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[1] Taylor v. Monnot, 4 Duer, 116; Jones v. Osborn, 2 Chit. 486.

[2] People v. Jones, 54 N. Y. (Barb.) 311; St. Louis v. Siegrist, 46 Mo. 593.

[3] Wharton’s Law of Innkeepers, 8.

[4] Gen. xlii:27.

[5] Bac. Abr. Innk. B; Parker v. Flint, 12 Mod. 255; Dickinson v. Rodgers, 4 Humph. (Tenn.) 179.

[6] Fell v. Knight, 8 Mees. & W. 269; Doyle v. Walker, 26 Q. B. (Ont.) 502.

[7] Taylor v. Humphreys, 30 Law J. 262; Watson v. Cross, 2 Duval, (Ky.) 147; Newton v. Trigg, 1 Show. 276; Commonwealth v. Mitchell, 1 Phil. (Pa.) 63.

[8] Rex v. Ivens, 7 Car. & P. 213.

[9] Fell v. Knight, 8 Mees. & W. 276.

[10] Wharton, p. 78.

[11] Doyle v. Walker, 26 Q. B. (Ont.) 502.

[12] Fell v. Knight, supra.

[13] Howell v. Jackson, 6 Car. & P. 742; Moriarty v. Brooks, Ibid. 634.

[14] Markham v. Brown, 8 N. H. 523; Fell v. Knight, supra.

[15] Rex v. Ivens, supra; Fell v. Knight, supra.

[16] Roll. Abr. 3 F; White’s Case, Dyer, 158.

[17] Marshall v. Fox, Law Rep. 6 Q. B. 370; Markham v. Brown, 8 N.H. 523.

[18] Mullins v. Collins, 43 Law J. M. C. 67.

[19] Markham v. Brown, supra; Pinkerton v. Woodward, 33 Cal. 557.

[20] Bac. Abr. Inns, c. 4; Cross v. Andrews, Cro. Eliz. 622.

[21] Addison on Torts, 938. But see Com. Dig. vol. 1, p. 413.

[22] Curw. Hawk. 714.

[23] Cayle’s Case, 8 Coke, 32.

[24] Rex v. Luellin, 12 Mod. 445; Reg. v. Rymner, L. R. 2 Q. B. D. 136.

[25] Fell v. Knight, 8 Mees. & W. 269.

[26] Fell v. Knight, supra.

[27] Rex v. Ivens, 7 Car. &. P. 213.

[28] “Did you see that absurd paragraph concerning a traveler who was writing his name in the book when a B. B. sallied out of a crack and took his way slowly and sedately across the page. The newly arrived paused and remarked: ‘I’ve been bled by St. Joe fleas, bitten by Kansas City spiders, and interviewed by Fort Scot graybacks, but I’ll be hanged if I ever was in a place before where the bedbugs looked over the hotel register to find out where your room was.’”

“It is generally not necessary for them to take that trouble,” I replied.

[29] Rex v. Ivens, 7 Car. & P. 213.

[30] Bac. Abr. vol. 4, p. 448.

[31] Walling v. Potter, 35 Conn. 183.

[32] Cayle’s Case.

[33] Roll. Abr. 95.

[34] 1 Blackst. Com. 430.

[35] Hart v. Windsor, 12 Mees. & W. 68.

[36] Sutton v. Temple, Ibid. 52, 60.

[37] Peters. Abr. vol. 5, p. 159; Jeremy on Bailments, 139.

[38] Thompson v. Lacy, 3 B. & Ald. 203. See also Dickenson v. Rodgers, 4 Humph. 179.

[39] Bacon’s Abr. Inns, C.

[40] Thompson v. Lacy, 3 B. & Ald. 283.

[41] Wintermute v. Clarke, 5 Sand. 247; Pinkerton v. Woodward, 33 Cal. 557.

[42] Parker v. Flint, 12 Mod. 255; Parkhurst v. Foster, Salk. 287.

[43] Bacon’s Abr. Inn. C.

[44] Lyon v. Smith, 1 Morris, 184; State v. Mathews, 2 Dev. & B. 424; Bonner v. Welborn, 7 Geo. 296. But see Commonwealth v. Wetherbee, 101 Mass. 214.

[45] Thompson v. Lacy, supra.

[46] Krohn v. Sweeny, 2 Daly, N. Y. 200.

[47] Willard v. Reinhardt, 2 E. D. Smith, 148.

[48] Dickinson v. Winchester, 4 Cush. 114.

[49] Bacon’s Abr. Inns, B.

[50] Robinson v. Cove, 22 Vt. 213; Butterfield v. Forrester, 11 East, 60; Rathbun v. Payne, 19 Wend. 399.

[51] Commonwealth v. Mitchell, 2 Pars. Sel. Cas. 431.

[52] Commonwealth v. Mitchell, 1 Phila. 63.

[53] Kelsey v. Henry, 49 Ill. 488.

[54] Prendergast v. Compton, 8 Car. & P. 454.

[55] Dons de Comus, Paris, 1758.

[56] Foster v. Taylor, 3 Camp. N. P. 49.

[57] Foster v. Taylor, 3 Camp. N. P. 49.

[58] Collard v. White, 1 Starkie. 171.

[59] Bacon’s Abr. Inns, C.

[60] Ambler v. Skinner, 7 Rob. (N. Y.) 561.

[61] Wade v. Thayer, 40. Cal. 578.

[62] Lane v. Ironmonger, 13 Mees. & W. 368.

[63] Atkins v. Carwood, 7 Car. & P. 759.

[64] Freestone v. Butcher, 9 Car. & P. 643.

[65] Parke v. Kleeber, 37 Pa. St. 251.

[66] Gilman v. Andrus, 28 Vt. 241.

[67] Wood v. Kelly, 8 Cush. 406.

[68] Carpenter v. Taylor, 1 Hilt. (N. Y.) 193.

[69] Regina v. Rymer, L. R. 2 Q. B. D. 136.

[70] Bennett v. Mellor, 5 T. R. 276. See, also, Houser v. Tully, 62 Pa. St. 92.

[71] Southcote v. Stanley, 1 Hurl. & N. 247.

[72] Per Pollock, B. C.

[73] Ibid.

[74] Southcote v. Stanley, supra.

[75] Doyle v. Walker, 26 Q. B. (Ont.) 502.

[76] Fell v. Knight, 8 Mees. & W. 276.

[77] Lane v. Dixon, 3 M. G. & S. 784.

[78] Doyle v. Walker, supra.

[79] Fell v. Knight, 8 Mees. & W. 276.

[80] McDonald v. Edgerton, 5 Barb. (N. Y.) 560

[81] Bacon’s Abr. Inns, C; Gelley v. Clark, Cro. J. 188.

[82] Murray v. Clarke, 2 Daly, (N. Y.) 102.

[83] For answer, see page 103.

[84] Regina v. Rymer, L. R. 2 Q. B. D. 141.

[85] Kent v. Shuckard, 2 Barn. & Adol. 803.

[86] Cashill v. Wright, 6 El. & B. 89.

[87] Year Book, 10 Henry VII, 26.

[88] Morgan v. Ravey, 6 Hurl. & N. 265.

[89] Ibid.

[90] Shaw v. Berry, 31 Me. 478; Sibley v. Aldrich, 33 N. H. 553.

[91] Kellogg v. Sweeney, 1 Lans. (N. Y.) 397.

[92] Rockwell v. Proctor, 39 Ga. 105.

[93] Wilde, J., Mason v. Thompson, 9 Pick. 280.

[94] Jones on Bailments, pp. 95-96.

[95] Wharton on Innkeepers, p. 88.

[96] Cayle’s Case; Packard v. Northcraft, 2 Met. (Ky.) 439; Norcross v. Norcross, 53 Me. 163; Burrows v. Truber, 21 Md. 320; McDonald v. Edgerton, 5 Barb. 560; Coykendall v. Eaton, 55 Barb. 188.

[97] Hallenbake v. Fish, 8 Wend. 547.

[98] Chute v. Wiggins, 14 Johns. 175.

[99] Epps v. Hinds, 27 Miss. 657; Simon v. Miller, 7 La. An. 368.

[100] Candy v. Spencer, 3 Fost. & F. 306.

[101] Bennett v. Mellor, 5 Term. Rep. 273.

[102] Johnson v. Richardson, 17 Ill. 302; Piper v. Hall, 14 La. An. 324; Profilet v. Hall, Ibid. 524.

[103] Saunders v. Spencer, Dyer, 266a; Wilson v. Halpin, 30 How. Pr. 124; Packard v. Northcraft, 2 Met. (Ky.) 439; Fuller v. Coats, 18 Ohio St. 343.

[104] Stanton v. Leland, 4 E. D. Smith, 88; Kellogg v. Sweeney, 1 Lans. N. Y. 397.

[105] Van Wyck v. Howard, 12 How. Pr. 147.

[106] Profilet v. Hall, 16 La. An. 524.

[107] Morgan v. Ravey, 30 L. J. Exch. 131, per Wilde, B.; 6 Hurl. & N. 265.

[108] Bernstein v. Sweeny, 33 N. Y. Sup. Ct. 271. See, also, Kent v. Midland Rwy. L. R. 10 B. 1; Henderson v. Stevenson, L. R. 2 Scotch & D. 470.

[109] Purvis v. Coleman. 21 N. Y. 111.

[110] Farnsworth v. Packwood, 1 Stark. 249; Packard v. Northcraft, 2 Met. (Ky.) 439; Vance v. Throckmorton, 5 Bush, (Ky.) 41.

[111] Farnsworth v. Packwood, supra.

[112] Burgess v. Clements, 4 Maule & S. 307.

[113] Packard v. Northcraft, 2 Met. (Ky.) 439.

[114] Richmond v. Smith, 8 Barn. & C. 9.

[115] Richmond v. Smith, 8 Barn. & C. 9.

[116] Jailei v. Cardinal, 35 Wis. 118.

[117] Dessauer v. Baker, 1 Wilson (Ind.) 429.

[118] Milford v. Wesley, 1 Wilson (Ind.) 119.

[119] Walsh v. Porterfield, Sup. Ct. Pa. 19 Alb. L. J. 376.

[120] Bacon, Abridg., vol. 4, p. 448.

[121] McDonald v. Edgerton, 5 Barb. 560; Bennett v. Mellor, 5 T. R. 274.

[122] Per Cockburn, C. J., Atkinson v. Sellars, 5 C. B. N. S. 442.

[123] Walling v. Potter, 35 Conn. 183.

[124] Grinnell v. Cook, 3 Hill, (N. Y.) 486.

[125] Carter v. Hobbs, 12 Mich. 52.

[126] Gelley v. Clarke, Cro. Jac. 188; Orange Co. Bank v. Brown, 9 Wend. 114.

[127] York v. Grindstone, 1 Salk. 388; Mason v. Thompson, 9 Pick. 280; Peet v. McGraw, 25 Wend. 653.

[128] Ingalsbee v. Woods, 33 N. Y. 577; Parsons on Contracts, vol. 2, p. 153.

[129] York v. Grindstone, supra.

[130] McDaniels v. Robinson, 26 Vt. 316.

[131] Parkhurst v. Foster, Sal. 388.

[132] Pinkerton v. Woodward, 33 Cal. 557.

[133] Shoecraft v. Bailey, 25 Iowa, 553; Berkshire Woollen Co. v. Proctor, 7 Cush. 417; Hall v. Pike, 100 Mass. 495.

[134] Chamberlain v. Masterson, 26 Ala. 371; Manning v. Wells, 9 Humph. 746; Ewart v. Stark, 8 Rich. 423; Hursh v. Beyers, 29 Mo. 469; Parkhurst v. Foster, Sal. 388.

[135] Parker v. Flint, 12 Mod. 255.

[136] Lusk v. Belote, 22 Minn. 468.

[137] Wintermate v. Clarke, 5 Sandf. 262; Lawrence v. Howard, 1 Utah T. 142.

[138] McDaniels v. Robinson, 28 Vt. 387.

[139] Corkindale v. Eaton, 40 How. N. Y. Pr. 266.

[140] Sasseen v. Clark, 37 Ga. 242.

[141] Giles v. Fauntleroy, 13 Md. 126.

[142] Adams v. Clenn, 41 Ga. 65.

[143] Stanton v. Leland, 4 E. D. Smith, 88.

[144] Bendetson v. French, 46 N. Y. 266; Kellogg v. Sweeney, Ibid. 291.

[145] Good v. Elliott, 3 T. R. 693.

[146] Da Costa v. Jones, Cowper, 729.

[147] McAllister v. Haden. 2 Campb. 436.

[148] Hussey v. Crickett, 3 Campb. 160.

[149] Earl of March v. Pigot, 5 Burr. 2802.

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