The Nysse by Chris Saferos - HTML preview

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A few days later, after we collected our things, we moved to Glyfada. The house was relatively small, but it had a large garden which was ideal for morning walks. I would sleep on the couch and the others on some cots. As the devil spent most of his time with Irini and Konstantina, I had enough time for myself. I spent the first days in Glyfada drinking a lot of coffee in the garden, playing cards and playing a little soccer in a nearby field. The devil continued doing bullshit, but to a lesser degree. He freaked me out that the plants, the coffee, the straws were talking to me. Nevertheless, I felt that is was safer now to talk to people through msn. The only thing I really cared about was to talk to Aliki again. I needed someone to talk to to make sure it was safe. My friends had felt what had happened with the devil and wouldn’t talk to me. On the other hand, I didn’t want to talk to anyone so that there wouldn’t be the possibility of getting him involved. So I was waiting for somebody to come and talk to me. That happened soon. The vocalist of Botch spoke to me.

Botch played a hybrid of metal and hardcore and for many it was one of the first bands to “bring about” metalcore. So their vocalist happened to appear in front of me and we started talking.

-Hey, dude what’s up? after I saw him sitting in front of me without talking.  

-Great, I guess...I...I was in front of the battle. I voted for you. What happened when the devil closed you into that sphere?

-Bad stuff. Another battle started...

-How did it...

-Go? I fucken lost and now he's torturing me. I am afraid to talk to people, because of him.


-Long story. Can someone tase you all of a sudden?

-I don't think so. Didn't you give an anti-spell for everything to everyone.

At that point the devil appeared.

Dev.-End of conversation. Change the subject or I'll tase him, he told me in a pretentious Greek-American accent and sat in a corner and watched.

-Let's talk about something else. What are you drinking? Coffee? I said after noticing that he was drinking coffee.

-Wanna teach you how to make frapee. It's cold Greek coffee.

-Cold coffee?

-It's like instant coffee, but cold.

-Enlighten me.

-You put the same amount of coffee and sugar that you put in your instant coffee. Then you add a little water. You shake it. You add more water and some ice, a straw and then you scratch your balls.

-What? Ιt's like a Greek custom to scratch your balls after?

-Yes, it's necessary.

-Ok. I won't forget that.

-Gotta go. My mother wants to shoot heroin with me.



-See you dude. Be careful with that weird impersonator of evil.

-I'll try. Bye.


As soon as he left, I was happy because there was a possibility that the devil couldn’t tase people because of the anti-spell I had given to humanity. There was only one way to find out. To electrify myself and see if it hurts. Three seconds later I felt like an idiot. The devil tased me and it hurt, but because I was so happy I might see Aliki again, I forgot it. I checked to see if I had an anti-spell just for the sake of it and I saw that the devil had blocked it. I was glad because Aliki’s which was activated would probably work against the taser. Also according to what the vocalist of Botch said…A minute later, I checked to see whether the devil was present and I did a fast “knock” to Aliki.

-Do you wanna see me? I said.

-Yeeeees, of course! What happened, you unmessed?

-No, but I can talk to you. Tell me only one thing though. Can the devil harm you with the taser?

-I can’t tell you.


Then the devil laughed because he had changed what Aliki had said in my ears. Anyway then I saw her relaxed and even though I couldn’t hear what she was saying, she was probably safe.

Dev.-Tell her you are coming in a minute.

Chr.-What do you want?

Dev.-I will let you see her under one condition.

Ir.-Not having sex.

Kon.-Yeah, so you don’t catch anything.

Dev.-Only under that condition. Otherwise, I’ll tase her.

Chr.-But the tase is a bluff.

Dev.-Do you risk it?

Chr.-Fuck you, I said and appeared in front of Aliki surprising her with a kiss. We started making out and we had passionate sex. The devil had an expression that showed that when I finished I would be fucked. That was also a battle with the devil that I won. I would be with Aliki.

Dev.-Do you want to suffer in front of Aliki or alone?


Chr.-Goodbye Aliki. I’ll go suffer now. I’ll come back later, I said determined. She restrained her tears and didn’t cry. She looked at me like we were together in this struggle and said to me: “Be patient, baby…” She kissed me and left.

In seconds, after Aliki left, the torture began…The devil and his sluts were really angry and did the worst to me. Specifically, they changed the position of my internal organs. Kidney in the place of the liver, heart in the place of my feet. At the end I was so distorted that I didn’t look like a person. Konstantina suggested that the torture continued in front of mirrors. I wanted to faint and they were taking pictures of the “monster” (that’s how they called me). The torture continued for about three days. The fourth day, I woke up because a new day was starting. Five days later, they stopped and busied themselves with fucking. It was time to go back to Aliki.

-How are you, baby? I said bitterly.

-Babyyy! What happened with the asshole?

-He tortured me with the bitches he hangs out with and now he chilled and I can talk to you.

-Should we have sex? It might help. Quick.

-Yes, but because I’ve suffered so much, I can’t promise a …good performance.

-Good performance…hahaha.

-Yes, funny, indeed, I said looking right and left, paranoid.

-That’s ok. Your …performance is below average anyway. Hahaha.

-You’re wrong. You probably didn’t fuck with me. Whore…

-Yes, I must have made a mistake and fucked with your modesty.

-Which has reached rock bottom…

-Exactly, she said and kissed me.

Then we had sex…After sex, they devil came.

-What do you prefer? To humiliate you in front of Aliki or electrify you for ten minutes? he said.

-Humiliate me in front of Aliki…

-Are you sure? You might lose her. I will make you curse her compulsively without being able to stop.

-No, no.

-Now, it’s too late.

-Aliki go! Fuck you.

-Hahaha, ok I’m going. Come by when you can. Bye.

-Bye. Fuck you.

-Hahaha. Bye, she said and kissed me.

-Fuck y…..

Dev.-Damn it, she thought it was funny.

Chr.-Do you want to create the same compulsion with me and your chicks?

Kon.-What happened to the “monster?”

Chr.-Fuck you.

Kon.-What did you just say?! Devis, electrify him!

Chr.-Aaaaaaa. Fuck you.

From then until I left from Glyfada, I pretended I couldn’t control the ….compulsive “fuck you” to the devil and his chicks. I suffered more in the beginning, but then I broke them and they tortured me less.

The next month was bearable. Apart from the devil’s bullshit, I could see Aliki and I lived easy in my outside life. Something like a terror routine that I had got used to and seemed relatively bearable. In that period of time, an American billionaire appeared in my head who  seemed to come out of nowhere…

Steven was filthy rich and confused. He was present at the first battle, but didn’t vote even though he was on my side. What had happened had affected him so much that he came and talked to me.

-Hello, Messiah, he said and made me feel strange.

-Hello, my real name is Chris.

-I'll call you Mesh, because I'm rich and I don't give a fuck. I'm only kidding...Chris.

-What brings you here?

-Are you fucking kidding me?

-No, you where actually kidding me ten seconds ago.

-Haha really funny! What happened after the battle?

Because I was bored, I showed the devil and I told him «I lost». I had no purpose of opening up, telling him the details...

-Only that?!


-I had a great idea on how I will spend, the last million I earned.

-Oh, really...

-I will give it to you!

-What the fuck!? Are you fucking serious?

-Yes I have thousands of those. Hahaha.

-Why? Like supporting  me?

-Yes. The battle was awesome. It was the greatest experience of my life and I want to thank you. With nothing in return.

-You're fucken welcome.

Αaaaaaaa I’m rich! I shouted inside.

-What are you going to do with all that money?

-Well let me think I'll keep the 700000 and give the rest to charity. Should I give you my bank account numb...? Don't know... What is it called?

-No, there's a...spell, he whispered, that you can transfer money, from one bank account to another. Inside here. And I've already done it with your bank account. So enjoy!


-Who will you give the 300000?

-I have a great idea. Half will go to organizations that help people.

-And the other half?!

-I drive around with my parents and I think it would be a great idea to give 1000 to strangers on the street. Just give it to them and tell them.

-Can I join?

-Yes. You, my girlfriend and I will give money to strangers on the street.

-That's... awesome.

-I'll go call her and we start in ten minutes.

-Aliki, I’m rich!

-What ?!

At that point, I explained to her what had happened, gave her 200,000 and we started giving money to passers-by. The bank account in which Steve had deposited the money was my parents’. So I just told my mother through msn, not to be surprised if she saw a lot of money in it. Then we started going around…..

Aliki was cursing people and then gave them 1000 euro. Just to see their reaction. One guy had a fight with his wife in his car and she threw him out and we gave him a little more. Another guy almost crashed and started cursing. I told him not to curse the sacred for fun and gave him his 1000. Steven saw himself as a philanthropist  and we were making fun of him. That day, we gave at least 40,000 euros. There was a problem when we came across a homeless person. That idiot, Steve, tried to give the homeless person his share and he gave him the finger because he was homeless and didn’t have a bank account. We went home and tried to find a way to give to the homeless. We searched for different spells, but in vain.

There was nothing. A little later, the devil came and I sent them away because as usual I didn’t want to suffer in front of them.

Ir.-What’s happening, “monster”?

Chr.-Go fuck yourself, you stinky whore. 

Dev.-Now, as usual, you are going to suffer…

Chr.-Wait a second! Let me light a cigarette. Dude, where did the lighter go?! It was here…

The devil made it appear in front of me, through msn and then in reality. “Devis” was glad because he had impressed his chicks, but I felt even gladder because he used the teleportation spell. We could teleport checks to the homeless. As long as I could steal his spell…Fortunately, the torture was light this time and then he did what looked like sleep with his chicks. The spectacle was funny because the devil’s “sleep” was scary and his chicks were sleeping next to him like it was no big deal. Their sleep was also heavy so I didn’t have a hard time stealing the spell. The next day, we went only to homeless people and gave them ten thousand dollar checks through teleportation. At the end of the day, we called them and hung out together and talked about how they managed up till now. They were touching life stories which made you realize that anyone can find himself in such a position from one moment to another. Some of them lost their jobs, some of them got involved in gambling and some were simply victims of fraud. 

The “terror routine” continued for about three weeks. Hanging out with Aliki was awesome and we were slowly thinking about meeting in reality. Steven came once in a while and we hung out and gave money to strangers, but not as often as in the beginning. The good thing was that I saw Patton, Nuno and my friends hastily. I explained the situation to them and we agreed to talk in the near future. My parents paid off the mortgage with Steven’s money. Even though they told me that my grandmother had sent the money. Towards the end of my stay at Glyfada, I acted like a spoiled brat so that my parents would buy me gaming consoles. PS3, Wii, PSP and a television since we had 500,000 to which I had no access because the account was my parents’. After a little persistence, we went to the nearest shopping mall to buy them and the following happened…

All the way to the shopping mall, people were staring at me. Most of them talked to me. Some were at the first battle, others just felt that I was the Messiah and others to give them 1,000 euro. In few words, in one way or another, I saw that more and more people recognized me. At the shopping mall, I felt the way I had felt in Mykonos with people. Only to a greater extent. People for the first time were flirting with the idea of believing in me, in a religion which I had not yet managed to define. This, despite the fact that it was in contrast to my beliefs as an atheist, it pushed me to create a new world in everybody’s head. A new religion! The “breath” would guide me, but I decided to choose which parts I would follow. So, I searched the “archetype dogma” a little and to my great surprise that was its basic principle. For the people and I to choose the characteristics of the new religion. However, the sad thing was that I had the devil over my head who would go against any such action. Then I realized that Christ was also an entity in the Communication system. In a short time, I “knocked” to the representative of that entity with an image of my dogma only to see what his opinion is. He ignored me giving an answer which essentially stated that they follow what they have been dedicated to for years. It didn’t bother me because I didn’t believe in Christianity anyway, however, it didn’t seem that their circle would create a problem for me. The only problem during that period of time was the devil and the fact that I preferred to hang out with Aliki instead of being occupied with dogmatic issues.

As the period at Glyfada was finishing and we were getting ready to move somewhere else, a new person appeared in my life. Alice D. Alice D. was a beautiful blonde girl who I only saw in lives before the msn. With Alice D. even though we hadn’t met, we had a lot of common acquaintances. Alice D listened to punk and happened to have the same name as Aliki. Many times, I caught myself gazing at her in punk lives when she wore heavy make-up and that Ramones t-shirt. However, I didn’t talk to her for the same reason that I hadn’t talked to Aliki.  She was hot and she had a boyfriend! Alice D appeared in front of me without a “knock” and then she did a “knock” in front of me for fun. She laughed radiating with self-confidence. I laughed, too…..

-How rude, without a “knock”? I said.

-Hahaha. I “knocked”… she said.

-Hahaha, Christos.

-Alice D.


-Should I leave, she said politely.

-No, just…

-Just stay…

-Yes…How did you find me?

-Search engine.

-Useful tool.


-Have you heard the monosyllabic girl from NOFX? Where Fat Mike’s girlfriend answers only with one syllable to whatever he says?

-Yes, she answered monosyllabically for fun.

-Are you going to answer only with a “yes”?


-Checkmate. Now you have to say something more than yes.



-….and she looked at me meaningfully.

-I’m with…

-I don’t want you, she interrupted and smiled.

-I’m sorry.

-Hahaha. Checkmate…the reason I’m here is because lately I talk to people that I see in lives. I feel like I know you, damn it, but I have never spoken to you. The Greek punk scene must bond more.


-Huge word.

-The hugest that you could ever say. Monosyllabic girl.

-Hahaha, you trying to get to me? Scene kid!

-Me, a scene kid? You have made out with half of the scene. Scene kid!

-Hahaha. What’s your problem? I took your boyfriends?

-No! We didn’t get to make out. Hahaha.

-You weren’t punk enough.

-Hahaha, I have the impression that this conversation is leading to a catharsis.

-Hahaha, I don’t see it so seriously.

-That’s because you are more punk than me.

-I dedicate Boxcar, from Jawbreaker to you.

“You’re not punk and I’m telling everyone, save your breath I never was one …” we sang together.



-Hahaha, she said and kissed me.

I was stunned. I really liked her, but I was with Aliki. I immediately had regrets.

-I’m leaving, she said like nothing happened and she tried to kiss me again, but I withdrew.

She insisted, kissed me again and left. That day, I didn’t go to Aliki. I felt bad. Aliki knew that if I didn’t come, I was in the devil’s hands, so I was covered. So, I sat and played with the PS3 that I had just bought.

  …..As I was playing, I felt that someone wanted to talk to me. A guy showed up for a split second and left. That happened three or four times and after a certain point I waited for him to come to ask him who he was. Ten minutes later, he appeared again and I was able to ask him. The answer I got was as follows:

-My name is Svensgar. I can help you with the devil.

As soon as he said it, he left and strangely I couldn’t find him after. Perhaps, he was the solution that I was waiting for all this time. I was enthusiastic. While I was feeling enthusiastic, my mother came and announced to me that we had rented a really nice house in Nea Makri. In this way, my stay in Glyfada came to an end and a new part of my life started, Makri. It was February 2010.