The Red-Letter Days by Wilma Sharon F. - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

I love people who are fun filled, crazy going just like Ervy and Josh. They are more like me (Attitude). I’m not sure about Josh but Ervy is, I don’t know maybe he is also different I feel he is like me coz I like him more.

We have been watching TV more than an hour. My phone ringed I picked it up. It’s Jane.

“Hey, Twittie” She sounded excited.

“Jane?” I’m happy too.

“Where were you guys?”

“Yeah, we stuck here in the airport but reached. Everything is over. We will reach home somehow, so stay safe twit”. The phone signal is feeble.

“Don’t worry. I’m safe home. I have been accompanied by our neighbor guy Ervine”. The call broke before I complete.

Ervy was eagerly waiting to know who was it this is what I thought but he was not, so I volunteered to give the information to him coz he could help if possible or give some kind of idea to my sister and cooper to reach home safe.

“Okay. It’s safe to come after the cyclone calms down” he couldn’t come up with any ideas I guess.

Josh looked better know. So I slowly took the topic and suggested him about how dangerous it is to go out to shore for a trip. Surprisingly he’s convinced.

“Alright, Alright”. Josh stood up and went to Chloe; from there he looked weird at me. I don’t understand what he was up to.

“Jess did you see that” he laughed.

“Yeah I did” I’m irritated already. “He is onto you” Ervy irritated me again.

“SHUT UP Ervy” I went to my mom’s room. Ervy didn’t follow me there. I thought he would.

Usually we start hating people with whom (Josh) we get teased especially when our loved one does that, we get mad on them (Josh). Actually Josh and I are not in bad books of each other bcoz of this “sweet-pie” Ervy I’m afraid that I’ll start hating him (Josh).

I got another call from Jane. She said she got a taxi at the airport and it’s quite safe to ride home. Within half an hour she’ll reach home. I’m too excited or overjoyed. Seriously it’s been a very long time. Now I’m gonna see her, why am I not excited, bcoz of Ervy?

We were chatting, chatting and chatting until my sister reach home. I just said about Jane and cooper. He said about his friends and about him. Bcoz I don’t wanna hear about anybody else.

It felt like heavens with him talking, talking and talking. My eyes were fixed on his crystal turquoise sparkling eyes and I was listening to him. Josh slept when we were conversing. I can simple say Ervy have a look of Ryan Reynolds in Green lantern.

An hour later Jane and Cooper entered, they were shocked seeing these guys with me, I gave an expression to her “I’ll explain”. “You hung up the phone before I complete” they gave me a hug and she kissed my cheeks. She was cold and shivering, cooper too. Chloe seeing them jumped over them. She missed them.  

“Hi, Twit you look great, kid”. Cooper gave me a hug and went near the heater and hanged the wet coats in the coat rack.

 I’m not kid!

I went kitchen to make some Soup which help them to get warm and Ervy helped me. They both went to her room and changed cloths and Jane cover herself with a thick blanket. She couldn’t tolerate the cold such a Cold Catcher like me. She gets cold too easy.

I went with the two bowls of soup to their room and served them. Ervy accompanied me there too. Her room changed a lot. There was a big picture of her and Cooper with Chloe and also our picture hanging.

She was on her bed sitting with Cooper. We both sat over the chair there. Cooper and Jane were talking. Jane in between interacted with me. We said all the things happened from the day one I entered. She was quite upset with the party I attended on Ervy’s house, but after a while she’s okay with Ervy.

They looked tired; Ervy nudged me to leave them alone to have a rest. So we went out, passed the door and turned and looked them Jane was cuddling herself into Cooper’s arms it looked warm and lovely. He is such a nice man, I know him for the past 6 years.

Ervy smacked slightly over my shoulder, I gave a sudden turn. I smiled “I’m sorry”. They started kissing.

“It’s alright, I saw that too” Ervy.

“You did?” me

“Yeah, they look awesome” Ervy.

After two three hours, Jane woke up and looked healthy and made us some lunch. Ervy left. He said he feels like taking bath and he is not comfortable taking bath in here. Josh too left with him.

Jane made food for them too, so I phoned Ervy to come home for lunch. They came late as we are done already. He said they were playing video games there.

It’s almost evening, the weather slowed down. It’s just raining heavy, the wild wind and lightening stopped.

Cooper called his colleagues for the party. It’s a bachelor’s Party for him and Jane. We three gonna spend time separately. Jane is too excited coz Cooper is gonna introduce her to his colleagues; his friends know Jane but not the colleagues.

“Party starts by 10 Pm” Jane said excitedly she is overwhelmed with joy.

She dressed up herself so beautifully. At the moment I saw she looked pretty on her knee length flesh colored dress, wavy long dark hair. She looked gorgeous.

I’m dressed up too. A gown knee length grey colored with a black colored slim belt around the waist, the sleeves are laced black with flowers transparent surely fits my skin tone. Top knot loosely tied with some short hairs falling at the back of my neck, fringes at my fore head. I perfumed myself puffed it in my wrist and sides of my neck. I didn’t wear any jewel around my neck I left it free but I was wearing a Bakelite black stoned earring. I didn’t wear any dark lip colors; just a flesh color kind a mild pinkish covered that with a shiny gloss and took my black purse.

Ervine came home and stunned looking at me, I felt embarrassed and blushed everyone saw me blushing.

I’m too stunned looking at him. “Jessica, you look beautiful”.

“Thanks, Ervy”. I couldn’t hold back my blushing and my heart started pounding faster. “You turned pink” he said.

“I’ll be back” I rushed to the bathroom and closed the door. I looked myself in the mirror. “Jess, Calm down. You look pink don’t blush too much” I said to myself. “He is perfect tonight”. My heart rate slowed down.

I applied some lipstick and glosses and went out.

“Can we leave now?” Cooper called everybody to be there and said he would give me a ride in his car with Jane. I didn’t say anything but to my surprise.

“Humm!!. Cooper, I’ll take jess with me, we three will reach there in my car”.

“Okay sure but drive safe”. He left with Jane. Josh still didn’t come. I was sitting patiently in the dining table. Ervy came to me.

“Jess,” I turned over to him. He came close to me. He touched my face with his warm fingers and I was looking at his chest coz I can’t see his eyes this time. I felt like it’s too mesmerizing to look in them. My eyes were spontaneously blinking in anxiety or some kind of feeling I don’t know what.

“There is a smudge on your cheeks”. He wiped it with his fingers.

I relaxed; my whole system calmed down finally it’s just a smudge. “Oh, thanks Ervy”. I smiled and eyes stopped blinking fast.

“Chloe is sleeping” he scratched her ears. “Make a call to Josh” I said.

“He left a message that he couldn’t make it. He has to catch up with her girlfriend coz she looked little troubled” he snarled

“It’s okay, It’s important for him” he agreed with what I said bcoz everybody knows how important to be with our loved ones when they feel depressed or in any kind of trouble.

It’s raining out. He helped me to get in the car. I took my jerkin with me.

“Nice car” he smiled at me.

 “Nice car, nice guy and a nice girl”. I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Don’t act too smart, Ervy”