The Flower Guarding Bells by Edmundshen - HTML preview

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In the hall, were many lamps and rows of red wooden chests. On those chests, were projectiles and arrows. And there were many other men too, all looking fatigue, some were wounded, some had difficulties breathing, some closing their eyes to rest. All of them had been through many terrible battles.

In this messy grand hall, was a very composed and calm old man in beautiful clothing. Although there was a storm outside, it could not shake his magnificent aura and his firm and steady eyes.

Nangong Ping softly greeted. “Father” And he rushed forward and kneel down before him.
Nangong Changshu gently patted on the head of his beloved son and did not say anything for a long time.
Mistress Nangong gently took out a handkerchief to wipe away the rainwater and sweat from his head and gently said. “Child, it must be hard on you all this while. In future, I afraid…afraid that it will be even harder for you.”
Nangong Changshu just laughed it off but did not talk.
Nangong Ping saw his father quiet face, saw his mother fragile face, saw the messy hall, his heart was already carrying many doubts, and therefore he cast aside the family formalities as he rose to ask. “Father, you have sold all the businesses in Jiangnan, what is the reason? And we do not usually have any dealings with the Diancang Sect, why are they surrounding the Nangong Manor? Although they seem to protect the Nangong Manor but they does not have any kind intention to us. And, the Devil Flock Island that is only heard of but never seen. Why did they want to pit against us? Father, please tell me everything. I am really very anxious to know.”
He said everything in one breath and looked tellingly at his father.
Mistress Nangong melancholy sighed and said. “If there is anything to say, say it slowly child. Why are you still as impatience as before?”
Nangong Changshu was very solemn as he walked in strides toward the main entrance of the great hall. Suddenly he turned around to say. “Please forgive me for my rudeness!”
Everyone was surprised and some even rose on his or her feet to ask. “This…this…”
Before he had finished his words, Nangong Changshu suddenly flashed around. All the men in the hall suddenly collapsed and crumbled on the chairs. They had all fainted or slept now.
Nangong Ping saw his father in that instant had hit their ‘Sleep’ accupoint (An accupoint technique that caused those hit to be knocked down without unnecessary pain and loss of strength), he was shocked to see it and asked. “Father, you do know martial arts!”
In this whole world, there was no one that knew that Nangong Changshu was actually an upper echelon fighter, even his own son did not know and it was the first time he ever witnessed it.
Nangong Changshu did not turn his head over and asked. “Pinger, you have always have good food and clothing. Everything we allow you to be willful. Even if you have committed a wrong, your father and mother did not even reprimand you. Do you know the reason why?”
Although Nangong Ping could not his see his father face but he could his father’s trembling shoulders. He looked very emotional.
Nangong Ping was startled and frightful. “Child…do not know!” He immediately kneels down and grasped. “If child has committed a wrong, father is right to beat and reprimand me.”
Mistress Nangong was very pale, covered her face as she said. “Big Brother…why…this child has to be so ill-fate!”
Nangong Changshu did not turn his head but was trembling even more. “I treat you in that manner is because from now on, not only you cannot enjoy any of the luxuries and happiness of this world and you have to suffer the unbearable torture that will soon be your fate, can you endure it?
Nangong Ping could not bear it anymore as his tears flowed. He said, trembling uncontrollably. “It is only right that child suffer hardships for father and mother but…father at least you should tell me, what…what is going on?”
Nangong Changshu clenched his fists and his voice became even solemn.
“The Nangong Aristocracy Family is the richest in the whole world, do you know the source of this wealth?” He solemnly asked.
Nangong Ping was jolted and said. “Is it…is it…”
Nangong Changshu added. “Your forebear, was once a very poor man. He suffered all types of torture that was atypical to a poor man and swore that he wanted to become the wealthiest man in the world. Painstakingly, he saved a sum of money and set sail with some seafarers to do business from outside the Central Plains. Who would expect that the ship would meet with a storm along the way and your forebear drifted on a plank to a desolate island. Luckily he did not die but he was empty handed and have nothing.”
He clenched his fists even tighter and added. “Your forebear’s lofty ambition was destroyed and he lost everything. He was so overcome with grief that he could not help it but to cry aloud. Unexpectedly, he suddenly discovered that the island actually had many old men in ancient robes. In the Fraternity, the oldest legend and the most mysterious legend is the rumored existence of the Divine Creator Temple. And that island is the Divine Creator Temple.”
Nangong Ping was jolted, only to hear his father continuing. “Those old men questioned your forebear about his history and background. They examined him carefully and then bade him to stay. For three years, your forebear suffered exceedingly hardships and torture until one day, he was suddenly taken to a beach. On the side of the beach was a big ship, on that ship was incalculable amount of precious stones and artifacts!”
“Your forebear was stunned. Never did he expect that those old men would want to give that ship to him. But they wanted him to swear a deadly oath and make a pact. From then now, every generation of the Nangong family would have its eldest son to bring a certain amount of silver to the Divine Creator Temple. Every generation, the amount of silver would have to be doubled. This pact will never end unless the Nangong line is extinct, and this pact forever cannot be voided…”
Nangong Changshu added. “Till my generation, the amount of silver that was needed had reached an exorbitant amount. Your grandfather gathered all the silver he could mobilize to send your uncle and the silver away to fulfil the pact. At that time…alas! I am not yet married. But your uncle had already a son.”
It was only now that Nangong Ping had finally came to know of his family secret histories. When he had heard to this point, he was already trembling all over and had broke into a cold sweat. He could not help but ask. “Where is my uncle? Where is my that cousin?”
Nangong Changshu trembled and said. “The day before your uncle was gone, he killed his newly wed wife and baby with a blow on their hearts. Because he had calculated, in another generation, even if the Nangong Aristocracy Family were to sell away all their properties and asserts, we still could not raise enough silver. He could not bear to let his descendants to suffer and did not want me to marry and to have sons. He left behind a heartbreaking testament. Then he was gone along with the silver and there have been no news of him ever since…”
When he had said to this point, his voice was filled with sorrow and a chill that crept into the hearts of everyone. Although everyone knew that the Nangong Aristocracy Family was exceedingly rich and unparalleled but who would know of this mysterious history of the Nangong Aristocracy Family that was filled with blood, sorrow and tears?
Mistress Nangong covered her face with her hands and sobbed. “Big Brother, you…don’t need to say it anymore.”
Nangong Changshu said slowly as he faced the wall. “After your uncle departed not long after, your grandfather passed away. I mourned in piety for three years and then I went to search for your uncle. Every generation without fail, when we send the silver away, there will an Envoy from the Divine Creator Temple that will send us a Note indicating the harbor. Not only did we not know where is the exact position of the island but in this vast expanse of the ocean, not even one person even know where is the Divine Creator Temple. I drifted for many years in the Pugilist Realm until at last having lost all hopes, met your mother.”
Mistress Nangong wipe her tears from her face, using her hand and walked over to the side of Nangong Changshu. She gently held his hands and said. “If you really must say, let me say in your behalf then!”
“When I first met your father,” Mistress Nangong said. “I had already developed affection for him. But your father was always avoiding me. I am strange and upset. In a fit of anger, I decided to marry another person and that was your father’s friend. But unexpectedly one day…one day your father was ambushed and was heavily poisoned. After his poison enacted, he told me all the sad history of his family and finally I know the reason why he was always trying to avoid me. Because it was going to be a heartbreaking affair. Because the Nangong Aristocracy Family would be penniless and poor. Because he did not want me to suffer. Because he could not bear…could not bear that our children when they grown up, they will grow up just to help their forebear to repay a debt and to suffer!”
Nangong Changshu suddenly turned his body around and his eyes were watery. He looked at her with gentleness and solemnly added. “But your mother is not afraid of all this, she isn’t even afraid of being poor. In a single night, she carried me on her back to Tianshan to find the antidote. Therefore I…”
Mistress Nangong leaned besides him and added. “Therefore from then onwards, I can never leave your father, and after that, we have you. We want you to enjoy all the luxuries of life, we don’t want you to learn martial arts because we don’t want you to experience hardship therefore we also did not teach you any martial art skills. But who will know that you are born to like martial arts and we did not want to go against your wishes, therefore we sent you to the Divine Dragon Clan just as you wanted. Child…we are so sorry to you…” Before she could finish, she began to sob and her words could not be heard.
Nangong Ping cried out in sadness as he ran to his mother. In the midst of the storm that was raging outside, the three of them embraced one another. Although they were all filled with grief and sorrow but it was also filled with understanding and empathy.
Nangong Changshu caressed his beloved son’s head and said. “I only wish that the secret note of the Divine Creator Temple would not come so soon. Therefore I did not want you to be married. But who would expect that they have already calculated that the Nangong Aristocracy Family would have no more source of income, therefore they did not wait for you to get marry and to have the next generation and sent their Secret Note. Once we gathered all the silver that we could possible mobilized, that Messenger would still come and take you away. It is the oath made by your ancestor, your father…your father and your mother, although we adore you so much but how…how can we…” Before he could finish, his tears flowed.
Nangong Ping lifted his chest and said. “Father, mother. This is the debt of our Nangong family. Naturally we have to repay…”
Mistress Nangong said with her tears flowing. “But, Child, you…”
Nangong Ping bit his teeth, with his eyes focused and firmly said. “Your child will surely return. No matter how mysterious is that Divine Creator Temple, I will also swear to come back to take care of both of you. Even if there is a wall of iron, it will not stop me. Moreover, those people with the reputation of ‘Divine Creator’ how will they force others to do things that are not filial?”
Mistress Nangong quietly said. “My good child…”
Nangong Changshu sighed. “But this time...alas! Those people from the Devil Flock Island have appeared in the Fraternity again. And they are determined not to let us send the silver to the Divine Creator Temple.”
Nangong Ping said. “No wonder they use the secret pact to force so many major orthodox sects to steal the silver from us.”
Nangong Changshu lowered his head and sighed. “At this moment, the disciples and followers of Diancang Sect because they failed to steal forcefully from us, therefore they remain outside the manor. Although they look like they are protecting the Nangong Manor but in fact they are trying to prevent us from sending the silver out. Not only that, there is also a few infamous bandits from the Fraternity that are also thinking of laying their hands on the silver. For many days, this Nangong Manor had already been involved in many bloody fights, so many people lost their lives, alas…Wealth, only bring the Nangong family untold troubles and sufferings. What other trouble did it bring? Child, if you are born in a poor man family, how would you need to suffer like this?”
Suddenly from outside the window, a man sighed deeply in the midst of the storm. “I am wrong!”
Nangong Ping was startled and he shouted. “Who is it?”
But his father was already at the window in an instant and he waved his hand and the windows were forced opened, sending the wind and rain in.
Nangong Changshu was about to hit with his hands again when outside the window, the voice sighed again. “Big Brother, you do not recognize me?”
Mistress Nangong was startled and she was at the window in an instant. “Lu Yixian!”
Nangong Changshu cried out in surprise. “Second Brother, is that you?”
Nangong Ping was shocked to see that the person outside the window was that bald old man ‘Qian Chi’ that loved money more than his life. That he was actually his father’s Second Brother! For a moment, he was stunned beyond words.
That old man lowered his head as he blinked inside in an instant.
Nangong Changshu caught him by his shoulders and said. “Second Brother, we have not seen one another for many years. Why did you…you become like this?”
Qian Chi eyes looked idiocy as he muttered. “I am wrong, I am wrong…”
Mistress Nangong quietly said. “The past is over. Why must you mention it. Big Brother and I did not blame you and in fact…in fact we are sorry to you.”
Qian Chi suddenly laughed aloud. “I am wrong!” And he kneels in front of Nangong Changshu with tears flowing down and said. “Big Brother, I am so sorry to you, I am so sorry to you…”
Nangong Changshu as he held his shoulders, kneeled too. “Second Brother, please get up...”
Qian Chi said. “If I did not say everything, even if I were to die, I would also not get up! All these years, it has been inside me for twenty years!”
He lamented. “Twenty years ago, I had thought that Third Sister was after the wealth of the Nangong Aristocracy Family and the riches and glories therefore she had left me and marry you. I did not know that she had already fallen in love with you. I did not know that she married you not because she wanted to enjoy the luxuries of life but to suffer hardship and pain with you. I…left without saying a word and even attracted a great deal of enemies to harm you…”
Nangong Changshu sighed. “Second Brother, I and Third Sister we are all well. Why do you want to reproach yourself?”
Qian Chi shrieked. “If I cannot reproach myself, I will not feel good. All these years, I was cursing both of you secretly every day and every night. I was obsessed with finding more money, except for stealing and robbing, I tried all sorts of unscrupulous methods. I hid my name and identity, I eat sparely, everyone thought that I am a madman. I swear I will gather a wealth that is even vaster than the Nangong Aristocracy Family but…”
He suddenly threw his sack on the ground and lamented. “So what if I have a million now? So what can it do? Only till today that I know that wealth cannot buy true affection, even with a million, it cannot remove the heartbreaks that are inside the hearts of others. Big Brother, I…I am wrong. I am so sorry to you!”
Nangong Changshu was silence for awhile. “You have overheard just now?”
Qian Chi nodded with tears still flowing down his face.
Nangong Changshu gently lifted him up and said. “But no matter what, today the three of us are finally together, is indeed a joyous occasion.” He smiled and turned over. “Pinger, come over here and greet your Second Uncle. This is the famous ‘Shadowless Bronze Fist and Iron Hand’, your Second Uncle Lu Yixian.”
The Nangong Ping who had been stunned earlier recovered enough to walk over.
Lu Yixian, his tears had not dried yet, laughed. “Child, you didn’t expect to have such useless Second Uncle right!”
Mistress Nangong blinked her eyes, she did not know whether to laugh or cry, whether to feel sorrow or happy in her heart but tears flowed down as she croaked. “I didn’t expect we can finally see you again. I didn’t expect that you who always love to cloth yourself beautifully will become like this, are you…you poor to the point till you become crazy that you can’t even bear to buy a proper clothing.”
Lu Yixian laughed. “I am not poor till I am crazy but I am petty till I become crazy. In my sack I have a million silver but I am unwilling to even spend one copper.”
Nangong Changshu exclaimed. “You did all these just for her, alas! Really you!”
Mistress Nangong said. “Look at you. In front of our child, you should have said something more respectful.” In between her tears, she had started to smile.
These three people although they were filled with worries but they were now filled with the joyous moment of reunion. In that instant, they had returned to that beautiful moment when they were younger, twenty years ago when they had traverse so carefree in the Fraternity.
When Nangong Ping looked at the tears of joy, somehow he felt his sorrow had also started to diminish. He laughed. “Second Uncle you have a good capacity for drinks, do you want nephew to…
Before he could finish, there was a loud sound outside and three arrows that carried the sound of bells flew into the hall and struck upon the top of a red wood chest.
Lu Yixian expressions changed but he was laughing. “Marvelous, marvelous. Never did I expect the these wild bandits will use musical arrows and they actually shoot into Big Brother’s home!”
Nangong Changshu laughed awhile. “The one that shoot the arrows, his wrists strength is not weak. I wonder where this hero is from.”
At this moment of time there was a shout from the outside. “Ren Kuangfeng, Qin Luanyu have brought the heroes from the three mountains and eighteen strongholds to request some traveling expenses from the Master of the Nangong Manor. To open the door to welcome or not, we leave it to the Master of the Nangong Manor to decide.” His voice was clear and his morale was very high.
Nangong Changshu slightly raised his eyebrows and said. “Why did the Wind Rain Double Whips return from seclusion?”
Lu Yixian said. “If it is other unorthodox friends, I afraid they will not even go through this formalities and have already barged in."
He added. "When they charge in, we will immediately react.”
Mistress Nangong laughed. “No wonder you have a million wealth now, because you know the behavior of the present bandits so well...” When she laughed, she accidentally glance at Nangong Ping and did not continue.
When the enemies were at hand, the three of them could still laugh and made jokes. And they seemed like they had never even placed much importance to the infamous bandit ‘Wind Rain Double Whips’ in their eyes. Nangong Ping secretly muttered to himself. “I see that mother when she was young, she loved to joke around.”
Another shout came through the window and said. “You must know your limitations, hurry and reply us. When I shouted to ‘three’, my brothers will charge through the door! ‘One’!”
Lu Yixian flexed his arms, his body became larger and laughed. “I am not old yet, what about big brother?”
Nangong Changshu laughed. “I am not old either.”
Lu Yixian laughed aloud and said. “ Very good!” And suddenly he clapped his hands and there was a tingling sound. “Do we do it now?”
Nangong Changshu said. “Naturally.”
Mistress Nangong laughed softly. “Very good. Both you brothers still have your ‘Flower Guarding Bells’ but I, this flower, is now old.”
“Two!” Shouted from outside the window.
Lu Yixian laughed hilariously. “Us brothers have not grown old, how will you be old? Big Brother, am I still the one that gets to be the vanguard?”
Nangong Changshu replied. “Alright.”
When he had said ‘Alright’, Lu Yixian suddenly leapt into the air and did a somersault and then he landed on Nangong Changshu shoulders.
Nangong Changshu shouted. “Go!” And turned his hands over to push forward and Lu Yixian body became like a speeding arrow that flew across in great speed across the hall.
There was a ‘Pong’ sound as the door opened, followed by a tingling sound, and a golden light that was actually from a golden string flew past with the speeding person. And yet another golden string flew through the air from the hand of Nangong Changshu!
Yet another tingling sound and the golden strings seemed to merge, then Nangong Changshu sounded. “Back!” There was a cry of surprise from outside the entrance.
Before the cries could settle down, Lu Yixian was back at a startling speed and he had caught hold of the golden string in his left hand and on his right hand was the imposing body of an old man.
Lu Yixian gently released his hand and Ren Kuangfeng who was one of the ‘Wind Rain Double Whips’ landed heavily onto the ground!
Nangong Ping heaved a sigh of relief. Was he startled? Impressed? Looking carefully at the golden strings, he saw that attached to it were a pair of golden bells. When Lu Yixian made use of the strength of Nangong Changsun hands to fly across, he also released the golden bells on his hand at the same time. After he had flown across, Nangong Changshu released the bells in his hand after him.
These two pairs of golden bells when they hit one another also merge their golden strings that were attached to it. In that instant, when Lu Yixian had caught Ren Kuangfeng, he made use of the combine golden strings to fly back. It was indeed really like a speeding arrow and back like a wind. The speed was so instantaneous, so swift like a lightning bolt that even if the target was an expert fighter, he would be taken completely off guarded and could not defend in time.
Nangong Ping felt his hot blood rising to his head as he shouted without thinking. “What a good Flower Guarding Bells!”
There seemed to be confusion outside the hall as an old man greeted hilariously outside. “Is that the Three Swashbucklers that are in the hall?!”
Nangong Changshu and Lu Yixian laughed and laughed while Ren Kuangfeng slowly got up. His face was very pale and he looked very frightened as he trembled. “It is indeed the Three Swashbucklers!”
Lu Yixian laughed. “We have not met for many years. To think you can still recognize us brothers?”
Ren Kuangfeng sighed deeply with his head lowered. “I really cannot recognize the three of you. But this ‘Wondrous Rainbow, Lightning Bolt’ and the ‘Life Ending Golden Bells’ techniques, I will never forget.”
Lu Yixian laughed merrily as he said. “This wondrous rainbow, lightning bolt and that golden bells, when the bells start tingling, the soul will be taken away…haha! Big Brother, never expect that the occasional plaything that we invented will be called a epitome technique by the people in the Pugilistic fraternity.”
Suddenly he ceased his laughter and turned around. “Since you still remember us brothers, did you forget the deadly oath that you make in front of us years ago?!”
Ren Kuangfeng sighed, his head still lowered. “If I have known that the Master of the Nangong Manor is the ‘Compose Green Gown Swordsman’'of the Three Swashbucklers, even if I have the guts, I will never even approach a single step into the Nangong Manor.”
Lu Yixian coldly said. “Now that you know, what do you think should be done then!”
The confusion never ceased outside the hall. Ren Kuangfeng turned his head and shouted aloud. “Second Brother Qin, hurry and bring the brothers one mile out of the Nangong Manor. The Three Swashbucklers, they are here!”
Qin Luanyu rushed inside, he moved his glance around and his expression changed. “Indeed the mighty heroes are here, for the past twenty years we put in a lot of painstaking efforts to train but we are still unable to handle even one stroke from Hero Lu extraordinary stance.”
In the rainstorm outside, someone shouted. “What is the ‘The Three Swashbucklers’? Don’t tell me base on that, having come from afar, we have to go back home?” And then more than ten people had entered the hall.
‘The Three Swashbucklers’ looked solemn and did not say a word.
Qin Luanyu turned his back around and said. “Who say that?”
A man in a jacket on the left step forward and coldly said. “If you want us good friends to disperse, at least you should display some real prowess and not base on a few words and expect us to leave, am I not right to say so?”
The man on the right shouted. “Brothers, do you all agree?”
There was a muttering by the intruders and Ren Kuangfeng laughed awhile. “I see that it is the Chief of the White Stronghold.” He smiled and walked to their front and asked. “What do the two of you propose then?”
The man on the left said in a low voice. “Us brothers have come from thousands of miles, at least we should be given some traveling expenses. Although the two of you are Seniors but you should have think of us poor brothers.”
Ren Kuangfeng laughed. “Is one thousand silver enough?…Take it…” Suddenly he extended his hands outward. There were two sounds as the Bai brothers cried out as they vomited blood and fell to the ground.
Ren Kuangfeng laughed. “So which other brothers want their traveling expenses?”
There was no reply from the surrounding only the cries of the Bai brothers that grew fainter and fainter and finally they are dead. Tens of men stood together yet none of them dared to mutter a word.
Ren Kuangfeng became solemn again and shouted. “Go back now.”
Tens of men all without a trace of emotions turned back. None of them dare to turn their heads to look.
‘Wind Rain Double Whips’ turned their backs together toward Nangong Changshu.
Nangong Changshu sighed. “You brothers and I have known for a long time and you did not forget about us brothers. We can be called acquaintances. But now I have a sudden event here, therefore I cannot prepare wine as farewell. But if the two of you have any needs, I can still render my aid.”
Ren Kuangfeng lowered his head to say. “That you did not fault us, us brothers are greatly appreciated…”
Nangong Changshu said. “Since that is the case, I shall not force. I bide you brothers farewell.” He raised his hands together.
Just when Ren Kuangfeng and Qin Luanyu had turned, Lu Yixian suddenly asked. “Wait awhile. When the two of you first came, did you encounter the Diancang members?”
Qin Luanyu said. “More than half the Diancang Clan have been wounded or dead. Except for Diancang Yan and Black Heavenly Goose, only a few can still fight.” He replied after a pause. These two people were indeed experience old pugilists, they knew the reason why Lu Yixian had asked them. After they had finished, they left.
Lu Yixian solemnly said. “Now we know that it quite alright to send the chests out, Big Brother why don’t you seize this opportunity now?”
Nangong Changshu smiled. “The Envoy of the Divine Creator had already come once but he did not say where to send the chests. Even if we can send the chests out but to where?”
Lu Yixian was stunned but after awhile, he suddenly laughed. “But no matter what, no matter who will be there to stop us, just us alone, who can stop us when we want to go out!”
When he moved his body, the golden bells in his hands began to tingle. Its sound could be heard very clearly all around even with this heavy thunderstorm.
Nangong Ping looked at the golden bells that was in Lu Yixian hands, he began to think about how heroic the Three Swashbucklers were, he began to recite the poetic lines in his mind. ‘This wondrous Rainbow, lightning bolt and that golden bells, when the bells start tingling, the soul will be taken away’ and his eyes were joyous.
Lu Yixian laughed. “Child, can you hear what is so mysterious about the bell’s sound?”
Nangong Ping could only shake his head.
Mistress Nangong said. “These golden bells are actually your father’s family heirloom. There are a total of three sets. They don’t have anything special but when one of the golden bells began to vibrate, the other two will also start to vibrate. Although these golden bells are not really music instruments but they can be akin to that – when one began to sound, the others will follow.”
She took out a pair of golden bells from her clothing and passed it to Nangong Ping.
Lu Yixian shook the golden bells in his hand and the golden