The Grand Army Of The Golden Eagle by H.L. Dowless - HTML preview

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In the duration of an instant Rommel was brought before

the supreme judges' bedside.

“At your service, your highness,” said he with a polite


“Rally forth our best men in as much obscurity as

possible. Collect our best weapons of war, for a state of war


now exists between us and Britannia. Announce the departure of our air brigade! Load our terrible birds of war

with our best weapons of fire and destruction. Allow them to

arrive with systematic precision in order that their capitol

city might suffer a methodical bombardment. Hurry! Be

quick, time waits not for any one!”

The warrior, Rommel, issued forth from the chamber with

the sacred order weighing heavy within his reminiscent

mind, and that message was then delivered. In the duration

of a fortnight huge quantities of iron war birds were

systematically produced, tripling the force of the terrible air

brigade. Never before had the sons of men in the duration of

all history witnessed the extravagance of such force,

ingenuity, and sheer iron clad persistence. The very earth

beneath the feet of mortal man commenced to shake as

those horrendous birds of war roared louder than all the

lions of earth combined. Two by two they raced high above

the face of the earth, lifting into high heaven enveloped in a

sheer grace that would cause an eagle to cringe with


jealousy. The speed at which they made exit was heightened into it's maximum capacity, and an evil spell was cast forth

into the wind by the Teutonic King, in order that the air

brigade might not suffer defeat.

From the black book of the dead these spells were

wrought, and it was on that very day that Satan appeared

before the king, delivering his instructions for world

conquest and rule of darkness. Many Teutonic Knights while

donned in full armor, fell down upon their very knees as the

king of darkness transformed from a floating mist into a

physical being. That vaporous mist of evil hung above the

empire as the dark seven continued in consultation.

Now, surly even before the sky was cluttered with those

terrible birds of war, and their roar was to be perceived as

oceanic winds that whisked the awful roar far away into

exotic lands abroad, did every beast of the field flee before

it's mighty advance. Behold even the beasts detected the

sadistic nature of Teutonic intellect inspired by that great

lord of darkness himself! Great hosts of fish deep inside the


sapphire waters of the crystal sea now dove straight down into it's inner most depths, so that they might not become

defiled by the evil which was about to dawn upon those sons

of mortal men. Likewise did the grains in the earth of the

fields, and the majestic timbers standing tall deep in the

ancient woodlands, provide a sanctuary for those so full of


During the light of that infamous day, the winds across

the Oceanus Britannica were blowing in the direction of the

kingdom of Britannia, and it was then that the sons of men

raced forth from their undefiled homes to gaze forth across

that sea and perceive the terrible roar of the war birds. All

those who lent ear knew from whence came the roar. All

servants who had listened raced forth into their master's

chambers in order that he might loudly proclaim the fateful


That ever glorious king of the Brits then spoke upon the

wind, demanding the Teutonic King to make an abrupt halt

on his advance, lest his kingdom suffer total destruction.


The Teutonic King answered by saying:

“Behold thou sons of men! We shall never surrender. It

will be you who shall suffer catastrophic defeat! We shall

never cease our onslaught, until your cities are transformed

into heaps of smoldering ashes. Your dead shall litter the

streets upon which you now merrily tread about. Your every

mustering of military might shall be in vain! For your death

must surly come in order that your land might progress

beneath the boots of a superior people!”

The people of Britannia raced about hysterically in hopes

of securing the mainlands and cities with the greatest care

and precision. Those common men of the range

transformed themselves into warriors overnight. Beaches,

roadways, bridges, and the village square was fortified,

transformed now into strongholds where food and material

for battle might be acquired. Mighty iron birds of war were

constructed in order that they might prosper, finding their

strength and glory in the lofty heights of heaven above.

Their strength and drive for battle was not entirely


generated within their own boarders, for it was those who remained mutual within the boarders of the Golden Eagle

who most understood the urgency of their cry for supplies;

and so they gave aide to their brothers of the sacred blood

through supplies who were now forced to rise up in arms! At

long last they could smile on their achievements, and now

all gentle women were concealed within protective

enclosures. All crying babes were to be cuddled, for the

weight of battle was upon them all.

Within the twilight of the twelfth striking, underneath the

shimmering glint of lunar beams of golden light, those

Teutonic birds of war cluttered the very heavens above the

entire kingdom of Britannia, whose mortal inhabitants

confined themselves deep inside their fortresses offering

prayer to the Lord Of Hosts, Lord Of Lords. Suddenly a steady

endless hail of fire was poured upon the capitol city of

Londinium, raising high the cries of those in want and

already weary in distress. Ancient temples that had long

withstood the trials of centuries tumbled into heaps of


rubble upon the face of the earth, as the sons of all men stood frozen in horror, to forever grieve over the works of

their forefathers as they crumbled into smoldering heaps.

For endless hours fire raged through every house, whether

out in the open or obscured from sight.

Now all regions of the land were abruptly ablaze. Field

and grasslands, towering woodlands, city streets and

towns, they all burned alike. Fire burned so fiercely and

hammered so violently with the force of thunder, that the

inhabitants were forced to flee deep into the very belly of

the earth, until the raging storm of fire, iron and lead died

down into smoldering cinders.

“Never shall we surrender, not even when the last man

falleth,” shouted the king of Britannia.

When supplies exhausted, canines, which once served as

loyal pets, were slaughtered for the feast. The Holy Father in

heaven, upon recognition of his people's anguish, caused

the beasts of the field to migrate into the smoldering city

streets; and as they raced forth in great droves, those


people now in seclusion made proper use of them. As a result of this nutritional aide they persevered, prospering

even in the advance of those who desired to destroy them.

Steadfast they held on, enveloped tight with the wisdom and

strength of the Almighty to aide them onward! Not an

ounce, not a single bit of morale was wrested from the

minds of those Britannic people, and it was from these

minds, these still smoldering embers that the first warriors

of that most grand of armies were called into action!

From deep within the courts of heaven the Almighty

became fully aware of the battle's progress, and he now saw

fit for the first chapter of Teutonic conquest to be initiated,

and it was under this pretense that he cause a great and

mighty wave of extreme vigor and brute strength to enter

into the heats and minds of those Britannic people. Though

they were vastly outnumbered, they gave launch to mighty

birds of war with a new found conviction from above, that

victory was to be contained among their gifts for their

loyalty to all that which is holy, and the honor and praise


that they had given unto his holy name.

Into the outstretched arms of the brazen sky those iron

birds of war arose. Like graceful bunnies they were when

standing on the damp ground, but like roaring lions they

became when they were on their way into the heavens! It

was upon that night of the mist enveloped moon, when

Taurus reined across the midnight sky, that those Britannic

warriors released their might upon Teutonic aggression.

High in the heavens two mighty legions of warriors, born

upon the wing, met in order that they might settle their

differences with raging gushing fire, iron and lead, and the

swift sword of light. Thousands of Teutonic war birds poured

forth endlessly, as though the very sky itself had opened it's

gates in order that it might free an army of villains! Huge

eggs spawning raging fire demons were released as the

terrible swift sword of light slashed at the throat of

Britannia, who also rode high upon their fabulous birds of


Every civilized man of quality held his breath, behold


every true man of honor and worth that the very earth afforded, now fell upon his knees in hopes that his prayers

might ride with all of Britannia. Many a iron bird and gallant

warrior fell from lofty heights only to die a cruel death upon

the smoldering cinders below, for the midnight message of

death and destruction had advanced upon them and had no

mercy. Soldiers of the apocalypse they were, for all the

virtues of civilization rode upon their bulging shoulders.

Every hope and wish rode with them, every being capable of

love and brotherly respect cast his most gracious hopes

upon those winged legions of war lords. For every Teutonic

bird of war that was sent plunging into the bottomless pit of

hell, four appeared to take it's place to deliver fire from

whence his brother had left off. The sapphire sky

transformed into a hue richer than crimson blood and fire

combined that tended to appear much thicker in

consistency, flowing ever freely into the distant horizon.

Never before in the entire history of Britannia had courage

flowed forth into hearts of men like raging lions in the midst


of full charge, diving in every direction to pour forth a fiery deliverance upon the heads of the enemy. Never even in the

duration of a single moment did the vision of conquest over

the enemy flee from within their mental grasp. A combined

subconscious homed in upon a single aspiration, causing

various sequences to materialize, therefore the ancient

spirit of luck rode within their gallant ranks.

Throughout all hours of the day and night fire poured

down upon the capitol city and hundreds of war birds

plunged into a grave of flames. Many Teutonic warriors met

their end, carried swiftly in the arms of the death angel

where they were destined to suffer for the duration of


Deep within the bowels of the earth mothers shivered

violently, snuggling closely their gentle children who

whimpered from within heaps of rubble, wailing to their

mothers in anguish.

“Oh dear mother, when will the Grand Army of The Golden

Eagle ride forth to deliver us from the foul hand of Satan,


which seeks to wipe us from the very face of the earth?”

Mothers only gazed upon their small children straining

back tears even to the very point of chocking away precious

breath, for they had no answer to the questions of their

gentle small ones. Silently within the enclosures of their

own mental reflections they then commenced to rationalize

with themselves.

When will that Grand Army ride forth into glory in the

name of world peace and prosperity? When oh when will

those brazen soldiers glittering brilliantly in their gold plated armor, ride forth from the shimmering horizon to unite with

our own, to share in the fruits of conquest? Must the entire

earth fatten death with a fabulous feast of human flesh,

until only they themselves remain? How terrible! How

horrendous! Please oh please Great Father in heaven, do

prod their glorious army into a furious action for the

preservation of civilization and the good fruits there in!

The rage above continued until every stammering tongue

ceased, and every voice became silent. The very walls of the


earth's civilization now shook as the onslaught heightened in it's pace. Massive explosion followed another massive

explosion, until the very pillars of the world began to

crumble. Behold, if the fight is lost from above, those

terrible legions will come to devastate each person

individually. “Upon our demise will follow that of the entire

world,” they said among themselves, “but we cannot do it all


Runners were consistently allowed to race throughout

those streets of cinders, in order that food rations might be

received, whether from an urchin of the streets or from the

hand of friendly troops. Each parent drew straws in order

that their child might have a fair chance to avoid the rat

race for food amid the dangers of the streets. Many a

shivering mother watched helplessly as her only son dodged

those exploding death blossoms of fire that consistently fell

upon the streets, even to the outer limits of the countryside.

This base existence constituted the plight of the common

man who refused to surrender in the face of the greatest



As the fight continued, in the loft of the high heavens the

gallantry of those once overwhelmed, now had reduced the

numbers of the enemy into that of their own range. Never

before had such courage of men been witnessed by every

corner of the entire earth.

That ancient somber hued river, Thames, now

transformed into a thick bloody soup. The surge of battle

swelled, giving up a deluge of torn corpses that were

scattered about within every flaming street corner or alley.

Orphaned and abandoned children raced for forage and

cover as a great onslaught of raging fire sought to

exterminate them from the face of all the earth for all

eternity. Their cries for assistance were heard by none. No

person that passed by even seized upon the moment to give

assistance to an insignificant child waif, some one else

must bear the weight of that responsibility, they would say

as they passed, while these naked and hungry children only

ran for cover. Upon the women whose flesh had bore them


must be lain the wretched responsibility of caring for their own. Their insignificant lives are of no concern to us who

must care for our own. Away with you! Leave those morsels

about my abode for the dogs, they need to eat to!

With this a child of ten was reduced to acts of theft,

seeking nourishment for a small brother or sister on

sidewalks and scorched potholes. As they searched for

nourishment many small children found relief in the arms of

death, who whisked them away forever into the outer void.

The greatest horror of every mother found it's place deep in

the minds of many who gazed forward as their dear sons

raced upon cinders only to be ripped into shreds by flaming

iron fragments.

As the mighty forces gradually became equalized, a few

individuals separated from the shelter of the main body,

transforming themselves into squadron Commandants who

would lead units deep into the heart of the Teutonic

Kingdom. Steadfast they raced forth with a new conviction

that the enemy would suffer a terrible defeat. From a height


of seventy thousand fathoms those once void outer limits were transformed into a glowing crimson blanket that

illuminated the entire kingdom with an extraordinary aura!

Every eye within these boarders gazed forward upon those

flaming transgressions in the heart of their capitol. As the

eyes of those terrible war birds caught sight of the

magnitude of this horrendous atrocity, anger raged hotter

than the furnace below tore the hearts of many, causing

them to tremble with rage.

Now possessed with a new found vigor, they flew across

the midnight sky toward the Teutonic capitol so that they

might deliver a bloody vengeance. In absence of the

Teutonic winged forces those Britannic birds of war dipped

and dove at complete liberty. A blood drenched vengeance

was wrested from those of the Teutonic multitudes, their

dead lay scattered about for leagues and leagues below. At

long last the impenetrable womb of the superior Teutonic

had been shattered. Thousands of Britannic birds of war

followed the advance, replacing any that had plunged into


the earth below. A fire was struck that raged violently throughout that ancient Teutonic Capitol city. Its people

raced to and fro, filled with the conviction that the attack

had resulted from centuries of hatred incited by neighboring

kingdoms. Thousands were cast into the arms of death as a

result of this base lie.

The reverberating explosions of fire eggs drove many

people who had remained hidden to be overcome with

madness, and they raced forth into the streets only to be

ripped into shreds by unseen fragments of lead and iron.

Hysterically those people who had once flaunted their

adoration for Odin, now cried unto the one and true Almighty

for shelter from the fire above, but the Almighty heard them

not. They cried out unto the Almighty, declaring that they

had been bestowed with a superior wisdom, and that they

were utilizing it to establish a global that was justifiably

theirs. The Almighty then smiled at their prayers, for

mankind would never be in control of earthly affairs,

therefore an effort to establish control would continually


prove to be futile; and many fell upon his knees to beg for mercy upon his realization that a terrible punishment was to

befall them all; and so, the Almighty turned his face from

their destruction.

Now convinced that aide from the Almighty was in vain,

they resorted to collectively claiming themselves to posses

superhuman qualities, utilizing the powers of suggestion to

their utmost benefit. Their further incursions into enemy

territory increased in cruelty and pace. With this new

suggestion of strength increased, the Teutonic empire

unleashed an unprecedented brutal onslaught upon every

kingdom of free men that exists in the realm of the entire

earth. So terrible was their release of cruelty that entire

kingdoms degenerated into the thick mist of ignorance, that

same mist of ignorance that prevailed during the glorious

reign of great King Arthur and the mighty Hrothgar.

In many great and mighty battles throughout the course

of earth's long history, those terrible Teutonic Knights had

attempted to seize that golden bricked road that so


elegantly completed the connection between the Great Teutonic capitol and that of King Alibaba to the far south. It

is true in the volumes of mortal man's history, that the great

Teutonic kaiser of the past generation, had ambitions to

seize this splendid area of the kingdom, but had failed as a

result of his gluttonous behavior. The Teutonic King now

swore a mighty oath inscribed upon the golden fleece from

Oslo, that he would secure the sacred realm of prosperity. To

this end those legions of darkness marched forth to conquer

all the lands thereabouts.

In the lands toward the far south, an extremely violent

race of men were bread from a conglomeration of races

throughout the surrounding area. Many of these men still

chose to cling unto the customs of their insurgents, causing

a great rivalry among many factions. These people were

nomads, existing in the sacred manner of the ancients, and

so conducted warfare in the savage manner of the guerrilla

warrior. For countless centuries these people had reduced

their neighbors' domain into that of smoldering ashes,


resulting only to thievery for the purpose of prosperity. A unification of their factions was impossible, since hatred

would continue to seethe among all the men from the

different provinces. From an overview of the kingdom's

situation the Teutonic King gazed toward their lands,

plotting a bloody vengeance for their king a thousand

generations before. In the light of day the Teutonic King

gazed forward through the crystal window of his palace

contemplating the placement of his legions. Not only was he

contemplating the seizure of those mountain people, but he

directly envisioned the strategic conquest of the Greeks and

all of that land that offered sanctity to the Slavic people.

In those days the son of a once great and mighty king

seized power over the land of the mountain nomads, but had

not established any doctrine of trade and power through

which the path of commerce might guide those people into

prosperity. King Boris had now seized an Almighty power,

and desired to secure his state of rein upon his fellow

countrymen. And so it was, he sold the responsibility of


trade to the Teutonic empire, in order that his mind might be free from worry, and his heart free to woo the fair maidens of

the countryside. Upon making the purchase, the Teutonic

King reserved great stores of resources taken from the

kingdom at his will, thereby preventing King Boris from

accomplishing diplomatic trade and making use of those

resources for the prosperity of his own kingdom. Upon this

act, these mountain nomads became totally dependent

upon those kingdoms who shipped great stores of arms into

the heartland, in order that he might do battle in the name

of Teutonic interests. Under this rule life for those nomads

was one of ease, and many raced hysterically into battle in

the name of the Teutonic empire. The pact between the

Teutonic empire and the nomads was sealed in order that

kingdoms inquiring into their supportive inclinations might

be led to believe that they supported those kingdoms of

righteousness. A continual inquiry was made by the

Britannic people, and this king of the nomads soon admitted

that he was supportive of Teutonic interests. Within this


nomadic kingdom of people, a mighty plan was conceived for the conquest of the Greeks. Already the Romans had

attempted to pierce this gracious pasture land of Achilles,

but had ultimately failed, and so graciously he had awaited

their arrival. Upon their arrival, the nomads and the kingdom

of Britannia secured all diplomatic relations.

So into the lush pastures of the Greeks those nomad

armies rode. Soon many principalities were under the

control of these warring people. Under the direction of their

leader who remained steadfast in his own convictions , he

then directed his army to reverse its charge, and direct it's

blows toward the Teutonic Knights.

Upon the mouth of the mighty Danube was placed a seal

that prevented any exit from within the Teutonic mainland.

Instantly those Teutonic Knights rushed forth in the absence

of nomadic armies, and seized total control over all affairs of

the kingdom and the affairs of the people. As a result the

people chose to rebel openly. Masses of people chose to

side with Britannia by ignoring great fines, and placing