The Secret of Mara by I May End Soon - HTML preview

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Mara was walking on her feet towards Kelvin’s house and her sight caught something! Four tyres; black colour; the gate was opened and a car was driven into the compound! Mara could recognize it; it was Kelvin’s car. Who was in it? Was that Kelvin? She was going to find out! The gate was closing; slowly did it go! It would soon close! Mara hastened her steps. She wanted to get in. It was Kelvin’s house; her lover’s house. Before Mara could get there, right in her sight, the gate was shut. Oh! Did that mean she was not going to get into that house that day? Mara approached the gate and knocked on it. Afterwards, the gatemen showed up.

“Madam, good afternoon!” said the gateman.

“Good afternoon, I am here to see Kelvin.” said Mara.

“Oh! Mr. Kelvin is not around!” said the gateman.

“What? Is that not his car that was driven in just now? Is Kelvin not in that car?” said Mara.

“Madam, I cannot answer those questions. Mr. Kelvin is not around and that is it!” said the gateman.

“Okay! Can I come in?” said Mara.

“Oh! I am sorry, I cannot allow that. Mr. Kelvin has not given permission for you to come in. You cannot come in.” said the gateman.

“You must be joking! I must get inside there today!” said Mara.

Mara struggled at the gate, trying to force it open as the gateman was preventing that from being done. There was noise at the gate as that was going on. The gateman would not yield; his boss had given him orders. Mara was not going to yield either.

“Madam, please respect yourself! Respect yourself! I don’t want to embarrass you. You cannot come into this house. I will not allow it.” said the gateman.

“You are joking! I must go in there today! I want to see the person in that car.” said Mara.

The people in the car that had driven in had been hearing noise at the gate. Who was it? Who was the gateman struggling against? The one who was on the driver’s seat stepped down from the vehicle.

“Richard, what is happening there and who is that?” he said.

“Boss, it is madam. I told her she cannot come in except you give permission but she is trying to force her way in.” said the gateman.

“Kelvin! Is that not you? Your gateman had told me you are not around! What is going on? Ask him to let me into this house.” Mara said aloud.

“Richard, leave her. Let her in.” said Kelvin.

“Okay, boss!” said Richard, the gateman.

Mara was eventually let into the house. That was Kelvin! He was alive! He was around! So what was going on? Why would he not pick her calls? Why would the gateman not let her into the house; Kelvin’s house! Mara was curious. She moved closer to Kelvin.

“Baby, what is wrong? What is happening? You have not been picking my calls and I have been denied entry into your house until you gave permission that I come in. It was not like that before. What is going on?” said Mara.

“Mara, why are you here?” said Kelvin looking stern.

‘What? Why am I here? This is not my first time of coming here. And besides, you have not been picking my calls and I have come here to check on you. Kelvin, what is wrong?” said Mara.

“Mara, I am telling you now that I don’t want to see you here anymore. Whatever space that you think you had in this house or in my life, trust me, you don’t have it anymore. I cannot continue with someone like you. Mara, I am done with you! It is over!” said Kelvin.

Shocker! Shock! What did she just hear? Was it happening again? Was history repeating itself? Would that be the third on the list? Mara was beginning to weep. Not again! For awhile, she did not utter a word. She just gazed at Kelvin in surprise as tears rolled from her eyes. Mara was troubled!

“Kelvin, from you? Is that coming from you? Does that mean you are no more keeping to what you have told me in the past? That you loved me dearly; that you were not going to leave me; that your story was going to be different? How come this is coming from you? Is this happening the third time? Kelvin, please tell me, why have you decided you would do this? Why are you calling it over between us? What have I done?” said Mara.

Kelvin pointed to the car. Mara looked at direction he was pointing at. What did he mean by that? Mara could not make out!

“Kelvin, what do you mean by that? What are you pointing at?” said Mara.

“An answer to your question is in that car, Mara. Wait and see for yourself. (He then called out to someone in the car) Honey! Please step down.” said Kelvin.

The door was opened! First step out; it was a high-heeled shoe. Mara thought it would be a lady. And so it was! The figure stepped out of the vehicle and appeared to Mara. At the sight of who she had seen, Mara was overwhelmed with shock! What? The lady started walking towards them and Mara watched in her astonishment. Mara was curious!

“Adele! Kelvin, what is Adele doing with you? What is she doing here?” said Mara.

“Mara, calm down. You see this your friend here caused me not to want continue with you.” said Kelvin.

“What do you mean?” said Mara.

“Okay, let me tell you what happened.” said Kelvin.


Knock! Knock!! Knock!!!

“Yes, I am coming!”

The door was opened and the one who had knocked was revealed. It was such a surprise visit; that could be read from Kelvin’s face. Why had Adele come? Adele stood there and smiled at him. Both of them did not utter a word for awhile. Afterwards, Adele broke the silence.

“Are you surprised to see me?” said Adele.

“Urm! Yes! I was not expecting you and the gateman did not tell me it was you.” said Kelvin.

“Does that mean I am not welcome in your house?” said Adele.

“Oh No! Not that. Of course, you are welcome. Please, come in.” said Kelvin.

“Thank you!” said Adele.

Adele was let into the house. And it was both of them; together in the house. No one else! Adele was offered a seat. Adele had not informed Kelvin of her coming neither had she ever stepped into Kelvin’s house. Kelvin wondered why she had come!

“So what would you like me to offer you?” said Kelvin.

“Brandy!” said Adele.

“Brandy? Okay! I have it. Let me go get it.” said Kelvin.

“And please bring along two cups because I would like us to both have it together, if you don’t mind.” said Adele.

“Okay! No problem. I don’t mind. I will be back.” said Kelvin,

Kelvin went in and came back with the bottle of the drink and two glass cups. The drink was served and both of them were drinking! Kelvin had not yet known or could not yet make out why Adele had come. Kelvin was curious to know; but Adele was not disclosing it. She went on talking about the house, some of the things in it and some other things. Why was she there? Kelvin was curious. Eventually, Kelvin gave it a shot!

“So why have you come?” said Kelvin.

“Why have I come? I came to pay you a visit or don’t you like it if I pay you a visit?” said Adele.

“No. Not really! Just that it was unexpected and unusual. But if that is why you have come, there is no problem. I am even glad you made move to check on me.” said Kelvin.

Adele smiled and looked at Kelvin in such an alluring manner. Kelvin was stuck! Captivated at what he was seeing! The reality of what was happening dawned on Kelvin and Kelvin bowed his head and lowered his gaze. It seemed like it was going too far. Such countenance from Adele was too amorous! What was she intending? Kelvin had bowed his head and was gazing at the floor. He wanted to look no more. All of a sudden, he heard a sound – seeming like glass. A glass-like sound! Kelvin looked at the direction where it had come from and he could see that Adele had placed her glass cup on the table. Glass cup – glass table! The sound of glass! There it was! Anyways, what did that strike in his mind? Nothing so serious! It was not strange that she would place the glass cup on the table. But what happened afterwards was strange!

Bowing his head, Kelvin could see Adele’s legs. All of a sudden, the position in which the legs were changed. Kelvin looked closely! What was happening? Kelvin looked closely and his brain could interpret that the legs he was viewing before him were moving closer to him. Footstep after footstep; the legs got nearer and nearer. Until they were close! Kelvin knew his eyesight was not defective neither was he dreaming. He had seen what was really happening! The legs were close. Thoughts ran through Kelvin’s mind in relation to this that was happening before him. In his thoughts, Kelvin eventually felt something touch and rub around some point of his body. Hmmm! Kelvin was not a kid! He understood well what games Adele was playing!

“Adele, I am sorry we cannot do this. This cannot happen between us.” said Kelvin.

“Kelvin, what is wrong with you? Why are you acting like this? This is enjoyment for you; come on, grab it like a man!” said Adele.

“Adele, we cannot do this! But, you know I am in love and already in a relationship with your friend.” said Kelvin.

“And what has that got to do? Kelvin, if it happens, it is not a new thing under the sun! And I am not even saying that you should leave Mara! You can continue with her and you and I will go on with ours. It is even for your benefit; for your own enjoyment! You will enjoy two ways. Come on, grab it!” said Adele.

“What if Mara finds out? I have told her I will not betray her love and I am not going back on my words. I love Mara and I won’t allow anything come between us. This cannot happen!” said Kelvin.

“Kelvin, don’t worry! We are going to make it secret. There are some strategies we would follow up on; some plans that we would devise. We would do it secretly. Mara is not going to know! Come on!” said Adele.

Adele tried to force herself on Kelvin but Kelvin resisted. He pushed her away!

“Get out you whore! So this is who you are? I was even thinking you were someone honourable and decent. I never knew you were such a whore! Listen even if I would do this; even if I would cheat on Mara, it would never be with a shameless whore like you. I don’t deal with indecent ladies like you. I only deal with a lady with dignity; ladies with decency; ladies with honour!” said Kelvin.

At that, Adele burst out laughing. Kelvin stood there in determination to keep to his stance. He was not going to do it! But why was Adele laughing anyways?

“Look at this guy! Did you just say you only deal with a lady of decency and dignity? Looks like there is something you don’t still know. Hmm! Kelvin, you are in the dark. There is something being hidden from you! If you say you dont deal with an indecent lady, then who do you think Mara is? Kelvin, that your lover called Mara, how decent is she?” said Adele.

“Adele! I am not a fool! I can sense what you are doing! You are trying to cast some doubts in my heart about the decency of Mara. You want to come between us! Look here, you cannot succeed. I know my Mara very well. Oh! What a decent girl! Adele, no matter how much you try to bring her down in my eyes, Mara still remains with that decency with which I know her.” said Kelvin.

She laughed again.

“Kelvin, I am sorry to say, you are a fool! You say you are not, but it is just a pity that you are. A fool you are! Wait, let me ask you. Have you ever asked Mara the reason why her previous boyfriends had left her? Has she ever told you something about her past that had caused her to part ways with her previous boyfriends?” said Adele.

“Look here; that is who they are. This is a different person. As for me, I love Mara dearly and I am not going to leave her. The story will be different this time and you will see!” said Kelvin.

“Oh! Kelvin, you are really ignorant of something. I really wish you know it but it seems you know it not. Look here, let me tell you something. Her previous boyfriends also proclaimed that they loved Mara dearly! They also showed love to Mara. They seemed like they were not going to leave her. With the way the relationship was going, it rarely crossed the mind that they would eventually part ways. I mean no one saw it coming. But when they got to know something about Mara, trust me, they could not keep to their words! It seems it is because you don’t know it that is why are still holding on. Kelvin, trust me, if it becomes known to you, you would not be able to take it!” said Adele.

“Okay, tell me what it is.” said Kelvin.

“Kelvin, I want to ask you a question. Where is Mara’s father; her own biological father?” said Adele.

“She told me he is late.” said Kelvin.

“What did she tell you was the cause of his death? What or who killed him?” asked Adele.

“I don’t know. She did not disclose that to me!” said Kelvin.

“Ehn Ehn! You see! She did not tell you! If she had told you the truth about that, trust me, Kelvin you will not wait. You will run!” said Adele.

“Adele, please explain to me. What exactly are you talking about?” said Kelvin.

“Kelvin, would you believe me if I tell you? Would you not say that I am lying to you?” said Adele.

“Adele say it! Let me know what it is.” said Kelvin.

“Okay! There was a day Mara came to my house.” said Adele