The Law of Hotel Life or the Wrongs and Rights of Host and Guest by R. Vashon Rogers - HTML preview

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A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, V, W.

Absence of guest—loss of baggage during, p. 40.
 Accommodation—innkeeper need only supply reasonable, p. 7.
 payment for bad, p. 16.
 Action against innkeeper—for refusing to receive guest, p. 12.
 for supplying bad food, p. 14.
 Agreement to furnish—p. 177.
 Agreement with innkeeper—as to board, pp. 61, 168.
 as to room, p. 61.
 Assault—liability of innkeeper for servant’s assault, p. 30.
 protecting guests from, pp. 74-124.
 Baggage—what is, pp. 74, 86-88.
 articles of jewelry, p. 86.
 innkeeper liable for loss in bus, p. 22.
 and during temporary absence of guest, p. 40.
 innkeepers are insurers of, p. 46.
 need not be given to landlord, p. 47.
 where guest retains exclusive possession, pp. 51, 52.
 of one stopping elsewhere, p. 60.
 Ball—innkeeper not liable for loss of a guest at, p. 60.
 Bed—guest need not go to, p. 40.
 damp bed, p. 165.
 innkeeper in bed, p. 13.
 Betting and bets—when improper, pp. 63-65.
 when bets recovered, p. 64.
 all void, pp. 65, 66.
 loser recovering stakes, pp. 66, 67.
 Billiards—pp. 70, 71.
 Bird—liable to distress, p. 176.
 Boarder—annoying fellow-boarders, pp. 163, 164.
 must look after his own goods, pp. 159, 160.
 Boarding-house—what is a, p. 166.
 differs from hotel, p. 167.
 Boarding-house keeper—liability of, pp. 154, 155.
 what amount of care required in, p. 155.
 liable for gross neglect, p. 160.
 liability for theft by stranger, p. 161.
 liability for faults of servants, p. 165.
 can choose his lodgers, p. 167.
 right of lien, p. 169.
 Breakages in hotel—when guest is liable for, p. 101.
 by boarder, p. 188.
 Burglars—p. 107.
 Card-playing—description of, p. 71.
 in private, p. 68.
 Carelessness of guest—in elevator, p. 24.
 when intoxicated, p. 58.
 loss through, pp. 108, 109.
 leaving door unlocked, pp. 112-115.
 Carriage—left outside inn-yard, p. 118.
 stolen, p. 119.
 Cat distrainable—p. 176.
 Clothing—innkeeper need not supply, p. 19.
 innkeeper’s lien on, pp. 137-141.
 liable to seizure for rent, pp. 175-176.
 Commercial traveler—goods of, in private room, pp. 52, 112.
 Dinner hours—p. 54.
 Dinner-set—p. 77.
 Distraining for rent—furnished house, p. 174.
 what things liable to distress, pp. 175, 176.
 Dog in hotel—p. 43.
 Door—left unlocked at innkeeper’s request, p. 53.
 not necessary to lock, pp. 112, 114.
 left open, pp. 154, 155.
 Door-bell—lodger entitled to use, p. 182.
 Door-plate—removing, p. 196.
 Ejecting guests—for bad manners, p. 26.
 for non-payment, p. 40.
 Ejecting tenants—pp. 196, 197.
 Emigrants—house for, an inn, p. 20.
 Entomological—pp. 16, 187.
 Explosion of stove—p. 179.
 Excessive charges—pp. 30, 124.
 Expectorating—pp. 20-22.
 Fire—liability of innkeeper for losses by, p. 103.
 Food—innkeeper selling bad food, p. 14.
 boarding-house keeper selling bad food, p. 165.
 Friend—cannot sue for lost goods, p. 59.
 Furnished apartments—contract for, must be in writing, p. 174.
 liability of landlord to repair, p. 180.
 leaving for disrepair, p. 181.
 lodger entitled to all appurtenances, p. 182.
 must be free from vermin, pp. 183, 184.
 must be properly furnished, p. 185.
 must be fit for immediate habitation, p. 186.
 notice to quit, pp. 191-194.
 noise of fellow-lodgers in, pp. 198, 199.
 Gaming—forbidden in inns, p. 68.
 what is, p. 68.
 lawful games, pp. 70, 71.
 unlawful games, p. 69.
 Goods and property—definition of, p. 85.
 Guest—must be a traveler, p. 59.
 one purchasing refreshment may be a guest, p. 59.
 neighbor not a, p. 14.
 when able to pay must always be admitted, p. 9.
 when tender necessary, pp. 9, 10.
 may be refused admission if improper, pp. 10, 11.
 or suffering from contagious disease, p. 10.
 or if inn is full, p. 11.
 or if he is in filthy state, p. 11.
 need not register his name, p. 13.
 nor go to bed, p. 40.
 nor take all his meals at inn, p. 60.
 cannot carry on business at inn, p. 30.
 liability when retaining exclusive possession of goods, p. 59.
 for breakages, p. 101.
 no lien on, pp. 137, 138.
 Horse of guest—of one stopping elsewhere, pp. 60, 122, 123.
 after departure of guest, pp. 62, 120.
 stolen from inn stable, p. 129.
 injured in inn stable, pp. 120, 121.
 injured in field, p. 122.
 lien on, for keep of another, p. 128.
 for its own keep, p. 129.
 for its owner’s keep, p. 127.
 stolen horses, p. 132.
 Hotel—differs not from inn, pp. 2, 3.
 derivation of, p. 3.
 American and English, pp. 54-57.
 See INN.
 Hotel-keeper—See INNKEEPER.
 Improper persons—need not be admitted into hotel, p. 10.
 Inevitable accident—liability of innkeeper for, p. 47.
 Infant—lien on goods of, p. 149.
 Inn—derivation of word, p. 3.
 differs not from hotel, pp. 2, 3.
 origin of, pp. 3, 4.
 development of, p. 5.
 definition of, pp. 18, 19.
 description of country inn, pp. 7, 8.
 of city inn, p. 23.
 sign not essential to, p. 5.
 Innkeeper—definition of, pp. 5, 19.
 need not let guest choose a room, pp. 7, 39.
 must receive all proper persons, pp. 9, 167.
 but not those disorderly, p. 10.
 or having contagious disease, p. 10.
 or if house be full, p. 10.
 nor thieves, nor policemen, p. 11.
 sickness no excuse for refusing to receive guests, p. 11.
 nor absence, p. 11.
 nor being in bed, p. 13.
 but sickness of servants is, p. 12.
 or infancy, p. 12.
 See LIEN.
 not bound to supply clothes, p. 19.
 liable for baggage lost in bus, pp. 22, 62.
 for assault of servants upon guest, p. 30.
 for goods of guest lost or stolen, pp. 45, 46, 92.
 unless guest was negligent, pp. 45, 108.
 are insurers of guest’s property, pp. 46, 103.
 in whatever part of hotel, pp. 47, 48, 92, 111.
 cannot make guest take charge, p. 48.
 when his liability ceases, pp. 61-63.
 liability for guest’s money, p. 90.
 for loss by fire, p. 103.
 for acts of mice, p. 104.
 for loss by burglars, p. 107.
 for horses and carriages, pp. 118-124.
 goods outside inn, p. 118.
 lien on horses, pp. 128-133.
 Intoxication—loss of goods by guest, p. 58.
 innkeeper drunk in bed, p. 69.
 Laundress—liability of innkeeper to, p. 29.
 Lawyer’s dinners—p. 34.
 Leakage of roof—p. 180.
 Liability of innkeeper—when it ceases, pp. 61, 62.
 limitation of, p. 80.
 statutory limitation, p. 81.
 construed strictly, pp. 82, 83.
 not applicable to horses, p. 120.
 Livery-stable keeper—lien of, pp. 134, 135.
 Locking door—pp. 112, 114.
 Lien—right of, cannot be sold, pp. 131, 148.
 on goods of third parties, pp. 132, 146, 150.
 special agreement as to payment, p. 134.
 of livery-stable keeper, p. 134.
 for improving horse, p. 135.
 none on person of guest, pp. 137, 138.
 nor on clothing, pp. 137-140.
 why innkeepers have a, p. 144.
 only on goods of guests, pp. 145, 146.
 when it ceases, p. 147.
 no limit to amount of, p. 148.
 boarding-house keepers, p. 169.
 Manners at table—pp. 26, 27.
 Matches—taking, p. 102.
 Misstatements as to hotels—p. 23.
 Money—guest depositing in safe, p. 84.
 liability of landlord for, pp. 90, 91, 93.
 when entrusted to third party, p. 96.
 Mosquitoes—p. 74.
 Necessaries of a wife—pp. 32, 33.
 Neighbor—cannot be a guest, pp. 14, 60.
 unless traveling, pp. 14, 59.
 Noise of boarders—pp. 120, 121, 198, 199.
 Notice to quit—pp. 191, 194.
 Parties dining together—p. 28.
 Prize candy—p. 71.
 Pullman car—not a common inn, pp. 76, 77.
 Rats and mice—depredations of, pp. 104, 105.
 Refreshment bar—not an inn, p. 35.
 Register—guest need not enter name in, p. 13.
 Repairs—liability of landlord for, pp. 180, 181.
 after a fire, p. 195.
 Restaurant—not an inn, p. 35.
 Robbery—liability of host for loss of guest’s goods, pp. 45, 92, 94.
 by guest, pp. 53, 110.
 Room—landlord to choose, pp. 7, 39.
 trespassing on guest’s, p. 73.
 Safe—depositing in, p. 79.
 Shaving—when barber liable for accidents, p. 99.
 Singing—of fellow-boarders, pp. 120, 121.
 Sleeping-car owners—neither innkeepers nor common carriers, pp. 76, 77.
 Smells—effect on tenants’ rights of noxious, pp. 186, 187.
 Stables—not a necessary for an inn, p. 19.
 landlord’s liability for bad, pp. 120, 121.
 Stove-pipe—passing through room, p. 178.
 Sunday travelers—must be admitted by innkeeper, p. 13.
 Tavern an inn—p. 36.
 Tender of payment—by guest, pp. 9, 10.
 Traveler—who is a, p. 59.
 Valuables—when need be deposited in safe, p. 48.
 notice of rule as to deposit of, pp. 49, 50, 79.
 personal jewelry, p. 79.
 when to be deposited, pp. 84, 96.
 Watch—as to depositing in safe, pp. 79, 80, 83, 85.
 Watering-place—hotel at, p. 168.
 Water-pipes—leakage of, p. 178.