The Gates of Morning


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Book Description HTML

The Gates of Morning is book Three in H. de Vere Stacpoole’s classic best selling romance trilogy. It picks up a day or so after the events of the conclusion of The Garden of God. Dick Lestrange, son of Dicky and Emmeline Lestrange, is about 15. He has come to love Katafa, a Spanish girl who is the adopted daughter of the Kanaka people of the island of Karolin. She brings him to her island, her people declare him their new king. But all is not peaceful on her island and Dick must prepare his new people for war! Henry De Vere Stacpoole was a best selling Irish author with more than 50 novels to his credit. After a brief career as a ship’s doctor, which took him to numerous exotic locations in the South Pacific Ocean that he later used in his fiction when he became a full-time writer. Return to Paradise!

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