The Revenge of Blood-Red Rivers by Martin Lundqvist - HTML preview

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Chapter 15: Meeting with Patrick Bagosora; September 2016.


I was outside the Adelaide office of the Star of Africa corporation. Officially, the company was selling fair-trade coffee and cocoa beans, and various other food products. I suspected however, that this was a front for smuggling blood diamonds and other conflict resources to Australia.

I wasn’t here to confirm this suspicion, I was here to end the life of Patrick Bagosora and get revenge for my family and my people. I looked at the pistol I had in my bag. The pistol was registered to me since I was a member of a pistol shooting club, so there was no way for me to claim innocence once I shot Patrick with the pistol.

As I reflected on my plans, I became more and more dissatisfied with them. I couldn’t shoot Laurence Juma because of Phillippe’s claims. Phillippe was a liar and a con, so I needed to verify Patrick's identity first. After that, I needed to write a manifesto that I could publish. I didn’t mind going to jail for murdering Patrick, but it had to serve a purpose. If I could use the trial to bring attention to the plight of my people, I had at least achieved something important.

I entered the office and I spoke to the receptionist. “Hi. I am here to meet with Mr Laurence Juma. He is expecting me.”

The receptionist looked at Laurence’s diary, shook her head, and replied. “Mr Juma doesn’t have any appointments booked at this time. Miss..?”

“Nyamwasa, Samantha Nyamwasa.” I replied emotionlessly.

“I am afraid you have to come back another day, Ms Nyamwasa. Laurence is not available.” The receptionist replied.

“But I have travelled so far. I must see him today. Can you please make an exception for me?” I pleaded.

The receptionist sighed and replied. “Okay, I’ll go speak to him.”

The receptionist left, and a short while later, she returned with the irritated Laurence Juma in tow. I looked at the man. He resembled Patrick Bagosora, but I couldn’t be sure. I had never spent much time around Patrick, and I had never seen him up close before.

Laurence approached me and grunted: “Miss Nyamwasa. What is so important that you can’t book a meeting like everyone else?”

“I am sorry, Mr Juma. My name is Samantha Nyamwasa, and I am working for Tourism Australia. We are looking for a successful African businessman to feature in one of our ad campaigns promoting Australia for wealthy Africans.” I replied.

The words that came out of my mouth surprised me. I hadn’t planned what to say to Patrick before I had my epiphany in the car, I had only planned to find him and shoot him.

Laurence gave me a curious look and replied, “I see. How come you didn’t contact me before coming here? I am sure contacting people in advance is the normal Tourism Australia’s procedure.”

I decided to reply in Kinyarwanda. Laurence’s biography said that he was from Nigeria, so if he understood what I said, that proved my suspicion that he was Patrick. “Nabwirijwe kukubona imbonankubone. Noneho menye ko utunganye kwiyamamaza kwacu kuri Ghan (I had to see you in person. Now I know that you are perfect for our campaign for The Ghan.)” I replied.

Hearing this, Patrick smiled and replied. “I am very flattered by your words, Miss Nyamwasa. Unfortunately, I need to attend a meeting now. Please book a meeting with my secretary, so we can discuss the project further.

“Of course. I am so happy to have you on board with this project.” I said and smiled.

Hearing this, Patrick shook my hand and rushed off to his meeting. I smiled as I left the office. I had confirmed that Laurence Juma was a fake identity, and that Patrick Bagosora was alive and well in Adelaide.

Having confirmed Patrick's identity, I went home to plan for his murder. I felt a surge of exhilaration and excitement rushing through me, for the first time in many years. I had loved reading "The Murder on the Orient Express" as a child, and now I could live out the plot of that book while avenging my family and my people.