The First by Rebekah - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

To the Woods We Go

With a wave of goodbye to Anise and Alexis, Amori shut the door behind herself watching as they drove away. Heading up the drive she pulled out her keys. Amori had been quiet throughout the drive home, so her friends had known not to ask her about what had happened during her time with Ryan. Unlocking the door she opened it, stepping inside she was greeted by her father, “So how did the graduation party go.”

 “It went ok I guess.” Amori went over and hugged her dad from behind since he was sitting on his favorite chair, “Thanks for letting me go, I'm heading up to my room to crash.”

 “Alright kiddo.” He said standing, “Now that your home I can catch some sleep as well.” Kissing her forehead her dad headed up the stairs.

 Turning off the light on her way up Amori went to her room. Shutting the door behind herself, she walked to her bed throwing herself on top of it. Lying face down she screamed into her pillow, sitting up she sighed before jumping off the bed. Heading into the bathroom, Amori readied herself for a shower. Finishing her shower, Amori exited the bathroom, pajamas on, and her hair rapped in a towel.

 Picking up her phone so that she could charge it, she saw that there were three messages, one from MSU (Missouri State University), and the other two from Anise and Alexis.

 Amori decided to do a conference call, knowing that both Anise and Alexis would still be awake.

 Placing the call to Alexis first Amori waited, till she answered, “Hey.”

 “Hey Lexis, I'm putting Anise on the phone as well could you hold a sec...” Moving the phone from her ear, Amori pausing the call she was on, and going to her favorites she pulled up Anise's number.

 Calling, she waited as the phone rang.

 “Amori good you called, I thought you would be sleeping.”

 “Nope, Anise I have Alexis on the other end, can you hear her?”

 “Hello Anise can you hear me?”

 “Loud and clear.”

 Sitting down at on her bed, Amori scooted up till her back rested against the head board. Pulling up a pillow to her chest she rested her elbows on it, “So what was it that you two called me about earlier?”

 “You know why we called,” said Anise, “we want to know what happened between you and Ryan. Come on, this is like the first time one of the popular guys has ever asked to talk with you.” Amori rolled her eyes, “That's not true; I've talked to plenty of the popular guys.” “Interviewing them for the school paper does not count, and neither does them asking for you to write their papers for them.” Alexis stated.

 “Ok, fine then.”

 “Ladies we're getting off topic, spill the beans Amori what happened, inquiring minds want to know.”

 “Truthfully, nothing special happened, all we did was talk.”

 “That's it, y'all just talked?” Anise asked in question.

 Amori laid down staring at her roof, “Yep, he asked me what I wanted to do now that high schools over, I told him that I want to be a journalist, and guess what.”


 “He said he liked my articles, the ones that were in the school paper.” Amori said.

 “Wait he actually read your articles, and liked them, was he able to understand what you had put down? Cause sometimes you write in a different language girl.” Anise commented over the phone.

 “No I do not, and yes for the most part he did, which was honestly a surprise to me.” Amori just knew they were smiling on the other end, “Don’t go thinking anything about it, there is nothing there.”

 “Yeah right, if a guy can push through and understand all you mumbo jumbo, I think he might be worth checking out.”

 “Oh so you think that my writing is mumbo jumbo Lexi?” Amori asked trying to get the subject to change.

 “Yes at times I do, and you already know that, so don’t go trying to change the subject on us, we know all your little tricks.”

 Amori laughed at that one, “Fine then, you ladies know me too well. Back on subject I told you that there is nothing there, there never has been and there never will be.”


 After the party Ryan along with Blake and David hung out a bit longer shooting hoops together. When the two of them had left, Ryan went upstairs to his room, and started packing. It had been over five years since he had gone to Loam, and he wasn't ready to leave yet, but it was either he left or his father would send someone to bring him back. One way or the other he was going back. Still he knew that he would have to go, he had to find out all that he could about what they were planning to do concerning Loam.

 Once he had finished packing his things Ryan turned out the lights inside his home. Heading into his garage, he locked the door, looking between Harley and Tahoe, he went with the Harley. Placing his bag in the back compartment he zipped it close. Pressing the button to open the garage Ryan got onto his motorcycle; he smiled, throttled it and started on his way, pressing the button to shut the door behind him.

 There were two paths that would lead to where he was going, but the only one that would get him there on time was the path through the Percival forest. Making a right when he came to the open two lane road Ryan pointed his motorcycle in the direction of Percival. As he drove along with the wind streaming past him, the scenery slightly blurred, his mind drifted to the party, it had been fun well save for the Amori part and the Morgan situation, but other than that it had been a good night.

 'Hope I get to enjoy another one like it.' Sighing he turned a corner, leaning with the bike on the now curving road. Redirecting his thoughts Ryan focused on what should be his main concern at the moment, which was the fact that he had to choose a bride from the kingdom of Geder. The women of that kingdom held no appeal for him. Their skin tended to be pale and their eyes were dim and for all purposes lifeless. The one who really got the better end of this deal was Morgan.

 As the road straightened out, Ryan righted his bike, relaxing as he rode along. For a moment he allowed his mind to empty of all thoughts, and focused on his surroundings. To his right stood tall trees, some oak, cedar, and pine; he took in the smell of the pine trees with his keen senses. The wind whipped his hair back against his face, but he didn't mind, he preferred riding his bike. It was very closely akin to flying, or at least as close as he could get while here.

Frustration began to set in as he thought about the fact that to everyone it would seem really strange to that he would disappear right after throwing a graduation party. He hoped they would think that he had left to see the colleges abroad. Though he doubted that, after all it was a small town.

 Turning into the dirt lot, Ryan parked next to the forest. When he got off the bike he checked the time, he had twenty minutes left till the sun was completely above the horizon.

 Hearing a noise coming from behind to his right he looked to see a Ford Pickup pulling into the area next to his bike. He tilted his head, in thought, why in the world would someone be coming here before the sun had even risen.


 Looking to her dashboard clock she saw that the time read a quarter till six, putting on her jacket she grabbed the door handle. Seeing the Harley parked, Amori pulled up beside it. Facing her window she waved to the bike rider, but he didn't see her, being that he was busy with the storage compartment on the back of the motorcycle. Shrugging she got out of the car, not really in a mood to talk; she went around to the truck bed and grabbed her hiking pack. She didn't know why but the Percival forest had always been her favorite place to come. So much so that it was regular for her to go there and hike, at least three times a week.

 Slipping her bag onto her shoulders, Amori walked to the path she always took, and started her hike.

 Ryan watched not saying a word; he didn't exactly want Amori to know that it was him, though in the end his curiosity got the better of him. Slinging his backpack over his shoulder Ryan jogged, well more like fast walked, since Amori had not yet made it too far, to catch up with her. Close enough now to touch her, he reached out placing his hand on her arm lightly.

 Feeling the touch Amori turned around taking a step back. Upon seeing who it was or rather who he was, she gave Ryan the briefest of smiles then continued on her hike.

 Sensing the tension that was mounting around them Ryan tried to strike up some friendly conversation, “Do you usually come here this early?” Hey, if he was going to strike up a conversation he might as well find out why she was here at such an unusual time. Walking beside her he waited for her answer, the bonus being that this pathway would cross with the one he was to soon take.

 “I come here whenever I get the chance.” She said finally replying to his question.

 “That's cool, you like hiking, that's good.” Rubbing the back of his neck Ryan went silent, the two walked side by side.

 He looked at her through the corner of his eyes, Ryan knew that she might still be just a bit miffed about the night before, “Amori, about last night,” Amori stopped walked and faced him, “What about last night?”

 “I know that we had the truce and all, but I want to say sorry again. It wasn’t because of our conversation last night that you left early was it?”

 “It had nothing to do with that. We had told our parents that we'd be home by eleven.”

 “So you're not mad at me?”

 Amori looked to the trees that were on her right, couldn’t he just let it go.

 Not answering his question she asked, “So why are you out here, that's not exactly a hiking bag your holding.”

 Knowing that she was trying to avoid his question Ryan looked down at the top of her head. Even though he knew what she was doing Ryan played along, “You could say I'm going on a trip.” Amori cocked her head at him, as a slight breeze moved through the tree making the leaves move and rustle. Raising his hand Ryan silenced Amori before she started speaking; stopping abruptly he began scanning the area. Turning he stood on the alert as the one he had sensed following them walked out of the shadows and into the light. “So,” a hand gestured in Amori's direction, “this is the true reason why you've gone soft on the humans, amusing.”

 Ryan could feel Amori stiffening beside him, “Ryan, what is he talking about?”

 “It's nothing.” Without moving his gaze off the other, Ryan grabbed Amori's arm pulling her behind him, so that she was out of Morgan’s line of sight.

 “Tell me, were you planning on bringing her? A good servant is always helpful.” Morgan said, a crude smile marring his face.

 “Ryan what is he talking about?” Amori asked once again.

 “Amori stop talking.”

 “Ah, so that's her name, Amori, Dryan you really do know how to pick them.” Morgan said moving forward, his gray eyes on something behind Ryan. Following the direction of Morgan's gaze, he looked down to see that Amori had stuck her head out from behind him.

 Morgan locked eyes with Amori, surprised when she held his gaze. He laughed inwardly; there was something more to this mortal girl than any other he had ever seen before.

 Seeing the way that Morgan was watching Amori, Ryan's fingers curled inward. If Amori had not suddenly grabbed hold of his arms, he would have jumped the guy. Remembering his reason for coming, Ryan moved once again blocking Morgan's view of her, severing whatever connection he might have tried to make.

 “I warn you now Morgan, leave her out of this.”

 “I'm not the one who brought her in, that my friend was you. But do not worry she shall be safe,” Morgan walked by them, his eyes trained on something in front of him, but added, “For now.” Walking on he vanished into the trees.

 Amori stood still not knowing what had just transpired. She was in somewhat of a state of shock.

 Keeping his eyes on where Morgan had just disappeared Ryan waited for a moment. When he was sure that the other man was not going to return he turned to Amori, focusing in on her. “Amori you have to listen to me, I don't want you to come here anymore, not in this area at least. Do you understand me; do not come here for any reason.” He said emphasizing his words.

 He searched her eyes, but they were still locked onto the place where Morgan had stood now minutes ago. Grabbing her by the shoulders he shook her lightly. When that didn't work he placed a hand under her chin forcing her to look at him, “Promise me.” She looked at him, his gaze was serious and clear, more so than she would have thought, he was concerned about her. Amori nodded, “I promise.”

 Letting her go Ryan smiled taking a step back. Moving farther away he turned and started to walk away, but before he could take but two steps he felt a hand grab his jacket. Not turning fully he turned only enough so that he could see her face; “You're not going after him are you?” Ryan closed his eyes for a moment; he knew that he could not leave her like this. It would not be wise, but at the same time he had to get to Addar before his time was up.

 “It's what I have to do.”

 “I don't understand.” Opening his eyes Ryan faced her fully, his gaze now resting on her face, he saw the fear there. Taking a step toward her he placed his hands on her shoulders, “Trust me something’s are better left alone.” Backing away slowly he said one more thing before vanishing into the tall trees, “Go home Amori.” With that he turned away leaving the same way Morgan had. Once he was gone Amori turned around heading back to her car, more than a little frustrated. She had come here to get some fresh air, to think and clear her mind, but now she was more confused than ever before.