True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds by liran G - HTML preview

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Chapter 30: escape:

Upon hurling the cube unto the ground, an ensuing detonation ensued, provoking a resounding blast and giving rise to an immense surge of milky substances that dispersed in all directions.

Rythmeus and the triumvirate of deities were utterly astounded and bewildered by the recent occurrence.

The fluids dispersed indiscriminately, drenching all in their path, including myself, Rythmeus, and the aforementioned trio of divine entities.

The vigour of the surge proved so potent that it shattered the entrance from whence I had arrived, engendering a colossal deluge that startled the gods and even reached the grand portal safeguarded by the soldiers, obliterating its barriers and cascading onto the hapless sentinels.

A state of incredulity overcame everyone present.

Turning my gaze toward Rythmeus, I urgently exclaimed: Me: Rythmeus! Swiftly, let us promptly abscond from this locale!”

Rythmeus cast an expression of astonishment and perplexity in “his” gaze as our eyes met.

Rythmeus: … very well!

Subsequently, we swiftly evaded the deities, despite one of them attempting to employ “his”

formidable abilities against us, which proved futile as I skillfully neutralized “his” powers.

Escaping from that chamber, we navigated through the narrow corridor until we arrived at the grand entrance, successfully emerging from it.

Presently, we find ourselves within the expansive hallway.

As Rythmeus and I surveyed our surroundings, we beheld a multitude of soldiers and guards, their forms besmirched by the fluid, their countenances exhibiting profound bewilderment and disbelief.

Me: Rythmeus! Let us proceed forthwith!

Consequently, Rythmeus and I embarked upon a rapid sprint through the labyrinthine passageways, diligently scouring for the means of egress.

While in the midst of our frantic escape, a contingent of soldiers noticed our presence and promptly commenced pursuit.

Rythmeus: These individuals are in pursuit of us. Allow me to handle the situation.

Rythmeus then pivoted, directing “his” attention towards some of the oncoming soldiers. With an effortless gesture, an immensely potent shockwave emanated from Rythmeus, forcefully propelling the soldiers backward, causing them to collide with the walls and rendering them unconscious.

In the meantime, one of the remaining gods materialized in close proximity to Rythmeus, launching an attack in an attempt to incapacitate “him.” However, Rythmeus deftly evaded the assault and retaliated, successfully overpowering the god and rendering “him” unconscious as well.

While I continued my hasty retreat, a momentary pause prompted me to turn around, fixating my gaze upon Rythmeus.

Me: Are you unharmed?

Rythmeus: I am unscathed. Rest assured, I have not taken the lives of these beings; I merely rendered them unconscious.

With determination in his stride, Rythmeus advanced towards me, enveloping me in a secure embrace before commencing a swift sprint while carrying me.

After traversing several corridors, encountering an array of rooms, doors, and passageways, we eventually arrived at a massive portal adorned with a conspicuous sign bearing the word “Exit.”

Rythmeus: Behold…

Rythmeus extended “his” tentacles towards the door, exerting minimal effort to shatter it effortlessly.

Upon crossing its threshold, we beheld the expanse of the upper floor, revealing new vistas before us.

With astonishing agility, Rythmeus gracefully leapt across the ascending steps, effortlessly arriving at the door. Through a display of transcendent abilities, “he” manipulated the fabric of reality, causing the door to vanish from existence.

As we traversed the threshold, we found ourselves in the vast expanse of the desert, surrounded by nothing but sand.

Rythmeus gently placed me down upon the golden grains.

Rythmeus: Observe this spectacle.

In a mesmerizing demonstration of “his” powers, Rythmeus summoned forth a door that sealed off the exit, manipulating the very laws of physics. This newly formed portal possessed an impenetrable fortitude, barring any infinity from traversing its threshold.

Rythmeus: It appears that your abilities extend beyond mere nullification, granting others the opportunity to access their powers once more. Fascinating.

Me: Indeed, I utilized my powers to expedite our escape, bestowing upon you the means to tap into your own abilities once again. I’m glad it worked.

Rythmeus: You possess a remarkable gift. Your powers can function passively, allowing others to regain their dormant abilities. You are undeniably special.

Me: Thank you for your kind words. Now, as for our next course of action, what do you suggest?

Rythmeus paused for a moment, contemplating our situation.

Rythmeus: Given that we find ourselves in the vast expanse of the desert, it would be prudent to seek shelter and assess our surroundings. We must devise a plan to navigate these unfamiliar lands and ensure our safety. Let us explore and search for any signs of civilization or potential resources.

Me: Agreed. Let’s stay vigilant and embark on this new journey together, utilizing our combined abilities to overcome any challenges that may lie ahead.

As we distanced ourselves from that organization, it became apparent that we were now targets, pursued by relentless individuals who sought to eliminate us.

Rythmeus: I am aware that these individuals have shifted their focus, now determined to locate and eradicate you. Unfortunately, some of them possess powers surpassing my own, making direct confrontation futile. Even if I were allowed to employ my abilities against them, it would likely yield little effect.

It seems our best course of action is to engage them strategically, rather than relying solely on brute force.

Me: I understand. For now, we remain relatively safe, as they are unaware of my true identity.

They only know me as “Liran.”

Rythmeus: Precisely. This provides us with an advantage. We must utilize our intelligence and resourcefulness to outmaneuver and outwit our pursuers, ensuring our survival.

Me: Agreed. We must stay vigilant and stay one step ahead. Let us assess our surroundings, gather information, and devise a plan to navigate this treacherous situation. Together, we can overcome these challenges and protect ourselves.

Rythmeus: Indeed. With our combined strengths, we shall face this adversity with resilience and cunning.

“However, as evident, I have successfully exercised my prowess to manipulate the fundamental principles of physics and mathematics themselves… thereby fabricating an immensely robust portal that shall impede any attempts to breach its integrity and traverse beyond… at least for the present moment.

Myself: Indeed… let us expeditiously depart from this location.

Rythmeus: Affirmative.

Subsequently, we proceeded to distance ourselves.”


We were utterly astounded by the astonishing turn of events. An enigmatic entity known as

“Liran” had managed to catch us off guard and elude us alongside their divine companion…

We found ourselves drenched in a peculiar white substance, which, to our surprise, turned out to be nothing more than milk. However, it possessed an extraordinary viscosity, surpassing that of ordinary milk. I must confess, its flavor was rather delightful, reminiscent of vanilla.

Subsequently, I rose from my throne, assuming a standing position as I surveyed the chaotic aftermath.

Myself: …

What perplexed me the most about this “Liran” was the complete ineffectiveness of my abilities against them. It was as if their mere existence nullified my powers, rendering them impotent.

Their presence, too, remained elusive, escaping our perception entirely.

The identity of this enigmatic being known as “Liran” remains a mystery, yet it is imperative that we locate and apprehend them. However, for the time being, we must address the task of cleaning up the aftermath.

Emerging from the room and passing through the narrow corridor leading to the grand entrance, I stepped outside only to be confronted by the disarray. The soldiers were drenched in milk, and several hallways were nearly inundated by the viscous liquid.

Myself: How intriguing…

Approaching me was one of the soldiers, bearing an expression of disappointment, shock, and confusion.

Soldier: Sir! We were unable to halt their advance! They managed to outmaneuver us!

Myself: Fear not; we shall pursue them later. Let us focus on tidying up this chaos.

Soldier: Sir! I have additional news!

Myself: Enlighten me.

Soldier: It pertains to Sarah—the woman who facilitated “Liran’s” presence in her chambers…

Myself: What of her?

Soldier: We discovered her in the room! She was unclothed, thoroughly gratified, and utterly content, despite no apparent physical contact!

Myself: Hm… How intriguing. At least she endeavored to investigate “Liran.”

Reward her by granting her an audience with a deity in her quarters, as a gesture of my appreciation.

Soldier: Yes, sir!

The soldier promptly departed.

That enigmatic being, Liran, possesses a captivating allure. We shall apprehend them and subject them to various measures…

“Liran”… an intriguing name indeed.


