The First by Rebekah - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

To Choose a Bride

 Ryan walked to the edge of a brook, walking to the stone lined path that lead to the other side he crossed over. Going to the spot where the foliage was thickest he stared at it for a moment. He let out a sigh before walking through. Closing his eyes he lifted his head slightly, and breathed in the all too familiar air, he was no longer in Loam; he was now in Addar, his homeland. Opening his eyes he looked to the sky, he had only three minutes before the full dawn. Jumping into the air he allowed his form to change. In the place of the man was now a great Neshar, his appearance was like that of the majestic eagles, yet still greater.

 His plumage was a russet brown, his talons sharp as forged steel. Dryan's eyes shone like an emerald held next to a blazing fire. He flew on massive wings that spanned thirty feet from wing tip to wing tip, allowing the wind to carry him. Soaring high he passed over many fields and valleys. Over the forest that stretched to the eastern port. He soared above the woodlands that sat at the foot of the great mountain Adair, with which the kingdom was named after. He soared high and fast, the wind taking him far in a short period of time. Coming to the edge of the village Yashar, the place where all those who were royalty and or higher up in the kingdom lived. He began to slow down. Being here now was a different experience, the brick houses though very grand in stature, were still very different from the skyscrapers and gated communities, which one saw in Loam. It was not a question he would have to readjust to this life, the biggest thing being no electricity! Taking to bond form a short way off from the castle gate, bond form being what his people called their mortal body. Coming to the castle gate he looked up calling out for the guard to open the gate. Yelling back the guard asked, “Who are you?”

 “I am Prince Dryan, Jockus, open this gate!”

 “My prince, forgive me.” Jockus said before shouting for the gate to be opened.

 Dryan ran through, entering the castle doors he headed for the main throne room. Making it to the twin brass doors, he stopped, slowing his heart rate. Straightening himself the best he could, he entered. As he entered the room, all eyes turned to him. Here his blue t-shirt and faded jeans were way out of place. But it was what he had on; bowing respectfully to his father, he then moved taking his mother’s outstretched hand he kissed her signet ring. Walking to the left side of her royal throne he placed his right hand on the crown of the chair.

 The two kings sat a step above them, his father's chair being higher than his mother's. Standing near to Dryan and his mother, for they were standing on the same step, was Morgan and his mother. His mother was seated while he stood much like Dryan was.

 Lined up against the wall to their left were the most eligible royal blooded maidens from both sides of Addar. The custom of both Adair and Geder was for all maidens’ eyes to stay trained on the floor, unless they were being directly spoken to. It was very rare when even those in the higher echelons of their society would go against this protocol. Dryan was brought to attention as his mother began speaking after receiving a nod from her husband.

 “Well, now that Dryan is here we may proceed.” She looked at Morgan, “I say that since he is the eldest Morgan may go first.”

 Morgadon his father stated his agreement. With a clap of her hands half of the women that were lined up against the wall came forward. They moved so that they were standing before those seated on the royal throne, they stood in a straight pristine lengthwise line.

 Though Morgan could care less for this, his father, had given him no choice. He walked up and down the line. Pointing to one of them he asked, “What is your name?”

 “My name is Vixen, my lord.” Morgan looked at her, why in the world someone would name their child Vixen he did not know. He moved to the next, he went down the line till he came to one he thought appealing, “Tell me what your name is.”

 “Leora is my name, my lord.” Morgan pointed to her smiling, he said, “She shall be my bride.”

 Dryan wanted to strangle him; Leora was his childhood friend, making it more personal than just one of the other maidens. Dryan believed that she deserved someone better than Morgan.

 Leora bowed and stepped forward, while the others returned to line back against the wall.

 Lifting her eyes she looked at Dryan pleadingly, but he diverted his gaze. She knew that he could do nothing about what had just occurred, but it was worth a try. The queen was not pleased with Morgan's choice either, but, a deal was a deal. As the second set of maidens formed a line in front of them, Dryan made his way down from his mothers' side. He sent a warning Morgan's way as the two passed by each other their eyes locked on one another, Leora's hand lying on her now chosen's forearm.

 As he moved down the line Ryan wished that he had let his bride be chosen for him, but seeing as he was here now he would have to do so himself. Starting from the left he moved down the aisle asking each one their name. By the time he had made it midway, he was ready to be done. With an inward groan he continued on, there was no appeal to him in the women that stood before him, none what so ever till he came to the one that stood with her head lowered further than any of the other maidens. Stopping at her he waited for her to look up at least briefly as the others had done, but she did not. So passing over her he went on to the end of the row, still his eyes drifted back to her. Not liking any of the others particularly the one that whose name had been Damalis. He made his way back up the line, knowing that he had to choose rightly, being that this was to be the mother of his children, his future wife, and the one who would rule by his side. Ryan sighed inwardly, coming to stand in front of the woman again he reached out his hand.

 Placing it under her chin he lifted her face so that she would look him in the eyes. In her gaze he saw something that he would not have expected to see in the eyes of an Eidos, and that was light. Though he could not put his finger on it, he felt the silent leading that this maiden who stood before him was the one.

 And so taking a step back Ryan pointed to her, “You.” She stepped forward while the others went back to the wall. Placing her hand on his forearm Ryan asked, “So what is your name?”

 “Chay, my lord.”

 Though he wished to stay and hear what else was to be said, after everything was settled; such as when the weddings would be, the princes and their brides were sent out of the throne room, being told that it would be best if the princes acquainted themselves with their brides, the adults staying behind to settle other matters, more pressing matters.

 While Morgan and Dryan went to the armory, Leora and Chay left to change into something they thought to be more comfortable.

 Morgan tried out different swords while Dryan grabbed a new sheath for his dagger.

 “So you have a month to get to know your knew bride, where will you be taking her?”

 Morgan asked while picking up a scabbard testing its weight.

 “Why do you care?”

 “I might end up tagging along, if it sounds fun.”

 “I'm heading back to Loam.” Sheathing his dagger Dryan headed out of the armory, Morgan kept the sword, and followed alongside him.

 “Loam, why would you go back there...? Wait you’re going for her.” Dryan said nothing as they walked pass servants and guards. He really was not in the mood for conversation.

 “No, I have unfinished business there.”

 “My point is made, you have to tell her that you're about to get married.”

 “This has nothing to do with...”

 “Just remember this; you have to take Chay with you.” Morgan said cutting into Dryan's sentence.

 “Yes, I know. Did you have somewhere you were thinking of going?”

 Smiling, Morgan replied, “If I had known, do you think that I would have asked you?” Just then Leora and Chay walked up behind them, the two now wearing simpler clothing. Dryan looked at Chay; she was pretty, though her skin was pale like most to all of those from Geder, he thought honestly. There seemed to be purity about her, something that he spied in her eyes that made her all the more appealing to him.

 He knew that he would have to buy her new clothes, since she was coming with him to Loam. He would also have to change her name. Being that Morgan was the only one of them all who had a name that was allowed to transcend the realms.

 The four of them walked out of the main gate, neither saying a word till they were far from the palace, and out of Yashar. They walked on until they came to the forest that would lead them to Loam. Upon entering Leora asked, “So where are we going?”

 Dryan replied to her, “Loam, I have business matters I need to settle.”

 “Wait Loam, but that is where the humans live.” Chay stated.

 “Yes, it is.” He looked at her, “If you do not wish to come you have my permission to stay, I'll finish doing my business there, then I can return.”

 “No, it's just I am a little surprised that you would consider going to Loam.” Her eyes dropped to the floor, he was going to have to work on that, “I thought they hated our kind?”

 “No. They do not even know of the existence of our kind.” He smiled though she could not see it because her gaze was focused on the ground, “Don't worry, I have plenty of resources and space at my place, you'll be very comfortable.” Dryan looked at Morgan, “You have a place right, isn't it a lakeside property?”

 “It is, and it’s the perfect place to live during this season.”

 The two women looked at each other; they were both surprised that Morgan and Dryan had homes in Loam. They both wondered how long the two men had lived there, though both were wondering the same thing for different reasons.

 Chay began thinking to herself, 'With how long Dryan had lived in Loam, was it possible that he had a woman there.' She was now wondering what he meant when he had said he had “Business matters he had to settle.”

 By the time noon came, they were at the passage to Loam, Morgan passed through first then Leora and Chay, with Dryan following at the rear. When he had passed over he breathed deeply, he had never noticed it before but the air in Loam was lighter, somehow more refreshing. He breathed in deeply; it was good to be back. Rummaging through his back pack he made sure everything was in its right place, he did not want to leave anything in Addar. When he was sure that everything was there he zipped it shut, digging in his pocket he pulled out his motorcycle keys. Morgan and Leora had walked ahead of them, while Chay stayed behind waiting for him. As he started walking she followed alongside him, “Here my name is Ryan.” Chay stared up at him confused.

 “Why would you change your name?”

 “You don’t know?” When she still looked at him with confusion in her eyes he sighed, “My name is not one that is able to be used here in Loam, and neither is yours.” He gazed down at her, she sure did have interesting eyes, and they seemed to shine like faraway stars. Clearing his throat he faced forward, “We'll have to change your name as well.”

 It was night by the time they had made it to the parking lot, Morgan and Leora had already gone. Breaking free of the tree line, Ryan walked to his bike opening his storage compartment, he pulled out a helmet and tossed it to Chay then placed his bag in the slot. Hopping on the Harley he looked at Chay, “This is our mode of transportation,” He reached out a hand, “Come on it'll be fun.”

 She looked at him, sitting on whatever it was, and then backed away, “Cannot we walk?”

 Ryan stopped himself from laughing, “It is best if we take the bike, plus the sooner we get to my place the sooner you get new clothes.” He gave her a friendly smile, “We're in a small town its best if we don't draw to much attention to ourselves.”

 Chay looked down at her sunset red dress, then at what Ryan was wearing-sigh- hiking up her dress, ever so slightly, she took Ryan's hand, letting him help her get situated on the bike. Within a moment they were off, the wind whipping around them.


 Ryan and Chay pulled into the drive way of his mansion. Getting off the bike with Ryan's help, she stared at the strange structure of the place. It was odd, yet magnificent.

 “So I see you like it.” Ryan looked at her with a smile, “It looks better on the inside, come on.” He said stretching his hand out to her.