The Grand Army Of The Golden Eagle by H.L. Dowless - HTML preview

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conversing freely among themselves whilst in the midst of

the flight. Majestic expanses of the most elegant beauty

spanned beneath them. Mighty gaping canyons curiously

possessed vaporous clouds of wispy blue steam, offering the

very best of scenery to any who passed from above. Colossal

waterfalls plunged into a majestic oasis of greenery,

gingerly colliding among those gallant towers of timber

stand as a drifting mist, graciously offering sensations of

ecstasy to any gentle creature above or below. Here it was

that the spirits of mortal knew not of the restriction of

clothing nor of the worry from any nutritional lacking, only a

constant peace and love as they whiled away eternity deep


inside that holy timber stand. So it appeared that the entire region was consumed in a gentle amusement of hide-and-go-seek, truly they were free as small children at heart! The

hearts of men and women tumbled while consumed in an

innocent love like mortals know only during early childhood,

where gentle minds are free from corruption in a most

righteous environment. Screams of shrill laughter echoed

throughout the farthermost realm of that majestic valley,

broken only by the phrase,”you're it!”

Then the women would retouch the men.

“You're it!”

Then the men would re tap a small child.

Every day was enveloped in this elegant laughter of

children, and many mortal men spent their lives dreaming of

these times lived out by the spirits of their ancestors while

mortals fought the battles on earth.

Here all breeds of men in spirit possessed the ability to

focus their concentration to solve astonishing problems that

were greater than any among the mortals of earth had ever


dealt with or would ever deal with. Most among those spirits of mortal men however, chose to remain free from any agony

that might arise from mental stress, and remained in the

world of the child. Mortals on earth have attempted this feat

through stimulants and sacred mushrooms only to find

death and then hell as a result. Here in the loft of high

heaven every mortal desire for joy desired was fulfilled, then

those spirits took pleasure in joys greater than any ever

found by any earth bound mortal. Should the souls of

mortals desire the challenge of complicated problems, then

he was encouraged to do so, for the only place that

limitations exist is in the mortal world of the flesh. In the

eternal world of the spirit, the angels of heaven find their

true joys and contentment.

Forever were those who chose to remain in the world of

the children to roam mysterious caverns and in the vast

catacombs of their imagination. Many of whom had existed

among those innocents below that perished, were not

content with their surroundings, so they conjured up elegant


networks of mysterious ponds, dreamed up strange humanoids born from the masses, and the articles of those

strange men which history hath no record of. Suddenly just

as if they had leaped into the pages of some long lost

volume of forgotten lore, they appeared, roaming the lush

lands of the imagination for the duration of eternity! Many

others so desired to walk upon those multicolored streets of

the heavenly rainbow, and upon accomplishing this feat

discovered entire cities sheathed in glittering gold, with

walls that released that savory aroma of frankincense and


Many, even to a greater extent, desired to shrink into the

world of the minute, worlds within earthly worlds, and it was

said that they discovered unexplored heavenly systems that

established new links with the spirits of those mortals who

shook the foundations of civilization at various periods in


Many of those spirits from which had passed through that

fleshly gulf by the aide of death, desired only to establish


themselves upon the very particles that those glorious multitudes joyously traveled. It was by their prize reasoning

that by transforming themselves into this state of existence

that their knowledge would become omniscient, for the very

wind caresses every secluded landscape, seeps in even the

tiniest of openings, and so it happens on those who love

unsatisfactorily and those who are astonishing athletes! It

possesses knowledge of terrible crimes that have forever

remained unsolved; behold it views every field, every lioness,

and since it is breathed into every breast, it knows even the

most obscured thoughts of the righteous who conceal

permanently destructive guilt! Here every aspiration is

attainable, every adventure is affordable, for in this form of

recreation the Almighty delights!

Soon that winged cavalry over passed the woodlands, and

now entered into a luxuriant city whose illumination cast

forth an aura that resembled a ruby haze or thick fog, high

into the midnight sky. Celebrations of ecstatic joy and the

happy clatter of festivity rang throughout the countryside,


and the desire to celebrate the intense warmth of love that the Almighty offered up unto them suddenly swelled deep

within each and every yearning breast.

More grand than any city constructed by mortal hands

was that city of gold. The city in itself was an exact heavenly

copy of that holy city on earth, Jerusalem. Within it's midst

arose a massive dome of glittering gold, ruby and emerald

inlaid, all of which glittered so brilliantly that the veil of

night never once fell upon the face of that most holy place.

Here dwelt those who once existed in lavish luxury upon the

earth, and had now earned their proper right to glory in

these radiant courtyards of heaven. Behold within this

brilliant dome that towered high above the entire city from

it's midst, was the most glorious seat of the Almighty


His pedestal was a massive column of crystal clear quartz

and diamond, generating a quality more dense that any

substance produced in side the boundaries of the entire

universe by any force of nature or by the hand of any being.


The column was Greek in design with simple file ridges extending from the upper most portion of it's lofty heights,

to the swirling lace of decoration that gracefully draped it's

foot. Upon the point of the column directly beneath that

magnificent dome, the design of the column expanded into

decorate elegant swirls that caused it's appearance to

combine with the very clouds above! In the course of this

great illusion, the dome itself appeared to be suspended in

the midst of the very wind, glaring brilliantly in a manner

that stunned even the greatest of all beholders.

Listen: it was around the very base of that mighty

column, that those multitudes gathered to request the

Almighty's intrusion, in concern to the rise of great conflict

upon the face of the earth below!

Hear me now! Thousands upon thousands of thousands

swarmed beneath the structure. The clatter of conversation

arose to the very point of transforming into the rise of

thunder to the ears of all mortals on the earth below. The

tension of anger flourished, each individual inciting his


brother until the roar of thunder became increasingly tense and more violent. Behold all, those forces of anger had now

been struck and that glorious spark now burned toward it's

explosive destination. This the archangel Gabriel

recognized, and he gallantly raced forward into the midst of

the multitude, placing a pedestal of mahogany among them,

elevating himself into an emperor’s portion of power by

gazing directly into their lusting faces:

“Oh dear ones who stand before me! Have ye forgotten

the power of the one that ye seek? Have ye forgotten how he

transformed nothingness into that emerald and sapphire

sphere that we all call earth? Have ye now forgotten how he

carved the universe out with his bear hands, and how

insignificant your place is within the expanse of this massive

creation? I command ye to cease now these destructive

inclinations or suffer the fury of the Almighty's wrath!”

With these mighty words the clatter ceased, and those

great ones among them commenced to tremble violently,

casting themselves upon sacred ground as they upon


realizing their disrespect, plead for the Great Father's forgiveness. Then Gabriel spoke again:

“Beg now for the Lord Of All to forgive your arrogance, ye

unworthy ones who exist deep inside his holy courts! Maybe,

as a result of your pleas, he will refrain from casting ye all

into the searing fires of eternal damnation!”

On the out set, as those sacred words fled the lips of

Gabriel, only to fly amid those multitudes of heaven's

courtyard, the sky of earth and heaven thickened with

darkness, and a great wind stirred throughout the

countryside. Fire zigzagged across the very darkened sky

above and throughout the realm of earth below, causing the

multitudes to cringe in fear and flee in terror, each multitude

beneath the other. Soon only Gabriel stood to endure those

bitter winds. It was then that a voice of roaring thunder and

huge torrents of falling water combined, rang throughout

the entire realm of the universe:

“Why hast evil been allowed to encroach into the

courtyards of my kingdom? Why hast ye allowed your silent


intentions to be stirred by the persistence of those forces that bear evil intentions?”

“Oh Great Father Of The Universe,” spoke the archangel

Gabriel while he gazed toward the massive dome of gold. “ I

humbly come to you and bear no evil intentions.”

“Then why do ye seek me? Are ye not content in this

glorious world in which I have placed you within,” replied the

voice of thunder and falling torrents of water?

Yes, oh Great One, Lord God Of Holy Israel, Lord Of All

Lords! I am entirely content, and I only wish to make a

request in the name of all beings, both among the souls of

heaven and the mortals who walk upon the face of the


Behold thou Great Sir, deep in the mountains of

Gallipoland, within the temple of Augsburg, where that great

sphere of crystal sits near the window of the worlds, I have

bore witness to the sufferings and the terrible tormentations

of those mortals who walk the face of the earth, as well as

the extent of the terrible persecution of the holy. I have bore


witness to the extent of the battle's climax, the conquest of all that is evil upon that of all good on earth. This sickens

me to the very core. I realize that ye have long since

initiated an eternal, all encompassing plan, that no spirit in

heaven nor mortal on the face of the earth can contemplate,

a wheel of events if ye may, that will gradually

circumnavigate to initiate the materialization of the great

tribulation that ye have so faithfully promised. Ye are a just

and most righteous Lord. I must confess that I have come to

believe the time has come for a change in the course of

those horrible events. Those forces of positive origin must

now separate and conquer those negative forces within.

Please hear me out, oh Holy One On High!”

His golden head sank in humble request.

“Oh good sir, please give prompt reply to my plea.”

“Gabriel,” replied a voice of thunder from within that

thick somber blanket of the heavens above! “Behold, I have

indeed heard your gracious plea. I had intended to allow that

terrible tribulation on the face of the earth below to


continue to consume mortal flesh for seven more years, in order that those of earth might repent by coming to

understand that their time draws neigh. Your plea has

convinced me that the mortals of the earth, both good and

evil alike, have suffered greatly. Time has indeed arrived for

a great transformation to come upon them all. In order that

my ultimate goal might be achieved, I now declare that the

transformation will be gradual, but as I have promised, the

goal shall reach the point of it's climax.”

Upon that very commencement of those spoken words,

the dispersed multitudes suddenly reappeared from

concealment deep within the distant wood stand, rejoicing

in having the privilege of bearing witness to that glorious

performance of the great archangel Gabriel. The slow pace

of the multitude soon quickened. Great ringing cheers arose

and dozen's of mortal souls hoisted Gabriel upon a king's

golden throne, sitting high upon two rails of oak, bearing

him as their burden throughout those streets of ruby,

emerald, and golden inlaid. In their midst, a glorious ringing


song paid sacred tribute to that angelic lord so overwhelmingly admired. May the universe forever sing

these glorious words so fair!:

“Gabriel, our grand leader within

these courts and gates of old,

who has stood steadfast by all of us and the Almighty's

since the creation of earth and time untold.

Who then are we, to regret that he was our speaker,

one of whom has given our great cause new berth?

Oh this angel of heart and boundless glory,

whose elegant words spared pain and agony

to those on earth!”

From afar, within every courtyard of heaven and every

timber stand! From deep in the heart of every city mansion,

and every from every golden street, rushed those souls and

spirits together, that they might cast a glorious feast in

honor of that great transformation. To the east of the golden

dome, at the foot of those forest covered mountains that


stood so proud in the face of wind and rain, was positioned a mighty round table of oak; behold, this table was so grand

that it was much more than any ever witnessed by the eyes

of mortal men. Some nine fathoms did it measure in

diameter. It's graceful legs were carved to represent that

most outstanding leader of the holy exodus. In it very center

was positioned a magnificent bouquet of chrysanthemums,

both crimson, snow, and sapphire in hue. So vast was the

elegance of the intoxicating flow of invisible scent in the air

about, that entire hosts of people were led to the

celebration as though by some unseen hand. From the

vineyards of Heluland flowed the richest wines ever poured,

and for some seven days the heavens played host to a joyous

celebration of evil's defeat, and the restoration of sacred

righteous reign.

In the midst of that jubilant celebration in those heavenly

courts, the All-powerful Omniscient maker of the universe

commenced to unravel a great expansive plan for the

destruction of evil's massive iron wall that the lord of


darkness had constructed across earth's once unblemished face.

Amid the swishing gardens of multicolored daffodils

Jehovah strode for nine full days during that time of new life,

when all on earth is at it's peak of colorful luster, pleasantly sharp winds blew their bursts of sweet breath, gaily tossing

the locks of Jehovah's snow white hair, and as a result of the

tingling sensation that the wind brought, he was caused to

relax as he ambled about. On the eave of the ninth day, he

came to small crystal pool which dipped downward like a

cup amid thick matted straw surrounding the rosy laughing

faces of those happy daffodils. Upon a carpet of lush

emerald grass he gingerly came to rest, with his most

graceful of legs crossed, and he gazed forth into the crystal

nectar water of that most natural of cesspools. In the pool's

midst a swirling light brown cloud formed, then gradually

expanded, until that most clear of nectar was no longer

clear. At the very onset of this mysterious occurrence at the

hands of the great creator, a small marble sized sapphire


sphere brilliantly beamed forth from the pools' midst. It then grew until it was the size of a melon that was laced with

cotton puffs of white. Still the strange sphere continued to

expand, until the greenery of the surrounding vegetation in

the reflective forces of the cesspool became clearly visible.

Suddenly this was understood that this event was not merely

a fragment of play deep inside the Almighty's boundless

imagination, but now a pictorial representation of the very

earth upon which mortals exist and co exist. A veil of mist

then formed upon this representation of the secular earth,

then suddenly lifted, exposing the exact position of those

Teutonic Knights of Germania, and then the great

transformation within the Teutonic battle strategy; then the

veil was draped again. Upon it's second lifting it exposed all

forces, both good and evil alike, and it was then that a most

curious occurrence formulated into awesome reality over an

expanse of time.

Upon the surface of that pictorial representation, to the

west upon the secular mortal's earth, stood a great and


mighty eagle striding brilliantly in titanium armor plated in pure gold. About his neck were garlands of various jewels,

and in the center he wore a silver crucifix. To the far east of

the mortal's earth, was a great and powerful dragon who

was wise in sufficient use of evil's knowledge under the act

of disguising deception. To the northern sector of the earth

stood a mighty bull, rippling with huge muscles of conquest,

and fat with the ravages of spoil seized from dying enemy

hands. Under the veil of the moons' yellow illumination the

bull silently traveled near the slightly stirred dragon, and he

inquired of the dragon:

“All of this,” and he pointed in all four directions of the

earth. “All of this and that which lies within, is about to be

mine. If you will lend ear to my plan of conquest, I will see

that one third is all yours!”

The dragon then humbly accepted the offer with a slight


Upon the dawning of the following mourning mist the

dragon swam the distance of the great water, and he


entered into the kingdom of the Golden Eagle, showing his poisonous fangs as he traveled about, until he collapsed as

though in shock, upon the earth beneath his feet. His

thoughts were very secure in the arts of deceit, and so he

attempted to swim in the direction of his homeland, so that

the Eagle might be coaxed into destruction. To the South,

the bull raged forward, trampling all of whom it came into

contact with, and the earth swelled with flowing rivers of


It was then that the great Golden Eagle gathered himself

to his feet. A massive rage overcame him, and he marched

forth toward those islands of the dragon. As he flew toward

the mainland, he alighted upon the island tributaries,

reaping a grand harvest in the flow of blood. The dragon

rushed to meet the Eagle and a raging battle ensued. Even

though the Eagle's thoughts were on the struggle, he was

still able to summon a swarm of huge ravens to attack the

bull to the north. The entire earth was consumed in flames

and fury. From the force of sheer numbers through the


liberation of the land conquered by the bull, a new perpetual force of gallantry arose to consistently hammer the bull into

the very ground beneath his feet!

Now the entire earth was consumed in an overwhelming

jubilee, shouting HOSSANA in praise to the Almighty above.

Still the Golden Eagle remained consumed in battle, and

now time itself was running in a thin line. The dragon lashed

forth with huge brute force, never growing weary of the

battle at heart. Upon realizing the stubbornness of the

enemy and the loss of his own strength, The Golden Eagle

tired of senseless battle and attempted to out maneuver his

opponent. In a single sweep of the foot, the dragon

collapsed, it was then that the foot of the eagle collapsed

about the neck of the dragon. At this point, the only

intention was to force that dragon into surrender, but during

the process a single talent slit the dragon's throat, causing

a great quantity of blood to gush forth. That dragon still

refused to surrender, so then a second incision was

purposely created, and soon the great and terrible dragon



bled into submission.

The Almighty's heart was heavy that such as it may, was

of such an utmost necessity, but those sacred words had

been spoken. Then a great mist arose upward from within

the cesspool, settling upon the face of the earth, activating

the terrible course of perpetual events until his holy plan

would see itself completed.


Libero 7

Germania Lusts For Black Gold

Farther to the south of the Teutonic Kingdom, lay a land

that greatly prospered from masses of wealth generated by

vast fountains that spouted the syrup of black gold. More

valuable than the gold of the Tzars, it was more precious

than all the yellow gold that could be found on the entire

earth, was this endless spewing of that syrup called black

gold. Every energy vital to all trade owed itself to the

consumption of this thick liquid. Never before in the entire

history of man had he ever became so dependent upon any

syrup born from the belly of the earth. Paupers and simple

peasants had instantaneously been transformed into kings

and queens as a result of the discovery of this syrup on their

simple estates. No longer could man exist without creating

extensive burrows into the earth, in order that he might

extract this black gold.


For all of these reasons the mighty winds of war began to rapidly stir deep within the heart of this land. Every eye was

stricken with greed; behold a single fountain could launch a

thousand horses to thunder forward into the void in search

of more! For years surrounding kingdoms had placed this

grand region upon a tall pedestal, calling it their own, and it

was from them that the people of that kingdom had

wrenched her independence, consequently with her enemies

being her neighbors, looking for a chance to rape and


The great parliament, an honorary government of the

mighty Britons, had once spread sacred peace and harmony

among her people. Even so, peace and goodwill now fled, for

those seven wretched demons of lust and greed now stirred

about within the heart of the king and his cabinet. That total

embodiment of those seven, the beast, now arose in

complete control of his people's hearts and minds alike. In a

single stroke of his pen he abolished the parliamentary

government, now securing absolute control for himself. A


great hatred arose within the heart of this certain individual for the children of Israel, and two persecutions began to tear

upon the very fiber of the homeland.

In the light of these internal conditions, the king of the

Teutonic Knights smiled upon the king of this fine land, and

he graciously courted it in return for a policy of general

trade and barter. Every product that fetched revenue for

which the other nations hungered and possessed a searing

thirst, were transported into the ports of the Teutonic

kingdom, filling them to overflowing with golden bounty. As

the other nations of the earth soon discovered the great

quantities, they became grea