The Plot to Overthrow by Mohammad Goldstein - HTML preview

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never knew this; why didn’t I see this?”

Roger, calling to them, said, “Please, let me finish; there is a bit more you

need to understand.

“While we crave real peace, I assure you the monster that calls itself your

United States government will not forfeit power to you, the people. They

will kill you. This is my opinion. I do not expect you to believe me. Based

on the documents that I have seen, America and the think tank minds, at this

point, intend to conquer the world. The world should be gravely concerned

about the intentions of the United States government. Every nation where

we have a military force should kick us out to avoid worldwide disaster.”

Smiling, he took a long drink from the bottle of Black Jack and continued.

“I stand before you dressed in United States Army issued clothing. As you

can see, I look like any other Viet Cong during the Vietnam War. My unit

was an undocumented, special operations unit that was part of the US Army

Special Forces. We were one of the CIA’s many assassination squads. Except

for my hospital stays, I was behind enemy lines in Cambodia or Laos. During

that time, units like mine were responsible for the execution and murder

of over seven thousand people in Cambodia and Laos. The United States

government said these people were either helping North Vietnam or

sympathetic to their cause. We assassinated village leaders, and government

officials as part of a CIA operation code named ‘Cherry.’ An extremely

limited part of the information is public today under the Freedom of

Information Act.

“The CIA also undermined the Cambodian government in another operation

called ‘Black Terror.’ Black Terror destroyed villages, people, or anything

they wanted to destroy. Their purpose was to undermine the ruling

Cambodian government by creating unrest in the population. In turn, they

blamed the attacks on the Cambodian regular army, and the plan worked.


It resulted in the overthrow of the government. By covert standards, it was

a CIA backslapping success. Operation ‘Cherry’ assassinated over eighteen

hundred people a month, for a grand total of around twenty-nine thousand

murders, while cluster and napalm bombs burned over seven hundred fifty

thousand Cambodians alive. The murder of twenty-nine thousand is a CIA

lie. Having been there, I estimate the number to be closer to the two hundred

thousand level in Cambodia and Laos.

“Why am I telling you this? You need to know what your government, the

biggest distorter of the facts in the world, really looks like. If they have

agents as undisclosed news sources to distort the media, it should be no

surprise to you that they could easily distort the facts of war, especially the

war on terror. God, I wish I had the liberty to tell you the truth behind Bin

Laden. I can tell you this much, or at least make you think by questioning

you. Do you really think we did not know where he was? All this bullshit of

blaming it on Pakistan is a cover. We knew where he was from the first time

his man dropped off the first tape to Al Jazeera television.

“In closing, this may keep you awake tonight. Nothing like sheep - counting

sheep - to sleep. Try saying that fast three times,” he said, laughing. “The

think tank kids came up with a new set of war scenarios in the late eighties

and early nineties. I read the first plans while I was on active duty during

Desert Storm. The brainchildren developed new military plans that included

the use of limited, tactical nuclear force against every nation, even our allies.

Do you understand the seriousness of what I just said? We have full nuclear

plans on how to strike any country; Germany, France, even England, in the

event we need to do so. I ask you, where does it stop?

“I would like to leave you with my best friend’s comment. I had the

privilege of meeting him many times on the battlefields of the world. A wise

general, by the name of George Washington, said,

‘My first wish is to see this plague of mankind, war, banished from the


Picking up the sword, Roger sliced the air several times, bringing silence

to the room. Stopping he stood at attention and said in a commanding, loud

voice. “It is the one we think is the peacemaker that comes to take peace

from the earth with a sword. He has his armies all over the world. The false

peacemaker undermines the governments of the world, killing and causing

people to kill one another.”

Sam sat speechless in his chair.

Picking up the bottle of Black Jack, and looking in the direction of the table,

Roger concluded, “Thank you, General,” as he guzzled the bottle.


Unable to comprehend his remarks about the general, the crowd rose and

applauded, as he made his way toward the group’s table.

Before he arrived, a man walked up behind Roger, stuck a finger in his

back, and said, “I see you received the documents I sent you in Desert Storm,


Without turning around, Roger replied, “General Brad Breckenridge, I

always thought it was you.” Turning around, they shook hands and hugged

one another as old combat buddies.

Sam and Molly were talking a mile a minute, gesturing with their hands as

they exited the bar for a private discussion on the second horseman of war.

The group stood and shook hands with Roger and General Breckenridge as

Roger introduced him to everyone.

Steve was the first to comment. “That was revealing, to say the least.”

Jerry followed with, “Are you concerned that some of this will get out and

cause you a problem?”

“I never told them the half of it. They would shit if they knew over one

thousand special ops in every state since 9/11 have been collecting data on

each of them. The world and the American people are clueless about what

this government really intends to do with America’s biggest puppet, Israel.

Let me say this, and I will tell you the rest in a more secure location.

Hypothetically speaking, what if the United States government knew about

the impending attacks on 9/11 and let them happen, anyhow?”

General Breckenridge interrupted. “Roger, I think you need a better place

than a bar to discuss those issues.”

“Just a minute,” Scott said. “Are you implying the government knew attacks

were going to happen and did not stop them?”

“I’m sorry, Congressman. We are not implying anything here, are we,

Roger?” General Breckenridge quickly responded.

“Nope. Not at this time. But see me later, Scott. And I will blow your

political mind,” Roger said, smiling from way too much Black Jack. “We

are moving from the manipulation of terrorism to manipulation of the


“Roger, I think we should take this private,” interjected Breckenridge.

“You’re right again, General,” he said as they walked away from the group.

Looking back at the group, Roger said, “I’m drained for tonight, fellows. I

think I will take the general home to see what the night brings.” They all

stood and hugged one another as Roger went toward the back door rather

than walk through the crowd of people waiting to speak with him. “General

Breckinridge, let’s meet tomorrow morning for coffee.”


“Thanks, Roger. I am glad you clarified that it was not this general you

were taking home tonight,” he said, smiling. “I assume you are still traveling

with General Washington?”

“Yes, sir, I am.”

‘What a night,’ Jerry sat thinking after Roger had finished speaking. ‘Who

knew Roger’s life was going in that direction in the 60s? Certainly not me,

and I am sure Roger would not have believed it himself. The last few weeks,

helping Molly in preparation with the news groups, has been a lot of fun.

Where is that little ball of energy?’

Looking across the room, Jerry saw Molly and Sam talking. Giving Sam a

hug and a peck on his cheek, Molly began to speak with the news crowd

about their bus ride home. Admiring Molly’s body from a distance, Jerry

noticed a small man walk up and engage her in conversation. For some

reason, the man looked a bit familiar. Unable to place the face from his

vantage point, Jerry got up to get a closer look. Making his way through the

crowd of people, Jerry was about ten feet away when he read the man’s

nametag, Fred Diaz.



“Pity Party”

Bewildered by the events at the bar, Sam sat in his office enjoying a last

cup of coffee, as he tallied the night’s take. ‘It seems every time that group

gets together, anything and everything can and does happen,’ he thought,

pressing the total button. ‘Well, Molly outdid herself; the total numbers are

five times that of a normal Thursday night. Maybe Jerry is right about taking

her on as a business partner.’

Telling Sonny to lock up, Sam waved to Molly, giving her a thumbs up sign

and a big smile as he left through the back door. Getting into his car, Sam

was angry and despondent because of the revelation of the red horse. The

drive home was one of misery loves company, as he regretfully questioned

himself, ‘Why have I bothered to search the mystery of the 4Horsemen my

entire life?’

Walking into his study, Sam stepped over several stacks of books and sat

behind his desk with his feet propped up. In a state of semi-anger, he sat

quietly, clenching his jaw, staring meticulously at the first two horsemen for

over ten minutes. Finally, speaking in a loud, angry voice he said, “Wasted!

That’s what I did! I wasted thirty-plus years of my life, searching for an

answer to your mysteries. And what did you do? In less than one month, two

people in the bar have revealed both of you to me, as if I am some kind of


A loud voice growled back. “Are you happy to find out, Sam, or is this all

about your bruised ego?”

Jumping from his chair, stumbling over some books, he gasped, “Jeez,

Molly! You nearly gave me a heart attack. I thought the damn thing was

talking back.”

Laughing from the doorway where she had cupped her hands as a

megaphone in response to Sam’s personal pity party, Molly said, “Well, if

the poster had answered you back, I am sure it would have said pretty much

the same thing.”

“Lighten up, missy. I have a right to be disappointed after putting so much

of my life into solving this mystery. In my wildest imagination, I would never

have expected everything that happened in the bar tonight. Just a few hours

ago, I was home minding my own business, studying Lincoln, still trying to

digest the first horseman from last month, and WHAM, here comes the red

horse of war. Here you go, Sammy boy! Mystery number two solved.


Not only did I hear a clear and precise revelation on the red horse, but also,

evidently, someone, somewhere, thinks I needed a full-blown living

demonstration from a man with a sword in his hand. Special delivery for

Professor Walker. Here is your red horse, served on a silver platter, with a

side order of ignorance.”

Pounding on his forehead, Sam would not stop. “Hello, stupid! Knock

knock, is there anyone home?” He made fun of himself for feeling ignorant.

“If you still don’t get it, then wait! I will deliver it to you by a military genius

with access to top-secret documents. There, now do you get it? See how easy

it was to figure this mystery out, Sam?” Looking at Molly, he angrily said,

“I invested thirty-plus years of my life … for what … to feel like an idiot?”

He turned, striking the poster with his bandaged hand, which began to bleed


“Now look what you’ve done; your hand is bleeding, and you splattered

blood on the poster.”

“Good, that’s all I have left. It sucked the rest of my blood out, a little at a

time, over the last thirty years.”

“Sit down and let me fix that,” Molly said. “Don’t you think you are being

a wee bit over the top about this, Sam?” She retied the bandage.

“Molly, when Roger stood there with that sword in his hand, saying ‘the

one we think is a peacemaker is actually taking peace from the earth,’ once

again I found myself speechless. What is it about not being able to speak

every time I am around that group?” he said with a pensive smile. “Talk

about something being right in front of my face for my entire life. I never

once suspected the United States government would be a part of the mystery

of the 4Horsemen. When in reality, they should have been at the top of my

list because it was the fucking peacemaker who shot me at Kent State!” Sam

shouted. “You have to know how disappointed I am at not being able to

figure out the first or the second horseman.”

“Stop it, Sam. Your ego and the little booboo on your hand will both heal.

I know, without a doubt, that you have not wasted a single moment in your

study of the 4Horsemen. Take a step back for a moment. Have you forgotten

that we are the only ones who know that Lincoln and the red horseman fit

the mystery exactly? The fellows in the group think Lincoln stole the deed

of ownership from ‘we the people.’ Neither Roger nor anyone else in the

group is at home discussing the conquering horse or the red horse of war.

Everyone thinks Roger has reliable, usable insight if they decide to develop

a plan of action. Sam, we don’t have the whole thing figured out, and you

know me, I don’t understand how or when the red horseman’s seal was

opened. So you got some ‘SPLAIN’N’ to do, Lucy,” Molly said, laughing.


“By the way, don’t you think Roger’s presentation was stunning tonight,

Sam?” Molly asked.

“I’ll say this much: I don’t care if the man has an entire regiment of

imaginary generals following him around or the eyes of the devil himself.

The man is a military genius with a wealth of insight into the plotting

schemes behind the United States government.”

“That is not what I meant, Sam. I meant stunning, as in hot looking in his

uniform,” Molly giggled.

“Girl, what am I going to do with you? Put your panties back on,” Sam

said, smiling at her.

“Now, that’s the Sam I know.”

“One thing is for sure; Roger made it exceptionally clear that the red horse

of war is alive and working diligently all over the world. In a short period of

time, the damn thing has established over a thousand military bases covering

the globe, with another six thousand in our own country. I don’t know about

you, but when I heard those numbers, they were mind blowing. I cannot

imagine sitting down and developing such a massive strategy for covering

the globe with strategic military forces. To accomplish that, Molly, the

problems are almost insurmountable, based on cultures and the diverse

government structures there are in the world today. I don’t fully understand

how the United States government pulled it off. This type of planning has to

be extremely high level, with a network of the most sophisticated minds in

the world. The negotiating to accomplish such a monumental task would

have to be secretive, and at the highest unknown levels in Washington. I

think it was high political manipulation in every country and lots of hard

cash paid to corrupt leaders. Look how many billions we have pumped into

corrupt Pakistan for the right; to fly a drone. Roger is right this is cause for

grave concern.”

Looking at the poster, Sam questioned, “What in the hell does Washington

have to do with the 4Horsemen?”

“It seems at this point, Sam, Washington is the home for at least two of

them,” Molly said.

“I am angry at my own stupidity, Molly, more than the way the horsemen

have been revealed,” Sam said in an apologetic tone.

“It sure doesn’t sound like that from where I sit,” Molly answered.

Having vented his anger, Sam spoke calmly. “I always thought the mystery

of the 4Horsemen would be solved with a ‘natural, understandable answer,’

in the same manner my other essays solved religious mysteries.”

“What do you mean, Sam?”


“Well, think about my last two essays. I destroyed mystical Judaism and

Israel to the world by proving they are nothing more than a bunch of gentiles

practicing an old religion in the Bible. Up to that point, they had fooled the

entire world into thinking they were the real Jews in the Bible. I destroyed

their mystery by using their own ‘natural understanding’ of biblical

Abraham. I also destroyed the mysticism of Islam, with all its mystical,

religious virgins, by exposing it as a foaming, fraudulent lie based on pure

plagiarism. Every study that I have done throughout my career, I’ve

successfully destroyed religious mysteries and false doctrines with the use

of ‘natural facts.’ My reason for doing this in my last essays was to show

the world and the UN they made a huge mistake in 1948 when they granted

gentile Zionists land that belonged to someone else.

“Which leads me to my present concerns and why I’m angry at myself.

You see, this time the damn formula has completely reversed itself. Instead

of me disproving a mystery with the use of natural facts – natural facts were

used to reveal the mysteries of the first two horsemen to me.”

“Oh my god, Sam. Now I understand why you were upset,” Molly said.

“Do you? Because there is still a huge mystery here, Molly. If I am fair, I

must apply my own rules to myself,” he said, smiling.

“Okay, now you have lost me.”

“Using my own rules, the art of deductive reasoning, where the simple,

natural facts, like proving Abraham was a gentile, will lead you to the truth.

I find myself trapped like a rat by my own study methods,” Sam said,

mocking his study methods.

“What are you saying, Sam?”

“You see, Molly, if I disprove a spiritual mystery with natural facts, then

it was not actually a spiritual mystery. Now I have a mystery proving itself

to me with natural facts. For the first time in my life, I must admit, we are

dealing with a very real, supernatural, spiritual meaning behind the

4Horsemen of the apocalypse. Something I never considered. I spent thirty

years running down a blind alley, trying to disprove the mystery with natural

facts. Now, I find that natural facts are proving the mystery is real.”

Looking at the poster, Sam said, “I don’t believe a human mind could have

ever solved the mystery of the 4Horsemen. In its own sweet time, the

mystery decided to reveal itself to me through extraneous sources. You were

right; the group does not understand what they are uncovering, and I am sure

it will be some time before we completely understand what we are supposed

to know.”

Flustered, Molly quipped, “You do this to me every time, Sam.


You explained the crown on the rider, and now you see the mystery in a way

I would have never thought to look at it, Sam. I told you, I know in my heart

that you, Sam Walker, are a crucial key to solving this whole thing. Are you

saying this is a supernatural power, Sam, like in demons and angels stuff?”

“Presently, all I understand is that the revelation and manifestation of the

first horseman worked through Lincoln, as he turned this country back into

a government controlling the people. Since then, the second horseman of

war has grown by leaps and bounds, working through the United States

government. Only a supernatural mind or power would be capable of

developing that many military bases in the world.

“I don’t think we are discovering something the world has never seen

before, nor have we discovered a new form of evil in government. I think

what we are doing is beginning to understand how these powers, or spirits,

collectively affect the world at large as they work through governments. This

time, Molly, I have a gut feeling this thing has a plan so powerful that people

all over the world will shit themselves in fear when they encounter the real

wrath behind this hidden monster. I have no other name than ‘monster’ for

something with a thousand worldwide military bases.

“Another difference I see between this monster and others who attempted

to conquer the world in history, is this one is smarter. It established an

operating base within a world-superpower, and I think it is prepared to fight

hard to ensure that its plan is perfected into the world. This thing, whatever

it is, seems to be alive and is a master at manipulating world events. My bet,

it is a power in its own right, whatever that right might be; I have not figured

it out yet. The United States government is only the puppet shell that it works


“In answer to your question about the opening of the seal, the conquering

power that seized Lincoln opened the second seal when Lincoln declared

war against his own people. How ironic, the first job of the red horse of war

was to take peace from a nation of people seeking to live peaceful lives.”

“You talk like it is a living, breathing thing, Sam, and that’s a bit freaky.

Again, I ask you, are we dealing with supernatural spirits?” Molly asked.

“I am quite sure it is a real, supernatural entity, Molly. What I can’t seem

to figure out,” Sam said, looking at the poster, “is where the power, or entity,

originates from.”

“I am not sure I’m following you again, Sam.”

“We read the passages, and they indicate the Lamb, who is God, opened

the seals. However, when we look at the powers given to the riders, they are

all evil and destructive in purpose. I don’t understand why God would be

opening evil on the earth.”


“There you go again, Sam. Do you hear yourself, talking like this thing is

alive and getting smarter,” Molly asked with a puzzled look on her face.

“I do not think it is getting smarter, Molly. I think it is so intelligent it has

been waiting for man, and time to catch up to its master plan.”

“Sam, you are giving me goose bumps,” Molly screeched.

“YOU have goose bumps?” Sam replied. “Hell, I have them all over my

body as I speak, and there is nothing weirder than giving them to yourself.

I think it is time for a large glass of scotch. How about you?” Sam asked

with a nervous laugh.

“Pour yourself a tall one, and hand me the whole damn bottle,” Molly said

with a small frown. “This is no time for sipping scotch.” After several hits

from the bottle, Molly looked at Sam admiringly and said, “You are pretty

amazing. You figure this stuff out and make sense of something that no one

else could.”

“You want amazing?” Sam replied. “Your efforts tonight took in over five

times our normal take, and I thought your news study was every bit that

much hotter than Roger was in his uniform,” he said with a smile. “What I

need to know is how much were your expenses?”

Reaching in her top, Molly took out a wad of folded bills and counted out

Sam’s original investment of one thousand dollars. “I didn’t need it, Sam.”

“Come on, be fair, Molly, the buses had to cost you that much alone.”

“Nope, a company that wanted a copy of the results donated them. Let me

ask you, does this mean you are thinking of making me your partner?

Because if you are, you know my terms, Sammy boy,” she said, laughing.

“I have to tell you that when you called yourself Sammy boy, I wanted to

burst out laughing, but you were so frickin’ angry that I forced myself not to


“Why would you want to laugh?”

“I felt that thing, and it is anything but a Sammy boy,” she said, as they

laughed together loudly.

After their shared laugh, Sam said, “I’m done for the day. How about you?”

“I am, too, but I have to go home tonight because my son has a big game


“So much for consummating a partnership tonight,” Sam said with a smile.

“That’s not fair; besides, I have t