The Seed: Trilogy of Time Part 1 by Jaco Basson - HTML preview

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Many generations have been born from the fruit of sin unto death. Once again, God calls unto Gabriel.

“Yes, my Lord!” God reaches into the deepest part of His spirit, even into His heart. Surprisingly, Gabriel sees a small seed in the Father's hand.

“Look, Gabriel, from My heart I take this seed. He will find root in Mary’s womb, grow in stature,wisdom, and anointing from an early age.” “Lord,” Gabriel speaks, “so, from your Heart, even Your Spirit, you take this seed.

This seed will become flesh with voice, and He, even your Son, will reveal Your heart, my Lord.” “You have


spoken truly Gabriel. I have one message to deliver.” “Yes, Lord, what will the message be?”

This is too intense even for God, Gabriel sees, as tears start rolling from His eyes. Now the Father speaks, “I love mankind. Look, Gabriel, I will

establish my covenant with man, even Abram. This Seed will be passed down for generations to come, even unto Mary. My Spirit will water this Seed only when the time has come, but not before the appointed time. For indeed, He is Son of man, even David. For the appearing of the Messiah will be in a way and means not expected of man, for even as Abram will await his son, so it shall be, in like manner, my Son will come in a time when man least expects it. Hear me now, Gabriel. Is anything too hard for me?” “No, my Lord,” Gabriel responds.


“Lord,” Gabriel speaks, “so, this Seed will be passed down generations even unto Mary and in due season the Spirit will water this Seed?” “You have spoken truly,

Gabriel. The time is now! Go, Gabriel. I will speak to Abram in days to come.”

Abram is in the field, shepherding his flock. He says in his heart, “Surely the gods have certainly blessed me this year.” As he stares across all his father’s

land he hears a soft and gentle voice: "Abram." Not sure of its origin, looks to the left, then to the right. The Father speaks again, “Abram.” Abram thinks in his heart: Could it be that the gods are speaking to me? Finally, God says: “Take yourself and all you own and go to a land I will show you.


I have given this land to you, Abram. It will stand as a testament to all men. I am The One True God. Before the beginning, I AM.” Abram takes hold of his staff and runs to Sarai. “Sarai, the One True God has spoken to me that I am to take all I own to a land that He will show unto me.” Sarai thinks to herself: who is this One True God? “Abram, look at all your own. You are of age, is it likely that the gods have sent you this word, that you are to leave everything and go to a country not known to us?

Could it be that this God expects us to abandon everything and by His Word go to another land?” “Sarai, this is the Word of the Lord, we must obey.

Later that evening, as his servants gather around the fire, a discussion rises amongst them. “Could it be true, that Abram heard the Voice of God, a God no eye has seen?


We have had all these idols all these years; now we are to follow the God of Abram.” An old man who knows his master silences the debate. “You will remain faithful to your master.

know Abram. He has lived purely and is just in all his ways. If God has spoken to him, then this is what we will do. Have we not prospered in the house of

Abram all these years? Therefore, let there not be a quarrel amongst yourselves. Tomorrow we will depart.”