The First by Rebekah - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

Plans, Locks, and Popcorn

 Calling Anise, Amori told her everything that had happened the day prior, since she had not been able to talk with her that morning.

 “So, it was you and Ryan, but who was the other guy?”

 “I don't know, I think Ryan said his name was Morgan, but he wasn't someone that I've seen around. So I'm thinking he must be new in town, or from a neighboring city.” Amori moved the phone from her ear as her brother Spencer and his best bud Pierce entered the kitchen.

 “What's up little sis?” He asked reaching his hand into the bowl of popcorn she had just finished making. She put the phone back to her ear, “Hold on for a sec Anise, Spenc and Pierce are here.” “Sure thing.” Came the reply.

 Muting the phone Amori moved her bowl off the counter cradling it protectively, “Go get your own.” Pierce made his way to the refrigerator. Grabbing a soda he popped it open, slurping the contents, “We just got back from the gym you know, we're two starving men.” He said smiling.

 “Well ya'll have the whole kitchen to explore and find something to eat, I'm headed up stairs.” Walking out of the kitchen Amori left the two guys to their food finding. Entering her room she closed the door behind herself, sitting at her desk she placed the bowl down, un-muting the phone.

 “Anise you still there?”

 “Yep, I thought that Spencer wasn't getting back from the base till next week.”

 “They both got to come a week early, so they have two weeks home instead of one.” Amori replied, popping a few pieces of popcorn in her mouth.

 “What were we talking about?” She asked before swallowing.

 “We were talking about the guy who was in the Percival forest along with you and Ryan.”

 “Oh yeah, back to it then, Anise he was weird, I mean he was talking as though he wasn't human. He was calling me a human, but it was like he was separating himself from the human race, even though it was obvious he was one himself.” Amori stared at the bowl, “The other thing that was odd was that Ryan seemed to agree with him,” she let out a heavy sigh.

 “That does seem odd. Hmm,” Anise thought for a moment, “did Ryan say what Morgan's last name was, if so we could probably find out who he is.”

 Amori lifted up in her chair, before slumping back down, “That idea won't work.”

“Why not?”

“Because, neither of them said a last name, and I didn't think to ask Ryan about it.”

 “Well then do you think we should go back to Percival? I mean we could see if we can find out more about what's going on. Whatever it may be, it sure does sound strange to me.” Amori nodded her agreement even though Anise couldn't see her.

 “Sorry, but I won't be able to go to the Percival forest again, I had promised Ryan that I wouldn't.” She chewed on some more popcorn, she was almost out.

 “You did what?” Anise asked.

 Amori didn't reply for a moment she looked at the popcorn in her hand. She should have brought up something to drink; she was getting really thirsty from all the extra butter.

 “Hello, Amori, you still there?” “Yeah, I promised. He said that it would better for me not to do anything in that area anymore, and since I promised him I wouldn't, I won't. Plus I don't think I want to go back.” Amori heard Anise's suffering sigh, “Fine. Wait! Did you promise that you wouldn't go to his house?”

 “No, why?” Amori asked skeptical.

 “Well because I sort of need to go back anyway. Since I had gone into the pool, I left my mom’s earrings with my clothes; they might have dropped on the floor when I grabbed my stuff. I think I left them in Ryan’s backyard by accident, and my mom has been asking for them, you know. So maybe in the process of finding my mother earrings so I don’t get in massive trouble.” Anise paused letting her words sink in before she continued. “I might have also heard that Ryan is out of town, so if we peek around his house we might be able to find something that would help us figure this whole mystery man thing.”

 “But what if he's back home and catches us? What would we do then, and plus neither of us know how to pick a lock, or disarm security. Which I'm sure he has in his home.”

 “One of us does.”

 “You know how to pick a lock?” Amori asked stunned.

 “No, of course not, but Lexi does. Remember that her family business is making doors; I mean her dad probably installed the Xerxes’ door. So all we have to do is get her in on this and we'll be set to go. Though truthfully it's not Ryan that I'm worried about catching us, it is the other guy, Morgan; he is really freaking me out and I haven’t even met him.”

 “I think it would help to get a guy to come with us, just in case.”

 “I agree with you, hey, what about Spencer.”

 “NO! He would not be happy if he found out I was planning on breaking into someone's house.”

 “Ok then, what about Pierce, he'd do anything for you, you’re like his honorary little sister, and all we’d have to tell him is that I lost my mom’s earrings.” Amori laughed, “I would if that wouldn't end up involving Spenc, and you and I both know that Spenc will ask questions.” Amori thought for a bit, while finishing her popcorn. Done with eating she pushed her chair back, moving from her desk to her bed, she laid flat on her stomach, her head hanging over the edge.

 “I know who, I can ask Cody, you remember him right?”

 “Of course,” Amori could hear her friends smile over the phone, “wasn't he the guy who lived next door to you, the one you had that crush on all through middle school.”

 “Yeah, and remember he moved after the first year of high school, but we still keep in contact... and we're just friends, I've long since grown out of that crush.”

 “Whatever you say, so we're set then, I'll call Lexi and you call Cody.”

 “Yep.” Hanging up the phone, Amori pulled up Cody's contact number. She stared at it for a moment, thinking, 'Maybe it would be better if I go over to his house, yeah, then it’d be harder for him to say no!'

 Rolling off the bed she stood, grabbing the now empty bowl off her desk. Opening her door Amori headed down stairs; washing the container she dried it and placed it into the cabinet. Getting her key from the spot on the counter, Amori walked into the living room where her brother and Pierce sat watching TV.

 “Hey I'm heading out is there anything you want me to get?”

 Spencer angled his head towards her but did not take his eyes off the TV, “We're out of milk, and can you bring home some pizza. Mom said she not cooking when she gets back.”

 “Ok sure, I need cash for the pizzas though.” Reaching into his pocket Spencer pulled out his wallet. Taking out a couple of twenties he handed them to her, “That should take care of the milk and a few large pizzas.” Stuffing the money in her pocket Amori headed to her car. Unlocking the doors, she got in cranked the car and pulled out of the driveway.

 Though she and Cody spoke with each other every week or so, they hadn't seen each other face to face, pretty much since the time he and his mother Cathlin had moved.

 Amori drove the distance to his house. Cody lived in the town next to Orland which was Griffin. So it was about an hour drive from her home to his.

 Arriving Amori parked at the curb; she sat for a moment in the truck. Gathering herself, she exited with a sigh, “It's now or never.” Walking up to the front door she rang the doorbell then knocked, for good measure. She waited for a little while before she heard a voice from the other side. Amori waited as she heard the door being unlocked. When it opened it took a minute for her to realize who it was, “Cody?” She still had the image in her head of the younger him, though she had seen picks of him on Facebook, she hadn't expected well this. He had grown at least two feet taller; he had also filled out quite well. As was plainly seen through the blue polo shirt he was wearing.

 “Wow, Amori you're looking good. Do you want to come inside?”

 “Sure.” He held the door open for her. As she walked pass him Amori noticed his star blue eyes, after about four years, she had forgotten how wonderful they looked. Closing the door, he led them into the family room. For Cody it was different seeing her, it was definitely better then talking to her on the phone. He couldn't help but notice that she had gotten older, no more braces and lopsided ponytails; she was not the same kid he had played in the back yard with. She was now quite the catch.

 Both of them taking a seat, on the family size couch, they sat facing one another, “It's good to see you again Amori, on something other than technology.” Amori smiled, “I agree.” She went quiet, not sure how to ask her question, or how to even start. One could not simply ask someone to be your body guard, because you and two other friends were planning on breaking into another person’s home.

 “Is there something you want to ask me Amori?” Cody asked, taking note of her nervousness.

 “Uh, yes, I'm here because I need your help with something.” She gnawed on her lower lip waiting.

 “What is it you need help with?”

 “Well I need you help with... it's sort of hard to say... but um, well...”

 Cody cut in, “Amori just say it.”

 “Ok,” getting her thoughts together she started, “I need you more like a body guard.” Seeing his confusion she rushed on, “You remember Alexis and Anise right?”

 He nodded.

 “Well were going to need your help with- well, with sneaking into a certain person's house...” Cody didn't hear anything after that; he was in a state of shock. He had to be mistake with what he had thought that he had heard.

 Lifting a hand he silenced her, “You, want me, to help you do what?!”

 “Break into someone's house, I will totally understand if you say no...” Cody stared at her hard, her words drifted off into silence. Time ticked by as the two sat staring at one another, only one thing was going through Cody's mind, “Amori you have to give me a really good reason why I should help you. This is insane.” He ran a hand through his hair, mussing it.

 “We're not going to steal anything; we want to find out more about the said person, and find Anise’s moms earrings.”

 Cody leaned back against the couch, closing his eyes.

 “No police officer is going to care that we didn't steal anything,” he gazed at her through one eye, “or that we were looking for Anise’s moms earrings, if we break into someone’s home.”

 Amori didn't say anything; she knew that the only way to get him to agree would be to tell him what had happened, in the forest. So deciding to tell him, at least the main part of what happened, she started.

 Cody sat listening to what Amori was saying, when she had finished she fell silent. Cody groaned inwardly, after hearing what had happened in Percival, he knew that he had no choice. He was going to have to tag along with them. Lifting his head up Cody looked at Amori, “I'm in.”


 “Yep, I'm in; tell me what time and what house and I'll be there.” Amori's smile grew wide. The two stood, not knowing how else to thank him, and feeling relieved, Amori hugged Cody.

 Leaving his house she got in her truck, texting Anise and Alexis that Cody was in. Starting the ignition, she pulled away from the curb. Now all she needed to do was stop and get the pizzas as well as the milk.