “What woods did you all enter into?” His voice came muffled, the sound of a zipper being zipped. Then a door opening and shutting was what she heard.

 “Pierce trust me, we’ll find our way back. I don’t want you wandering around and getting lost yourself.” She certainly didn’t want him or anyone else to accidently stubble across one of the paths that would lead into the surrounding realms.

 “Amori I have to go back to base in three days, I’m going to find you before then.” Closing her eyes, Amori didn’t know what to say to Pierce. He had just made it plain and simple what his intent was. So she knew that there was no longer a use for her to try and convince him not to find her.

 But she had to at least try one last time. “Pierce, please listen to me-” she paused for a moment as Cody moved so that he was standing in front of her, his stance was protective.

 “Amori is something wrong?”

 “Uh, I’ve gotta go.” As she removed the phone from her ear she heard his last words.

 “Amori do not hang up on…” Hanging up on Peirce yet again she turned the phone off, placing it in her pocket.

 “Cody what is it?”

 “I don’t know. All I can see are shadows moving in the tree tops.” Watching Cody’s body went still as the movements stopped.

 Leaning forward Amori whispered in his ear. “I think it would be wise if you place the Book, somewhere that is not easily accessible.” Passing it to her but not turning his head away from the now closer trees Cody said, “Tuck it into my pants, and tuck my shirt in over it.”

 Doing as she was told Amori lifted the back of his shirt out of his pants and placed the Book of Naba there before tucking the shirt back in place.

 “Done, what do you think is about to happen?” She asked.

 Before he could answer one of the trees that had been idle began to move towards them, its boughs bending so that it was near bent in two.

 “You tell us why you here, half-breed.” A murmur went through the throng as they agreed with the questioner.

 “I’m here waiting for three of my friends to return.”

 A rumble moved through the upper limbs of the trees, before a quiet came over the area.

 Stepping from his protection of the tree top, a TreeStalker walked up to them. His head barely reached Cody’s chest. A beard that reached down to his knees gave testament to his old age.

 “Tell me half-breed, what yer name be?” He asked standing just on the outside of the bridge.

 “Cody Elwyn.” The elder shook his head, pointing a slim finger at the boy.

 “No, no, no. Yer tru’ name lad. What be yer tru’ name?

 “Ardor.” A collective inhale rumbled through the air around them.

 Taking slow steps the TreeStalker walked until he was standing directly in front of Cody. “Son of Theron, ye’ be thee son of the Nazarien Knight, yer thee son of Theron.

 Cody locked gazes with the old timer. “Yes I am the son of Theron.”

 Jumping up and down the TreeStalker did a little jig. His beard moved in every direction, seemingly doing a jig of its own.

 Once he was finished with his dance, he moved towards Cody and Amori, with an outstretched hand. “I be Fabian, I knew’ yer da. Heehee, help ‘d em to kill thee Deity’s son.” He grimaced, “Or at least ‘is body.” Taking hold of the hand that Fabian had offered him, Cody shook it, surprised at the strength that he felt in it. Though this Fabian seemed to have been old and a bit on the nutty side, he was far from weak.

 “I help ya’ same as I do yer da.” Fabian looked here and there leaning in towards Cody, “Da girl is to marry thee Deity.” Looking over his shoulder at Amori Cody shrugged not knowing who or what Fabian was talking about.

 “Who is the girl you’re talking about?”

 “She be thee bride of the young prince, heehee. She be thee Daughter of Light. The Deity has long since wanted her.

 Stepping from behind Cody Amori stared down at the little creature. “Are you talking about Leora?”

 Fabian nodded.

 “So does that mean you know where she is?”

 Again he nodded.

 “Do you know where Morgan and Ryan, sorry, Dryan are as well?” Amori asked.

 To this Fabian nodded again. “We swear’ our allegiances, to the son of Theron and barer of the Seekers mark. We hurry, thee two princes seek out the Deity. Heehee, they go for blood.” Amori looked to Cody to know what it was that they were to do. With the slightest of nods he gave her his answer.

 Following closely behind Fabian, they walked side by side, only coming to a stop when the TreeStalker did.

 Turning to them a serious glint in his gaze Fabian placed his eyes on Cody. “Ye’ must be careful, for Rhuparos has set out for your life,” he glanced at Amori, “and the one you travel with.

 Taking heed to the words given him, Cody asked a question that had been bothering him since its mentioning. “Fabian who is this Deity you keep speaking of?”

 With a down cast gaze he answered, “He is the one that is worshiped, he is the Sa’ar. The doomed Deity they worship.