The Flower Guarding Bells by Edmundshen - HTML preview

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The old man added. “But if you swear a sacred oath, I will not be afraid that you will break your promise. Because anyone that breaks their oath in the Divine Creator Island, they will implicate all their relatives as well. Do you know who is your kin on the island?”

Nangong Ping said. “When did I have a kin on the island…” Suddenly he remembered his Grand Uncle who had went to the Divine Creator Temple a generation ago. He was his kin! He said. “I know now.”

The old man said. “It is good that you know.”
Therefore Nangong made the vow and when the ship arrived at the Divine Creator Island, the old man bandaged his head for him and gave him fresh clothing. He was next brought to a cave and was told to mediate inside for a hundred days.
When Mei Yinxue arrived, he wanted to open his eyes so much. Thousands of times he wanted to do so and tell her he was willing to die together with her. But how could he because of his own personal feeling, caused the death of his Grand Uncle? Although he did not placed his own life above self but the lives of others were extremely precious to him.

He had many things to say but it had to wait until he had the chance to meet his Grand Uncle.
But now, this white hair old man who controlled the lives of everyone in the Divine Creator Island asked. “Do you really want to see your kin?”
Nangong Ping said. “Definitely!”
The old man laughed coldly. “Since you have forgot your past, why must you bother to see your kin in the material world?”
Nangong Ping was startled.
The old man said gravely. “You must know that I require everyone on the Divine Creator Island to forget about feeling, interest, fame and desire. Everyone that I have invited to the island, is the best of the best in the Fraternity. That is the reason why I have these four rules.”
Nangong Ping coldly said. “I really don’t see why there are causes for this reason. And I also cannot see how Senior, you are going to explain the logic to these rules!”
The old man said. “It is because I want to build many unprecedented achievements on this Divine Creator Island. I require everyone to give their very best and don’t to be distracted by world interference. If this foundation of mine succeed, then all the achievements of past emperors and generals cannot be compared to mine. I only find it laudable the people of Fraternity thought of the Divine Creator Temple as a place of refuge and solitaire.”
Nangong Ping could not resist asking. “What foundation?”
Light shone in the old man’s eyes as he explained. “When everyone is but a little child, they will have many fantastic dreams. When they grown up, this fantasy will be even grander and beautiful. When you are a child, did you ever fantasizing about turning iron to gold or even turn invisibility? And all the most ridiculous things that you can think of?”
Nangong Ping could not help giving a smile as he thought of the times when he was a child but he said. “So what?”
The white hair old man said. “Turning iron to gold and becoming invisible are the two most commonest fantasy of mankind. No matter who it is, in his entire lifetime, in his deepest recess of his heart, he is sure to have this kind of fantasy. Some fantasies are not that crude compared to these two examples. When I thought of it, I will feel very delightful. Some people hope that that without reading a book, just by burning it to ashes, mixed it with water and drink it, they can absorb all the knowledge. Some others hope that without using candles and oil, they can cause the surrounding to have light. Some others hope that horse carriage can fly and they can then roam the world freely. Some others hope that just by eating a pill, they will become very smart and or they do not need to eat anymore food.”
He paused for awhile before continuing. “Long ago there is a funny joke. Surely you have heard of it before. Someone say if your eyebrow can grow on your fingers, then you can use it to brush your teeth. If the nose is upside down, then your nasal mucus will not leak. If your eyes can grow in front of you and also at the back, then you don’t have to turn your head anymore. This funny joke is my fantasy but this fantasy has now become a reality. If you want your eyebrows to be on your fingers, your nose to be upside down, I will help you to do that. If you do not believe, you are free to try it.”
And his shoulders began to stretch as though he wanted to rise.
Nangong Ping immediately said. “I think it is better if my nasal mucus can flow and it not bothersome for me to turn my head too.”
The old man laughed. “Not only is my fantasy a reality now but the fantasy of others are also soon to be a reality.”
Nangong Ping was startled and he asked in fright. “Really?”
The old man said. “After I have removed their world desires, I take them here to research…”
He pointed to the stone caverns on both sides and added. “All these caves are where they are working on their research. Why don’t you close your eyes for awhile and think what happens when their fantasy become a reality? Surely it will be known to all throughout the ages.”
Nangong Ping was stunned. He did not know if this old man was a superhuman or a madman.
Suddenly the old man became solemn and lifted his hand. “Today I have talked too much and my work has been delayed. After you entered this place, your movements and speech will not be restricted and every year you are allowed to go out only once. For now, why don’t you go around and take a look. You can also stay in any of one of the caves until I summon for you tomorrow.”
Nangong Ping was still recovering from shock. He looked around his surroundings. Although he was curious about what they were doing but he dared not face them. It was because he dare not imagine what they were doing. If all these fantasies were to become realities, then what would become to the world?
He thought. “No wonder Feng Mantian wanted to buy all those weird things. No wonder the Devil Flock Island wanted to stop all those chests from reaching here. I think that is because they had some news of what is going on here and are afraid that once they can turn fantasies into realities, then the people on the Devil Flock Island will become the slaves of the Divine Creator Temple.”
He unwitting walked into a cave while he was thinking. He saw that this cave was quite big and airy. Two old men sat inside with books and papers. When they saw Nangong Ping, they did not seemed to be startled. Nangong Ping did not dare to ask them for their names and only asked them what were they researching.
One of them old men began to patiently explain to him that they were researching a new way to build a house. It started from the roof instead and then slowly constructed to the base. He explained that this building method was the same as what was used by the bees and spiders, two of the world’s most brilliant insects.
Nangong Ping thanks them and went to another cave. Another two old men told him that they were researching a type of medicine water that could replace hunger and thirst for ten days. They had some problems with the medicine water because the mixture did not seem right but the day when they would succeed was forthcoming.
He went to another cave and saw an old man who had been researching invisibility for the past sixty years. And the old man began to explain the principles of invisibility to him. Although he looked like he was listening but in fact he was too distracted to listen – He was confused and did not know whether to laugh or cry. He really did not know if they were all superhuman or madman.
There were all kinds of research going on, all kinds of ideas, some he had not even heard of it before. He wondered if some of the ideas might or might not come to reality in the future.
But there were some traces of curiosity left in his heart, therefore he unwittingly walked into another dark cave. Just when he was about to turn his body to walk away, he heard a low but solemn voice asking. “Who?”
Nangong Ping focused his eyes and saw that there was someone in the corner. So he thought to himself. “I wonder what this madman is researching.” Therefore he asked what he was doing.
Then the old man started to mutter. “I am researching how to change air to food. Air…do you know what is air! Air is something that exist between the heaven and the earth…” Suddenly he stopped and slowly rose up. He asked in a trembling voice. “Pinger, is…that…you…”
Nangong Ping was jolted and move back three steps. “You…” Suddenly he fell down from the cave. He mustered all his vital energies and somersaulted in mid-air. And then jumped up to the cave again. He saw the white hair old man in the cave looking at him most intensely.
The eyes were so familiar, so deeply engraved into his heart. Nangong Ping looked for awhile before his whole body started to tremble and he sprang forward. “You…you…Mentor Master!”
He kneel down on the ground, at this white hair old man – he was actually Nangong Ping’s benevolence teacher, the number one warrior of the entire Pugilist, the Immortal Divine Dragon Long Bushi!
It was so unbelievable that the two of them would meet under such circumstances. Both of them were so shocked, so happy and so curious and it seemed a dream. It was more wondrous than a dream yet so real.
Nangong Ping asked. “Mentor Master, how did you come to this place?”
Long Bushi said. “Pinger, how did you come here?” He was even more curious to know about Nangong Ping. Never in his wildest dreams, did he expect a young man like Nangong Ping to be on the Divine Creator Island that was peopled by reclusive old men.
After Nangong Ping had calmed down, he began to relate all his happenstance from tail to head. He added. “Your disciple has one more thing to report to you. Your disciple have already married.”
Long Bushi was surprised and happy. “Who is that girl?”
Nangong Ping replied. “Mei Yinxue!”
Long Bushi was even more surprised. Only when Nangong Ping had related everything to him did he sighed deeply. “People say that a beauty is borne under a unlucky sign. This girl is really the unlucky of the unluckiest. I only hope that she will have a tranquil happiness that will compensate her for her entire life of misfortunes and wrongs. But…” He sighed and did not continue.
Nangong Ping was grieved to his innermost. Master and disciple began to sit in silence to reflect upon their sorrows and grief. That was because the two of them shared the same sorrows and grief regarding their loves.
Nangong Ping tried to move the topic to other things. “When your disciple saw the message ‘Guest of the Heavenly Emperor’, I thought that Mentor Master has gone to a faraway place. I wonder what happen on that day on the Huashan Peak? How did Mentor Master get here?”
Long Bushi closed his eyes and lowered his head. He muttered. “Huashan Peak, Huashan Peak…” He covered his eyes with his hand and did not say anything.
Nangong Ping knew from his expression that it had to do with his grief and sorrows therefore he did not ask anymore. He had wanted to ask what happened to Danfeng Ye Qiubai.
After a long silence, Long Bushi sighed again and said. “Forty years ago, when I first heard of the name of Divine Creator Temple, I was filled with fantasies and hopes. But now when I am here, I am really disappointed but…alas! It is now too late.”
Nangong Ping tried to lighten the mood by saying. “Mentor Master, air is an invisible thing between the heaven and the sky. What method did you use to convert air to food? Then there will not be hungry people in the world anymore!”
Long Bushi finally laughed. “Pinger, do you know that most of the people on this island are madmen? Even if they are not madmen but after that one hundred days of imprisonment and brainwash, they are as good as walking corpse…”
When Nangong Ping thought of those white hair old men sitting outside the wooden huts, he began to sigh deeply for it was such an unbearable loneliness.
Long Bushi said. “The craziest among all these madmen is the Lord of this island. Under his jurisdiction, anyone who has a clear mind will be deemed a madman. When I reached here and saw all these, I really cannot bear to go back to face all those walking corpses out there, therefore after thinking for a long time, I propose a ridiculous theory to him!”
Nangong Ping laughed. “What kind of theory?”
Long Bushi said. “I told him that the reason why flowers and trees can thrive so well is because they can absorb the nutrients in the air. If humans can be like the plants and convert the air to food, then it will really save a lot of manpower and resources since the air is limitless. And it can be used to save the lives of hungry people as well.”
He laughed. “When the Lord of the island heard my theories, he was really very happy and heap praises onto the project. He thought that it was the most magnificent project ever. He promises to give me anything that I need. Therefore I have many delicious wines over here.” Although he was laughing but he could not hide his loneliness. This number one warrior in the Martial Fraternity had actually tried to drown his sorrows with wines.
Although Nangong Ping would like to laugh with him but he really could not laugh.
The people of the Divine Creator Island, were they all geniuses or madmen, were they the superior one, or the weaker one, Nangong Ping really could not tell anymore.
When Long Bushi noticed that he was sighing, he ceased his laugh and said gravely. “Pinger, although I drown my sorrows with wine but never once did I lost any hope. I am always waiting for a chance. When that Lord of this island summon you into his audience again, ask him for permission to be sent here to research the ‘mysterious food’. We will have a chance in another few months time. When that time comes, with the two of us, our chances of succeeding will be much higher.”
It was because every year there was a day that was called the Wild Day. On that day, everyone could freely move around.

The next day the Lord of the Island summoned Nangong Ping to his presence. He had wanted to give a special function to him because he was a member of the Nangong Aristocracy Family but hearing from him that he wanted to partake in that ‘Grand Project’, he immediately agreed.

Time passed, although the days seemed unbearable long but Nangong Ping had learnt to endure. From time to time, that Lord of the Island would summon him into his presence but only just to look at him for awhile and just said a few words. He had noticed that the mysterious Lord’s eyes showed signs of confusion and anxiety. And every time he was summoned, this type of confusion and anxiety in his eyes would increase. He thought. “Did the Lord of the Island discovered the dangers that were lurking on the island?”

During those days of waiting, Long Bushi did not say many things. He told Nangong Ping to adapt to changes for the walls had ears.
Therefore during those days of waiting, Nangong Ping began to refresh all the instructions of the secret manuals that he had completely memorized into his heart. He found out that his eyesight had become sharper and his body gradually become lighter. He did not know how much his martial abilities had improved. Sometimes he would sigh when he thought of those that were his kin and friends that were thousands of miles away.
One day while he was mediating, he suddenly heard a loud sound of applause. And a great deal of old men began to spring past him muttering. “The day has arrived!”
Nangong Ping asked. “What day has arrived?”
An old man stopped to reply him coldly. “What you want to do, you can do. The day has arrived.” And he was gone in an instant.
Nangong Ping was startled and muttered. “How much does he actually know? …” (Referring to the Lord of the Island)
Long Bushi coldly hummed behind him. “No matter how much he knows, after today, he will not know anything.”
Nangong Ping asked. “By removing him?”
Long Bushi said. “That is right!” He gently tapped his shoulders and said. “Wait for a chance and adapt yourself to changes. If you cannot see any ship or raft, even if we have to swim, we have to get out of this place!”
When Nangong Ping heard his Mentor Master’s firm conviction, he began to believe that nothing was impossible. They sprang out of this cavern in an instant. Along the way, they spotted many old men that were walking quietly. Except for their eyes, they were really like a walking corpse.
After exiting from the secret door, Nangong Ping was glad to breathe in the fresh air and embraced in the wind. It was like his life was being energized. He looked around him and secretly swore that in order to exchange for this life and freedom, he would be willing to sacrifice anything.
Long Bushi had since sprang in front of him and had already disappeared from view. Nangong Ping scouted the other areas for possible areas for escape. Finally he was back to that wooden hut but for now the area was totally changed. The old men were feasting and drinking, their eyes looked delight although they still did not say anything. At this moment of time, fine wine and delicious food were many times more valuable than precious stones. Although precious stones were definitely very precious in the material world but it were worthless here.
Nangong Ping saw their eyes darting around and thought. “Are they trying to run away too because they too find the life here too unbearable?”
Therefore he instantly discovered that among the feasting, there was indeed a kind of malevolent air hidden within it. His heart jumped and he looked around for his Mentor Master but he was nowhere to be seen.
Suddenly he heard laughter coming from behind the trees. Suddenly his mind jolted and he turned around and saw Feng Mantian sitting under a giant tree. He looked very haggard and fragile and had undergone countless days of torture.
He had suddenly discovered that tried as he could, he could not numb his feelings. He bowed respectfully to him and said. “Senior, because of me, it has been very hard on you.”
Feng Mantian smiled. “Hard on me? …” Suddenly his laughter became very sharp and he said. “It good that it have been hard on me. The pains have caused all my feelings that are numbed to revive once more. All these pains have jolted me and given me the courage to resist!”
He caught hold of Nangong Ping’s shoulders and asked excitedly. “Child, take a look over there. Did you see anything strange about those old men over there?”
Nangong Ping had noticed the excitement in his voice and he recalled the mysterious looks of those old men. In that instant, he almost jumped up. “Are all of you…”
Feng Mantian nodded. “That is right! I have secretly fanned their rage and ambitions. Today, yes today, there will be a grand show on this island between those old men from inside the mountains and us. Either we are going to send them to hell or we will die! Even if we are to die, we don’t wish to live a life like this anymore, am I right?”
Nangong Ping nodded his head and suddenly he remembered something. “Where is the ship? Is there a ship around here…”
Feng Mantian asked. “Ship! What do we want a ship for?”
Nangong Ping was startled. “If there is no ship, how are we going to go back? Do we have to sprout wings and fly across the ocean?”
Feng Mantian laughed awhile and then coldly said. “Go back? Who say anything about going back?”
Nangong Ping was startled again.
Feng Mantian sighed deeply and explained. “Have you ever thought of this before. If you let all these eccentric old men go back to the Central Plains, won’t the entire Fraternity be plunged into a turmoil?”
Nangong Ping lowered his head. He really did not even dare to think about it!
Feng Mantian laughed. “Go have some wines first and then quietly wait for a nice show.”
Nangong Ping said. “Senior…”
Feng Mantian said. “I know what is in your heart. But a pity without a boat or a ship, you are unable to go back.” He extended his wooden staff and sprang away.
Nangong Ping leaned against the tree, looking downcast and absorbed in his thoughts. After awhile he heard the sound of drums and saw five elderly men with golden headdress appearing followed by five golden fur beastmen at the back. They were carrying a stone bed. On top of the stone bed sat the Lord of the Divine Creator Island.
Although it was noon, but his complexion was very pale, almost transparent. He seemed to be afraid of the sun and ordered the beastmen and the elderly men to take him to the shade. Suddenly there was a hilarious laughter among the crowd.
On the Divine Creator Island, laughter was almost a non-existent thing and yet this hilarious laughter was so audacious.
The Lord of the Divine Creator Island immediately swept his glance around and he soon pinpointed the source of the laughter. He questioned gravely. “Shou Yuan, why are you laughing?”
Feng Mantian stomped the ground with his wooden staff that he had been using as a crutch. He walked out of the crowd and said aloud. “Feng is the surname of my ancestor. Mantian is the name given to me by my parents. A real man will never change his name, much less his surname! I am Feng Mantian, who is Shou Yuan?”
Although everyone looked emotionless but because it had been so many years since they had last heard such straightforward and frank words that burning fire once again incited their dead eyes!
The Lord of the Divine Creator Island said gravely, displaying no traces of any emotions. “Good! Feng Mantian, why are you laughing?”
Feng Mantian laughed hilariously once more. “It is so laudable alas, it is so laudable. All the people on this island used to be such great heroes in the past. But now they have all become a walking corpse and even have to listen to a halfinsane, half-idiot and he is a half-cripple freak as well. If I were to tell it to the outside people, surely no one will even believe me. Don’t you find it laudable too!”
The Lord of the Divine Creator Island was now staring at Feng Mantian with his piercing eyes but he did not say anything yet.
Feng Mantian straightened his body and his laughter suddenly ceased. “The reason why I come here is because I am weary of the material world and come here for solitaire. I didn’t come here to be under your tyrannical rule and to be live like a prisoner. Let me ask you this, what virtue and capability do you have to lord over these best of the best heroes of the Fraternity?”
Although all the old men did not say anything but their spirits received a jolt. Nangong Ping was even more so and almost clapped his hands in thunderous applause!
Without lifting his eyes off him, the Lord of the Divine Creator Island slowly said. “Marvelous, since you dare to laugh like this, surely you must have some confidence. So…” He suddenly swept his eyes around. “If anyone else share his opinion, please step forward!”
Nangong Ping was standing behind some trees, therefore he could not see his eyes but noticed that his voice seemed to have some mysterious ability to dazzle people. He looked around and saw that all those old men that were standing in front had become emotionless again. They did not even have the intentions to step forward and instead took a few steps back.
The Lord of Divine Creator coldly said. “So it is only you?”
Feng Mantian expressions changed and he turned around to shout. “What are you all afraid of? What happen to our plans that we have discussed for many a days? Have you all forgotten about it?”
No one said a word…
Feng Mantian was as white as sheet and clutched his wooden staff tightly.
The Lord of the Divine Creator Island coldly said. “So it seems that you have the intention to usurp the position of the Lord of the Lords for yourself. That is only too easy…”
Suddenly he laughed eerily and the five elderly men with golden headdress had instantly surrounded Feng Mantian from all sides.
The Lord of the Divine Creator Island said. “If I simply order them to capture you, surely even if you were to die, you would not rest in peace. All these years, as one of the Seven Stewards, surely your martial techniques may not be inferior to me. Therefore as long as you can defeat me, from now on, all matters pertaining to the island will be decided by you!”
Feng Mantian clenched his fists tighter and tighter and his fingers looked even whiter and whiter. He slowly lifted his hands but he was trembling. He lifted his staff that looked like a hook and pointed at the Lord of the Lords.
The Lord of the Divine Creator Island looked at him like a hunter looking at a prey. Both of them did not move an inch yet but Feng Mantian looked more and more grave.
Everyone was looking more and more nervous as well…
One must know that they were using supreme martial techniques in a life and death fight! Although Feng Mantian staff appeared to be shaking slightly but each slight movement had the potential to unleash a mighty stroke. As long as the Lord of the Divine Creator Island would show even a slight opening or weakness, victory was his! Indeed as the saying goes, when top exponents of the Fraternity were to duel, it all lies with a single stroke at that instant of time!
Both of them were intently searching for any signs of weakness and opening. Both of them were trying to use their physiological aura to weaken the mental strength of one another. This duel not only concerns their life and death but it also involved all the fates of all the best top exponents in the Fraternity who had long retired.
Feng Mantian breathing slowly became steady. Although many times he wanted to use all his might to exhibit a stance but this Lord of the Divine Creator Island had no weakness and opening to explore. How could he dare to simply use his stance? The one dead would surely be him if he would to recklessly attack.
Nangong Ping was constantly looking afar. He kept repeating his Mentor Master last order into his heart. “Adapt yourself to changes!” Now that his Mentor Master was not around, how could he recklessly act?
The Nangong Ping of the present was now different from his past. His brain had absorbed the knowledge of a hundred different martial schools. He had long noticed that the trembling staff of Feng Mantian, each slight tremble hid a marvelous wondrous stroke! But he did not attack because he had placed his senses above strokes, to use sense before stance.
Although he was very happy that he could actually senses Feng Mantian martial techniques now but he was also very worried. Because every stroke that was unleashed would surely be earth shaking. But Feng Mantian did not dare to attack recklessly, then would it not mean that the Lord of the Divine Creator Island who was sitting down there without moving, his martial skills would reached the point of acme, into the point of unfathomable?
Feng Mantian secretly sighed in his heart. “I give up!” And he lifted his staff to begin the life and death struggle.
Suddenly there was a great shout from the back. “Wait a minute!” It was Nangong Ping who had sprang out. It was because he had remembered all the good things and care that Feng Mantian had given him. How could he stand behind and watch him die?
Everyone was slightly startled.
Nangong Ping said in a clear voice. “Nangong Ping will stand alongside with Senior Feng on the same side!” And he stood in front of Feng Mantian.
The Lord of the Divine Creator Island coldly said with his eyes wide opened. “You have come to take this position of the Lord of the Lords as well?”
Nangong Ping said matter of fact. “Wrong! I support Old Senior Feng in his deeds and words. If because of fear, I did not dare to say it loud, it would be really unbearable much like pain sticking in my back and my throat would feel like it has been straggled by a whip!”
The Lord of the Divine Creator Island laughed coldly. “What a good examples. Do you know that what place is this? Look around you, all these top martial experts that are around you, which of them isn’t a hero of their times? Is there a room for you to talk?!”
Nangong Ping said aloud. “If Old Senior Feng is wrong, even if all the people here are the weak and the elderly, I will still do the same. But if Old Senior is right, even though all the people here are the top exponents of the Fraternity, I will still stand up and support! I only ask what is right and wrong, not to advance my own interest. Although my martial ability is not high but at least my conscious is better than all these earth shaking top martial exponents!”
Some of the old men began to feel ashamed.
The Lord of the Divine Creator Island gravely said. “You are so young, do you not know how to treasure your own life?”
Nangong Ping laughed aloud. “Rather than suffer humiliations and indignation, it is better to die now!”
Feng Mantian shouted. “That is the way of a true man!”
The Lord of the Divine Creator Island said coldly. “Don’t you regret what you have done!”
Nangong Ping said. “I have already placed my life and death far aside. Would I still regret it?”
“That is the way of a true man!” This shout ca