The Plot to Overthrow by Mohammad Goldstein - HTML preview

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bitches that stole my life are going to pay!

“If they execute me while I am trying to wake up the sleeping American

sheep, I have done well. From what I hear out of your mouths, I believe you

are each at the same point.


I see little difference in my life and yours, and think you are ready to settle

the score for the robbed or wasted vanities found in your own lives. I would

like to think each of you would have done the same thing that I did too

protect this one chance for our lives to have some kind of a redeeming value.

“I accept Steve’s facts. I agree Lincoln was the exact point in history where

‘we the people’ lost the title deed to the country. Therefore, I recommend

that we move forward in the development of a plan of action against the

United States government. No more bullshit games, no more talking about

what to do. It is time to develop a real plan of action and figure out what we

ARE going to do against the biggest destroyer of human life in the world.

While my words are anxious and frustrated, I assure each of you, this time

I want our collective minds to develop the absolute best plan we can. We

cannot jump blindly into a swimming pool filled with acid, like we did in

Florida. I offer this group all of my life experiences, wisdom, and finances

to accomplish any task we face. If it is acceptable with everyone, I would

like to take a few minutes to offer some ideas and information for

consideration for any plan of action we develop.”

Captivated by his sincerity and boldness, everyone nodded in agreement.

Looking at Steve, Jerry continued, “I appreciate your attempt to keep the

scales of justice balanced for me legally, Steve, by telling me to shut up. I

am sure that you have seen your own share of unbalanced scales during your

career. For me, the United States government destroyed my life, using

another set of scales. I call them the ‘unbalanced economic scales.’”

Excited about the term “unbalanced economic scales,” Molly elbowed Sam

in the side. “I got it, Molly. I’m not deaf,” Sam whispered.

“On one scale, they demand accountability from the American people. You

be good taxpaying citizens, pay no later than April 15, vote, as if it counts,

and manage your homes and businesses in a sound financial manner. While,

on their side of the scales, they spend money on foolish projects,

intimidate the American people, rob social security, print money when they

need it, and sell our future by borrowing money from China.

“They intimidate the sheep every year by publicly crucifying at least one

high-profile individual at tax time. Using strong-arm Gestapo tactics, the

IRS and a bankrupt United States government seize news headlines by going

after celebrities like Willie ‘Still-Smokin’-Pot’ Nelson, Wesley Snipes, or

recently that old burned-out rocker, what’s his name? Ozzy Osbourne. The

rest of you little sheepish assholes better file on time, or we will do to you

what we did to them. To avoid penalties or jail, be sure to postmark before

the midnight deadline. I am sick and tired of the way they manipulate 300

million sheep and businesses.


Ask anyone who has ever gotten a letter from the IRS and dealt with them

on any level, what they think of them.

“I would like to be a bit silly for a few minutes in the hopes of imparting

some knowledge into a strategy we could adapt. Statistics and information

like this, distributed in literature, radio or television, might be an effective

way to educate the American people. The IRS has about 25,000 field agents

or one for every 12,000 sheep. If you count the janitor, phone receptionist,

and guard, they have about one person to every 5,000 sheep. If the sheep

stopped paying taxes, forcing everyone working for the Gestapo into the

field, it would take one agent, working seven days a week, almost fourteen

years to see everyone on his list. That is, unless they sent him to my home

first,” Jerry said to the laughter of the group.

“I would pop them, as well,” said Roger and Larry nodded in agreement.

“Now look what you have done, Roger. They have to send them out two at

a time for protection, so that means they will need twenty-eight years to see

everyone on the list.”

“Pop them both,” Roger, answered.

“I see you get my point, Roger. The sheep can stop them with the same

tactics the IRS used on the sheep: fear, intimidation, murder, and the

destruction of families and businesses. They are a paper tiger illusion, created

only as a tool of fear against timid sheep.” Smiling at Sam, Jerry continued,

“I see your mind, Sam, running through the list of options. You think

electronic seizures of accounts are all it will take, right? That will wake up

the sheep for damn sure. A mass Gestapo seizure action would take the fear

out of the sheep, and IRS employees better not be living in my


“Very interesting indeed, Jerry,” Sam said, smiling. “Now, when are you

going to get to the silly part?” questioned Sam as everyone laughed.

“Knowledge is power, Jerry, and when you are in a fight, we need all of the

power we can obtain. Presented to the sheep, it might have some effect. We

need to teach them that a bully can’t catch all 5,000 of us if we hit him and


“Now, that is silly,” smiled Jerry.

“The United States government is as bankrupt as a homeless vagrant living

in a cardboard box under the freeway. It continues to borrow from everyone

and steal the taxpayers’ money to bailout itself, corporations, banks, and

Wall Street. Americans need to ask, ‘Where is my eighteen percent interest

rate on my money that you borrowed and loaned without my permission?’

They borrowed nearly one trillion dollars from China just to pay government

debts. Whose debt? I never got any Chinese yuan or signed the loan papers.


“Social security is broke. When the United States government tells the

American people that social security is okay, they are all liars. The federal

government borrowed against all of the money in social security a long time

ago. Listen to me: if China quits lending, there is no social security system

because all of the money is long gone. The United States government is

playing a carnival shell game with the American people as they borrow every

way they can to cover the costs each month. Anytime China decides, they

can turn off the funds, and the social security checks will stop.

“As most of you know, the government forced me to take everything in my

life underground and offshore. During that process of survival, I learned how

to beat the government at their own game. Over the years, I developed or

figured out many useful principles. Now, I am quite confident that I can

create a financial system capable of protecting the American people from

government mistakes with a system of balanced fairness for everyone. As

Larry put it, I know where the potholes are. The government put my head in

a pothole and ran over me. Then backed up and ran over me again. I believe

that what I painfully learned will help us as we develop a plan of action.

“My most disturbing discovery happened quite by accident. I think this will

happen to the United States of America if we don’t take action as a group. I

was tracing the economic origins of the United States online, and came

across a website where a person had predicted 9/11 for several years before

it happened. Please bear with me. I am not crazy or religious, as you all

know. I don’t remember the name of the man or the website, but it seems

for years this man delivered the same message each New Year’s Day. It went

something like this: ‘Calamity is coming to this country. One night you are

going to go to bed. When you get up the next day, calamity will strike, and

the world as you now know it will never be the same again.’ Reading about

the man and his predictions took me back to 9/11 and the calamity that

struck, changing the nation and the world forever. That day forever changed

the economic scales against the citizens of the world.

Molly elbowed Sam in the ribs again.

“It is obvious that the world has suffered financial calamity since 9/11.

What people do not understand is how the world monetary system is

becoming a government-owned entity all over the world. The new standard

for placing value on money comes from the analysis of a nation’s leading

economic indicators. I hope you understood that. The government

determines if your hard-earned money is worth anything, not you. The

countries of the world have no standard of value backing paper money of

any kind. Nearly all paper money is not worth the paper it’s written on. The

world operates on a floating currency without any real value attached.


The concept, for most people, is hard to get your head around. Homes have

value, cars have value, and even used clothing has value. Paper money has

no value backing it other than what the indicators of a nation’s economy

looks like in the crystal ball of the future.

“Let me give you a simple understanding of what the world countries are

doing with money. They are playing a very serious game of marbles with

your marble bag and your hard-earned paper money. We all played marbles

as kids and understand that the shooter can keep shooting other players’

marbles out of the ring, as long as he stays stuck in the ring. The monetary

marble game that the world is playing is for keeps and comes down to

ownership of the most paper marbles from other players.

“The United States of America is almost out of the paper marble game. It

seems that, with the idiots we put in power, coupled with the wrong system

of government, our entire large bag of paper marbles has been nearly lost in

the game. Financially, over seventy percent of all paper US dollars, our

marbles, are now in the marble bags of other countries. This is not

hypothetical or a number I plucked out of the heavens. Over seventy US

dollars out of one hundred resides in another country’s marble bag. At this

point, I don’t believe there is a way to win the marble game, since at best,

the sheep own less than twenty-nine percent of the entire country built on

worthless paper money. On one hand, I think we should slap the sheep from

their slumber, and on the other, it may not be worth waking the sheep at all.

I say the man on the web was right. After the calamity of 9/11, the financial

scales tipped immediately. The world is about to experience a financial

calamity and meltdown. It will be so devastating, that it will make the rubble

of the twin tower implosions look like a paper napkin on a playground. One

thing for sure, previous history has proven the world will fight over money

and food. I expect the next new world wars will be to the death of the other

nation. China is trying to kill this nation without firing a shot. They have a

large bag of our paper marbles because the inept leaders in Washington keep

playing games with the budget.

“In our plan of action, I feel we should invest money on television to

educate people on how to take down and stop the United States government

by withholding our withholding taxes. Change is not coming to America

with sweet, meaningless speeches from Obama. Change is coming if we can

wake up the sheep. Otherwise, change will not occur. Obama needs to grow

a spine. Yes, I agree with Mable Watson, he inherited a house-nigger’s mess

from Bush, if you look at life through her eyes. What Mable does not

understand is that Obama did what every other politician before him did,

and it has nothing to do with skin color.


The skin of a politician has only one color, chameleon. It might serve Mable

well to know a chameleon changes colors more for social reasons than to

hide from danger.

“He said one thing and then compromised like a politician after he took

office on important issues, from closing Gitmo and ending the wars to

stopping the Patriot Act. Can you imagine the thinking that went into naming

the theft of every constitutional right from the American people as a Patriot

Act, and then selling that bullshit to the stupefied sheep? That act is the most

UNPATRIOTIC act since Lincoln, and Obama signed it into law, again. To

me, that officially makes the ‘house chameleon’ a partaker of George Bush’s

legacy. I don’t care how big the mess was on the floor when he got there.”

Sam raised his hand as if he were in a grade school classroom. “Yes, Sam?”

“Please excuse me for interrupting, Jerry, but am I to understand this is

now a strategy meeting? It sounds to me as if you are already putting forth

new ideas for consideration in the plot to overthrow the United States


“In my zeal to move the ball down the field, Sam - Wait a minute. I like the

sound of that phrase, the plot to overthrow.”

“Since we are open to interruption, can we take a quick break? I need to

take a leak,” asked Scott.

Looking at him, Jerry shouted, “You know the rules, Scott, no pissing while

I am talking!”

As laughter filled the room, Larry and Molly went into the kitchen for

snacks. When everyone returned, Steve stood and said, “As president, I put

to the floor a proposal we call our new and last plan of action the plot to

overthrow.” Standing, with drinks in hand, everyone clicked their glasses,

saying in unison, “The plot to overthrow it shall be.”

Sam sat in stunned amazement at how his slip of the tongue had ended in

the group taking the same name he had conceived after the shooting at Kent


Roger spoke up and said, “Now we are going somewhere! We will use the

code word ‘vote’ in a sentence to call for a meeting. I will supply each of

you tomorrow with prepaid cell phones and untraceable sim cards.

Remember, be careful what you say; that doesn’t mean Big Brother cannot

hear you. It means he cannot trace your location very easily. The phones are

not for chitchat. Using the word ‘vote,’ ‘voting,’ or ‘voted’ in any sentence

will signify a need to call for a same night meeting, here at 8 p.m. until we

find a more secure location. All you need to say is, I need to ‘vote,’ and

nothing else is necessary. If it is extremely urgent, ask to vote at a specific

hour. I need to ‘vote,’ at 4 p.m. or whatever hour you need.


One call to me, and I take it from there.”

Molly leaned over and whispered to Sam, “I told you from the start these

guys were serious.”

“Yes, you did, but it will take more than a televised tax revolt to overthrow

the government, Molly.”

“Wait a minute, Sam, isn’t that the exact term you used, the plot. How did

you know about this?”

“I know what I know, and now I am wondering how he knew what I knew,

or how much he knows about the real plot to overthrow the United States


“What?” asked Molly.

As Jerry began speaking again, he said, “I guess getting off course a bit

was a good thing. We now have a name, thanks to Sam. Let’s endeavor to

build on that foundation a wise plot to overthrow. I have some additional

thoughts, and perhaps a legal challenge we might entertain, as a group. I

think we should explore the possibility of filing a test case with the thousands

of people I know that had a thriving business one day, and the next day it

was ‘turn out the lights’ because Uncle Sam has fucked it up again.

“Where is the money they cost millions of hard-working, small

businessmen who invested their entire lives and were forced to close their

doors because of the United States government’s negligent mismanagement?

These are real lives of real people, and not just some statistic. The United

States government has destroyed the homes and lives of more families than

all natural disasters combined, and they did it intentionally with negligent

acts of malice. It was not an act of God, and what they did – did not have to

happen at all.

“Do you have any idea how many businesses were prosperous one day and

broke the next because of Bush? Do not get me started on the unintentional

necessity to foreclose on homes because of price gouging and illicit greedy

mortgage lenders. The United States government used the people’s money

to bail out the banks and Wall Street and turned their backs on the people.

Families were needlessly ripped apart. People found themselves having to

learn a new occupation at fifty-years old. Obama blew it! He could have

helped people stay in their homes. A $700 billion dollar bailout to help the

people of this nation would have turned this country around faster. Telling

an unemployed man to find a new place for his family to live causes major

economic failure. For once, the government should have invested in the

people. Seven hundred billion buys a lot of stability in families, real estate

markets, and the housing industry.


Had Obama helped the people with a mortgage supplement at a level or

below $1000 dollars a month for a full year, over 60 million families could

have remained in their homes. Foreclosures and the lunacy of empty homes

served no one, not even the mortgage lending crooks. Do you understand

that the first $700 billion dollar business bailout could have helped over half

of all the homes in the country for a year? That would have given everyone

a lot of time to stabilize. The economy will not change until housing grows

again. Every economist knows this, or I should say, at least those outside of


“No one can win the argument that we still have a free-market enterprise.

That left with the first bailout of the railroads in 1970. The United States

government is in the business of bailing out everything business and

governmental. They started with the railroads and continued with airlines,

banks, automobiles, brokers, more banks, and then bailed out the failed New

York City government in 1975. Many of the loans were never paid back, and

it took NYC over a decade to pay back the loan. When has any citizen ever

received that kind of help in life when they were in debt and overextended?

Why do the sheep allow the United States government to get away with the

misuse of their money? And why would the motherfuckers in Washington

keep throwing the people of this nation under the bus? Two things control

Washington, ignorance and cold heartedness for ‘we the people.’ If Congress

is going to fight over a budget, the first fight needs to be over the security of

the people who provide the budget.

“Why does all of the pain and suffering reside on the people’s side, and

never on the government’s side for its negligent actions? I ask each of you,

personally, what amount of money would you award to me for losing my

privileged right to my family? What amount for the theft of my right to live

my life how I wanted to live it? How much money will you award me for

making my entire life nothing but fifty years of wasted vanity?”

After a long pause, Jerry looked at everyone individually. “How much

money do you want for that needless bullet through your gut, Sam? What

other path in life would you have taken without it? How many lies did the

United States government tell you, Roger, in order for you to commit

murderous acts in needless wars? Who gave you those sleepless nights? It

was not the victims, my friend. They were the victims, just like you. It was

the lying government. What’s that worth to you, Roger? How much money

for coerced, backroom legal deals with false convictions, Steve? Come on,

buddy, the judicial system so messed you up, that you were going to pop

yourself. Give me a price, Counselor! How much for the insane trauma that

put the cold steel of a loaded gun barrel in your mouth.


How much for fixed votes and backroom deals in Congress, Scott? What are

they worth? Fucking over the sheep for power, what was that worth? Forced

retirement and dirty tricks. Is that the reason you went to Washington?

“How could the United States government ever compensate any of us with

money? I am not the only one in this room with a putrid loss of life! Don’t

look at me like I am crazy! You each have your own pus-filled infections

and wasted lives, just like me. Pain and suffering is a legal term, but some

things in life are not about money, are they? I am out for justice. I am up to

my ears with bullshit from this worthless, heartless, destructive government.

I do not give a shit if the Muammar Gaddafi of the United States government

drops bombs on me or turns a tank on me. I am going to take his ass down.

All the way to the ground! One way or the other, since 9/11, this …”

Sam slammed the table with his fist. “I am with you, Jerry, and it’s time to

reveal the real plot to overthrow!”

Roger followed with both fists. “You know where I stand.”

“I have been ready for so long, you cannot imagine,” Steve added, leaping

to his feet and kicking his chair backwards.

“I know I have one purpose remaining in this life, and this is it,” Larry said,

looking at Scott.

“Count me in,” said Scott, as everyone turned, looking at Molly.

“I had only one fantasy left in my life. It was to be the main mama for the

Hells Angels. I guess you leftover hippies will have to do,” she said, smiling

as everyone laughed. “Besides, if I am right, Sam, Jerry will be number three,

won’t he?”

Shaking his head as he tried to whisper with every eye looking at him, Sam

said, “Molly, we are not here to discuss that. We are here to listen.”

“Wait a minute, what are you two up to?” asked Steve. “I am not sure I

liked her motorcycle mama answer, either,” said Scott, “much less her

following comment.”

Sam seized control of the conversation. “Molly and I have a corresponding

study we are doing that meshes exactly with what you fellows have been

doing. If you recall, Larry, last night I was in the middle of inviting everyone

to my home when Roger showed up at the bar.”

“That’s right,” Larry responded. “Do you still want to get together?”

“Yes, I do.”

“What is this number three crap?” Scott asked.

“That’s the number of times I am going to beat your ass if you keep it up,”

retorted Molly.

Standing to his feet, Scott looked across the table at Molly. “You are not

ever going to beat my ass again, Molly.


You cured me of that perverted addiction. For the benefit of everyone here,

someone sexually messed me up as a young man, and Molly recently brought

me full circle. For that, I thank you. My wife and I are honestly trying to

make something out of what little life we have left together. There, now that

I have that off my chest, I think I can be more civil towards you in my

questions. Please, forgive my previous hostilities, Molly. Nevertheless, I

would still like to know what you meant by Jerry being number three.”

Molly could not believe that she actually felt a tiny bit sorry for Scott. Sam

quickly took control of the conversation again. “Scott, I will be more than

willing to answer that when we meet in my study. I have over thirty years of

study that correlates perfectly to this group’s discussion. After thirty years

of study, I cannot possibly begin to answer that question in a few sentences.

I will tell you that we are not concerned with the number three anymore, but

more likely as a group it will be the number four.” Observing their puzzled

faces, Sam continued. “All I can do is ask you to trust me.”

Larry said immediately, “I do.”

“That’s good enough for me,” said Roger, as everyone, including Scott


Looking at Jerry, Sam asked, “What were you about to say about 9/11

before I interrupted you?”

“First of all, speaking as a structural steel engineer and a builder, there is

no way planes took those buildings down. For the first three years after the

implosions, I was angry at the bullshit we were fed by the government about

how the buildings collapsed.