The Red-Letter Days by Wilma Sharon F. - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

It’s a chill cloudy morning. I woke up from my couch. Stepping into my flip-flops went to the bathroom for brushing and refreshment. I fastened into my throb. Watching for Chloe, I went veranda but she was not there.

I felt like having a coffee, so I directed myself to the kitchen. Brew some coffee. Holding my coffee mug I opened the back door.

Chloe was there crouching here and there for the birds, butterflies and squirrels who were actively searching for their foods.

I stood by the doorstep and watched them playing lovely. Probably an hour or more than an hour passed.

“Chloe come here” showing the dog bowl filled with food. She had her breakfast.

I was so much obsessed of Ervine I guess coz my thoughts are fall upon him. He’s kind a cute.

Everybody have such feelings over a person who impresses them by some means. Suddenly I went to my room opened the window. Yeah I did opened it for him to see him from there into his house like what was he doing.

What I saw was he is sleeping in his couch on his brick red lowers. I couldn’t see him properly but I somehow tried watching and loved watching him secretly. It looked awkward to watch someone sleeping but come on! How could someone stop watching him? Ervy is like “Not fit to hold a candle”.

That was strange and odd which I never felt before. But I know that was not the “magical thing”. It’s just he is all over my brain. The solid and strong feeling is that all I want from him is a very good friendly affection that never ends like a platonic. Bcoz other than that won’t work for me. Not only that I don’t know what he got on his pretty mind and who is in his pretty heart too.

“Oh My God! Chloe I’m growing fond of him”. I’m not gonna deny saying that. That’s the truth. Blushed, smiled and hugged her neck. We were sitting near the big window.

The doorbell ringed. I startled a little and went to answer the door, it was Josh.

“Hey Josh. Good Morning. Get in.  Why so early?” holding my coffee hug. Suddenly Chloe sniffed all around him and bounced over his shoulder, he was nervous that she would bite him. I laughed for the gesture he did.

“Good Morning Jess. Stop laughing and ask her to retreat”. I laughed even harder “Retreat?”

Then I hold her belt. “Have a seat”

“Josh, she is Chloe. Chloe, he is a friend of a friend, Josh” Introduced Chloe like a person to him. I made her to shake hands with him. He started like her and petted her by grabbing her fore limbs.

He came home but didn’t say why he was here. Think he almost forgot bcoz of Chloe. “Would you like some coffee?”

“It’s alright. I’m fine”. His eyes were scanning my house like I did in Ervine’s.

Everyone do that. We don’t have anything interesting in our home just a bunch of photo frames of me and my sister, some family clicks.

“Yeah so, here it is. We have planned to go for a trip to the nearby shore and a mount ride. Hope you would join us”.

“We?” pretended like I don’t know who he was mentioning.

“Ervy and I” I’m little excited but didn’t show.

“Okay. We’ll meet for lunch in Sundae’s Restaurant at 2:00 pm. There we’ll discuss the schedule for the week trip”. He left “I like you, Chloe”. She impressed him.

 It’s awesome, I don’t wanna negate, and I like to join them.

But, How?  I’m too irresponsible even though no one is here and don’t even know where they are. I attended a party, asked a guy to stay with me all night, and now planning to go for a week trip? I’m insane.

This is ridiculous. I pity myself for this behavior. But this is me “JESSICA” .That is how I do or handle things. Cool headed girl this doesn’t include the ghost or some strange shadows (I do fear ghosts and I do believe they exist like I believe the existence of GOD. If there is a Good, then there will be an Evil).

Never strained to pursue something or someone unless and until I rely or love them.

JANE. My sister she is straight opposite to my character too responsible, fallen in love more sincere, too superstitious, blah, blah, blah……..I didn’t disrespect these qualities or her, I just hate to act like her or do like her. It doesn’t mean that I hate her. But I like the way she is. Jane being Jane and Jessica being Jessica is just fine.

She is getting married by next week, She’s gonna be a Jane Cooper. Michel Cooper her fiancé. A good guy, I know him from the day she was into him, helping, genuine, loving, caring. Nothing more is there to say about him. She treats me like her little girl (she is 4 years elder to me).

We used to be in touch, not like I do with my parents. We are more like friends. It’s all like a beautiful song.

She is not here coz they were out for their wedding purchase. They will be home soon before the night falls. Coming to the point, I don’t know whether to believe and make a friendship or to stay back. Trusting people, that’s like Achilles heel to me. 

Sitting in the pavement near the window, I saw the murky weather but I liked it. I so relaxed from my work stress and tension, It’s surprising that, there is time for me to sit and enjoy the weather.

My phone ringed, “Hello Jess?” It’s Ervy I got him in the first hello.

“Yeah Ervy”. MY O MY, he sounds great.

“Josh came home, Jess?”

“Yeah he said that we have a discussion meeting in restaurant by 2”. 

“Are you available now or else you have some work to do?” with a sudden rush I said “No no I’m available”.

Within a minute he came, “It’s a bad weather”.

“But I do like it Ervy until its lethal” I chuckled.

He dropped himself on the couch where he slept last night. He sprawled over the couch. “I feel comfortable when I’m around you” he said unnoticeably.

Fortunately it’s noticeable to me, “Really?” asked dubiously. I know he is an affable guy. I want him to confirm what he said or he mean, what he said.

“Yeah Jess I mean it” he said casually watching for Chloe to come but when he said he meant it he looked me in the eyes and said.

I was happy coz I earned a good friend. “So do I”. His turquoise eyes penetrated into mine. I felt a scowl on my spinal cord.

It’s chilly out and the heavy rain with a dusty wind started blowing. Josh couldn’t make it to his home so he returned to my home. We turned on the TV to know about the weather and we came to know that a bad cyclone has been created nearby the shore.

“Not know”. Josh was in anger that we can’t go for a trip. He is such an annoying pool of bedlam.  Ervy tried calming him down.

I went to the kitchen and got some coffee stain over the coffer maker. Handed over the coffee mugs to them.

“We can discuss the trip in here coz the weather is not good to go out” Josh didn’t listen what I said,

Ervy said “not now” in a low voice. Coz already Josh is upset.

Ervy and I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast; they both didn’t have anything yet so.

“The weather is not good; a bad cyclone has created near the coast so it’s not safe to go to the coastal area”. He was peeking into the refrigerator with one hand at the door of the fridge.

“Josh is priggish kind of a guy. Convincing and making him to agree a decision what we make, is hard, Jess”.

“I’m not offending him, it’s his nature”

“Let me try” with the hope. We started making some omelet, bread and peanut butter for all of us.

“Its being fun with you” I smiled at him. “Thanks, I’m pleased” he used to say something funny all the time.