Thuggin in Miami (the Family Is Made : Part 1) by R. A. Robinson - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

Richard sat in his bunk as thoughts raced through his mind – thoughts about Skinny and the baby, about who could have sold him out, his Dad, and Dwayne. He was so deep in thought that he hadn’t heard Bam approach.

“Yo’ Rich Kid? You straight?” Bam asked for the second time.

“I’m good, Fool.” Richard glanced up at Bam. Maybe Bam could help him take his mind off things for a while. “Just thinking ‘bout some shit. Why? Wuz up?”

“You wuz up, nigga.” Bam nodded towards Richard and his bunk. “You ain’t got back on the phone all day since you got off this morning. Or off your bunk. So what’s on your mind, fam?”

Richard couldn’t help but feel love for Bam. He’d had Richard’s back since the moment they’d taken the long walk over. In return, Richard had always kept an eye on Bam’s back. But while he did feel like their camaraderie was starting to feel more like a friendship than just a relationship of convenience, Richard still wasn’t sure if he could trust Bam with personal stuff yet. “Ain’t too much, Fool,” Richard shrugged. “Everybody business ain’t nobody business, feel me?”

Bam’s face dropped with the realization that maybe he and Richard weren’t as close as he had thought. “Well,” he said, climbing onto the bottom bunk. “Come holla at yo’ boy when you get done thinking, fam.”

Even though Bam was now out of eyesight, Richard nodded in response before heading back into thought. He had to find out who had snitched on him. But how? Skinny didn’t need to be bothered with finding a snitch right now. She needed to get better. E was looking, he knew, despite the fact that he hadn’t talked to E since being locked up. But E was only one man. If Richard could figure out who had ratted him out, he could give E something to go on, a direction. But for the life of him, Richard couldn’t pin down who it might have been.

As dinnertime approached, Richard started to think that talking to Bam might not be such a bad idea. “Ay, fool,” Richard called out. Bam was talking to another inmate a few cells down.“Check this out.”

Hearing Richard’s voice, Bam told the other inmate they’d talk later and made his way over to their cell. Richard waited patiently for Bam to walk through the open cell door. Making eye contact with Richard, Bam asked, “What’s good, fam?”

“I’m trying to think of who snitched on me,” Richard mused, rubbing his chin, still trying to sort out his thoughts. “The niggas I buy work from still out there doing they thang. If it’s one of the hating ass niggas, I’ll never know ‘cause it’s not in my paperwork cause they ain’t found no dope in my house. What you think?”

Bam looked down at the floor, thinking about Richard’s question.“It might be a hoe you done shitted on,” looking up to finish his answer, “or just a hater that know too much. Might be somebody you trust or somebody you put out of business.”

Richard considered Bam’s response for a moment. From the day they had met, Richard had known that he would enjoy bunking with Bam, but the two men were definitely becoming more than just bunkmates, Richard decided. Maybe it was time to start letting Bam in; maybe he would become one of the newest family members. “Know what, Fool,” Richard smiled. “You right. That’s why I fucks with you.”

Bam smiled back, but his smile faded into a look of disturbed curiousness as a question popped into his head – a question that had been bothering him for weeks. “Fam? Why you always calling me Fool?” 

“’Cause I don’t deal with names,” Richard explained, matter-of-factly. “I deal with faces and give out names. If I met you on the streets, I wouldn’t have known yo’ name was Bam ‘cause I would have given you one.”

Unsure of what Richard’s answer meant, Bam cocked his head to the side. “That’s a good thing, right?”

Richard smiled. “Well, check this out.” He hopped off his bunk, placing himself at Bam’s eye level. “Let’s say you get jammed up on some shit you did, like me. The crackers say they know your name is Fool, then that tells me or somebody that’s around me got you jammed. And if they don’t call you Fool, but by the name everybody else calls you, then you know me and my niggas ain’t got loose lips. I aint’ no rat Fool and I’ll kill a rat that’s on my team any day.” He jutted his chin forward and nodded his head upwards in a quick motion. “Fuck the love I got for the nigga, cause a rat don’t love nobody.”

Bam nodded in understanding. “I feel that, fam. Where I’m from, niggas don’t think like that.” His comment elicited a shrug from Richard. Moving on to his next question, Bam lowered his voice a little. “I been meaning to ask you, what the fuck you got jammed with if they ain’t get no dope? I told you when I went to court everybody on the long walk there was saying you got jammed with dope and guns. I told you ‘bout that when I got back, remember?”

Richard crossed his arms, in thought, trying to decide if he was ready to trust Bam with that much information. Finally, Richard decided to give Bam a shot, if nothing else, to see how strong his loyalty was. Without a word, he started for their cell door, motioning for Bam to follow. He made his way past the line of cells and headed straight for the correction officer’s desk. Upon reaching their destination, Richard stopped and faced Bam. “Man, look here, I don’t be having everybody in my business.” Quickly, Richard scanned the area for anyone approaching. Seeing no one, he continued, but he kept his voice just above a whisper. “But I’m gone show you this anyway.” Turning to the female correction officer behind the desk, Richard smiled as asked “Ms. J? Can I see my card real quick?”

Ms. Jackson turned to grab Richard’s card. As she reached into the catalog, both Richard and Bam admired her voluptuous curves. “Here you go, Rich Kid,” she said, turning and handing the card to Richard with a smile. In turn, Richard handed the card over to Bam.

“Look at the back, Fool. Tell me what you see, but don’t say nothing.” Richard raised his index finger to his lips in a quieting motion and then removed it to finish speaking. “Just wait until we get back to the bunks.”

Taking the card back, Richard turned to Ms. Jackson and thanked her. The two men then headed back to their bunk in silence. Reaching their bunks first, Richard turned to Bam and waited for his response.

“Tax evasion, fam?” A confused look occupied Bam’s face. “How old are you again?”

“Fool, I aint nothin’ but twenty years old. I thought only rich white crackers get charges like that, too.” Richard nodded his head to confirm that he was as confused as Bam the charges he’d been held on.

“Fam, that’s some heavy ass shit.” Bam’s lips curved into a worried frown. “I see why you always be thinking. So they called the police cause you had money?”

Richard shook his head, “No, Fool. Cause I’m that nigga.”


“Richard Gary!” the correction officer called as he walked through the main commons area towards Richard’s cell. “Richard Gary!”

“Wuz good, Mr. Owens?” Richard yelled, hopping down from his bunk onto the floor.

Hearing Richard’s response, Mr. Owens stopped five cells short of Richard’s and responded, “You have a contact visit downstairs waiting on you.”

Before heading out the cell door, Richard gave Bam a high five. As he crossed the threshold to the door, Richard called back over his shoulder, smiling.“Holla at you when I get back, Fool.”

“Be easy, fam,” Bam responded, waving at Richard as he walked away.

Richard made his way across the commons over to the elevators. Officer Campbell was standing by the doors when she noticed Richard approaching. “Inmate, where are you going?”

“I got a visit.”

Officer Campbell smiled and nodded in understanding. “Okay. I’ll take you down,” she responded, pulling out her keys. “No need for you to wait for Officer Price.”

Richard smiled back. “Bet that up. You always look out for me.”

When the elevator reached the bottom floor, Officer Campbell escorted Richard to where the holding cell officer stood. “He’s got a visit today.” She directed the statement to her fellow officer.

Looking through the clipboard in his hands, the holding officer asked, “What’s your name?”

“Richard Gary.”

After finding Richard’s name and crossing it off the list, the holding officer pushed a button on the wall next to him. A faint buzzing sound indicated that the large double doors were now unlocked.  “Go down the hall. They’re waiting on you,” he said.

As soon as Richard pressed the door’s metal bar, the buzzing sound ceased. He released the doors as he stepped into the hallway. Behind him, the spring hinges pulled the doors closed. As he neared the large, open room, chatter from the visiting area filled his ears.

Skinny spotted Richard the instant he’d stepped out of the hallway and into the area that slightly resembled a high school cafeteria. She squealed and jumped up into his arms. She almost knocked him backwards with the sheer force. As he threw his arms around her, she showered his entire face with fervent kisses.

Richard chuckled lightly, “Baby girl, calm down before they make y’all leave.” Gently, he set her back down on the floor.

“Oh but, Richy,” she said, clinging to his arm as though he might disappear. “I’ve miss you!”

Richard rubbed the palm of his hand over her forehead and then her dreads, smiling. But his smile quickly faded, and sadness and concern for Skinny filled his eyes as he remembered the loss of their baby. “Baby girl,” his voice low, “You don’t act like you just had a miscarriage.”

Skinny waved his comment away with a flick of her hand.  “Ain’t no time for laying down,” she replied nonchalantly, but her stomach knotted at the horrible reminder of the baby they’d lost. “I just got out the hospital yesterday. Why ain’t you call?” Her lips formed a pronounced pout as she placed her hands on her hips.

Richard gave her a loving smile. “I ain’t been calling nobody.”He brushed her cheek softly with the back of his hand. “I had to clear my mind baby girl.” His mind wandered back to the fact that he still hadn’t found the rat. Remembering that today was about seeing his family, he shoved the frustration away.

Skinny didn’t need an explanation. She just nodded in understanding and wrapped her arms around Richard’s waist. She thought about how Richard had always pretty much kept to himself. What little bit he did share, he shared with her, so if he hadn’t called her, she knew he hadn’t called anyone else.

Peering over the top of Skinny’s head, Richard suddenly noticed Gina standing a few steps away. Still holding onto Skinny, he smiled in her direction.

“Wuz up, boy?” she asked, smiling back.

Richard extended his free arm towards Gina as she closed the gap between them. He wrapped her in a hug on the side opposite of Skinny. “Just chilling, Sis.” He planted a kiss on her forehead. “What’s good with little Pop?”

Still huddled into the three-person hug, Gina pulled her head back and looked into Richard’s eyes.Her features creased with worry. “They trying to send him to a level eight program for a year.”

Richard shook his head. He felt bad for the little guy, but early mistakes made for a stronger man. He’d get out in a year and would learn how to keep himself low-key.

“Boy!” Alicia’s voice pierced its way into the happy huddle. “You ain’t gone give me no hug?” Her tone was thick with insult, but her smile lit up the room. Above the smile, her beautiful brown eyes filled with tears of happiness and concern.

Gina and Skinny stepped back so that Richard could gather Alicia into his arms. “You know I am. Come here, Sis,” he said, smiling as he wrapped his arms around her. Instantly, she melted into a puddle of sobs and buried her face into his shoulder. “What you crying for, Sis?”

She looked up into Richard’s face with a weak smile. “I’m happy to see you, but I hate seeing you in this thing.” She tugged at his jumper.

“Well, it’s me in the flesh,” he smiled, rubbing her shoulder as he stepped back. “I stunt in anything I put on.” He pulled at the top of the jumper and snapped it back with a cocky smile.

Smiling, Alicia smacked his shoulder playfully. “Boy, you crazy!”Wiping the tears away from her eyes, she motioned over to the tables set aside for visits with her index finger. “Let’s go sit over there before they really do try and kick us out.”

The trio made their way over to the tables and sat down. The women talked excitedly about the things that Richard had missed and he listened intently. Once in a while, his mind would wander off to other things – thoughts about the baby, thoughts about the snitch he needed to find – but mostly, he just enjoyed the time he had with the people he loved most. Much too soon, the visit was over and it was time for everyone to say their good-byes. The only dry eyes in the group belonged to Richard.

As Alicia and Gina made their way towards the exit, Skinny stood back and took Richard’s hand into her own. “Richy, I’m gone make you happy, baby.”

“You do that, baby girl,” he said as he gently touched her cheek. Little did he know, she was talking about her plan to find and kill the snitch.

Taking Richard’s response as an approval, Skinny’s smile reached from one ear to the other as she leaned in for one last kiss. “I love you, baby. See you soon.”

Richard watched as Skinny walked away with a bounce in her step and a smile on her face, wondering what she could possibly be up to.


  A black Daytona Charger H.I.M.E. pulled up in front of E’s house. Opening the driver’s side door, Skinny stepped out onto the street, her dreads pulled up on the back of her head. Walking around the front of the vehicle, she waved at E, standing in the front of the apartment building. “Wuz up, Lil’ Bro?”

E smiled and waved back. “Sis! What’s good? You been missing about a week. I tried to call your phone but nobody answer for me.”

Now standing in front of E, Skinny responded, “I been in the hospital.” She shifted her gaze from E’s face to the building behind him, avoiding eye contact, afraid his expression might bring on a new wave of tears. “I had a miscarriage.”

E looked down at the ground. “Damn. Why ain’t you call me and let me know?” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I bet Balle knew, too, and ain’t tell me shit.” Kicking the ground with his toe, he tried to hide his disappointment at being the last one to know.

Skinny shrugged but her eyes filled with compassion and grief. She hadn’t really thought about calling E. Maybe she should have. “Yo’, brother got us like that,” she said, giving a half-hearted smile. “But now you know.”

Figuring there must have been a reason that Skinny hadn’t called him, E returned to watching over his best friend’s girl. “So what’s good then, Sis? You need some money?”

Skinny shook her head, causing her dreads to bob a little. “No. I don’t need no money.” A sinister smile crossed her face. “But I do need some guns.”

E’s face appeared puzzled as he creased his brow. “What you need guns for?”

“Come on,” she said as she headed towards E’s apartment. “Let’s go talk inside.”

E called to the men outside of his apartment building, letting them know he would be right back and followed Skinny up to the stairs. Once inside, Skinny began to divulge her plan. The words tumbled out of her mouth so quickly that E had to concentrate on them carefully to avoid missing any of the details.

“…So that’s it,” Skinny said, now finished explaining her plan. She stood in silence waiting for E’s response. She followed his motions carefully and tried to determine whether he was going to try and talk it out of her or not. It didn’t really matter, but she really did want his support. Despite her carful studying, she found it impossible to decipher his reaction. He kept his expression flat and unresponsive. His movements were slow but fluid as he walked towards the couch. He sat down and looked at the ground in in silence. The wait for his response felt like an eternity.

Sitting with his elbows rested on his knees and his hands clasped together, E looked up at her. “Sis, we can’t just start killing mother fuckers ‘cause we think they told.”

“Well, if you not gone help me, I’ll do it myself,” Skinny replied haughtily, shrugging one shoulder. In a stance of defiance, she crossed her arms over her chest.

Seeing just how serious she was, E realized that he couldn’t stop her. “A’ight. Look, Sis. I can’t let you go out there in the streets by yourself.” He held one of his hands up and pointed towards the door. “Something might happen to you.” After dropping his hand and pausing for a brief moment, he released a loud sigh. “So I’m all in,” he said, raising raised both hands in surrender. “Fuck it.”

Knowing that she’d won the argument, Skinny’s lips curled into a sly half-smile. “A’ight. Now show me the guns then. What we got to work with?”

“Come on in the room,” he replied, standing and walking to his bedroom. “Let me show you.” Out of his closet, E pulled out four A.K. 47s. He then flipped his mattress over, revealing a full line of arsenals that ranged in size and caliper: 45s, 22 longs, automatics, revolvers, and those were just the ones she knew by sight.

Skinny’s eyes filled with excitement. “Wooo!” she shouted, jumping and clapping like a little kid in a candy store. “Now that’s what I’m talking ‘bout!” Suddenly, she grabbed E’s shoulder, as if to steady herself. “Hold on, I think I just bust a nut!”

She reached for one of the Colt 45s, picked it up, felt its weight in her hands, and savored the feeling of cold steel in her palms. She held it up, aimed at the wall and closed one eye as if she was about to shoot. She smiled and reached for the second 45 on the bed.

“Sis, calm down a minute,” E said as she reached for the second gun. “I don’t think you can handle that right there.”

Ignoring him, she popped a thirty round extended clip into the first gun, and then the second. “I got this, just chill.” 

E’s mouth gaped open in disbelief as he watched her cock one of the loaded guns. “Damn! Bro done showed you how to work all this?”

Skinny winked as she placed the guns into her pockets. “I ain’t gone do nothing today, but when we put in some work.” She was already walking out the door. “You gone see how much he taught me.”

Closing the bedroom door behind him, E tried to catch up with her before she left the apartment. “Hold up, Sis. Let me walk you to your car.”

With E close behind her, Skinny made her way out into the yard and towards her vehicle. Before opening the door, she stopped and turned to face E. “Bro, give me like three days. I’m gone come holla at you ‘bout that, but I gotta go see my adopted son.”

Nodding his head, E opened the door for her. “I’m gone call you later on anyway.”

Skinny grabbed the door handle to climb in, but stopped when she heard her name being called. “Damn Skinny!” It was John, one of Dirt’s homeboys. “You made me bust a nut in there. I bet I can make you bust more nuts than yo’ nigga…what’s his name…? Rich Kid?”

“Homeboy, what you just said?” E said as he spun around to face John. He hadn’t seen Skinny storm past. She was already standing directly in front of John.

“Bro, just chill,” she called back to E, her eyes still focused on John. She lowered her voice to a seductive purr. “So you think since my man gone I need somebody to take his place?”

Spreading his legs and grabbing his crotch, John looked past Skinny at E. “Yeah, I think I can help you.” Returning his gaze back towards Skinny, John took a small step forward.

As John stepped forward, Skinny called back over her shoulder back at E. “Bro! I think I’m gone have to take this offer.” E and everyone around the apartment stared in disbelief. Turning and walking away, Skinny called back to John. “Come on then, let’s go get a room.”

John turned towards Dirt. “A Dirt, I’m ‘bout to handle this…”

Boom! The sound of a 45 rung in John’s ears. His leg burned like it was on fire. “Damn! What the fuck?” His panicked eyes met Skinny’s.“Why you shot at me?”

“Pussy!” Skinny yelled, charging back towards John. “Don’t ask no questions. Suck this barrel ‘fore I kill yo’ pussy ass.”She shoved the gun’s barrel into his mouth. Laughing, Skinny turned her head in E’s direction. “I told you I got this Bro. The power of pussy rule over everything!”

The entire group of men assembled outside of E’s apartment and looked on in shock. Skinny laughed as John sucked the end of the barrel. Finally bored with her little game, Skinny yanked the barrel of the gun from his mouth, and holding her hand just above the butt, brought it down onto the front of John’s forehead. Instantly, he fell to the ground. Blood quickly trickled down his face and into his eyes.

“Why you slapped him with the gun for?” E asked, his laugh almost as loud as Skinny’s.

Tears from laughing so hard now formed in Skinny’s eyes. “’Cause now he made me bust more nuts than Rich Kid. That’s what he said he could do, right?”

His laughter finally dying down to a chuckle, E motioned to Dirt. “Ay Dirt, you brought that nigga over here with you, so you got to get him from round here.”

Skinny was now climbing into the car. “Lil’ Bro, three days, a’ight?” As she drove away, she couldn’t help but notice the looks on the faces of the men standing outside. Now they got some shit to talk bout.

As he walked back towards the apartment, E called back to Dirt once more. “Ay Dirt! That nigga bet’ not tell the police shit. If he do, I’m gone kill both y’all niggas.”

Moving just a bit faster, but struggling to lift John’s body up off the ground, Dirt called to the still-gawking men in the yard. “Ay! Y’all niggas help me put this nigga in the car.”