The Seed: Trilogy of Time Part 1 by Jaco Basson - HTML preview

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God calls unto Gabriel. “Gabriel!” “Yes, my Lord.” “I have chosen you, Gabriel. You will bring the good news to many. In generations to come, my Seed will find root in Mary’s womb.

My Love is great Gabriel. My Son will give His life in ransom for their lives. This seed will be buried and in three days will rise, as a soft tender seedling. This is the olive tree, Gabriel, every nation and tongue will learn the meaning of this, for His roots are grounded in truth and righteousness.

This is my kingdom Gabriel, the heart of man: my true love for them, and surely, their innermost love for

me.” “Why their hearts Lord?” “Look, Gabriel, whoever possesses their heart is their lord, and they will bow to that ideal. My people will give me their hearts, for I will be their Lord and they will be unto me a people, a people that love their God.

Many will learn from the olive tree and reject Him. For many love the darkness and despise the light. I am the true light and whoever follows me will not live in darkness, but have the light of life.” This is all too much for Gabriel. He is trying to see the purpose of all this.

God senses Gabriel’s inner thoughts and once again Gabriel and God sit down. “Look, Gabriel, you should know that Satan swept up a third of the angels to his rebellion. You know that Satan came in revolt against my authority.

Gabriel, even long before the second earth, Satan was condemned to everlasting damnation. He had no authority, not in heaven, or in the abyss. Satan knew this very well. I don’t know, Gabriel, maybe I gave Adam too much authority. For what is the man that I am so mindful of him, for I have created him a little lower than ... me? You should know, Gabriel, the second earth is ruled by the prince of the air. He is a prince, not a king. Therefore, Satan does not have a kingdom.

You know that Satan desired that which is mine. Satan has built his lair on my principles. As a leader has those who submit to him, so does Satan has demons of all kinds and ranks who obey him and carry out his wicked desire.” “I don’t see how this has anything to do with mankind,” says Gabriel. “Look, Gabriel, Adam and Eve bowed to Satan.

Their desire for wisdom and knowledge resulted in them joining Satan’s rebellion. I passed my condemnation on Satan and his demons long before Adam and Eve.

So I had no choice but to hand Adam and Eve over to death, and so it happened that Adam joined the rebellion for which I have already passed my judgment. I had no choice, Gabriel.

Had I not condemned mankind unto death, Satan would have been released and be eternally wicked, and most importantly, my judgment would not have been true, and I would not be God.

Even though Adam bowed his knee to Satan, I still have mercy. Yes, Gabriel, this is why this person of mine will learn the meaning of the olive tree. Look, man's days are

seventy years, and if he is strong eighty. During this time, every man has the chance to rebel against

Satan and walk with me. This is their last chance, Gabriel.

I just hope that they will truly humble themselves and pray. This is real, Gabriel, now, this moment. This is the time when I will pour out my Spirit on these people. He, even He, the Holy Spirit, will abide within and upon these people and He will speak to them whatever I desire.”