The Red-Letter Days by Wilma Sharon F. - HTML preview

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“Hey! Jessica. Come on in” with a slight hug he welcomed me.

“Hi” He’s wearing green n ivory color checked shirt along with a black leather jacket, a black - grey mixed jean and usual snickers, and two buttons from the collar was  undone, the flow n comb type of hair, he looked handsome. “You look nice, Jess”. I felt like blushing but I didn’t showed it, just bolted it inside by a gesture of pushing my hair into my ear.

I handed him the beer case and nobody is there in the living room, they were parting on the basement I guess, “Party is in the basement” he took my jean jacket and scarf from me and hung them on the coat rack (Ikea), dark brown wooden made with some many claws to hang the overcoats, scarf, jackets or whatever.

There was a fireplace what I love always; half burnt wooden logs caved with a frame of rectangular bricks, painted white transparently where we can see the brick red. Above that a row of photo frames of his childhood and some summer camp clicks, trophies and shields. A decorative Egyptian vase wide mouthed oval, clay material covered over by a black painting of pharaohs, scarabs. 

To the opposite, there was a tapestry hanging from the wall. It’s the colorful tapestry shows three trees on hilltops. Whether they convey meaning or not, the beautiful forms, tones and colors will compliment and highlights the interior of the house beautifully.

“It’s called Trinitary tapestry”.

“Lovely”. I moved towards the tapestry to touch it. I felt woollen weft with silk, cotton and linen. Classy,  with adorable colors.

Next to the fireplace there was a door which leads to basement. When he opened, a bang of sound rushed into living room. He gesture me to go first and I did. All were dancing, sort of enjoying the party on their own way.

The lighting and the disco ball are fixed over the ceiling, usual. Low alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, etc. colored liquid in a long cylindrical glass, air bubbles bubbling around. I don’t know why, I didn’t feel like enjoying the party but I managed not to hurt him anyway so I mingled with the group talking over the couch, I took a seat near a girl.

Ervin came to me, “Would you like to drink?” It’s too loud and noisy so he closed his ears bend down to me and asked. “Yes, of course” with a loud voice.

 “What will be your choice?”

“That’s up to you, anything” with the okay gesture he passed, I was looking him all the way long till he returns. Oh my God! I can’t stop looking at him. He is cute and adorable.

As he handed me the drink I got up from the couch and walked through the crowd to find a quiet place. Finally I found the place and stood slantingly with a support of the wooden pillar. He after 5 more minute came to me and gave a strange cute smile. Oh! There I saw a dimple in his left cheeks.

Smiling back, “where were your parents? Ervin. It looks like you have been enjoying yourself for so long huh?”

“Then what about you Jess Sailing on the same boat. Aren’t we?”  I burst out in laughter. He too laughed.

I didn’t ask anything further about his family and parents. A guy came towards us. He was a good looking nerd just as “big foot” in X-men but Skinny, white complexion, blond hair with dark brown eyes.

Ervine introduced him to me. “He is a friend of mine, Josh Winkler” and to him “She is Jessica Turner, the girl next door”. And gave a smiled and winked at me.

We had a handshake as a responds he was asking all about my origin (my absence so far, where I was doing my high school n all).  I was answering but I’m not totally concentrated him my eyes were on Ervine. He was  shimmering in the dark, I forgot where I was, what I was doing, what time it is, everything faded away except him.

I felt “oh no! This is not happening to me”, someone is calling me in a fainted voice and later I heard it loud and clear. It’s Josh.

“I’m sorry. I have to leave now, it’s already late”. Without a stop. I tried to leave the basement by crossing the large crowd of people dancing .But Ervin’s hawking eyes caught me.

I went upstairs; he followed me to the living room. “Why so early?” dubiously. “I never stayed out at late night, this may seem funny but that’s the truth, I know this is awkward but…...”

“No…. it’s okay” he was satisfied with my answer and helped me with my jacket and scarf. “Can I walk you home?” without reluctance “sure. Is it fine to leave a party?” I don’t know why I didn’t hesitate, that came out spontaneously. I felt embarrassed at that moment what he would think about my sudden reply.

“Yeah, Josh will take care and it’s not gonna take more time to walk you home”, “just next door” he shrugged his shoulder and tucked his hand inside his pocket.

I’m done with the jacket and scarf. Opened the door for me and we left his house. We were walking through the street though it’s a short distance I enjoyed in the manner of speaking, yes I was.

We are at the door step of my house, “Okay, here we are”. He blew his breath rubbing his palms as it was cold.

“Yeah, we are”. I smiled and pressed my lips. I opened the door and went in. He waved good bye and stepped down to the pathway to the outer gate.

Suddenly I opened the door “Ervy?”

He stopped near the outer gate “yes!” he turned at once and stepped towards me. “Yeah. Forgot something there?”

I chuckled looking down” no, no. I need a favor from you”. Bowing down like humble servant to queen “It’s my pleasure to help you, what is it, mam?” So flirty  but loved the way he did.

“Come in”. I unchained Chloe. She was crouching at him and me, she really felt my absence.

“Chloe” he called we both were petting her. He smiled and started petting and scratching her ears and belly smoothly bending down to her.

“So what’s the favor?”

 “Yeah, come upstairs, I want you to shut the window in my room”. He gave a look like is this all?

I showed the room, the door is blocked heavily by a table. Looking at it, he laughed. “What’s this all about?”

“Stop it, Im already freaked out, don’t make fun out of me” he said “Zipped it”. and I laughed. “I suspect that someone is peeking through the window. Following that I met you at the back yard this afternoon”

He moved the table, went in standing at the center he looked around. I nudge him and pointed the window. He went close to it and shut it but I want him to check for any intruders.

“Check outside once please”. He opened the window and scanned but none was suspicious to him  so he gave a sign of trust.

“All checked mam. It’s clear” smiled at me.

I was relieved from the terrific feel of fear. “You can stay at my home, until you feel better” raises his eye brows.

At that time, we heard a sudden shutting of a back door again like it happened in the afternoon.

I was startled and I stood close to him, hold his arms around. He scurried to the ground floor and stepped towards the kitchen back door.

I turned the light for the back yard and we went through the door. We couldn’t find anybody or anything. He came back inside and made a double lock and bolted it tightly. “Don’t get scared, it must be the wind”. Checked the door locks once again.

“It really scared me to death”. worry lines over my fore head.

I started shivering in fear, he saw me and holding my palms, “Do you want me to stay tonight with you” just for the protection he asked. I can see the caring in his eyes. I didn’t deny it.

“You can sleep inside your room, I’ll sleep in the couch” said continuously.

“NO!  I sleep in the couch and you take another portable couch from the basement”. He hide his lips by the palms and laughed.

“Alright”. We went to the basement, found the couch, groomed it, carried it to the living room and placed it opposite to my couch.

I almost forgot to turn on the heater, “No fireplace”. Rubbing his hand and stretched it towards the heater.

“Yes”. I watched Chloe scratching her shoulders on the rug. He called Josh to know the status of the party and informed everything happened here briefly.

It’s 1:00 midnight. “Are you hungry?”  .While he was on the phone I changed my dress was wearing pajamas. Light blue t-shirt painted with a large pink butterfly and a same blue checked short paints above my knees.

He was staring at me. “Ervy! Do you want something to eat?” waving my hand before him. “Desperately I need some. I’m Starving”

“You can use my nephew’s night wears if you want to”. I walked towards the kitchen.

At once, “It’s alright I’m good wearing these”. He followed me to the kitchen.

“Serve yourself, Ervy. Feel like home”. I preferred to have readymade food, he too had the same. We didn’t spend more than 10 minutes in the kitchen.

I went to mom’s room to pick some blankets for him and me. I gave him the woolen blanket to him. I sat on the couch and lied covering myself with the blanket except my head.

He did the same but didn’t cover fully just up to his waist before that he removed his jacket and hanged it the coat rack. I watched him doing all this.

I felt weird and strange but I have no choice. Actually I know him from my childhood as I shifted place I forgot him complete. He was all grown up, physical appearance changed and his entire childish attitude has changed. But by the time at the party before I leave, I recognized him that’s why i left his house.

But I know he was here for my safety. It’s like a childhood bondage I guess. Coming to the present state, I looked for Chloe. She was near his couch walking and sneaking through the glass. “Chloe, settle down girl”.

We three settled to our places. My eyes started irritating I rubbed it lightly and gave it a rest. Ervy too slept.

Fortnight passed. Ervy and Josh used to come home. We play video games and used go out for dinner lunch and also cook here or sometimes in Ervy’s place. It’s so full of fun and enjoyment. I totally forgot about my parents and Jane.

Meanwhile I was so much attracted to Ervy but I don’t know how he feels about me. I never showed any of these; it’s nice to be around him and having fun with him.

I don’t know the attraction on him maybe due to his lovely character or maybe for his fun filled talks. I can’t say its love and  I like to be his friend.