The Secret of Mara by I May End Soon - HTML preview

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(Recall; from Chapter Four)

“Adele, please explain to me. What exactly are you talking about?” said Kelvin.

“Kelvin, would you believe me if I tell you? Would you not say that I am lying to you?” said Adele.

“Adele say it! Let me know what it is.” said Kelvin.

“Okay! There was a day Mara came to my house.” said Adele


Mara went visiting Adele in her house. This was some time after the death of her father. That was the first time Mara and Adele would see each other after the death of Mara’s father. Mara was with Adele in the house. They were chatting!

“And I am sorry for your father’s death. Really sorry!” said Adele.

“Oh! Thank you very much.” said Mara.

Mara’s face changed and she had such a sad countenance. Adele could perceive it.

“You seem to not have gotten over it. You look sad. Mara, please get over it. Death is inevitable. Every human shall taste it. Your father is gone and there is nothing you can do about it. Please, put it behind you and move on with your life, okay?” said Adele.

“Thank you, Adele. But there is something about my father’s death that is making me sad. It is about how he died. I feel grief whenever I remember it; and that still happens until now.” said Mara.

“What is it about how he died?” said Adele.

“Adele, I wish it never happened. I wish I never did it. But I was really angry.” said Mara.

“Mara, what are you talking about? Please, tell me. You are my close friend and we have been together for long. Tell me what it is. What did you do?” said Adele.


The morning came. It had been such a sleep. Mara’ eyes were opening. Her consciousness was being revived. Mara’s sight fell on different places in the bedroom. As her consciousness was being revived, something eventually struck her mind. The memory of the event of the previous night! Mara had been drinking! Mara’s consciousness was being revived and all of a sudden, her attention was caught by something which had been lying on her! Was her blanket this heavy? If it were pillows, how many pillows would it be? Mara could feel something heavy lying on her. The consciousness was being revived. And there it came! The awareness! The awareness of a sound which she was hearing! It was coming from somewhere close to her ears. Was there a frog in the house of what? Trying to discern what it was, it seemed to Mara like a snore! Mara got curious! She tried to discern what was going on! Mara looked to her right! She could see something like a bush. And the bushy thing was black! Close to the black bush, Mara could see a piece of flesh! Looking closely and feeling it, it was the ear of a human being! Mara was curious! Mara examined part of what she could view of this load that was lying on her and she eventually came to the realization that it was a human being! What? What was the person doing in her bedroom? Why was the person lying on top of her? Who was this person by the way? Mara tried to think! The thoughts went different directions until she could remember that she was with someone last night! She had not had the drink alone last. She had been drinking with someone. Someone close to her! Someone she was very familiar with! Who was it? The picture of someone she recognized as her own father came to mind. Oh! It was daddy! Mara was alarmed.

“Daddy! Daddy! Get up! Get up!” Mara said as she tapped her father on his back.

“Ehn? Ehn?” her father was awake but not yet fully conscious. Her father rose from Mara’s body and sat on the bed.

“Daddy what happened? What has happened to us?” Mara said in her panicky state. She was thinking of something; something serious! Something she would not like to happen. Perhaps, it had happened. Mara was anxious.

“I don’t… I don’t understand what you are saying. What do you mean?” said her father.

“Daddy, open your eyes and be conscious. Please, hear me out. I woke up to meet you lying on me. What were you doing? What did we do?” Mara said.

Daddy was regaining consciousness. The realization of what had happened dawned on him. He had been lying on his daughter. Doing what? There was one way they could find out. There could still be traces left. Mara and her father checked on themselves! And Hey! It seemed like it had really happened! In other words, if a child was born as a result, the child will be a product of incest! Mara and her father were troubled! Mara burst out crying and her father looked at her with pity. They both regretted what they had together the previous night.

“Mara, I am very sorry. Please forgive me! I would not really want to do this to you if not for what happened!” said her father. He tried touching her to console her.

“Get your hands of me! Haa! This is sad! My own father – with me? Daddy, what did you think you were doing? Why would you ever want to do this to me?” Mara said in her tears.

“Mara, ordinarily, I would not want to do this to you. It is because of what we had. It is just so unfortunate we did not see this coming. We could have avoided it. We could not have taken that drink together like we did! Mara, please forgive me! And besides, I am not totally at fault in this. We both have our share. Mara, I did not force this on you. I can remember our situation last night. How close we were; how we were feeling. You did not also control yourself, Mara.” said her father.

“If I did not control myself, could you not have done that? Are you not a man and are you not older? Would the effect that that drink would have on you not be lesser than what it would have on me? Daddy, this should not have happened between us. I feel so sad! What if I get pregnant?” said Mara.

“Mara, please calm down. What has happened has happened already. If it so happens that you get pregnant, we will abort the pregnancy. It will be gone! And as from now on, we have to check and rectify our relations in this house. This must not happen again! Mara, I am sorry!” said her father.

Mara’s father tried to console her daughter. What a sad moment it was for both of them. What an experience! Incest!


Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), and gambling, and Al-Ansaab

(stone altars for sacrifices to idols, jinn, etc), and Al-Azlaam (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an abomination of Shaytaan’s (Satan’s) handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful”

[al-Maa’idah 5:90]

Allaah has cursed the drinker of alcohol. In Sunan Abi Dawood (3189) it is narrated that Ibn

‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of

Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah has cursed alcohol, the one who drinks it, the one who pours it, the one who sells it, the one who buys it, the one squeezes (the grapes, etc), the one for whom it is squeezed, the one who carries it and the one to whom it is carried.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani as stated in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 2/700.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) likened the one who is addicted to alcohol to one who worships idols. It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of

Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The one who is addicted to alcohol is like one who worships an idol.” Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 3375; classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah, 2720.

In Saheeh al-Bukhaari (2295) and Saheeh Muslim (86) it is narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may

Allaah be pleased with him) said: the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “No one who commits zina is a believer at the moment when he is committing zina, and no one who drinks wine is a believer at the moment when he is drinking it, and no thief is a

believer at the moment when he is stealing, and no robber is a believer at the moment when he is robbing and the people are looking on.” This means that such a person is not a believer in

the sense of having complete faith, rather his faith is greatly lacking because of this evil action.


One afternoon, Mara was at a hospital. She was there in the doctor’s office. A test had been run! She was waiting for the result! Curious! Troubled! Afraid! Mara tried to study the doctor’s countenance, perhaps she would have inkling about what was in the result. The doctor was smiling! Seeing the doctor smiling, it was somewhat a relief to her. Her fear and worry mitigated to an extent. The doctor was smiling. It seemed like good news. But in Mara’s case, the reason why the doctor was smiling would be a reason for Mara to cry!

“Madam, you are four weeks pregnant. Congratulations!” said the doctor.

Mara gazed at the doctor with so much grief on her face. She wanted to say something. She wanted to confirm if she understood the doctor well. But even before she could do that, she could not hold back the tears that were already rolling down her cheeks. Mara engaged the doctor in such a sad, shaking voice. Her words were uttered amidst tears.

“Doc…. Doctor! Do you mean… do… you mean I am preg… pregnant?” said Mara.

“Yes, madam. You are six weeks pregnant. And I say congratulations once again.” said the doctor.

“KEEP YOUR CONGRATULATIONS!!!” Mara said as she fiercely hit the table before her. The doctor was taken by shock and fright! It was obvious that Mara was not happy about the news.

“Oh No! Nooooo! Nooooooooo!” Mara said as she faced the ceiling and cried.

“Madam, please take it easy. Madam, are you alright? Madam…”

Before the doctor could finish, he saw Mara’s head suddenly move and her gaze diverted towards him. Shock and fright took him! The face was looking so fierce! The doctor was alarmed! What was she going to do next? A flower vase on the table! Overwhelmed by fear and panic, the doctor grabbed it; kept it. To avoid stories that touch! Perhaps, she was going to smash it on his head! Hel looked at Mara and a fierce countenance could still be read on her face. Hey! What else would he take away? There were various things on the table; the doctor decided he won’t further his bother with them. She was upset! He was going to plead with her! “I am sorry. I am really sorry!” the doctor said.

“Arrrgghhh!” Mara yelled and rose from the seat. Right In his sight, Mara stormed out of the office! The doctor was relieved. She was gone!

Mara eventually got home. It was at night! Mara was in the kitchen. Cooking or doing the dishes? None of them! She was there in her thoughts. Mara leaned against a structure in the kitchen as she was in her ponder. She was pregnant for her own father! It was no joke! To Mara, it was a cause for sadness. Mara contemplated on what was next? The pregnancy was there; her father had got her pregnant. No need to hide away from the reality. Mara thought and eventually, she concluded she was going to abort the pregnancy!

The thought that Mara was going to go for abortion coupled with that of her past experience with her father turned on some ill feelings in her; about her father. Mara’s thoughts about her father were like; Look at what he had done to her. Look at what he had made he go through! Look at what she was going to go through because of what happened between them (abortion). He had caused her grief. He had made her sad. Her father had caused her sorrow. Mara was not pleased with him! Animosity grew in her heart for him. Oh! Her father! Mara’s ill feelings for her father were transported to urges. Her body had been stimulated; her mind determined. Her heart felt pain; she was going to revenge for the pain. Mara felt strong urge to do something to about the situation. She was going to do something! She was going to do something! She was going to do something! Yes! She had arrived! Mara’s look feel different places in the kitchen until it arrived at it. Ah! That was it! Mara rushed to grab it! She got it. Mara was going to push on! No going back! She was going there! She would not stop! What she was holding was dangerous! Danger! Danger!! Mara eventually found her way into one of the rooms in the house. She could hear the snores. She could see the figure lying on the bed. She could see that he was asleep. Job made easier! She was not going to struggle to hard to get it done! Mara looked at the figure snoring on the bed and she was angered at the sight of him. This man! This man! She was going to do something to this man! And on did she go! Mara climbed slowly onto the bed as she did not want to wake him up. Like she was targeting a mosquito on his body! Like that mosquito was going to die that day. Mara already had a weapon in hand! Was she going to use that for a mosquito?

Mara went until she had climbed on her father! Hey! What was the man going to do if he saw her like that? Had he not said that they should try avoiding whatever would make history repeat itself? What was Mara doing? Was he going to push her off if he woke up to meet her kike that? There was no codeine this time. He was alright and firm! He would not allow it! Perhaps, he was going to send her out of the house if he caught her trying at it. How was she going to explain to her that she was there for a mosquito if a mosquito was why she had done that? Having climbed on her father, she was not going to waste time. The urges in her were strong! She was going to do it. Mara held it firm with her right hand and raised up!

“Arrghhh! Arghhhh! Arghhhh!” someone groaning.

“Hmm! Hmmm hmm! Die! Die! Die!” Mara said as she stabbed in repeatedly.

Up and down did it go! Blood! Blood! Mara’s father was in trouble! Mara was pushing it in and brining it out! Penetration after penetration! Her father would produce a sound like “Arggh” at each strike that he received. Strike went after strike and something like “Arrggh” went after something like “Arrggh” until there was nothing more – that sounded like “Argghh”! Mara held it! She looked at his face closely. She felt his chest. She checked on his breathe. Negative! The urges in her heart began to die down. Haaa! What had she done? Hey! Don’t you act like you don’t know what you did Mara. You have just murdered your father!


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) advised us not to get angry, i.e., to avoid the causes that lead to that and to be careful of what may result from that.

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that a man said to the

Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “Advise me.” He said: “Do not get angry.” He repeated his question several times and he said: “Do not get angry.”

Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5765.

The Muslim should be above getting angry for his own sake or for the sake of anyone other than Allaah, because that may lead to regrettable consequences either in this world or in the Hereafter, or in both.



(Flashback ends) (Back with Mara and Adele in Adele’s house; remember!)

“Haa!” (Adele covered her mouth) So you mean you murdered your father?” said Adele.

“Yes, I did. I was so angry and felt the great urge for revenge. And I did it. Haa! I curse that night that I had that drink with my father. It could have been a different story if that had not happened.” said Mara and she burst into tears.

Adele moved closer to her friend to console her. That was Mara with Adele – Mara had shared such a secret with her.

(Flashback ends) (Back with Adele and Kelvin in Kelvin’s house remember!)

Kelvin was taken by shock! What! What had he just been told about Mara?

“So you mean, Mara murdered her own father?” said Kelvin.

“Yes! Mara was the one who killed her own father!” said Adele.

“So what happened to her pregnancy?” asked Kelvin.

“She aborted it! If she had given birth to the child, the child would be a product of incest! Now tell me, Mr. lover boy. Mr. “I love Mara”! Is that the kind of lady you want to marry? Do you want to be part of such family having that in their history? Would you like to become part of a family where they have such story to tell? Would you like it if such story is told about Mara if you eventually marry her as your wife in the future? Now tell me Kelvin, do you still love Mara? Are you really not going to leave her?” said Adele.

Kelvin did not reply. He was in such a confusion as he watched Adele give such a wicked laugh! Kelvin’s love for Mara got mitigated. The affection got weak! The resolve to continue with Mara lost balance! What was he going to do?

(Flashback ends)


The basic principle is that it is obligatory to conceal one’s faults, and that a person should not expose himself when Allah has concealed him; rather disclosing that may come under the definition of committing sin openly, and Allah has warned the one who commits sin openly that He will deprive him of His pardon.


Speaking about your sin and flaunting it openly in front of your friends is haraam, and is a major sin. It is one of the ways of spreading immorality among the Muslims, encouraging evil

and tempting others to do similar things. It also means that one does not take sin seriously and

regards it as insignificant, and that the sinner is damaging his own reputation and exposing his honour to the slander of others. Islam seeks to put people off from doing such things in the strongest possible terms, as in the following hadeeth:

Abu Hurayrah said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “All of my ummah will be forgiven except those who sin openly. It is a part of sinning openly when a man does something at night, then the following morning when Allaah has

concealed his sin, he says, ‘O So and so, I did such and such last night,’ when all night his Lord has concealed him and the next morning he uncovers what Allaah had concealed.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5721; Muslim, 2990).


We advise you to repent sincerely, and if you are tested with any kind of sin, do not speak openly of it or brag about it. You should be aware of the greatness of the One against Whom

you are sinning, seek forgiveness for your sin, weep for the error of your ways and adhere strictly to the path of Allaah. Beware of despairing of the mercy of Allaah. If you adhere

properly to the religion of Allaah, you will have glad tidings of goodness in this world and in the Hereafter. We ask Allaah to help us and you to do that which He loves and is pleased with.

May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad.


If you want to look for a wife for someone, or a husband for a woman, then you can ask him about his wishes, such as the desired age, level of education, employment situation, country and origin and position of the family, and whether he has any preferences about her general

appearance, such as skin colour, height, etc. The most important characteristic to ask about is a person’s level of commitment to Islam. This kind of useful question is fine.

But asking for details of a person’s past and wanting to know what sins they might have committed when they were ignorant about Islam – this is not right at all. Allaah covers people’s sins and loves to see them covered (i.e., not dragged out into the open). So long as a person has repented, his sins have been wiped out. Islam deletes whatever came before, so why

should we ask questions that will only embarrass people? Allaah accepts people’s repentance without their having to confess or expose their sins to any other person. A number of the

Sahaabah had committed adultery and murder repeatedly, or had buried infant girls alive, or stolen things, but when they entered Islam they were the best of people. No one needs to be reminded of a shameful past; it is over and done with, and Allaah is the All-Forgiving, Most

Merciful. What matters when considering a person for marriage is how that person is now: is he righteous or not? Has he cut all ties with his past and his wrong deeds, or not? If he is

clearly living a good and righteous life now, then it is wrong to dig up the past. If there is any fear of anything that could have future implications, such as certain diseases and so on, then there are medical tests which can give the answer and put your mind at rest.


The fiancé or husband has no right to ask about his wife's past. It is sufficient for him that she is righteous and is known for good at the time of marrying her, and there is nothing wrong

with her religious commitment or chastity. As to whether she did anything haraam in the past, but then repented from it and became righteous, it is wrong to ask her about that and make her choose between telling lies or getting divorced, or make her tell her secrets and disclose that which Allaah had concealed for her, then if she tells him the truth, that opens the door to doubt and suspicion.

What some people call for, of each spouse being frank with the other and telling them of things in the past that Allaah has concealed, is wrong and ignorant. Rather they should be pleased that Allaah has concealed it and they should praise Allaah for it.



(Back with Kelvin, Adele and Mara at Kelvin’s house; remember!)

“What? Adele you? You expose me! You exposed my secret!” said Mara.

“Yes, I did. And for your information baby girl, I was the one who told your previous boyfriend what they did not know about you. I also shared the secret with them too” said Adele.

“You did?” asked Mara in her shock.