True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds by liran G - HTML preview

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Chapter 47: here again:

We descended the seemingly endless stairs for quite some time until we reached a vast hallway.

Standing in awe, we realized that this was where we needed to be. At the end of the hallway stood a door, beckoning us forward.

Me: It seems we have arrived… Let’s proceed.

Approaching the door, I reached out and opened it, finding that it wasn’t locked. Beyond the door, we entered a sprawling complex filled with gods and researchers going about their duties.

Me: We’re back… Here in the heart of the foundation.

We passed through the door, ensuring to close it behind us. Derek marveled at the sheer size of the place.

Derek: This place is enormous.

Me: Indeed. There are countless hallways, rooms, and chambers. This foundation houses so much. Let’s continue exploring.

Derek: Okay.

Disguised as researchers, we blended in seamlessly with the crowd, our presence going unnoticed. We strolled through the hallways, taking in the sights of various rooms and areas.

Derek: Where should we go? Should we investigate what this foundation is doing to people?

Me: Hm… We’ll see. Let’s explore the premises first.

We continued down a particular hallway until we came across a massive door a few meters away. A sign hung nearby, indicating it was the office of the Head Researcher.

Derek: Let’s go there.

Approaching the door, we knocked, and after a few moments, it swung open to reveal a powerful, muscular god standing at an impressive 16 feet tall. The god was dressed in ordinary researcher attire, and they addressed us.

Head Researcher: Yes?

Me: May we have permission to enter and engage in a conversation? It holds significant importance.

Head researcher: Very well, you may enter.

“He” graciously stepped aside, allowing us to pass through, and we proceeded into “his” office.

Once inside, “he” closed the door behind us and returned to “his” seat, positioned behind “his”

desk, where “he” sat down.

Head researcher: What is the subject of your discussion?

Derek: We are relatively new here and would appreciate some insight into your activities involving individuals of innocent nature. Could you enlighten us regarding the interactions you have with them?

Head researcher: Occasionally, we encounter immensely powerful entities that transcend our reality. Furthermore, most of the individuals we have brought here have been criminals with a history of committing heinous acts.

Derek: So, you employ these individuals as a means to potentially “capture” or defeat these entities?

Head researcher: That could be one way to describe it. We have established numerous bases across universes and realities, and we have even gone so far as to sacrifice deities in our efforts to contend with these formidable beings.

Derek: I see… quite intriguing.

Me: I have something important to share.

Head researcher: Yes, go on…

Me: Are you familiar with an entity or an individual named “Liran”?

Head researcher: Indeed, we are aware of him. He had been here before and managed to escape alongside his cosmic companion. Why do you inquire?

Me: Have you succeeded in apprehending him?

Head researcher: No, despite our extensive search across other universes, realities, and omniverses, he has eluded us. It is almost as if he never existed in the first place. Have you discovered something about him?

Me: … I am about to disclose something of great significance. I implore you to take this matter seriously.

Head researcher: What is it?...

Me: Would you believe me if I were to tell you that I am the elusive “Liran” whom you have been tirelessly seeking?

Head researcher: ?!...


What?! The individual I have been conversing with… is Liran himself? I couldn’t detect his presence at all! I couldn’t even see his face! It was as if he were just an ordinary researcher carrying out his duties, nothing more, nothing less.

And now he reveals to me that he is Liran in my own office?! I am at a loss for how to respond to such a revelation!

All the researchers and deities asserted that Liran’s presence was indiscernible, and his face remained unseen…

Yet here he is, engaging in a casual conversation with me…

It’s utterly indescribable.

Me: You… you are truly him?!

Liran: Does it appear as though I came all this way just to deceive you?

Me: You are him. You have come here to speak with me… You are Liran.


After I disclosed my true identity as Liran, the head researcher was understandably taken aback.

However, after a brief moment, “he” found his voice again.

Head researcher: Liran… why have you come here?

Me: I have arrived with the intention of assisting this foundation. I wish to confront these otherworldly entities that pose a threat to all realities. My purpose in being here is to contribute to making this world a better place.

As those words left my lips, the head researcher was completely stunned. “He” couldn’t fathom that I would express such a sentiment.

Me: What say you? Will you accept me and my companion? Can we join forces within this foundation?

After a moment of contemplation, the head researcher responded: Head researcher: Yes, we accept you and your friend. You may align yourselves with us.

This is… remarkable. I must inform the council of this development.

For now, the two of you may take your leave and wait outside.

We turned around, facing the door, and proceeded to walk towards it. With a snap of “his”

fingers, the head researcher effortlessly opened the door. A few moments later, we stepped out of the room, and “he” closed the door behind us.

Now, Derek and I found ourselves standing in the hallway.

Derek: Wow, I never expected that. It seems like these individuals were once criminals themselves…

Me: Yes, it appears so. It seems we may be dealing with highly dangerous entities capable of causing harm to innocent people. Perhaps the only course of action is to join the foundation…

And that is the path I have chosen—to work alongside the foundation and confront these perilous beings.

Derek smiled upon hearing my decision.

Derek: Yes… I agree with that.

A few seconds later, large groups of researchers, gods, and soldiers approached us, forming a perimeter around us.

Derek: What’s happening?!

One of the soldiers then addressed us.

Soldier: Liran and your companion, come with us. We must escort you to the council.

Me: Very well.

Four researchers approached us, positioning themselves near me and Derek, closely observing us. Meanwhile, other gods and researchers captured images of us and meticulously analyzed our every movement.

It was an intriguing experience indeed.

Following the soldier who had addressed us, we began walking, trailing behind him. Curiosity and anticipation filled the air as we made our way, uncertain of what awaited us at our destination.




Chapter 48: we meet again… liran.:

We continued to follow the soldier through various hallways, turning left and right as we went along. As we walked, the researchers and gods continued to observe and study our every move, their presence a constant reminder of their keen interest in us.

After a few minutes, we arrived at an imposingly large door. The soldier turned to face us, addressing our impending meeting with the council.

Soldier: Alright, the time has come for you two to meet the council. I will open the door.

With purpose, the soldier approached the door and utilized a specialized card to unlock it. The door swung open, and the soldier stepped aside, allowing us to pass through.

As we stepped beyond the threshold, our gaze fell upon a vast hallway that led to yet another door. We traversed the first hallway, moving closer to the second door. Another god stood by, ready to open it for us.

The god stepped aside, granting us passage, and we entered a massive room. Taking in the surroundings, our eyes settled upon the three gods with whom I had previously encountered and managed to surprise, eventually escaping their grasp.

As our gazes locked, I could sense a familiarity in their eyes. I had known that our paths would inevitably cross again, and now I stood just a few meters away from them.

The god seated in the central throne fixed their gaze upon me, speaking with a mix of intrigue and recognition.

God (middle): Well, well, what do we have here… It seems we meet again, Liran.

Me: Yes, it has been quite some time since our last encounter.

God (middle): So, I have heard that you have come here to join our ranks. Is that correct?

Me: Yes, you are correct.

God (middle): How intriguing. We have searched for you relentlessly across countless realities, yet you have chosen to reappear and offer your services to us. I must admit, I am impressed.

And where is your cosmic friend?

Me: “He” is not relevant at the moment. However, as you can see, I have brought along an old friend who will also be working for this foundation.

God (middle): I see…

The god in the middle, known as Epsilon, turned their attention to Derek.

God (middle): What is your name?

Derek: My name is Derek. And you?

God (middle): I have many names, but you may refer to me as Epsilon.

Derek: I see… It’s a pleasure to meet you, Epsilon.

Me: So… I am here to assist in dealing with these dangerous entities, much like the foundation itself.

Epsilon: I understand. Well then… for now, you two may depart. I will grant you access to the foundation, and you are free to explore until we assign you missions.

Is that agreeable to you?

Me: Alright.

Epsilon: Good.

You may now leave the room.

A guard approached us and guided us toward the exit.

A few minutes later…

We find ourselves standing in the hallway.

Me: Hm… this has gone rather smoothly, I must say.

Derek: I agree. It’s a positive shift to go from being enemies to allies, working together to combat these entities. It’s pretty cool, actually!

Me: Well then, let’s take this opportunity to explore and familiarize ourselves with this foundation. What do you say?

Derek: I’m on board. Let’s go.

We continued walking down the hallway, and as we progressed, more gods and researchers began to follow us. Our presence seemed to attract their curiosity.

Eventually, we reached a pair of imposing double doors. Upon opening them and stepping inside, we were greeted by an unexpectedly massive space… a cafeteria?!

Derek and I surveyed our surroundings, taking in the sight of numerous tables, counters, chairs, and other fixtures. Many gods and researchers were present, conversing with their colleagues, sitting on chairs beside tables, and enjoying meals together.

Derek: Wow… This place is huge!

Me: I agree. Let’s take some time to explore.

Before we could take a step, six gods and researchers approached us. One of the researchers came closer and asked a question.

Researcher: May we inquire further about the two of you?

Me: Hm… alright.

Meanwhile, one of the gods focused their attention on Derek, studying him closely.

Me: Could we perhaps go somewhere more private?

The researcher: Of course, please follow me.

We followed the researcher as he led us towards the exit of the cafeteria. After a few minutes of walking, we arrived at a massive door.

The researcher: Liran, you will enter this room with me. Your friend will be directed to a separate room. Is that acceptable to you?

Derek: That’s alright. I’ll go to the other room. I’ll see you later, Liran.

One of the gods standing near Derek, who bore a striking resemblance to the researcher, spoke to him.

God: I am also a researcher. Please follow me.

Derek: Alright.

Derek and the other researcher walked off in a different direction, heading towards a separate room.

The researcher next to the door near me said:

The researcher: Please follow me.

He opened the door, and I entered the room after him. The door closed behind me, and as I looked around, I noticed a table, chair, and various equipment in the room. I also spotted a large bed on the opposite side of the room, accompanied by additional equipment.

The researcher: Liran, could you please go over to that bed and lie down on it? I have some questions to ask you.

Me: Alright.

I walked towards the bed and climbed onto it, settling down and getting into a comfortable position.

The researcher approached the bed, standing beside it and looking down at me.

I noticed their gaze scanning over my entire body, from my upper body to my lower body. It felt somewhat strange to be examined so closely, but I remained unfazed by it.

The researcher: Liran, I will be asking you a series of questions and performing some procedures. Are you comfortable with that?

Me: Okay.


