The Grand Army Of The Golden Eagle by H.L. Dowless - HTML preview

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into mighty warriors, who one day would surge forward into

the countryside arrayed in a glorious armor, to do battle

against those of their own blood! The elders, who could

neither labor, produce offspring, or offer battle advice, were

reserved for special cessions of brutal tortures; making


sport for those Teutonic Knights in the midst of their conquest by holding a massive bonfire festival, with each

man taking more than his fair share from the ale horn.

The armored knights rode forth into glory, pushing the

tattered enemy backward into the ice capped landscape.

The great port city of Odessa fell to blood soaked hands,

that Teutonic god king glorified the conquers and swore to

degenerate the conquered into a state of total degradation.

Their wretched egos swelled into a state of illusion, they

conceived the notion that they were invincible, blind they

were to the fact that Satan now ruled their minds!

Warriors thick with an armor of bulging muscle raged

forward swinging jewel handled swords to sever the heads of

fleeing innocents. Thousands perished from great brutality.

Mothers with child in arm; suddenly their babes were torn

from their loving grasp, then dashed into blood soaked bits

upon the cobbled stone of the streets. Those gentle ladies

themselves were stripped, their garments ripped from their

quivering naked bodies only to be cast out into the streets in


plain view of the surrounding neighborhood, doomed to a constant brutalization in that most degrading manner that

all women fear. With each woman that fell before their

brutal onslaught they would continue their advance,

rejoicing in their victories.

Deep inside their own homeland a glorious celebration

was held in the dark of nine. Their god king proclaiming a

triumphant celebration to be held from boarder to boarder to

honor their recent victory. As they rejoiced, now, they would

declare, they would share their rightful place in dominion

over those mortals of earth whom they were predestined to


“Unto us,” they chanted in unison, “was it declared by

the creator through our king, that we are to rejoice in the

dominion of earth. Here before us is Odin, long lost but now

returned, awaken from a thousand years of slumber. Now

shall we forever reign victorious!”

From within his throne of clear diamond and fire the

Almighty patently viewed the declarations of greatness


dreamed by a people whose eyes were obscured from the genuine truth. In the wake of their advance they had enjoyed

a conquest while under the influence of Lucifer, now the

moment of their redemption was in their hands, time to

repent or suffer a devastating cruel destruction.

Vixenvaldorious, the god spirit of the ghosts who

influence the arrival of the great ice winters, was suddenly

unleashed from the can of jade concealed deep within the

far corner of the earth. Those Teutonic Knights had known

of his annual release, and had conspired to conquer the land

before the time of his rein upon the great kingdom. Already

now were the leaves of trees tumbling towards the earth,

signifying his gradual consuming dominion over the land. His

gentle puffs of air tossed many a long maned warrior into a

frenzy of hair knots, rendering his hair useful only for the

purpose of remaining in his sweethearts jewelry box.

Ice wind moved across the Russic landscape, propelled by

the hand of Almighty God. Ice particles saturated the very

wind, transforming the atmosphere into a cold, blustery


terror. The spirit of winter had just begun his audacious consumption of summer. Still the Teutonic Knights dreamed

that conquest would conclude before the fury of his advance

would complete. With the numbing coldness of old man

winter soon to be upon them, the Teutonic Knights

heightened the fury of their rage across the scorched

landscape of the Russic homeland.

Many of the Russ were shot down upon the streets of cold

stone. The homes of the men were atrociously plundered,

great works of literature and paint cast about upon the snow

covered streets.

Tolstoy the great, whose magic with words inspired

common men into greatness, now his letters were cast into

the wind. The atmosphere of his sacred sepulcher was

desecrated, his bones cast forth upon the cold soil. Forever

was his spirit doomed to roam aimlessly throughout the

countryside until late at night, one thoughtful caring

gentleman replaced them by the light of the full moon, to

rest once again.


A master composer, Tchaikovsky, whose works were reduced into shreds, now every physical memoir was erased

forever from the face of all the earth.

During the days of their ignorance the disarrayed

Teutonic warriors fell victim to the savage winds of the

winter spirit. Ragged and tattered, they were, from a

reemergence deep within the interior of the battle's

churning midst. Entire bodies of men were frozen solid,

covered by a thin sheet of ice, forever dead, his life's blood

frozen within his very veins. Feet worn bare from constant

travel were reddened by the ice and snow covered

landscape. Boots that once appeared strong as the armor of

iron that donned their bodies, now were worn into rags by

the rigors of constant travel. Their bared feet that now lay

exposed to the cold of the elements, were bound in rags to

preserve them from harms way. Their faces, under the

command of their leaders, shaven beardless, chapped raw

by the freezing wind, took on a greenish hue, forever dead by

the chill factor's onslaught. As the once mighty armies'


advance slowed into a small trickle, many a once valiant warrior collapsed dead upon the ice and snow, forever

grasping upon the illusion of mortal conquest until he lay

slumbering deep in the grave.

The horrors were mounting as many weather hardened

Cossacks launched devastatingly brisk attacks upon those

advancing Teutonic hoards. One by one they fell to the sure

shooting of those nomads. They were repaid in blood for

their transgressions. Never had they expected this battle to

endure to such an extent, and many who were still alive

sank deep into the murky sea of disillusionment.

As time continued upon it's descending path, the ice and

snow fell from the sky like an endless flood that never

ceases. The powdery mist drifted downward, propelled by

the forces of unseen spirits that dominate the aura that

enshrouds all natural elements. Nature, whose course is

directed by the Lord, Jehovah, conspired to unleash her

onslaught of icy death upon those evil Teutonic legions in

the same manner as was once unleashed upon the great


French conqueror.

From high above fell the icy elements, consistently

pelting, plunging the mercury far below the coldest records

that were ever recorded. The very hair upon the head of men

transformed into a heavy icy mass, which when allowed to

thaw, transformed into a mushy slush that drained the

strength from the mighty and the health from all otherwise

healthy. The Teutonic god king had promised that victory

would come quickly, and so he had demanded that they only

carry only the most necessary of personal items. The

powdery blanket of death obscured any food that the earth

might have to offer, forcing their wanting stomachs to suffer

the crazed agonies of starvation. Their very blood demanded

that nourishment be delivered unto the mind and throbbing

heart, and so since none was offered, it was wrested from

the body muscle, causing a great weakness to fall upon the

warriors. In the course of a fortnight those legions that

once numbered seven hundred thousand strong now

numbered only a quarter of that count.


Eastward those doomed legions plodded, now shattered into bits by the forces of the elements, but consumed by a

new conviction, a new order for the conquest of the Russ.

From the south the arms of the legion now divided,

conspired to merge upon the banks of the mighty Volga, to

display seized swords of battle and loot wrested from the

hands of the dead.

Forward raged the air brigade, the mighty birds of war

constructed to deliver an all consuming devastation upon

any helpless foe. Upon a lone hillside over looking the Volga

halted the legion, peering through the floating powdery mist

of the glittering ice, upon the reflection of those city

buildings as the rays of sunlight brilliantly clashed with that

of the powder that cast forth a brilliance that caused the

eyes to become blind,mortal eyes all consumed by the glory!

Ancient cathedrals rang their holy bells in order to soothe

the hearts of men who gazed forward in the powdery

distance, men who sang hymns of sacred glory to the one on

high, that they might not suffer the cutting sword of defeat.


A few men in the distance suddenly realized the futility of their Lord's aims, those of whom were now influenced by the

creator's hand. Now those men were blessed with the warm

knowledge of love for their fellow man, wishing to spread it's

soothing message, but were silenced with death by those

evil ones of the high command.

The piercing hum of the flying fortress that sang those

tunes of destruction numbered in the hundreds were

suddenly discerned in the distance. Now passing overhead

they raged forth upon that city of ice; an awesome pelt of

fire and roaring thunder commenced to shatter the peace

with massive earth shattering explosions, sending huge

columns of billowing smoke into the heights of high heaven


From the advance of the air brigade the city inhabitants

were pinned with their backs to the Volga, oh how did they

vow to battle until the last man fell, the final whispers of life wrought from their gurgling throats. Those terrible legions

raced forward with a mighty huzza, both young and old


prepared to eradicate glory from the destruction of the precious. A single mass of singing swords and waving wands

of war poured across the mighty Volga. Crimson blossoms of

death unfolded before each charging body of men, some

within their midst expelled their souls into the berth of high

heaven. In a single battle cheer the two raging masses now

became one. In a single sweep swords severed necks,

causing blood drenched heads to bounce downward upon

the sloping banks of the Volga, rolling, bouncing against

stones and brush until they plopped into the water murky

with disturbed sand and mud. From every corner, every ditch

roared with the somber voice of the cannonade, belching

fire and smoke high as they spoke their proclamation of

doom and death. The mighty archways of those graceful

cathedrals suddenly collapsed in the glory of a single

explosion. Massive walls of brick and mortar that had stood

solid in the winds of centuries, brazenly declaring the

architectural genius of the ancient Romans, suddenly

collapsed into a heap of ruin and degradation. Behold the


coffee shop of old that had served the finest to those mighty warriors of Frederick The Great, the opera house, all lay

reduced into nauseating heaps of rubble.

The forces of destruction weighed heavily upon the Russ,

but their will remained untarnished, for they were

preordained to rise into a great assembly of men, for their

purpose in the fulfillment of future phases in the master

plan lay awaiting the annuals of time.

'Twas on this very instant during the height of the great

slaughter, that the strength of the Almighty consumed every

warrior, every mind of the Russ, and their men then became

strong as Sampson, delivering a surge of might into the face

of the Teutonic Knights. A single Russic warrior now

delivered death unto dozens of the evil ones. Those dull

lusterless swords of plain iron were instantaneously

transformed into jewel encrusted grips gleaming with

glittering blades of silver glaze. The luster of this brilliance gleamed and glittered so intensely that the Teutonic Knights

fell blinded by their glory. Those blades were thin as razors,


splitting floating feathers as they fell, cast forth by a opened hand. In a single slash whole arms were severed from the

shoulder, the blood gushing forth in frothy squirts, falling

elegantly upon the earth as though it were gingerly being

poured from the rim of an elegantly decorated ale horn.

Heavy stones were cast high into the sky by arms swelling

with new found strength offered by the generosity of the

Almighty. Their javelins soared gracefully as though they

rode upon downy winged eagles, impaling themselves deep

into bodies pushed forward to shield oncoming warriors. The

Teutonic arms were vain, only possessing an elegant

brilliance in order that the enemy might be dazzled by the

glitter of their empire, now hoping that they might be

swayed into helping the Teutonic cause. Through the metal

sheeting of the Teutonic armor their javelins pierced as

though it were constructed of damp straw. Straight and true

their javelins had flown, impaling the helmets or the armor

less necklines of the men.

Their men collapsed in huge waves, their legs only turning


to flee in dishonorable retreat. The Russic victors now halted these once mighty warriors who thrived in the light of evil

imaginings, kneeling to fire a volley of arrows from elegantly

carved bows born from the boughs of simple yew trees. As

the Teutonic Knights fled from the overwhelming wave of

death, the heavens opened up, raining down a hail of arrows

that pierced the armor plating as though constructed of

leather bags filled with water. Their comrades in arms

collapsed in droves at the heels of their flight, now seized up

in the arms of death, their faces frozen in agony for the

duration of all eternity.

Overwhelmed by the immense fright concerning the

embodied strength of the Russ, those Teutonic knights now

fled in fear from the forward advance of those surging

hoards. A piercing huzza rose high, a bellowing war cry for

blood as vengeance for their heinous crimes against

humanity. For their smashing of the skulls of newborns with

the toes of their boots, allowing the screaming cries to echo

deep inside the hearts of men for the duration of all eternity.


Behold those cries from the souls of their lost warriors, crying from the dead for the living to avenge the degradation

that they were forced to endure. Such forces compelled the

Russ to mercilessly deliver slashing blows with the battle ax,

to impale heads with heavy spears with out even the

slightest indication of compassion. For seven days and

seven nights the Teutonic warriors fled, for the sands of time

that had measured the length of their horrible reign had now

depleted. Upon the distant palm covered shore, the ancient

guardian of time, Calypso, allowed the sand clock of those

Teutonic knights to rest, their sand chamber had emptied.

Now the spirit of Jehovah commenced to weigh heavily upon

the hearts of mankind.

From the heads of their petrified dead were wrested their

handsome helmets crafted with such supreme elegance.

From their breasts were wrested their coats of mail that

would now shield the breasts of their foes from the sword

attacks of their creators. From their very sides were seized

up their mighty swords sworn to battle and total conquest,


now to sever the heads from the bodies of their own creators. Though the legions had now withdrawn, their spirit

for battle and blood depleted, circumstances now compelled

the Russ to race forward in pursuit of their prey, that they

might wipe those followers of Odin from the earth forever.

Though the Russ as well felt the sizzling stinging bite of

the bitter winter winds, their bodies were much more

accustomed to the rigors of the weather. During their

childhood those children of the Russ were forced to labor in

the fields during the midst of winters' onslaught, with the

howl of the ice wind and the pelting droplets of ice and rain.

From amid the rolling crisp tundra and the ice capped

landscape they learned to forage and live from the few

remnants of wood that great Jehovah so graciously provided.

As a direct result of their lifestyle, those rudiments for

survival became firmly implanted in even the darkest realm

of their intellect. It had taken an entire lifetime to acquire

the knowledge for survival, for it was so true that any

kingdom not of their own origin was forced to endure a


terrible awakening.

Those Teutonic Knights now slowed, worn by lack of

nourishment and the pelting icy freeze delivered by the spirit

of the winds. By now every kingdom of whom they had so

brazenly boasted their superiority, now combined to pursue

and eliminate the greatest of the Teutonic hoards. Behold

the kingdom of the Russ had exhausted the Teutonic

Knights of resources and they had lost thousands and

thousands of men. It was for this reason, my dear brothers,

that the great Teutonic kingdom had now begun it's massive




Libero 19

A Great Victor Rises Within The Army Of The Free!

Those Teutonic Knights now slowed, worn down by the

lack of nourishment and that constant icy freeze delivered

by the spirit of the winds. By now every kingdom among

those of whom they once mocked as being inferior had

combined to pursue, slaughter and enslave the once great

Teutonic hoards. The high command of their enemies was

crowned superior in every aspect of war and battle strategy;

behold his brilliance now cast a golden aura to radiate forth

upon every son of free mortal men, his honor shall endure

the ages!

His place of birth was upon the farmlands and timber

stands in the kingdom of chief Hiawatha. Never did his

parents ever perceive that they would raise up a warrior

whose strength and glory in battle would rival that of


Sampson and Caesar himself! So this mighty warrior was crowned king of the command that directed that Grand Army

Of The Golden Eagle, born to lead that high command into

glorious battle to gain supremacy over the entire earth.

Every kingdom and land among those so brutalized by the

Teutonic legions gracefully delivered themselves, both body

and soul, into the very heart of his high command, and upon

his countenance did the Almighty smile a glittering smile

that created the golden aura so adored by every loving being

born of mortal womanhood.

On the leadership of this great warrior, it was declared

that first priority should be placed with the task of

delivering a crushing defeat unto the Teutonic Knights. He

so declared unto his entire realm, that it was within the

twisted sadistic minds of the Teutonic Knights, that the

concept for the domination of all the earth through terror

was conceived, therefore it was possible for the great army

of the righteous to act alone, according to the strategic

placement and need for direct decisive action. In direct


response to this command the army then rerouted, transforming itself into a noose in order that it might

squeeze the necks of the remaining Teutonic armies. Upon

each and every head was donned a helmet of padded iron

born from Britannica’s most cherished foundries, conceived

by those former great masters of warfare. Upon each and

every side was secured a mighty sword donned with jewel

encrusted handles that glittered with such a brilliance in the

midst of the sun's radiant beams, that they blinded entire

legions who leaped forward in the heat of battle excitement!

Deep inside their hearts was inbred an intense desire for

justice only redeemable through combat, and an iron-clad

persistence to conquer! On cream colored stallions striding

majestic and proud, prancing forward into the glory of

combat, that most gallant army of the Golden Eagle rode


Prior to the history of battle, this concept of total

destruction had never been conceived in hearts of mortal

men. Systematically the Teutonic high command envisioned


war from it's most minute detail forward, even into the very mathematics of battle, in and of itself. Armies are recruited

from mere civilians who outnumber the ranks of warriors ten

to one, they reasoned, so therefore they should constitute

the lowest rank among all warriors.

Their god king now stood before the entire kingdom of

the Teutonic Knights, giving them his instructions as he

received them from the mouth of Satan himself: “In order

the achieve our goal of conquest over the mortals of earth,

as in all other duties that require assent, we must labor from

the floor upward. We must demonstrate our superiority in all

other areas of their existence. First we must demonstrate

that we have dominion over life itself. This goal may be

reached by using several methods, but the most effective

method is to liquidate the resistance even before they

realize our true intentions.”

“Next we must demonstrate that we are superior in the

areas of producing the necessities of life, and that we have

control over the flow of those items.”


“Thirdly, we must demonstrate that we are superior on a personal level. When I speak of this, I especially mean to

direct these words to our use of women. No area of conquest

should be left untouched! These acts on execution in

sequence, in consistency, shall effectively destroy any spirit

for battle left within the minds of the common people, and

destroy the underlings at the same time!”

Even in the act of this encirclement the Teutonic Knights

controlled a great resource base of land and people. Into

peaceful towns, where children sang hymns of praise in

glittering golden cathedrals, those legions of doom marched

straight forth into. Now seizing up those entire

congregations they marched them into the streets one by

one. While they stood in single file they were ordered to

strip, placing all their clothes and belongings into a single

pile. Humiliations and embarrassment swept the faces of

the entire group. No regard was given in concern as to

weather, male or female, all stood in the presence of the

other, for their blood was to spill, the blood of each to bond


and flow as one. Their terrible weapons of thunder and fire roared, spilling the blood of those multitudes on those

streets of well worn cobblestones, to scream upward into

the ears of the Almighty for him to deliver vengeance upon

the heads of their murders. Those huge piles of clothing and

personal valuables were quickly seized up by the villainous

legions to be donned for warriors starving for blood and

warmth. Cups and crystal glassware used for the purpose of

commune with the holy spirit, were seized up by the soldiers

of Satan, dashed into bits so that they might be melted

down and used for the purpose of war and the Devils'

bidding. When new glittering thunder rods and swords of

war were now made and used for the purpose of war, many

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