The Revenge of Blood-Red Rivers by Martin Lundqvist - HTML preview

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Chapter 14: Finding a lead on Patrick Bagosora; September 2016.


Sometimes our enemies are a lot closer to us than we imagine. When I started looking for Patrick Bagosora, I would not have anticipated that I would find him in Adelaide where I lived.

I had been searching for Patrick on Internet forums for months, when I received a video chat request. I was wary of scammers on these internet forums, but I couldn’t let go of my chance to find out about Patrick’s whereabouts. I felt shocked when I saw the video caller’s name on the screen. It was Phillippe. Although he looked old and weathered, I was certain of it. He had the same facial features as the man who took me out of Rwanda, and he also had the same scar under his left eye.

When I saw Phillippe, mixed feelings of rage and thankfulness fucked up my mind. I was thankful that Phillippe had saved me from Patrick Bagosora and the Rwandan genocide, but I was also raging. The only reason Phillippe saved me was to sell me to a sadistic rapist, and he would have kidnapped me even if the Rwandan genocide never took place.

Phillippe spoke, “Samantha. It is so good to see you alive. I have been praying for you.”

“I would have been safer if you didn’t deliver me to a sadistic rapist.” I shouted.

“I know. But God is punishing me. I won’t live much longer.” Phillippe revealed.

“Let me guess. You caught AIDS and raping a virgin didn’t save you either?” I sniped sarcastically.

“I caught AIDS, but I would never rape a virgin.” Phillippe replied.

“Wow, you must be man of the year then. Do you want an award?” I continued to mock.

“This was a mistake. I’m signing off.” Phillippe said.

“Hold on. Stay on the line. I am sorry. Tell me what you wanted to say.” I pretended to apologise, as I wanted to know what his true intentions were.

“You have been looking for Patrick Bagosora. I know his fake identity and location.” Phillippe revealed.

“And you are sharing this with me because of the goodness of your heart?” I taunted distrustfully.

“I need money for medicine. I am dying.” Phillippe pleaded.

“You should have saved some of the money you made from selling me. Once a con, always a con.” I exclaimed, and then turned off the video chat with Phillippe as I couldn’t bear to see his disgusting face any longer.

I took a deep breath, and I was shaking with rage. As much as I wanted to find Patrick Bagosora, I wouldn’t pay that bastard Phillippe a cent to know his whereabouts. Chances were that Phillippe would defraud me, and I wouldn’t get any closer to finding Patrick.

Phillipe video called me again. I hesitated, but I picked up the call. “The man you are looking for calls himself Laurence Juma. He is running an import/export company in Adelaide not far away from you. I am sorry for the pain I caused you, Samantha.”

Having said this, Phillippe pulled up a pistol and shot himself in the head.

I stared in shock and disbelief at the screen. What had I just witnessed? Had Phillippe killed himself, or was this some kind of sick game? I realised that it would be easy to stage a suicide in front of a webcam, so I thought he must have faked it. I understood that there was no way for me to find out the truth at this stage, and besides it didn’t matter to me. I did know one thing; however, Phillippe had given me a name, Laurence Juma, and that man supposedly lived in the same city as I, Adelaide.

Laurence Juma. I mumbled the name to myself a few times. If this man was Patrick Bagosora, I would find him in no time, and I would confront him for his crimes.