The Nysse by Chris Saferos - HTML preview

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…Arriving at Makri, I saw a very beautiful house with a garden which was behind an unrented store on Marathonos Avenue. The move took us about two days because we were moving things both from our old house and from Glyfada. I set up the television, the gaming consoles, the drums, the guitar and my pc in a big room at one end of the house and my bed in a small room to the right of the corridor that led to the room with the drums. The corridor was so long that I could skate it and I took complete advantage of it…As soon as settled in, I went and spoke to Aliki with whom I hadn’t spoken to in days and who had no idea that I had moved

-Hi, baby, sorry that I didn’t come the last days, but I had a hard time with the asshole. I moved to Makri!

-Really, baby?! Damn it baby, he broke your balls, that idiot….

At that point, I felt really bad because that wasn’t the real reason I hadn’t spoken to her.

-What did he do to you? she asked and I felt even worse.

-Eh, not much, but I wasn’t in a mood.

-I understand, you didn’t feel like talking to anybody.

-...Yes. Only one girl came and we started talking, but I wasn’t in a mood and I sent her away quickly, I said with a fast pace.

-Really?! Which girl?!

-You don’t know her…her name is Alice D.

-Ah, we have the same name. You should introduce her to me.

-Ah, ok. I don’t know if she will come by again.

-Eh, I sent her away too quickly and she might have been offended, I said and blushed.

Fortunately, she didn’t notice it.

-Ah, ok.

-Yes…, said and I kissed her. Let me show you the house, I continued…

I showed her the house and after we hung out for a while, “Devis” came. I sent her away and told him to go fuck himself. He ignored it and brought his chicks to see the house.

Ir.-Nice house, “monster”.

Kon.- Yes, we’ll take advantage of it.

Dev.-Do you like it, girls?

Ir., Kon.-Yes, yes, let’s find a place to have sex.

Chr.-You’re not having sex in my house.

Ir.-Shut up, “monster”. Devis fuck him up.

Dev.- I don’t feel like it….I just won’t let you play PS3. You’ll have it on medium and it will be so hard that you won’t be able to play.


Dev.-You won’t manage it… I will break your balls.

Kon.-Ruin his pc.

Chr.-Yes, tase him.

Dev.-Shut up you idiot.

Chr.-I’ll go play PS3.

Ir.-Tase him!

Kon.- Yes, Yes.

Dev.-Girls, he can’t suffer all the time.

I was stunned. The devil was starting to get bored with making me suffer. So I went and played PS3 and I didn’t manage it because of the difficulty.

Dev.-Go to your closet, I have a surprise for you.

Chr.-Oh, no. What now?

Dev.-I’ve put two joints in there.

Chr.-Yeah, bullshit…

Kon.-Go, you junkie!

Later on, I went to the closet, supposedly for something else and I saw a little bag. I opened it and there was pot in it. So, I found some rolling papers, I rolled it and I was about to light it. The cigarette wasn’t getting smaller, there was no smoke and then it disappeared.

Dev.-Hahaha. I created an illusion, he said and filled my room with pot which I couldn’t even touch.

Chr.-Come on, you asshole, I wanted to smoke pot.

Dev.-Yes, but it was a lie, he said and kissed me on the forehead maliciously. I’m going to my chicks. Don’t disturb me, he said and left. 

Chr.-And I’ll go to my chicks I said inside also maliciously. So I went to Alice D…

-How are you? I said without a “knock”.

-Fine…Sorry about the last time. I didn’t know you were loyal to your girlfriend.

-It doesn’t matter...things like that happen. I came because…

-Because you like me and you haven’t decided yet inside if you want to cheat on what’s her name….?

-Yes, kind of. Her name is Aliki.

-Do you see each other in reality too?

-No, only in here.

-Are you an idiot?! In here it’s for those who want to cheat on their real girlfriends. Otherwise, you don’t do anything in here. And sbe’s not even your real girlfriend…hahaha.

-Yes, but we’ve bonded.

-How do you know she doesn’t cheat on you, too?

-She’s already done it. But it was a messed up situation.

-So, then, why do you feel bad? In here anything goes…she said and kissed me.

As I am a very weak character, I had sex with her and then we hung out. I felt weird. Like, on the one hand, I had broken my faith with Aliki, but, on the other hand, it wasn’t such a big deal because she had done it, too. Or did she do it before we were together? Are we together? I was confused. After I said goodbye, I decided to go to Aliki and tell her…

-How are you, baby? She said after she saw me in front of her.

-Ok. I did something really bad, I said testing her tolerance to stuff.

-What baby?! she answered…

-I…cheated on you with another girl.

-What do you mean you cheated on me?

-I had sex with Alice D.

-That’s ok. I’ve done it, too.

-…For fuck’s sake.

-For fuck’s sake?!

-Why didn’t you tell me?

-Because I thought it wasn’t important. I fucked with a guy and two days later I made out with a chick. I can say I liked it with the chick, too.

-Fuck you! I thought I had done something completely wrong. Do you want not to have sex with others? Because I can’t. I feel less important to you.


-You’re a slut.

-Why don’t you go fuck yourself.

-At least, let’s avoid it and tell each other. Ah and it makes me really horny that you had sex with a girl.

-Hahaha, you’re immature.

-Can we avoid it?

-If we manage it…

-Please. At least, let’s be honest. I know that what we have is not like being together outside.

-It’s close though, she said and sighed. I love you.

-Me, too…

After we had a little “cold” sex, I left.  I went to lie on my bed and I saw a girl that I had met recently. Natalie. “Damn it,” I thought. “I have to avoid it.” Natalie was a brunette with a wild beauty. I had fallen in love with her recently...

-Hi, Natalie, I said.


-What are you doing in my bed?!

-Ah, it’s your bed? I got lost and I was looking for a little sex.


-What are you laughing at?  she said and started kissing me.

-Wait, wait…

-Hahaha. You’re playing hard to get. Do you want me to leave? Because you are not the only one on this planet that I want to have sex with.

-No, no stay.

-Hahaha. You’re an idiot.

After making out a little, we ended up…where else?! Having sex.

-I’ll come often, she said after we hung out. Something attracts me to you even though I didn’t like you in the beginning.

-I’ll come.

-What? Do you have a girlfriend in here? I will come privately, she won’t realize it.

-So, even if she realizes it…, I murmured guiltily.

-So, I’m leaving, lover boy. Have a good time.

-Bye, Natalie.

How did it all happen?! I was in ecstasy. I was in a phase when everything in your head and in your life go around fast and not being able to think a little more, you act mechanically and instinctively. After what happened with Natalie and the other girls, my first “instinctive” thought was to have a cup of coffee with my father at the port of Makri to change the scene.

A few minutes after I suggested it to him, we were sitting in a pretty café in the port. After we had ordered, we started talking about philosophical issues, as usual. Philosophical discussions were a common subject with my father.

-…Yes, indeed, it has to do with the relationship between cause and effect.

-However, what is the connecting link between cause and effect? The act?  The accomplished? Or does the cause itself connect its meaning with the effect? All those expressions. The cause, the effect, the act only comprise the way that man has found to interpret things and this is parallel with a reality that exists without us. I consider that magical…I said.

-Does this way though coincide with this reality that exists without us?

-Why isn’t the way things coincide a human comprehension tool?

-Or is it a tool of that reality that we as people have understood?

-The more this conversation goes on, the more we answer with questions instead of answers.

-Yes, hahaha. Right…Let’s drink a little coffee. However, due to natural selection, the reality which you describe coincides with human thought. It is a way of survival for humans.

At that point, the devil appeared. Fortunately, alone.

Dev.-What are you talking about?  Are you playing smart?

Chr.-At this moment, if science were an entity, it would mock you. Go to your sluts.

Dev.-Science as an entity, how little you know about the issue.

Chr.-I’m not interested in your opinion. By nature, you are anti-scientific.

Dev.-Oh, yes?! Let me show it…

Chr.-Oh no, what now?

Dev.-The tendency towards science is for some like the tendency for religiousness. I will put a gasoline taste for half a minute in the mouths of all science-worshipping atheists. Faith in science works with a faith receptor to it. Whoever has this receptor activated will feel my wrath. Hahaha.

Chr.-Come on, you asshole, don’t do it…Gasoline in the mouth?! Haven’t I given an anti-spell for your bullshit?

Dev.-I won’t use it as a spell, I’ll do it as an “action” of Communication. Like a massive act of the system of msn towards everyone. I can do it. Only, just because you called me unscientific, …you atheist pest.

Three seconds later, I had a taste of gas in my mouth. My father made a face as he was drinking his coffee. The asshole had put gasoline in the mouth of everybody who believed in science because I called him anti-scientific…A little bit later, his chicks came. The devil was anxious whether he had put gasoline in their mouths, too…

Dev.-Girls, girls you didn’t taste anything strange, did you?

Kon.-No. What taste?

Ir.-What the fuck are you talking about?

Chr.-Hahaha. Anti-scientific whores. Hahaha.

Ir.-What is the “monster” talking about?

Dev.-Nothing baby.

Chr.-Your “action” includes knowledge of the multiplication table, too? Hahaha.

Ir.-Tase him. That fucker is making fun of us.


Dev.Let’s see if you can solve a riddle, since you’re playing smart. A mathematical equation which you have to solve so that you don’t have gasoline in your mouth.

Chr.-I don’t want gasoline in my mouth…Fuck off!

The equation he gave me was unsolvable. Its result led to new equation and the result of the new one to another equation and so it went on… I tried to solve it for half an hour, with the taste of gasoline in my mouth, but I couldn’t do it. In the end the devil got bored and my taste recovered.

That day, my grandmother visited us to see the house. Out of curiosity, I wanted to see what her connection with the msn was. So, as soon as we sat down to eat, I started an inner conversation.

-How are you, grandma?

-Christos? Don’t talk to me in here. I get confused. I talk only to the guys.

-What guys, grandma?

-The metalheads. What’s their name now? The Black Metalers.


-Yes, they’re really nice.

-What Black Metalers, grandma?

-They found me and they told me that I have the black metal feeling and they talk to me. They keep me company.

-Have you learned anything about black metal?

-Eh, I’ve learned something. Hehe. Darkthrone, Belphegor. And the others who I liked, what was their name? Ah, Behexen. I don’t understand what they say and what this all means, but I like it.

-Hahaha. Enjoy your meal, grandma.

-Enjoy your meal, too, grandson.

So, we started to eat. We had chicken. As I was eating, I felt more and more that the devil was going to start his shit. His came soon and it was bad…

-You know, of course, that you can speak to animals now, through msn? he said.


-About the dead, I imagine you know…that you can talk to them…


-Combine those two a little…

-Fuck you. Noooooo!

At that point, the chicken that I was eating started to talk to me… “don’t eat me, disgusting human”… “I wish you were in my place” and other such comments. The devil seemed to enjoy it and he called his chicks who also enjoyed it. That day I stopped eating meat. Fortunately, not for a long time, but I did it. I decided to eat only vegetables or at the most shrimps which didn’t have enough intelligence to mock me. The day continued smoothly, but there was a feeling in the air that a new “action” in the msn would take place.

The system of global conscience was creating again…

A little bit before the new “action” of Communication happened, we hung out with Aliki and waited at first bored, but then impatiently because it was taking so long and we were curious to see what it was. As we were waiting, a series of lists which had various numbered names on them came to our minds. A little later, the word “rank” appeared in our heads. That’s the way the lists were named. Every list had a subject and under it there were classifications of people. For example, the “rank” of mathematicians. In the first place was the best mathematician in the world. In the second place, the second. It was interesting. The “rank” worked with parameters. That is, you could insert, for example, “the best mathematician alive” or  “the best mathematician in the theory of numbers” etc. We checked the lists with Aliki. The prettiest girl alive was a girl from Norway. Aliki was number 829,456, which was pretty high. Then we looked at the smartest person on the planet. I was number 2,789,416 . At that point the “breath” was activated and magically went up in the “rank”. Taking into account the fact that I carried the “archetype dogma” and that my brain many times gave answers to everything because of the “breath”, I went up to 121. I was so glad that I shouted out loud “I am smart”. Aliki laughed. Then, we looked at various classifications such as the best musician and I was number 83, due to what I showed to Cedric, Omar and Thomas. Aliki kept adding parameters as to who is the most beautiful and she went up the “rank”. She reached 790,821 and was very happy. She was really pretty. After we searched the best scientist, the best doctor and the best athlete, my eye caught a very funny part of the “rank”. The most awesome, the most punk and the worst asshole. I put in the parameters for the worst asshole and entities like the devil could be classified too. The devil was the worst asshole of all. He had first place, because for thousands of years he was doing shit to people. I put a parameter only for entities in the “rank” for assholes on purpose to see which were the entities of msn. I was in the fourth place…Because of the “breath” I was an entity as well as a human being. Being an entity generally meant you existed only in the msn. In my case, the fact that I pre-existed in Communication before the explosion of global conscience made me also an entity. The entities were many and they all had super powers. It was interesting that Satan and Lucifer were different entities from the devil. Satan was responsible for the wars in the history of man, whereas the devil and Lucifer were occupied with people on an individual level. Other entities were Nilsen and Tatiana. Budha and Christ and many others were also entities. Now I will tell you about Tatiana…

Tatiana was a girl who lived somewhere in Athens. She was an electronica music fan and she never missed the chance of going to such parties. She was also a fan of drugs and an intense lifestyle full of sex. The first time I saw her was at an electronica party to which I had gone with my friends where we did ecstasy for the first time. Influenced by the drug, we couldn’t stop dancing. Tatiana was dancing so intensely that she stood out. As soon as the party finished, she passed in front of us and we immediately felt that she had something special. That she was something…Her look was extraordinary and she radiated a ruthless, unbeatable self-confidence in combination with an expression that automatically reduced you because you had lived a lot less than she had. One day when we were hanging out with Aliki, she appeared in front of us and she struck up a conversation.

Tat.-Oh, a couple? Who gives a fuck, she said commenting on me and Aliki.

Al.-Get lost, you junkie.

Tat.-I’m not here for you, girl. I came for the guy that fucks you.

Al.-Die, bitch…

At that point, she ignored her and spoke to me.

Tat.-You are supposedly the Messiah? My name is Tatiana and I got a sign from the system we are talking through…

Chr.-It’s called Communication…

Tat.-I know, don’t interrupt me…I pre-existed, too. I was like the “nysse” of ecstasy, in the pre-msn and that makes me also an entity.

Chr.-I know it already.

Tat.-Nice. My purpose is supposedly to supplement a part of the “archetype dogma”. To convey the meaning of ecstasy to you…like a lesson that will help embody it in the lives of people. The sign that came to me was clear that I could choose the way I would do it. So, I choose to remove my ovaries with my hands so that I don’t get pregnant and start fucking in front of you and Aliki. Aliki and I stood there with our mouths open. The chick did as she said she would. While simultaneously, she was cursing us…The first quarter of an hour was fun. Then we got tired. She wouldn’t stop. She did the most perverted stuff in front of us like it was no big deal. Two hours later, something between catharsis and intense inner understanding came to us. That didn’t make her stop fucking and cursing us. In the end, we started cursing her.

Tat.-Eat shit, you pussies…she told us for the hundredth time.

Al.-Stick an umbrella in your ass, you filthy whore.

This went on for quite a while. After a certain point, we realized that she was doing it on purpose. It was part of the catharsis and the deep understanding of ecstasy. Five hours later, after all of us were exhausted, she kissed us and said: “Expect this.” We didn’t understand what she meant and we sent her away politely. The next day, the devil woke me up.

-Wake up, idiot, the apocalypse has come.

-Let me sleep, what the fuck are you talking about?

-The apocalypse has come. It’s time to judge people. Since the first battle didn’t have a winner, we’ll have to do it together. It’s like an obligatory confession for everyone.

-I won’t do it. I think it’s wrong. Except if I’m going to judge you.

-Nobody judges me. So I guess I’ll do it myself and you will undertake the plan because I don’t feel like doing it.

-What plan?!

-All the leaders from all the countries will gather and you will have to suggest a plan about how things will be in the world.

-If I do it, will they abide by it?

-Probably not. I think my job has more meaning. Ah and Christos, let me tell you…




At that point, I had to wake up and think of the plan to show it to the leaders of the countries. A few hours later, they gathered together  and I started suggesting what I had thought about.

-Good evening. Due to the way the world is today, the plan is only a suggestion which you can consider. Whatever comment you may have is acceptable. I have no political power so don’t try to kill me afterwards.

-Hahahaha, they all laughed.

-First of all, I propose ending all hostilities and war fronts all over the world. Secondly, I propose worldwide disarmament which will be accomplished by satellites and robots, which are harmless to people and which will locate the weapons and destroy them. I also propose policing is stopped and replaced by a smart system of self-defense, which will be available to all citizens of the world. This system will also record illegal actions, such as an attack. Through a data base, after a certain point, the offender would have to appear at a lenient and humane court. I also suggest free entrance at all borders for all people and a global currency. All decisions will be made by means of an internet referendum whether they concern a specific country or the global community. Goods such as food, accommodation and access to the internet will be available to all the citizens of the world at no cost. This is my plan. I hope you like it.

At that point, most of them left since hearing my opinion was a nuisance for them. Some stayed and apologized for not being able to help. I felt happy simply because I expressed my opinion. A few hours later, the devil came.

-Ok. I judged them. I also tased some idiots that believed that they had to be punished. I won’t ask how it went with the leaders because I know they ignored you. Now it’s time for your judgement. Do you believe you have to be punished for your sins?  he said and moved the taser.

-Go fuck yourself.

-Today I’m in a really weird mood and I will be an asshole. I found a trick that is not a spell and it causes a stroke.

-No, don’t use that. For fuck’s sake.

-I’m going to use it on someone, not on you to begin with, to see what it does.

-Nooo. It’s dangerous.

-Yes, and I like it. I’m pissed off today. I had a fight with the girls…

-Oh, no.

-Yes, oh no...

A little later a girl showed up. I told her to leave, but the devil struck up a conversation.

Chr.-Go away, he’s dangerous. He wants to harm you.

Dev.-He always ruins it. If you don’t want to stay with us, you can leave, Christos. What’s your name girl?

Kel.-Kelly. What’s his problem?

Dev.- He has schizophrenia, leave him alone. I’ll take care of him.

Chr.-Go away, I said crying.

Dev.-Don’t pay much attention to him Kelly. You have to be careful. A new “action” of the msn is coming.

At that point, the devil was lying. He wanted to create a fake, massive “action” of Communication in the eyes of Kelly.

Kel.-What “action”?

Dev.-The schizophrenias will be released for a little. The schizophrenias which some people have will be released like images in the msn and will start doing bad things. But it won’t last long. Don’t worry, I’m here.

Dev.-Oh no, it’s starting.

So all the schizophrenias …appeared. He had created them as entities that tried to drive you crazy with mindfucks. He directed some towards Kelly to supposedly protect her from them. Then, Patton came and he sent him away by directing some towards him. Kelly was scared and was sitting near the devil. As she was sitting next to him, he did the trick with the stroke without her realizing that he did it. She turned red and immediately after turned white. “I don’t feel well,” she said…

Dev.-It must be the schizophrenias. Don’t worry, they will leave.


Dev.-Oh no, they got him, too.

Kel.-I’m not feeling good, she said crying.

Chr.-That asshole gave you a stroke.

Kelly was in no position to hear me. I had to help her…I blocked the devil’s ability to move and through the search engine I found a spell which recovered brain functioning to normal. The devil was pissed off and tried to move in vain. He created an effigy that was one tenth of his height which used Kelly’s anti-spell (what I had given to people) so that my rescue spell wouldn’t work. At the end, the “breath” worked suddenly and she was saved. Kelly ran away. However, the devil’s ability to move recovered and he had that horrible little creature as a helper. They kept making me have strokes until I couldn’t stand it anymore and I told my mother to take me to the hospital.

When we got there, they put me in a wheelchair and they took me to a room. A little bit before they gave me a green injection, the nysse came…I was going to die. The doctors were looking at me anxiously because my condition was getting worse. I was dying. I saw beautiful images from my life and then remembered that it was finishing and I was crying. At that point, I was half-way unconscious and everything around me seemed blurred. I saw Svensgar talking to the devil and then coming over to me and saying “don’t worry, I’m going to save you.” He did some magic and I slowly recovered. The devil had gone. 

-Thanks, I told him.

-Don’t worry. Tomorrow, we’ll fight the devil and it all be over. There is no way we’ll lose. Trust me.

Then I fell asleep abruptly and woke up the next day in the evening. The battle had already started…

Svensgar was sending spells to the devil and his creature. The devil was in defense whereas the creature was sending electric shocks to Svensgar. As soon as he saw that I was awake, he said to me.

-I saved your life last night, save mine now.

-Thanks. Done.

I started to tase the creature, which didn’t have the anti-spell I had given to people, so that Svensgar could break the devil’s defense. (The devil had created a defense for himself.) The devil gave an anti-spell to the creature, but strangely he lost his defense. Svensgar tried to tase him. Then I remembered the second battle and told him:

-Don’t tase him, he doesn’t die. What are we gonna do? Oh, I have an idea. Let’s change him. I have a spell that works like a lobotomy for evil.

-Bullshit…where did you find that spell?!

-No time to explain…tase him so that I can put that spell on him.

Before I started tasing him, he magically lost his powers and Svensgar managed to put the spell on him. As much as he tried, he couldn’t turn against us. The devil became good after that! The spell did away with any tendency for …destructive and hostile behavior. He apologized and tried to stop the creature that seemed to have gone crazy from too much tasing. Then the battle continued a little with the creature. Although he didn’t have a lot of power, it was smart and managed to get away. At the end, Svensgar showed me an ancient prophecy that on that day I would prevail and that humanity and I would thereafter live in paradise. As soon as the creature saw the prophecy, so that it wouldn’t suffer it transformed itself and swore to be my helper from then on  in the new life.

-Whatever you need from now on, I will be next to you, it said to me. My name is 10,000.


-Yes, that’s how the devil named me because he thought I had 10,000 IQ, he said and transformed himself drastically. He looked like Nuno and told me that was who he was influenced by for his new appearance.

-Heaven at last! said Svensgar and raised a glass of beer.

-Heaven at last! said the devil, 10,000 and I and we said cheers…

The following days were indeed heavenly. The “breath” although I felt it was confused, gave me some magic which would improve people’s lives. Immortality until the age of 85 for everyone. A system of self-defense that could immobilize anyone who tried to attack you in reality. We were also giving out money with 10,000 in the street like we had done with Steven. With 10,000 we became friends and often hung out looking at funny things in the rank. The devil and Svensgar spent a lot of time together so I didn’t see them often. They would join us once in a while, though. Our circle was huge at that point. Its core was Prozak Party, Patton, Nuno, old friends and acquaintances, Aliki, Alice D and Natalie who got to know each other and hung out together. I didn’t do anything with Alice D and Natalie only with Aliki. With Alice D and Natalie we were only friends despite their frequent pressure to have sex.

-…How can we go about it? I want to have sex with you, Alice D said at one point.

-I know I want to, too, but I’m with Aliki and we are about to get together in reality.

-Come on, I really want to…

At that point Aliki came. “Oh, no, Aliki came,” I thought.

Al.-What happened? What are you talking about?


Alice D-Eh, not nothing.



Alice D-He wants to fuck us, Natalie and me and he can’t.

Chr.-Fuck you.

Al.-I’ll kick your ass, she said jokingly.

Alice D-I’m kidding, it’s me that wants, but you are lovebirds.  What can we do?

Al.-Do you like him?

Alice D-Yeah, damn it.


Alice D-Haha, interesting…Yes, I like you, too, stupid.

Then all three of us looked at each other. Nothing more was needed. We had sex and it was so interesting that one more time seemed too little.

We decided to form a “triple” relationship. We all liked each other and felt like it was heal