True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds by liran G - HTML preview

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Chapter 29: through the secret foundation:

Upon vacating the chamber in which Sarah had resided, I found myself situated within the corridor, subsequently proceeding to seal the entryway to said room.

Subsequently, my gaze wandered through the expanse of the passageway, beholding several other portals leading to diverse destinations.

Inner monologue: Ah, the whereabouts of Rythmeus elude me; it is imperative that I locate him expeditiously.

Thusly, I commenced my journey in the direction where Rythmeus and I had previously been situated prior to Sarah and her cohort escorting me to her office, relinquishing Rythmeus to the custody of additional soldiers.

After a few minutes of retracing my steps, I successfully returned to the precise locale where Rythmeus had been positioned, only to discover its vacancy, bereft of any soul.

Inner monologue: Hmm… this predicament is less than ideal. I must procure the attire donned by these esteemed researchers and assume their guise, thereby averting any suspicions that may arise.

With determined steps, I embarked on a thorough exploration, traversing the myriad hallways that extended both to the left and right. These passageways led me to chambers designated for experimentation, some of which boasted windows adjacent to their entrances, affording a glimpse into the unfolding activities within.

Amidst the bustling milieu, I observed a multitude of researchers and deities, burdened by an abundance of documents and files, evidently engrossed in their arduous tasks. While a few cast fleeting glances my way, their preoccupations superseded any concern, allowing me to freely navigate the premises without arousing suspicion or drawing unwanted attention.

As my sojourn continued, a door caught my attention, adorned with a sign that read: “Attire.”

Inner monologue: Ah, an opportune discovery.

Resolutely, I approached the designated door and cautiously attempted its handle, to my satisfaction, finding it unlatched and unimpeded.

I stepped into the room, greeted by an array of attire belonging to the researchers, available in a range of sizes. In addition, my eyes beheld various equipment scattered throughout the space.

After a brief exploration, diligently sifting through the garments, I successfully procured a suitable ensemble, seamlessly adorning myself with the newfound attire.

Inner monologue: Excellent. Now, my appearance aligns with that of the researchers. My next objective is to locate Rythmeus.

Exiting the room, I resumed my journey through the intertwining hallways. While traversing, my attention was captured by a conversation between two individuals—a towering deity, measuring a remarkable seventeen feet in height, engaged in dialogue with a human counterpart.

I approached the duo, politely addressing them:

Me: Greetings.

The human directed their attention towards me.

The human: Yes? Can I assist you with something?

Me: Have you perchance encountered a colossal cosmic entity, towering over six meters in height, possessing formidable muscularity, and featuring tentacle-like appendages in place of legs?

The human: Um, indeed, I did witness “him” along with other deities and soldiers traversing these corridors. They proceeded towards alternate passageways. May I inquire as to the reason for your query?

Me: You see… I have managed to locate this cosmic entity, and I intend to subject “him” to a series of tests. However, these soldiers possess the authority to separate “him” from my custody. Hence, my earnest desire to reunite with “him.”

The human: Well… I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor.

With those parting words, I respectfully withdrew from the duo, resuming my journey through the hallway, wherein I espied other passages branching off, leading to different destinations.

Inner monologue: I sincerely hope that Rythmeus is in close proximity.

Proceeding along the designated hallway, my gaze fell upon a grandiose door. Stationed before it were numerous sentinels, diligently safeguarding the entrance, permitting neither entry nor exit.

Inner monologue: Undoubtedly, Rythmeus awaits within that chamber. Yet, how can I gain access to the room?

An excuse had to be devised—a justification compelling enough to warrant entry.

Moments later, I approached the vigilant soldiers.

One of the guards noticed my presence and inquired:

Soldier: What brings you here? This matter does not concern you.

Me: I am well aware of the enigma concealed beyond that threshold—the cosmic entity that you encountered, apprehended, and subsequently confined within this very room.

Soldier: And? What about “him”?

Me: Allow me to clarify, for my knowledge concerning this being surpasses your own.

“I am the individual who successfully discovered that entity… grant me access.

Soldier: Are you jesting?

Me: Do you presume that I am jesting? If this celestial entity desired to eliminate all of you…

then ‘he’ would effortlessly accomplish it.

I am the sole individual who is impeding ‘him’ from completely annihilating you and your fellow soldiers.

The soldier then stood motionless for a moment… contemplating everything I had expressed…

and it appears that I have succeeded in altering his perspective… and shortly after: Soldier: Very well… you appear to possess considerable knowledge. I will permit your entry.”

The soldier then relayed the message to the other soldiers: Soldier: Move! This researcher appears to possess extensive knowledge regarding the aforementioned entity… grant him passage!

Following that, the other soldier stepped aside, allowing me to enter through the door.

The soldier with whom I had been conversing approached the door and swung it open, granting me access.

Soldier: Right this way.

The soldier then stepped aside, clearing my path.

Me: I express my gratitude.

As I proceeded towards the door, traversing the small hallway, I beheld the presence of two towering and formidable gods stationed near it. Their immense stature emanated strength and power.

One of these deities caught sight of me and graciously swung open the door, permitting my entry.

Stepping through the opened door, I found myself in a room.

As I surveyed the surroundings, I noticed Rythmeus standing tall, engaged in conversation with several beings positioned a few meters ahead of him.

Rythmeus then turned towards me, his expression displaying surprise.

Rythmeus: !?

I shifted my gaze towards the three divine beings conversing with Rythmeus. Each of them stood at an impressive height of approximately 10 meters, radiating their own cosmic auras.

The beings were seated upon their majestic thrones…

As I gazed at them, they returned their gaze upon me.

The god occupying the central throne fixed their eyes upon me and inquired: God (middle): Who are you?

Me: I am known as Liran… and I have arrived with the purpose of elucidating the nature of the being you have recently discovered.

God (middle): Ah… so you have come to provide us with further understanding about “him”?


Me: You see… I have been acquainted with this entity for quite some time. I am the one who succeeded in locating “him,” and I am the one who will subject “him” to various tests, not you.

God (middle): And why is that? Are you aware that this being hails from the realms of chaos? Do you believe you can act with impunity?

Me: I possess a profound comprehension of my actions. Now… it is time for you to release


God (middle): No… I do not believe that we shall comply with your request.

Me: …

You know, I have created something remarkably intriguing. And it is possible that you can utilize it to combat formidable entities that transcend the boundaries of the “physical universe.”

God (middle): Is that so? Show us.

Me: It’s a deal. I will demonstrate and provide you with this item… and in return, you will release “him” to me.

God (middle): … Step forward.

I then advanced a few steps towards these beings… and from my pocket, I retrieved something.

It was a cube.

God (middle): Hm?... What is this?

I proceeded to rotate the cube, revealing inscriptions engraved upon its surface.

It appears that the cube had the letters “C . U . M” written on it. The three gods looked at the cube with confusion.

Shortly after, I threw the cube onto the ground, resulting in a resounding boom. The impact caused a powerful explosion, accompanied by a torrent of white liquid that surged in all directions. Rythmeus and the three gods were taken aback, left bewildered and perplexed by the unexpected turn of events.


