The Flower Guarding Bells by Edmundshen - HTML preview

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Feng Mantian smiled. “Slowly you will know.” In between his smiles, he looked mysterious, in between his mysterious look, he carried a sorrow heart.
Nangong Ping could not guess the meaning of his words that therefore he did not ask anymore.

Chapter Sixteen Facing Death Happily

Feng Mantian toasted everyone a cup of wine and said. “Everyone has to part. I, Feng Mantian am glad that in this trip to Jiangnan, I will make friends out of all of you. I am really happy. But time is pressing, after this parting toast, I will have to go.”

Everyone thought that since his goods had not arrived yet and there should still be a few more days before parting, therefore everyone was jolted.
Mistress Nangong said in a trembling voice. “Why leave so hastily? If Hero Feng, you do not find look down on us, please stay for a few more days. I can also prepare a few more dishes and wine…”
Lu Yixian added. “Indeed, indeed. You and I, we do not know when we will meet again. Why not stay a little longer so that we can enjoy more of the Peacock Brew?”
Feng Mantian just smiled but did not reply. He just toasted them. Everyone knew that he had already made up his mind.
Mistress Nangong looked at Nangong Ping intently and muttered. “Hero Feng, you should really wait for a few more days before leaving so that at least tonight I can prepare a few more dishes…” Her head was in whirl and she could not continue!
She rose up and walked over to Nangong Ping. “Ping…er…”
Feng Mantian laughed heartily. “Really, life is like a dream, the cycle of life and death, of gathering and parting. Everyone here is an eminence people. Why not make it straightforward…pui…”
When he said ‘Pui’, everyone collapsed on the ground.
Nangong Ping felt sleepy and his eyes began to close. He could only see his mother’s sorrowful eyes looking at him like the full moon. Slowly, he collapsed into the darkness!
Divine Creator Temple, was it a mysterious place that the smart people had used to trick the stupid?
Or did the Divine Creator Temple never exist in the first place?
Or did the Divine Creator Temple only exist between the boundary of life and death?
Nangong Ping had reached an island; he did not know how he got here in the first place. In this plain land, there were pearls and gold scattered all over much like some one was stepping onto the soil. Even the leaves were like jades.
In the far distant, was imposing palace that was pure white. Its towers were golden and phoenixes flew in the skies above.
Then he spotted his parents among the crowd in the distant and with great delight he ran toward them. But suddenly he found out his legs accupoints had been hit and he could move. In that instant, the entire precious stones and riches had become garbage. And his parents, Mei Yinxue, Ye Manqing, Wang Susu, Long Fei was surrounded by tens of venomous snakes. And the eyes of the venomous snakes looked like Guo Yuxia eyes when she smiled…
He struggled with all his strength and with a great shout, he sprang forward…
He opened his eyes now and in front of him was a lamp and he was on a bed. He had broke into a cold sweat and was relief that all had been just a bad dream.
He felt his chest tore apart by his emotions and his tears began to flow. Did it mean now that his life did not belong to him? Was his life going to end just like that? But he had not repaid his parents yet for their upbringing and there was still so many things waiting for him to do.
After awhile, he swiped away his tears and rose up, muttering. “I need to go back, I need to go back…”
Suddenly there was a laugh outside the door as Feng Mantian entered. “You still want to go back?”
Nangong Ping replied firmly. “Indeed!”
Feng Mantian ceased his laughter and sighed. “Good, good. It is good to have some aspirations!” He appeared to be drunk.
Nangong Ping had many things to ask of him but when he saw his solemn looks, he did not have the will to ask anymore.
Feng Mantian said. “Follow me!”
The two of them went to the cargo hold of the ship. Nangong Ping cast his eyes around and saw that seawater was rushing into the ship. There were many cages in the cargo hold, mainly the wild beasts that Feng Mantian had brought back.
A thin solemn man was at the back of the cargo and a man in greasy clothing was smiling idiocy was standing besides him.
When Nangong Ping saw such a man, he began to loathe him. Although there were many poor fishermen, but at least they had a clean clothing. But this man was wearing greasy clothing, his look was repulsive, rustic and his laugh unbearable to his ears. Therefore he could not resist and asked. “Who is this man?”
Feng Mantian said. “The cook.”
Nangong Ping was stunned. To think that from now on, he had to eat what this man had to cook. He could not help feeling nauseous. He asked looking vexed. “Why did you find such a person?”
Feng Mantian laughed and said. “It is not easy for me to find these crewmen. Why will want to follow a stranger to the open seas?”
Nangong Ping asked. “Then how did Senior find them?”
Feng Manqing waved his hand and the parrot flew in. He said. “Ask Qi Ge to come in. That parrot began to shriek. “Qi Ge, Qi Ge…” And it flew in a circle around the ship. Soon, a dark man began to descend onto the cargo hold of the ship.
Nangong Ping was startled. This Qi Ge looked funny. He looked like a humpback but was tall and surprising nimbly.
Qi Ge lowered his head and said. “Master what…what orders do you have for me?” He stumbles in his speech and seemed not able to talk well.
Feng Mantian laughed and said. “He and I have changed into this big ship therefore we need a lot of crewmen. Moreover we have so many things to transport.”
Nangong Ping asked. “How many crewmen?”
Feng Mantian said. “Around eleven, twelve. Do you want to have a look at them?”
Nangong Ping said repetitiously. “No need!” After he had seen this Qi Ge that looked more like a beast and that greasy man, he already felt nauseous. He even thought that all these fierce tigers and wolves were more soothing to his eyes.
Nangong Ping wished that he returned to Jiangnan. The crewmen of this ship most of them looked horrible and they would look at him with weird stares like beasts that were hunting for their prey. It was totally different from the normal fishermen that Nangong Ping had known. He was always on guard against them but Feng Mantian did not seem to mind. And was constantly forcing him to drink with him.
Whenever Nangong Ping saw that convulsing man serving him food, he would feel very unbearable and he would drink some strong wines or else he would find himself unable to eat.
That convulsion man was really very convulsing. He did not even wash his face even once. Luckily, water was something very precious aboard the ship and his cooking was indeed very good. Although everyone disdained him but everyone endured him. He would occasionally broke out into an idiocy laugh and did not seem to place anything in his heart. When he saw Nangong Ping, he would laugh and Nangong Ping would try to avert his glance from him.
After many days, there was still no sight of any land. Nangong Ping could not resist asking. “Are we near?”
Feng Mantian coldly replied. “When we reach, you will know!”
The further the ship sailed; Feng Mantian would become more and more solemn. He even started to drink more and more wine.
One day, when Nangong Ping had too much of a drink and when he thought of his family, he felt bored and went to the deck. He looked at the vast expanses of the ocean and could not tell which was the ocean, which was the sky. Suddenly he heard an idiocy laugh approaching.
Since Nangong Ping did not wish to meet this man, he thought of leaving straight away. But when he saw two crewmen holding that convulsing man to the cargo, he could not resist following them as he thought them suspicious.
One of the crewmen was called Jin Song and the other was called Zhao Zhendong. These two men had some authority over the rest of the crewmen therefore Nangong Ping knew them.
Nangong Ping suddenly heard them talking using the speech of the unorthodox pugilists and he became even more suspicious.
They looked around to check if there was anyone. That Jin Song swiftness movement skill looked very good and had years of training. He almost discovered Nangong Ping as he ran past his hiding place when he said. “There is no movement. Only the crewman that is on duty at the front of the ship is active. The rest have slept!”
Zhao Zhendong began to push that convulsing cook down a pile of goods. When he fell, he could no longer laugh or smile.
Zhao Zhendong took out a knife and flashed it in front of the cook and smiled wickedly. “Do you want to live?”
The convulsing cook tried to speak but it was broken. “Naturally…Naturally I want to live!”
Zhao Zhendong said. “If you want to live, you must listen to us. To tell you honestly, we are vicious killers that killed without even bating our eyes. Anyone that rake out a living in the seas, will know that I am Boss Zhao of the Sea Leopard Gang!”
That convulsing cook was startled and carried a bitter face as he said. “Big…Big boss what orders do you…do you have for your servant.” Because he was scared, even his speech became blur.
Zhao Zhendong laughed coldly and said. “I doubt you dare to disobey me!” He took out a paper pouch and added. “Tomorrow make a chicken soup and spill half inside the soup, the half will be inside the rice!”
That convulsing man began to tremble. “Chicken soup do not need to put pepper!”
Zhao Zhendong laughed and scolded him. “Idiot, this is not pepper. Tell you what it is, it is poison. No matter, whoever eats it will surely die. Just remember not to eat it yourself. When I am rich, I will not forget your share. But if you leak this out, I will cut you to pieces and feed you to the fishes in the ocean, do you understand?”
The convulsing man began to nod many times.
Jin Song softly laughed. “I think that this loot is more than enough for us. That cripple and the freak as well as that young man with the handsome face are not to be trifled with.”
Zhao Zhendong coldly hummed and said. “Do you think that Wang Zhi, Sun Chao and that Li Laosao are good people? I think that the three of them had no good intentions for sneaking in the ship. They are most likely to be together. These unorthodox friends…If they are not on our side, we just finish them tomorrow as well.”
Suddenly some one flashed by and coldly said. “Boss Zhao, how vicious can you be. You even want to kill us brothers?”
Zhao Zhendong expression changed and he rose up, brandishing his knife. He said in a low voice. “Who is it?”
It was Li Laosao who appeared. He said. “Sneaky dog, hand over the poison.”
The convulsing man who had been sandwiched in between them looked more like a sneaky dog.
Li Laosao said. “Don’t be too rash to fight first. You must know that I have no ill intention by asking you to hand over the poison. Don’t underestimate that cripple. Do you think that with a pack of poison, you can settle him? What if were to he discovered it? You will only be alerting him and disrupt our plans. Throw the poison into the sea, I have a better idea!”
Zhao Zhendong halted his steps but he looked on with hatred in his eyes. “Who you think you are that you want Boss Zhao of the Sea Leopard to listen to you!”
Li Laosao coldly replied. “Do you really don’t recognize me? I am…” Suddenly he was besides whispering in Zhao Zhendong ear.
Zhao Zhendong had a big change in his expression, his body was even jolted and he dropped his knife onto the floor. He said in a trembling voice. “Why brings you…you…”
Li Laosao said. “Don’t say too much. Go back to the ship deck and have a nice sleep. When the time comes, I will inform you. Since your Sea Leopard Gang have already prepared much effort, I will not forget your share.”
Zhao Zhendong replied. “Yes…yes…” And he pulled Jin Song away.
That convulsing man was still at the back when ‘Li Laosao’ suddenly grabbed his shoulder and said. “What a audacity fellow. Do you think I did not see through your disguise! Give me your life!”
Nangong Ping was puzzled. “Is that convulsing man someone important too?”
But that convulsing man was looking afraid all the while and when Li Laosao had almost clapped the top of his head, he suddenly halted his attack and just patted the convulsing man. “Don’t be afraid. I am just testing you. Go now!”
That convulsing man began to leave but his glances were looking at Nangong Ping’s hiding place.
Nangong Ping was startled only to hear a rat running past. He had thought that the convulsing man had discovered his hiding place but it was only a rat that the convulsing man had saw. Nangong Ping felt like laughing.
When there were no one around, he quietly opened the door of the cargo hold and went through it…But his eyes caught the pair of bright eerie eyes looking at him. It was hiding behind the cargo hold door and was waiting for him to enter.
Nangong Ping guarded his body and chest with his hands only to discover that it was the freak Qi Ge.
Qi Ge smiled at him with his white teeth and walked away without a sound.
Nangong Ping was startled and though it was strange. “Did he also heard all the conversations? Then why did he not make a sound!” And he walked to look for Feng Mantian who was still drinking.
He did not turn his head and asked. “You are still awake? Do you want to have some drinks?”
Nangong Ping said solemnly. “I afraid that Senior would be unable to enjoy anymore drinks in the future, even if you wanted to do so!”
Feng Mantian laughed and said. “Is there any wine that I am unable to drink? Come tell me, I want to know!”
Nangong Ping said. “Senior, do you know that all the crewmen in this ship are all pirates?” He proceeded to tell him what he had heard.
But Feng Mantian remained indifferent.
Nangong Ping asked. “Although Senior you look down on them but at least in regards to their ploys, you should have some preparations or reactions…”
Feng Mantian laughed. “Do you think I do not know! Ever since all of them step into this ship, I have already known that none of them are a good man. Only that idiotic man is not with them that therefore I want him to be the cook. But I still have to take some precautions by placing an antidote that can cure a hundred poisons in those jars of wine. That is why I want you to drink some everyday to guard against them. If they really want to fight with me, haha, then it is time for them to die. When you see me drinking everyday, do you really think I am drunk?”
Feng Mantian laughed. “It just that I am old with experience and have seen much. If you of my age, you will begin to think their tricks and ploys are laudable but…I wonder who that Li Laosao is. He looks like a threat…”
Nangong Ping said. “I am sure he is someone important but in front of Senior, I doubt he can have the chance to exhibit his craftiness!” He was now very impressed with Feng Mantian and was not purposing praising him.
Feng Mantian laughed. “No matter what his background is, he wants that Zhao fellow not to put poison in the wine and food, he is indeed very clever. No matter how intricate they mix the drugs and poison, if I cannot tell, then it a waste of my seventy to eighty years of my life!”
Nangong Ping asked. “Senior, you are not thinking of exposing their ploy?”
Feng Mantian said. “Every day I will shout once, it is to frighten them and put them on their toes. If not, they will have started their ploys much earlier. If I expose the ploys too early, who will do the manual work on this ship?” He laughed. “I afraid when these evil men encounter me, they just have to admit their misfortunes.”
Nangong Ping was jolted and he had a thought. So he asked. “Senior, that couplet that you wrote, is it for them?”
Feng Manqing laughed and said. “Indeed. I already know that there be people who will be willing to come to me. Therefore I did not even need to search…” He laughed most heartily.
Nangong sighed and thought that although he deemed this old man with respected but he was also a frightening old man.
Feng Manqing said. “I have only a regret, do you know what it is?”
Nangong Ping shook his head and said. “I do not know.”
Feng Mantian sighed heavily and rested his arm loudly on the table. “My only regret is that no matter how much wine I can drink, I will never be drunk and I will remain clear headed. It is really sorrowful.”
He continued. “As the saying goes, if a person is drunk, it can cure a thousand sorrows. In this world, nine out of ten people drink to forget their sorrow…For someone like me, who can never be drunk, it is really the most unfortunate of the most unfortunate. This is my regret.”
Nangong Ping had never heard of such a theory before therefore he laughed. “Although it may be the case but Old Senior you have been a hero all your life and your fame is known throughout the fraternity. At your old age, you can even residue at the heavenly land of the Divine Creator Temple. It is really a double blessing. Why did you want to drown yourself with wine to forget sorrow?”
Feng Mantian was stunned for awhile and then he muttered. “Divine Creator Temple, Divine Creator Temple…” Suddenly he laughed bitterly and sighed. “I have the wines as my companion. As for you, go and have a sound sleep!”
Before he went to sleep, Nangong Ping was still feeling strange why did Feng Mantian wanted to drown himself silly drunk to forget his sorrow?

The next day, when he went to the bow of the ship, he saw Zhao Zhendong, Jin Song and that Li Laosao doing their usual tasks. Naturally, he pretended to be in the dark about their ploys but he could not help feeling sad about their fates.

Li Laosao was fishing at the side of the ship with a fishing rod.

The sun was about to set when Feng Mantian walked to the deck of the ship and looked at him fishing intently.
Nangong Ping laughed. “Fishing in this vast ocean, is it possible for any fish to get hook?”
Feng Mantian said. “As long as there is a hook in the ocean, sooner or later there be a fish!”
Before he had finished, Li Laosao fishing line was jerking. And he fished out a red colored brass.
Feng Mantian sighed. “This type of fish is the most delicious of all the fishes and is called the ‘Red Fish’. And it is also excellent to eat while drinking too. But a pity we do not have a cook such as your mother here.”
When he unwitting mentioned Mistress Nangong, Nangong Ping looked downcast but immediately he smiled. “My cooking is not bad either.”
Feng Mantian asked in delight. “Really?”
Nangong Ping laughed. “Naturally it is true!” Because he wanted to help the old man to lessen his sorrows, he took the fish down to the kitchen to cook.
Nangong Ping was really highly endowed. Not only did he know the arts, he just needed to pick and learn, and he would become an expert in them. The same went for cooking which required knowledge of fire, ingredients, slicing. If any one of them were offside, then the taste would vary greatly.
Feng Mantian looked on happily when he was preparing the dish. Even the convulsing man was smiling idiocy at the side.
Now the dish was almost ready. The color, fragrant and the aroma were all there.
Feng Mantian could no longer wait and even before the dish of fish could be carried to the dining room, he had finished half of the fish.
Feng Mantian laughed and said. “You should try your cooking too!’
Nangong Ping picked the fish tail and slowly sampled it. When he saw the happy smiles on the old man’s face, he was happy too.
Feng Mantian turned back his head to see that freak Qi Ge looking at the fish too so he said. “You want to eat too? Take the fish head!”
And that Qi Ge really took the fish head and swallowed it whole including the bones. Nangong Ping was shocked for words for he really looked like a beast that was swallowing his food.
Feng Mantian laughed. “Good, good. A wonderful mother will surely have a wonderful son. I didn’t expect that you could really cook so well…” Suddenly his laughter was no more, like a knife that suddenly took away his laughter.
His face was green and he suddenly yelled. “No good!”
And he suddenly plunged at Nangong Ping with his claws extending to him. Nangong Ping was stunned but Feng Mantian snatched away the unfinished fish tail in Nangong Ping’s hands and shouted. “Good grief! I actually fell into their trick! The fish has been poisoned. Hurry and kill all those evil heretics!”
Li Laosao eerily laughed.
Qi Ge howled and then charged fiercely at one of the men from the Sea Leopard Gang. Because that man had already been frightened by his howl, he did not know how to react; therefore Qi Ge crushed him and killed him instantly on the spot.
Qi Ge proceeded to grab another man who was also too frightened to move but suddenly Qi Ge collapsed on the floor with blood foaming from his mouth.
Nangong Ping killed one man with a palm technique on the spot but when he exchanged blows with Jin Song, he felt dizzying spells in his head and he could not focus. He secretly thought. “Forget it!” He did not wish to fall into their hands and therefore he wanted to commit suicide by jumping into the ocean!
But Zhao Zhendong suddenly grabbed his belt and laughed. “You want to die comfortably? Stop dreaming.” He found himself being pulled back and thereafter he lost his consciousness!
Feng Mantian was attacking Li Laosao. Li Laosao after seeing him still so spirited was startled by his martial display therefore he did not dare to exchange blows with him and only evade and taunting him. “Old freak, why don’t you collapse!”
Although he was fast but Feng Mantian was even faster till the point of unbelievable. Feng Mantian caught Li Laosao by his clothing in double quick time and Li Laosao tried to break free by using all his strength. His clothing was tore and he jumped into the ocean as he broke free of Feng Mantian.
Feng Mantian went to the next man and struck him dead. He wanted to kill all the crewmen but this drug was a special drug and the poison inside him was deep and now he started to see shadows flying all over. After a few staggering moves, he knew that he could no longer hold his ground. He was a hero of his times but now he found himself fallen to a few petty men. He unwitting sighed. “I hate myself!” And he finally collapsed.
Everyone was too scared or too shocked to react. They were only too glad that Feng Mantian had finally collapsed.
Even the convulsing man was at the deck to take a look after hearing all those cries.
At this moment of time, Nangong Ping, Feng Mantian, Qi Ge had all fainted on the ground, leaving the parrot hovering around shrieking. “It is a joke…it is a joke…”
Li Laosao had climbed back to the ship. He was wet all over. He looked around and exclaimed. “It is still looking good. Only four had died!” He waved his hands and said. “Throw the dead to the sea and wash the floor. Tomorrow morning I want to sacrifice these three inhumane people.”
He then proceeded to hit the accupoints of Nangong Ping, Feng Mantian and Qi Ge. And as an extra precaution, he tied them tightly with ropes.
Zhao Zhendong and everyone were greatly impressed with Li Laosao.
Li Laosao had secretly poisoned the fishing bait with drugs. When that fish had swallowed the bait, naturally the fish was poisoned as well. Because Feng Mantian had saw with his own eyes that the fish was caught in the open sea, and that it was Nangong Ping that cooked it personally, he became careless. Moreover that Li Laosao was the same person that urged everyone not to use poison. Therefore this hero of the times was now lying on the deck floor.

Once it was dawn, seawater was drowsed on the three of them instantly awakened them.
Nangong Ping thought that the sun was piercing to his eyes and then a piecing laughter was heard in his ears and therefore he was awakened.
It was Li Laosao that was laughing. He coldly laughed. “It just one of my thirty-six ruses, to think that I have just exhibited just one ruse and you have fallen into it. It is really so disappointing.” Although the way he said it, it meant he was disappointed but in fact he was very proud of it.
Nangong Ping cast his eyes around him and saw that Feng Mantian and Qi Ge had been jailed in a cage. Except for their eyes, they were not able to move at all.
Li Laosao had a whip in his hand and he pointed it at Feng Mantian. “Feng Mantian, what do you have to said? I heard that your martial ability has no equal in this world but today you are mine to slaughter.”
Although Feng Manqing had awakened but he did not opened his eyes. He only coldly hummed and slowly said. “I have lived long enough. If you want to slice or cut, it is up to you.”
Li Laosao said. “I have waited for this chance for several tens of years. Finally you have fallen into my hand. If I have let you die so comfortably, it will be so undeserved to you.” Suddenly he became very sharp when he said the last sentence.
Feng Mantian opened his eyes and he turned ashen. “You…you. It is actually you!”
Li Laosao laughed. “Good, good. You have finally discovered it? But what a pity, it is too late!”
And he started to whip Feng Mantian.
Nangong Ping heard a tiger howl behind him and he turned back to take a look – He was caged in with a tiger. That tiger was about to pound on him when it received a lashing from Li Laosao whip and instantly became docile.
From Li Laosao mannerism and his ability to control tiger, Nangong Ping had a sudden jolted in his mind and he suddenly remembered a person. He grasped. “Lady Proudness!”
‘Li Laosao’ laughed. “Good, good. Even you have recognized me.” ‘He’ turned around and when ‘he’ turned back again, the ‘Li Laosao’ was no more and she had now become Lady Proudness!
Nangong Ping sighed and thought to himself. “No wonder her face is always so solemn and even nicked by others as dead face. No wonder she can put poison in the fish bait and she has the ability to tame tiger. She is actually Lady Proudness. Today I have fallen into her hands…alas!” He closed his eyes and was silence for he knew that in front of Lady Proudness, talking was in vain. He only hoped for a quick death.
Lady Proudness walked to Feng Mantian and rubbed his face. She softy laughed. “Old man Feng, I have thought of you for so many years. What do you think that I will plan to do with you? Can you guess?”
She took out a very small silk pouch and added. “Do you know what is inside my silk pouch?”
Feng Mantian closed his eyes and refused to say a word.
Lady Proudness shifted her eyes and giggled. “Inside this pouch is the most powerful aphrodisiac in the world. Just one sniff and you will be immediate on heat. Do you want to take a sniff!”
Feng Mantian turned even more ashen but still refused to open his eyes or talk.
Lady Proudness held the silk pouch and said. “Come, take a sniff to see if it is fragrant. After you have sniffed it but because you still can’t move, that feeling must be so comfortable. I promise you it will be the most comfortable thing that you will feel…” (She talking in reverses)
Nangong Ping felt a chill in his spine. This sort of torture, he had never heard of but it was definitely more unbearable than any other types of torture. He could not resist opening his eyes to take a look.
Lady Proudness had already placed the pouch nearer and nearer to Feng Mantian nose. Although he had his eyes and mouth closed but he was now breaking in cold sweat. This hero of his times, try as he could, he could not even move an inch to turn his nose away.
Suddenly a tiger roar temporary distracted Lady Proudness as she turned to have a look and she spotted some one looking at her with his eyes wide opened. It was the convulsing man and he was stammering. “You…how did you suddenly become a woman!”
Lady Proudness shifted her beautiful eyes and suddenly laughed lovingly. “Do you think I am beautiful?”
The convulsing man nodded and said. “Beaut…Beautiful!”
Lady Proudness laughed. “Since you can appreciate if I am beautiful or not. Good. Hurry and make some delicious dishes and I will let you look at me!”
That convulsing man opened his mouth and idiocy laughed for a few times before he climbed down the ship deck.
Lady Proudness brushed her hair aside and softly laughed. ?