The First by Rebekah - HTML preview

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Chapter 27

To Be Un-Forsaken

 Walking atop the shadows Morgan moved quickly. This was the first time that he had ever felt something like this, it was a raging anger that he knew would not abate until he had Leora safe with him once again.

 As he breathed in deeply the untamed air of Aiken, it aided in fueling the sparks that were alight within him. Making his very thoughts more primal than the last, it fed the poison that had been passed down to him from generations long ago passed. His blood boiled black, his eyes dulling out, and his mind falling to sub-consciousness. As his thoughts were pulled away from him, Morgan’s body continued on its deadly path. One that led to revenge on the ones that had taken what was its own, the poison now the drive that pushed it forward.


 It moved swift and powerful. The last it had been told was that the Son of Theron was at the bridge that would lead to Enos. It tried to do the Dweller’s bidding, but the Knight had been too strong. So sending its own to fight the one, it went to continue on its own plight. It laughs; it would not let him get away. That was why it had sent those that were loyal to it to secure the passage, and make sure that the boy and the First did not leave Aiken. It laughed again as it thought to itself, ‘At least not until I have pulled the Son of Theron into the same abyss that I dwelled in.’


 With a groan Leora awoke to find herself bound in chains. An oaken made cage created the bars that held her. As she tried to move nausea rolled through her belly making her feel as if she was about to retch. Lying still for a moment she waited till the feeling passed over, before rolling onto her side. Expecting to see a stone floor beneath her Leora was surprised with the sight that met her. A precipice created a circle around her, the incline of it leading straight into the chasm that her cage had been placed over. As another wave of nausea washed over her Leora turned so that she was lying flat on her back once again, her mind wondering to how she had ended up in the place she was now. When the memories all began to flood back an ache began building in her.

 Tightening her grip around Morgan’s neck, Leora rested her head in the crook of his neck, finding some comfort in the strong pulse that beat harder with the extra exertion. As he came to a stop in the middle of a clearing, he placed her down for a moment. She looked up at him, but his head was turned, facing toward the place where they had come from. Stepping up to Morgan Leora placed a hand on his forearm. “I believe that he will live Morgan. But if you go back we might not.” She said, knowing that Morgan was still having trouble with the fact that he had had to leave Taher, to a fate he did not know. Reaching up she placed her hand on his cheek pulling his attention towards her.

 “Morgan we need to make it to the bridge, the others will be there by now.”

 His piercing gray eyes searched hers for what? She did not know what it was that he searched for, but what she did see that he did not even try to hide; was a look of tenderness that flashed through his gaze, so strongly that it struck her heart with a feeling that she would have never thought to have towards the prince standing before her.

 He blinked for a moment, as though just as surprised by what had passed between them as she was. Taking a step towards her he went to lift her in his arms again, as a whizzing sound came from somewhere behind her. She felt it as whatever had been shot at her penetrated her skin. An immediate feeling of drowsiness made her slump against Morgan.

 “Leora?” The sound of her name on Morgan’s lip was the last thing she remembered before she promptly passed out.

 It was hard to think of what might have happened to Morgan. Because she knew that there must have been something, or else she would be with him and not here chained and caged like an animal.

 Voices coming from her right caught her ear, angling her head so that it was easier to listen she did her best to quiet down on the inside.

 “The Deity is very happy. His bride will be happy too, heehee. On the morrow the two shall be wed, heehee.

 “Do you think she awake now…?” The voices faded away blocked by the thick dirt matted stone walls. Confusion and fear pulsed through her body. Who was the Deity? She wondered, but even more she wondered who was to be his bride. And though she believed that she knew the answer she pushed the unwelcoming thoughts aside, praying for a way of escape. With the drugs still moving through her system Leora drifted off to sleep.


 Sabin led them rightly, his fear of staying alive, override any loyalty that he felt to the Deity. Dropping down so that he stood beside Morgan, having switched Sabin from being held by his talons to his hands, Ryan looked at the entrance into the underground world that they were about to enter into. Shooting a glance Morgan’s direction, while his grip tightened on Sabin as the TreeStalker tried to pull its arms free, he said. “Sabin says that Leora is being held in the lower area of the caverns where they keep all their prisoners. I say that you go and find her while I make a distraction.”

 Without a grunt that Ryan decided to take as an agreement to his plan, he released throwing him towards Morgan. His gaze narrowed on the creature. “Take him to where they have her.” Taking to his unbound form again, he looked down at Sabin once more. “I pray for your sake she is here.”

 Moving with agility that only one gifted could have, he entered the caves mouth, wreaking havoc on the unsuspecting inhabitants within.

 Morgan followed Sabin, his steps not making a sound against stone cavern floor. Shivers ran up and down Sabin’s spine as he could feel the weight of Morgan stare upon his back. In order to keep his mind off of it, the TreeStalking began talking to himself. “Sabin, only do what Sabin told. Now look it’ where Sabin be. The Deity ask Sabin bring back the girl, now Sabin captured, and Sabin’s friends killed.” The youngling continued to mumble things under his breath as he led Morgan farther into the darkened pathways.

 Sabin broke out into a cold sweat as he heard the screams of his people. He knew that they would stand no chance against the Neshar prince, especially with the Deity not being with them at the moment. What he did hope was that the Neshar prince had more mercy than the Eidos one.

 Reverberations moved through the cavernous walls. The sounds make their way to Leora’s ears helping to pull her mind out of the fog that encompassed it. With a groan she forced herself to a seated position. Lifting her shackled hand to her forehead she rubbed her throbbing head. At the same time her stomach gave out a growl of hunger.

 A loud bang had from a place above her had dust raining down onto the top of her head. Covering her head with her arms she wanted to shout out at anyone or thing. But instead she sat still and quiet listening. As the upper roof received yet another bang, she rested her head in her lap hoping not to get any of the falling debris in her eyes. Once it calmed down again she tried to focus in order for her to shift. Only her body still felt too weak to do so. Lifting her head she looked to her bonds, bringing one to her nose she smelled it. Sure enough though light and faint she could smell the potent and well-known drug that was created from the azelia flower. Resuming her previous position Leora heaved a heavy sigh. There was no way she would be able to getaway on her own. Another prayer escaped her lips, this time in more of a song.

 Shutting her eyes tight she waited for the pain in her stomach to pass over, as yet another volley of falling dirt pelted her.

 Sabin and Morgan entered into the chasm that was used to hold prisoners, two Pyor’s stood guard at the door. Walking forward Sabin greeted them, hoping to keep Morgan from killing yet two more of his people. “Hello there’ friends. Olin, Norvin it be good to see ye’, heehee.” They both nodded to their mutual friend.

 “It be good to see ye’ too, Sabin. Why be ya’ here?” Norvin asked him.

 “I come to take, Deity’s bride to her now ready room. The sun is soon to rise’ she must be ready for the Deity now.” He gave a quick glance over his shoulder hoping that the two Pyor’s came to a swift decision.

 After talking it over for a moment with his fellow guardsman Norvin nodded. “Make’s it speedy Sabin.” With a hurried nod he followed Olin down into the prison. As they made it to the area where Leora was being held, another thud sounded. Looking up Olin spoke his thoughts out loud. “To what be make ‘n that noise eh?” The Pyor scratched the back of his head in thought.

 “It be nothin’ Olin, all that it is, is celebration for on the morn the Deity will be wed.” Olin being the dumber when it came to him and Norvin took Sabin’s answer without a second thought to it. Grabbing hold of a rope that was connected to the cage that Leora was in Olin pulled it closer inch by inch. The minute it was on solid ground he retied the rope so that the cage wouldn’t swing back to its spot over the abyss bellow.

 Unlocking the door, Olin helped Leora out, turning her over to Sabin.

 “She can get ready now.” Turning Olin retraced his steps back to where Norvin was.

 As he disappeared from view around the tube like bend, his footsteps halted. Then a scream that was quickly silenced came from that general area.

 Stepping from inside the shadows and out into the open Morgan walked to where Sabin and Leora were both still standing.

 Shaking like a leaf words began to pour out of the TreeStalker’s mouth. “Sabin did what he was told. Sabin recued the prince’s girl. Please let Sabin go.” Keeping his eyes on Sabin a slow sneer slid across Morgan’s features.

 “You may go.”

 Letting out a breath of relief his body starting to relax Sabin did not see coming what happened next. Now standing before him Morgan grabbed Sabin’s neck, snapping it like twig in the hands of a child. He then threw the limp body into the shadows bellow.

 Confusion in her eyes, Leora reached out a tentative hand to Morgan. Placing it on his cheek she turned his face towards her. The deadpan look in his eyes startled her. As she was about to step back and remove her hand from him, Morgan took hold of it with one hand while the other he placed on her shoulder.

 “Are you alright?” With these words spoken, the color returned to his eyes. The gray depths searched her blue ones for the truth.

 “I promise you, other than the fact that I am more than hungry.” That got her a smile. “I am fine. I thought they had killed you.” Morgan shook his head no, moving so that his forehead rested against hers.

 “No, though I believe that they were going to. I think they wanted to have some fun before they did away with me.”

 With a steady gaze she said, “Well I am glad they did not.”