The Revenge of Blood-Red Rivers by Martin Lundqvist - HTML preview

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Chapter 8: Killing the devil; August 1994.


“You filthy whore! The prophecy didn’t come true. You fucked someone else before me!”

The room was still spinning from the sedatives in my soup when I woke up to find myself naked and tied to the bed. As for orientation, the major difference was that I was lying on my back and faced the ceiling instead of facing the mattress.

As my vision got clearer, I noticed that Mbwana was fully clothed. This filled me with terror. I would rather face the evil I knew, over the evil I didn’t know.

“Are you going to rape me again?” I slurred.

“No. What’s the point? You deceived me. You weren’t a virgin, and I couldn’t lift the curse. Now I have only a few weeks left to live, and it is too late for me to find a girl to lift my curse.” Mbwana revealed.

“I was a virgin; you saw the blood.” I sobbed.

“That doesn’t matter. The curse was not lifted. Someone else fucked you before I did. Was it Davide?” Mbwana accused. I shook my head.

Mbwana punched me in the gut and shouted: “Don’t lie to me, Samantha.”

“I am not lying, you sick fuck.” I shouted.

I regretted those words as I saw how Mbwana’s gaze blackened. “You did fuck someone. I am sure you liked it too, you dirty slut. You weren’t pleading and whining when Davide entered you, did you?” Mbwana taunted.

I spat Mbwana in the face, and he smiled a sadistic smile towards me. “You’ll regret that, Samantha.”

“What do you want from me? Do you expect me to beg for my life? Just kill me and get it over with.” I defied in stride.

Mbwana shook his head, smiled, and spoke. “I am not going to kill you. I will take the joy of sex away from you. Since you doomed me by fucking someone else before we met, that will be my parting gift.”

I stared in horror as Mbwana picked up a knife and a large baton from his duffle bag on the floor. I screamed and twisted my frail body in extreme suffering and pain when he started cutting my clitoris with deliberate slow cuts. Mbwana sneered wickedly at me, as he held up my severed lady parts and dangled them in front of his face like a sick taunt. As I saw him with my blood and dismembered clitoris in front of my face, I saw the devil’s face and I knew I needed to kill him, even if it were the last thing I would ever do.

Mbwana chucked away my cut-off clitoris and smirked. “I have destroyed you on the outside, now I will destroy you on the inside.”

After saying this, he pulled out a large baton and forced it into my vagina. I screamed in unspeakable pain until I went into shock from the torture and passed out.



“MR KAPOMBE IS SLEEPING on his bed. His door is unlocked.”

I opened my eyes very slowly and I saw the blurry face of Nassor, who was one of Mbwana’s bodyguards. After untying me, the man left without a word.

I tried to get up to a seated position. The immense pain that stretched from my vagina to my stomach all the way to my face made it almost impossible to get up, but I would not die here. I needed to kill Mbwana for what he did to me. I got up and I tried to stop the bleeding by applying a white T-shirt to my wounds. It didn’t seem to help as my T-shirt was soaked with fresh blood.

“I must kill the devil.” I mumbled dazedly as I picked up the knife and the baton that Mbwana had left on the floor with all my might. I gathered my mental strength and dragged myself to the room where Mbwana was sleeping.

As I got to Mbwana's room, I felt a surge of powerful energy I have never felt before, a feeling that I had suppressed all these time from all the hatred and fury. While he was still sleeping, I swung the baton in his head repetitively, as hard as I can, blow after blow, till his face and nose was broken and his tooth had fallen out. After that, I stabbed him multiple times in the chest until his raspy breaths got weaker and finally ended.

I dragged myself to a chair, got seated, closed my eyes, and waited for myself to slowly bleed out to my merciful death. As I faded into unconsciousness, I felt a sense of satisfaction that I had killed my rapist and tormentor. Amidst all the pain and disorientation, I remembered that I must stay alive in order to avenge my family and my people from the malevolent Patrick Bagosora.



I GOT BACK TO MY SENSES when I heard how Mansa was cooking breakfast in the kitchen. She would serve her master breakfast in his room, and she would find him dead from multiple stabbing wounds and with his face crushed. It was better if I wasn’t in the room when this happened. I thought of coming clean to the Tanzanian authorities and tell them what had happened, but I was afraid. I was a poor Tutsi refugee that had murdered a wealthy Tanzanian man in his sleep. Would they believe me if I told them about how he raped and mutilated me, or would they claim that my wounds were self-inflicted?

I didn’t want to find out, so I opened the window, mustered my strength, and climbed out. The United Nations refugee camp was only a few kilometres away. Despite my mistrust for the UN, I would rather take my chances with them than staying here and deal with the local police. As I got down on the road, I heard a loud scream followed by ruckus from the Kapombe Mansion. Mansa had found Mbwana’s corpse, and I could only pray that I would get to the UN refugee camp before the police got to me...