True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds by liran G - HTML preview

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Chapter 54: plans:

I continued my walk, pondering the enigma surrounding the two researchers. A suspicion lingered within me, suggesting a possible connection to the Black King’s palace, though I remained uncertain.

After a few minutes, I encountered the door to another head researcher. Approaching the massive door, I proceeded to knock upon it.

My Thoughts: …

After a brief pause, the door swung open, revealing a female head researcher—a cosmic being standing at a towering height of 14 feet. She possessed captivating curves and exuded an aura of cosmic energy, making her appearance truly remarkable.

She gazed down at me and spoke:

Head Researcher: Yes?

Myself: May we have a conversation?

Head Researcher: Certainly, come inside.

She stepped aside, granting me passage. I entered the room, and as I did, she closed the door behind me. Taking her seat a few meters away, she settled into her chair.

The Head Researcher inquired:

Head Researcher: What can I assist you with?

Myself: Have you encountered these two new researchers?

Head Researcher: I’m not sure what you’re referring to…

Myself: The two researchers who lack color, have you seen them?

Head Researcher: Yes, I have encountered them. They are quite intriguing. Why do you ask?

Myself: It’s difficult to explain, but I have a suspicion that they may be from the Black King’s palace.

Head Researcher: I had similar thoughts as well. They do appear somewhat suspicious, but overall, they seem harmless. Perhaps we are being too judgmental?

Myself: You may be right. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but being near them evoked a sense of unease within me.

Head Researcher: Hmm, that’s interesting. Maybe spending more time with them would help you feel more at ease.

Myself: I’ll give it a try. Thank you for your advice. Can you please open the door?

Head Researcher: Of course, you’re welcome.

With a snap of her fingers, the door swung open, allowing me to exit the room. Moments later, she closed the door again, securing her office.

Now standing in the hallway, I contemplated my next move.

My Thoughts: I must find someone or something.

I resumed walking through the hallway, and after a few minutes, I spotted Astralux. Calling out to him, I requested his assistance.

Myself: Astralux! Come here, I need your help.

Astralux turned around upon hearing my voice. Within moments, he teleported next to me, now standing in front of me.

Astralux: Liran? What do you need?

Myself: I have a feeling that we may be facing a potential threat within this foundation. It involves the two colorless researchers.

Astralux: I have seen them. What about them?

Myself: They could pose a danger to all of us. Haven’t you noticed anything peculiar about them?

Astralux: Well, they do stand out, but they haven’t exhibited any suspicious behavior thus far.

Myself: Look, I know this may sound crazy, but we need to take action. We need a plan.

Astralux: What do you suggest? Explain your plan.

Myself: We should remove them from the foundation, relocate them to a remote desert area.

This way, I can meet them there later. What do you think?

Astralux: Hmm, so you want me to deceive them?

Me: That’s correct. Lie to them and inform them that it’s an emergency. If they don’t believe you, seek approval from Epsilon.

Astralux: Do you think Epsilon will agree?

Me: Tell Epsilon that the request is coming from me. “He” has to trust me. I’m not fabricating this. It’s a serious matter.

Astralux: Alright, I’ll do that. I’ll see you later.

After our conversation, Astralux walked away, leaving me to my thoughts.

My Thoughts: I need to find Derek.

I retraced my steps, heading back in the direction of Derek’s room.

After a few minutes of walking, I returned to the hallway where I last saw the two researchers.

However, this time, they were nowhere to be found.

My Thoughts: Hm…

Continuing down the hallway, I walked for some time.

After a couple more minutes, I reached the door that led to Derek’s room. Approaching it, I knocked and called out to him.

Myself: Derek? Are you in there? Open the door!

I continued knocking and calling out to Derek, but there was no response. Was he sleeping? I wasn’t sure.

After a few moments of unsuccessful attempts, I stopped.

Myself: Damn it…

I considered breaking into the room, but I hesitated. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go that far.

However, the nagging feeling of unease persisted. Along with the unsettling presence of the two researchers, I felt compelled to take action.

I made up my mind. I kicked the door, causing it to break and fall. With determination, I entered the room.

As I scanned the room, I realized it was empty. There was no sign of Derek. He wasn’t in the bed, and he wasn’t anywhere in the room.

Myself: ?!

Feeling puzzled and concerned, I exited the room, searching for any clues or signs of where Derek might be.

My thoughts raced as I realized Derek was nowhere to be found. Concerned and determined to find him, I made a decision.

Myself: I need to get out of here. I’ll head to the desert.

A few minutes passed as I made my way out of the base. Now standing in the streets, I focused on my objective.

My thoughts continued: The desert should be in that direction. I need to make my way there.

With determination in my steps, I started walking towards the desert, keeping my mind focused on reaching my destination.





Upon hearing Liran’s proposals, I proceeded to the council chamber, where I beheld Epsilon and the other divine entities. With reverence, I prostrated myself before their august presence.

Myself: Epsilon, I beseech your assistance.

Epsilon: Pray, what is the nature of your request?

Myself: Have you, by chance, perceived, heard, or observed these two ostensibly “colorless”


Epsilon: I have been apprised of their existence; what has prompted this inquiry?

Myself: Liran has divulged to me a disquieting revelation regarding their origins. He has informed me that these two individuals hail from the hallowed precincts of the Palace of the Black Monarch…

Epsilon: …

Myself: Liran himself has relayed this information, and I have personally laid eyes upon these two figures. Liran’s assertions bear veracity! Their countenance bears a striking resemblance to the denizens of the aforementioned palace.

Epsilon: Pray, enlighten me on Liran’s course of action.

Myself: I intend to approach these individuals and guide them to the arid expanse of the desert, where Liran shall confront them directly. However, I shall initially resort to deception and convey to them that an exigency demands their immediate presence. Yet, I require your esteemed endorsement to substantiate my claim.

Epsilon: I comprehend the situation. Very well, you have my approval.

Epsilon, with a decisive snap of “his” fingers, materialized a parchment before me, wherein the endorsement and accompanying details were inscribed.

Myself: I express my heartfelt gratitude…

Taking hold of the paper, I clutched it in my hand.

After a few moments, I rose from my prostrate position and proceeded to depart the council chamber.

Several minutes elapsed as I traversed the corridor, diligently scouring for the presence of the aforementioned duo of scholars. And lo and behold, my perseverance bore fruit, for I beheld them in the company of a diminutive individual garbed in ebony gloves.

Approaching them with resolve, I initiated contact.

Myself: Greetings.

Their attention was immediately drawn to my presence, prompting them to turn around and face me.

As I beheld their countenances, I cast my gaze momentarily upon the diminutive figure—Liran’s confidant known as “Derek.”

One of the two researchers then addressed me:

Researcher: Good day. Is there a matter of concern?

Myself: Alas, no. It is a matter of utmost urgency…




Chapter 55: ecounter.:

Researcher: What is the basis for your claim? Everything appears to be in order…

Myself: I implore you to trust my words, for I speak not without reason. There exists a perilous entity that poses a threat to both of you. It is imperative that I guide you to safety, away from this place…

With that, I presented the paper bestowed upon me by Epsilon, as evidence of the gravity of the situation.

Myself: Should any skepticism persist, I urge you to peruse this document.

Two of the researchers directed their attention towards the parchment, exhibiting a clear display of intrigue.

After a brief contemplation, the second researcher spoke: Second Researcher: Given that this is from Epsilon “himself,” it holds veracity…

First Researcher: Very well, lead us to the desert as indicated.

Myself: Excellent. Please accompany me.

Initiating our journey, I set forth in the direction leading to the exit, with the two researchers following closely behind.

We continued our trek, traversing the distance for several minutes until finally reaching the exit.

Coming to a halt, I turned to face them.

Myself: I shall position myself behind both of you, ensuring your protection from the rear.

First Researcher: Very well. Your presence is appreciated.

Passing between them, I took up my position behind, while also directing my attention towards Derek.

Myself: Derek, kindly stand beside me.

Derek: Understood.

Derek made his way towards me, assuming his place at my side.

I then cast a glance back at the researchers.

Myself: You may proceed to open the door. Derek and I shall be right behind you, ready to lend support.

First Researcher: Very well.

One of the researchers proceeded to open the exit door, revealing a stairway that lay beyond it, leading to another door.

After a brief pause, we crossed the threshold of the first door and commenced our ascent up the stairs.


As I continued my stride through the city, making my way towards the path leading to the desert, I unexpectedly caught sight of Eve once again.

Myself: Eve?...

Eve, upon noticing my presence, turned around, casting her gaze downward upon me.

Eve: Liran? Where are you headed?

Myself: I am embarking upon a series of endeavors, which I find difficult to explicate in this moment. Nonetheless, I must proceed…

Eve: Oh… I see.

Before I resumed walking, Eve interjected:

Eve: Wait!...

Prompted by her plea, I ceased my steps and, after a short pause, turned around, raising my gaze to meet Eve’s face.

Myself: Yes?...

Eve: May I accompany you?

Myself: What?... Why?

Eve: I simply wish to be in your company for a while. I find myself unoccupied at present…

Myself: Are you serious? There are matters I must attend to that I would rather shield you from.

I cannot simply bring you along…

Eve: Please, I promise to observe without judgment, irrespective of whether these pursuits are righteous or otherwise. I implore you…

Upon hearing her earnest entreaty, I found myself torn between allowing Eve to accompany me and safeguarding her from potential danger. Yet, considering the presence of others who would also be in the desert, such as Astralux and Derek, it dawned upon me that we could ensure her protection.

After a brief moment of contemplation, I provided my response: Myself: Very well, you may join me…

Eve’s countenance brightened with a smile as she moved closer to my side, now standing alongside me.

Eve: Let us proceed, then…

With renewed determination, we resumed our stride, forging ahead towards the expanse of the desert.





Presently, we find ourselves traversing the arid expanse, standing upon the granular terrain. In close proximity stands Derek, accompanying my presence, while a pair of erudite investigators remain positioned a few meters ahead of us.

I express my gratification, addressing the two esteemed individuals: Me: It brings me great satisfaction to have you both accompany us thus far, as we have diligently safeguarded your well-being.

The second researcher proceeds to articulate an impending matter: 2nd researcher: Allow me to express our profound gratitude. However, there exists a matter that necessitates discussion.

Curiosity piqued, I inquire:

Me: Pray, enlighten us. What is it that you wish to convey?

The second researcher, now poised, imparts their sentiment: 2nd researcher: We are profoundly grateful for the seclusion that you have provided by bringing us to this isolated locale. Uninhabited, as you are aware, it bears significant implications…

Following a brief pause, the first researcher interjects: 1st researcher: Regrettably for you, it was inadvisable to transport us to this place…

Yet, for us, we revel in your decision, for it now grants us the opportunity to extinguish both your lives and that of Derek.

Derek: ?!

The first researcher then cast a gaze upon Derek, commanding his attention.

1st researcher: Derek, I dare say you may recollect my presence…

Derek, bewildered and taken aback, responds:

Derek: What? Who in the world are you?

With an air of authority, the first researcher reveals their true identity.

1st researcher: I am Death.

Both I and Derek stood in utter astonishment, comprehending the gravity of the revelation. The researcher who accompanied us was Death in disguise all along. However, the question lingered: Who, then, was the other researcher?

In that instant, a profound metamorphosis occurred, as these two researchers transcended their mortal forms, assuming manifestations of immense power—an abstract embodiment, an accursed and dreadful entity.

Both of them now stood before us in their heightened and formidable states.


The sight of Death’s reappearance in the familiar guise that had once instilled fear within me shook me to the core. The very same form that had nearly claimed my life stood before me once more.

Overwhelmed by shock and terror, I gazed upon their daunting presence. However, I found solace in the gloves bestowed upon me by Rythmeus. I couldn’t simply allow Death to carry out whatever nefarious plans “he” had in store.

If my fate was to meet death’s embrace, then I resolved to resist until the very end. I would fight back.

In a moment of heightened tension, a voice resonated through the air:

???: Hey! Stop!

To my astonishment, the voice belonged to Liran. As his voice reverberated, Death and “his”

companion abruptly halted their movements.

Death: ?!...





Eve and I found ourselves traversing the desert, and as we continued our journey, a chilling sight unfolded before our eyes. There stood Death, accompanied by another enigmatic entity—Derek and Astralux by their side.

Upon witnessing their presence, I couldn’t contain my urgency and called out: Me: Hey! Stop!

Startled by my shout, they momentarily froze in their tracks. Death and “his” companion turned around, their gazes fixed upon Eve and me.

Death: Liran?!...

As I locked eyes with them, I noticed Derek and Astralux slowly distancing themselves, as if sensing the intensity of the situation. However, Death and “his” accomplice remained intently focused on me.

Me: I had suspicions about the two of you, and it seems my intuition was correct…

Death, seething with anger, retorted:

Death: Do you truly believe you can evade the wrath of the Black King? You feeble mortal! I shall obliterate you!

Upon hearing Death’s threat, Derek mustered the courage to step forward, defying “his”


Derek: No.

Death swiftly turned, directing “his” gaze downward, towering over Derek.

Death: What is the meaning of this? You dare to approach me and challenge my dominion? I should have eliminated you when I had the opportunity…

Derek, resolute, stood his ground.

Derek: You will not lay a hand on anyone. I refuse to allow you to perpetrate your wicked deeds upon us…

You are not Death; you are nothing more than a conceited, despicable being.

Death, taken aback, inquired:

Death: And what prompts you to make such a claim?

Derek: this is my destiny.




Chapter 56: destiny.:

After Derek’s defiant statement, it became evident that he had captured Death’s undivided attention.

Death: I see, so you wish to make this personal… Very well.

Death momentarily glanced at “his” companion, conveying a silent instruction.

Death: Despair, remain vigilant. Should any of these other beings dare to intervene, unleash your assault upon them. I shall handle Derek myself.

With deliberate steps, Death closed the distance, now standing face-to-face with Derek.

Death: Proceed, let us witness if you possess the capability to put up a fight…

Derek, undeterred, issued a challenge:

Derek: Bring it on. You were the one who sought to end my life first. Try to finish what you started…

As I observed Derek’s resolute determination, I held faith in his abilities. In an instant, barely measurable by time itself, Death launched an attack.

Death threw a punch at Derek, but Derek managed to barely block the blow. Eve and Astralux watched in shock as the intense battle unfolded before them, while I remained fixed on Derek and Death, locked in combat.

Death attempted to land several strikes on Derek, yet Derek skillfully evaded and deflected the attacks. And then, Derek retaliated.

With swift and fierce movements, Derek launched a counterattack, delivering punches and kicks upon Death.

Death, seemingly unimpressed, sneered: Death: Heh… feeble.

As Death increased “his” power, a tremendous shockwave surged forth, threatening to knock Derek off balance. Reacting swiftly, I shielded Eve, ensuring she remained unharmed by the impact. Astralux struggled to maintain composure amidst the powerful shockwave.

Astralux: !!!

Once the shockwave subsided, Derek regained his footing and promptly launched another assault against Death.

Derek: !!!

Derek successfully landed a formidable blow on Death, causing “him” to stagger. Death appeared somewhat taken aback by the unexpected turn of events.

Death: ?!

During this critical moment, I sensed something profound. Derek’s strength did not stem solely from the gloves he wore, but rather from his unwavering will to exist. It was his innate desire to help others that fueled his fighting spirit—both for himself and for those around him. Here he stood, defying Death itself, fighting for his own survival and the well-being of others. This was Derek’s true calling, his destined path.


With a surge of adrenaline, I experienced an exhilarating sensation as my punch connected with Death. The realization hit me—I refused to succumb, to allow “him” to carry out “his” wicked acts.

This being posing as Death… “he” is an imposter.

The impact of my blow left Death visibly stunned, clearly unprepared for the strength behind my strike.

Death: ?!

In response, Death retaliated, launching a relentless onslaught of punches against me. Each blow struck me, causing pain, yet I remained undeterred. In the midst of the barrage, my resolve grew stronger.

As Death continued to pummel me, I gradually clenched my fist, summoning my inner strength.

And then, with determination, I struck back—a single powerful blow that sent Death flying several meters away.

Despair: !!!

Eve: ??

Astralux: !!

Liran: …

With blood staining my face, I slowly rose to my feet, unfazed by the injuries. My sole purpose now was to confront this imposter, this false Death, and put an end to “his” existence once and for all.

Death, too, regained “his” footing and charged at me once more, attempting to unleash another barrage of punches. However, my agility and determination allowed me to evade and block

“his” attacks effortlessly.

I clenched my fist again, channeling my resolve, and delivered a powerful punch that sent Death crashing to the ground.

Despair: Death!

As I gazed down upon the fallen imposter, memories of when “he” had looked down on me with disdain resurfaced.

Silently, I made no need for words. Instead, I unleashed another devastating punch upon “him,”

causing flames to erupt from “his” form.

Despair: No…

Despair, seemingly compelled to intervene and protect Death, hesitated upon hearing Liran’s intervention.

Liran: You will not intervene. Stay where you are.

“Despair” remained motionless, evidently intimidated by Liran’s presence. However, before I could capitalize on the moment, Death retaliated by delivering a swift kick, sending me a few feet backward. Though I was momentarily displaced, I remained standing.

Once more, Death rose, radiating an intense fury. And then, with unyielding determination, “he”

launched yet another attack, hurtling toward me.

With my fist tightly clenched, I anticipated Death’s imminent attack. Before “he” could strike, I unleashed the final blow, a mighty punch that shattered “his” entire existence, eradicating every trace of “him.”

In that moment, a brilliant flash of light illuminated the surroundings, and as the radiance faded, Death was nowhere to be found, both in front of me and within the confines of the Black King’s domain.

That egotistical, prideful, and malevolent entity known as Death had been vanquished.

I had emerged victorious.




Chapter 57: redemption.:

As I surveyed the expressions on the faces of those around me, Astralux appeared stunned and rendered speechless. “Despair” exuded an air of shock and horror, undoubtedly affected by the demise of “Death.”

In contrast, Liran’s countenance reflected a sense of pride. He approached me, acknowledging my victory.

Liran: You’ve done it… You’ve succeeded in defeating “Death” once and for all. I’m proud of you.

A smile crept across my face, grateful for Liran’s support and the collective effort of everyone involved.

Me: Thank you, Liran. It’s because of you, Rythmeus, and all the others that I was able to achieve this. I’m grateful to have friends like all of you.

Liran: I’m glad to hear that. However, we still have the other entity to contend with.

Together, Liran and I turned our attention toward “Despair,” who remained in a state of complete shock and horror. It was clear that “he” was deeply affected by the downfall of


Despair’s voice trembled with disbelief and incredulity as “he” questioned the feasibility of my victory over Death.

Despair: How… How could you achieve such a feat? It defies all logic! A mere human like you defeating Death “himself” is simply impossible!

I held my ground, unyielding in my resolve.

Me: It may defy conventional beliefs, but I assure you, it is not only possible but already accomplished. And now, I will prove to you just how possible it is by defeating you and erasing your presence from this reality!

Despair’s tone grew defiant, refusing to acknowledge the magnitude of the challenge ahead.

Despair: Do not let arrogance cloud your judgment. I will make you retract those words, and you will regret ever defying me!


I diligently observed their actions, engulfed in a state of profound bewilderment, as the realization of recent events eluded my comprehension. Thus, the individual adorned in ebony gloves, who shares a familiar bond with Liran, materialized before my eyes.

Astoundingly, Liran’s associate single-handedly triumphed over a celestial being, an extraordinary and unparalleled spectacle to behold. Yet, amidst this spectacle, a moment of contemplation seized me.

Reflecting upon the magnitude of transgressions I committed against Liran, the extensive array of actions I perpetrated upon him, an overwhelming sense of obligation to rectify my past deeds emerged within me. Merely embracing him and expressing my remorse seemed insufficient.

Indeed, that is the course of action I yearn to pursue. Liran stands as the sole catalyst who orchestrated a profound metamorphosis within my life, instilling within me an unprecedented state of contentment and serenity, despite the egregiousness of my transgressions.

That is my determination; I shall overcome that malevolent entity, a grave threat to our world.

That is the task I am resolved to undertake…

Inner thoughts: Liran… I am profoundly grateful to you.

I proceeded towards Liran and his companion, now positioning myself directly in front of his friend…

Me: Greetings… might you kindly grant me possession of that glove?

Derek: Pray tell, for what purpose?...

Me: I beseech you, for I require it. Liran has brought me joy, and bestowed upon me a sense of tranquility… and in turn, I aspire to bring happiness and serenity to him and all inhabitants of this world.

As I glanced down at Liran and his friend, Liran then uttered: Liran: Yes… offer her one of your gloves; she is in need of it.

Derek: Very well.

Derek then removed one of his gloves, and proceeded to bestow it upon me. As I took hold of the glove, I adorned it upon my right hand.

Despite its seemingly diminutive size, the glove miraculously conformed itself to the exact dimensions of my hand… as if by enchantment.

Upon donning the glove, an overwhelming sense of potency and might surged through me. I felt capable of achieving anything, yet I vowed to employ this power solely for benevolent purposes. I resolved to confront the perilous entity and address “his” menace unaided…

I pivoted, positioning myself to face the enigmatic figure known as “Despair.”

Me: So, you are “Despair”?

Despair: Indeed, I am the embodiment of “Despair,” and I shall end your life and that of your companions!

Me: Face me then!

Despair lunged towards me, managing to land a blow. However, it had no effect on me whatsoever…

In response, I retaliated with a forceful punch, propelling “him” backward. “His” astonishment was palpable as “he” experienced a fraction of my true power, an infinitesimal taste of what I am truly capable of!





I witnessed as Eve battled against despair, engaging in a relentless exchange of strikes, utilizing punches, kicks, and a plethora of other techniques…

Despite the appearance of an evenly matched confrontation, Eve’s prowess grew with each passing moment, transcending the mere concept of ‘despair’…

With an indomitable spirit, Eve delivered a devastating blow to the embodiment of ‘despair,’

causing such a forceful impact that it nearly shattered and obliterated its entire essence.

Yet, Eve’s determination knew no bounds… seizing hold of the very essence of her adversary, she launched it skyward, causing its complete annihilation in the process… And yet, in an astonishing display, Eve swiftly positioned herself in front of the vanquished entity, effortlessly catching it…

She threw “him” back to the ground, causing “fire” to appear out of “him”…

She then slowly descended to the ground, and when shes already standing on the ground, staring “despair” down…

“despair” then stood up, and “he” launched at her, and just like what derek did… eve was already ready, and when “despair” was close enough, she then punches “him”, destroying “him”

from reality and non reality, existence and non existence…

She destroyed “him” and “his” entire being, causing a bright flash of light to appear, and after that bright flash light disappeared, theres no “despair” anymore…

Before us stood neither a trace of ‘despair’ nor any remnants of its presence within the palace of the Black King…

He couldn’t heal from absolute nothingness and he couldn’t heal by manipulating the plot… his powers were nullified…

‘Despair’ had ceased to exist.

Eve remained motionless, emanating an aura of tranquility, inner peace, and a sense of profound accomplishment.

Eve: I have achieved it…

I have vanquished that malevolent entity…

Eve then approached us, standing directly in front of our presence.

However, just as Eve was about to remove her glove and return it to Derek, he spoke: Derek: Keep it!... You deserve it…

Eve appeared taken aback, refraining from touching her glove as she expressed surprise.

Eve: Truly?... Why?

Derek: You are deserving of it. Consider it a gift from me, a token of recognition for your exceptional performance… I am filled with pride for you.

Eve’s face lit up with a warm smile upon hearing the gratitude expressed towards her.

Eve: Thank you. I will cherish this remarkable gift. I am truly grateful to be among all of you. You are all extraordinary individuals.

Derek: Thank you for saying that. We have triumphed over and eliminated those malevolent beings… and I am grateful that we accomplished this together.

I turned my attention towards Astralux, and after a brief pause, I approached him, now standing directly in front of him.

Astralux appeared utterly astonished by the events that had transpired. He then spoke, his voice filled with awe:

Astralux: This is truly beyond words. We have eradicated one of the most formidable beings to have ever existed… It is a magnificent achievement. I must report this to Epsilon. He will be exceedingly satisfied and proud! I must inform him immediately!

Me: Go ahead, inform him… Bring joy to his heart.

Astralux: Thank you, Liran! Thank you, Derek!

Astralux then turned his attention to Eve…

Astralux: May I inquire about your name?

Eve: My name is Eve. We are delighted to have been of assistance to you.

Astralux: Eve, what a splendid name. I am genuinely grateful for the assistance you and your friends have provided. We truly appreciate it…

It is now time for me to depart. You may have some private moments amongst yourselves…

Astralux then vanished from sight.

I turned to face Derek and Eve, contemplating our next course of action.

Derek: So… What shall we do now?

Me: Let us return to my friend’s palace. We will share with “him” everything that has occurred.

Eve: Who is this friend that you and Derek are referring to?

Me: You will soon find out. “He” is a remarkable deity.

Eve: Very well…

Together, we began our journey back to Rythmeus’s palace…




Chapter 58: my joy.:


I teleported back to our base and contemplated whether to teleport directly into the council chambers to convey the events that had unfolded. However, to show respect and courtesy, I decided to make my way there in person.

After a few minutes, I arrived at the council chambers. Epsilon, seated upon “his” majestic throne a few meters away, caught my attention. I respectfully bowed to Epsilon and the other gods present.

Me: Epsilon, I bring momentous news.

Epsilon: What is it? Speak.

Me: Liran and his companions have triumphed over the two entities that emerged from the palace of the Black King.

Epsilon: Is that so? Who were these entities?

Me: They were named “Despair” and “Death”… Liran and his friends succeeded in eliminating them.

As I finished relaying the information, I raised my gaze to Epsilon’s countenance… only to find

“him” looking utterly astonished…

Epsilon: What?!... “Death” and “Despair” have been vanquished and completely eradicated?

Me: That is correct. They no longer pose a threat.

As I spoke those words, I continued to observe Epsilon’s expression, and to my astonishment,

“he” smiled…

Me: ?!...

Epsilon, a being of immense power and might, was smiling… It was an extraordinary sight, as I had never seen “him” in such a state before. It felt like witnessing a miracle.

Epsilon: Incredible! They were truly defeated and eliminated by Liran and his companions. What an extraordinary human being Liran is. I am immensely proud of him.

Me: I share your sentiments. Liran is a miraculous presence that has graced us with his assistance, striving to bring goodness to all of existence. We are fortunate to have him by our side.

Epsilon: Indeed, Liran is one of the finest beings to have ever existed. He brings joy not only to us but to all others as well.

Liran… My joy.





We find ourselves now standing before the majestic gates of Rythmeus’s splendid palace…

Me: Ah, behold! We have arrived at the exquisite abode of my esteemed companion…

Eve: Indeed, this place is of grand proportions.

Me: Precisely. Allow me to announce our presence by bestowing a gentle knock upon these resplendent doors…

With grace, I approached the imposing entrance of the palace and rapped on them delicately.

After a brief pause, the doors swung open, revealing Rythmeus, who stood a few meters ahead of us.

Rythmeus: Ah, how delightful to witness your return, accompanied by esteemed guests. Pray, do enter.

Rythmeus then stepped aside, granting us passage, and after a short while, we crossed the threshold into his magnificent palace. Once inside, Rythmeus gracefully closed the doors…

Rythmeus: So, how fared your journey? What adventures did you undertake?

Me: My dear friend, the tale is truly extraordinary. Let us find a suitable spot to converse…

Rythmeus: Very well. Please, follow my lead…

Rythmeus proceeded to lead us toward the path that led to the opulent living room. After a few minutes of strolling, we arrived, beholding the vastness of this luxurious space…

Eve: This place is a marvel, breathtaking in its beauty and grandeur…

As we surveyed the living room, our eyes beheld an array of colossal couches, elegant chairs, exquisite tables, and an assortment of magical and advanced contrivances, culminating in a colossal television set.

Rythmeus: Do not hesitate, my friends. Take a seat upon one of these expansive couches…

We proceeded towards one of these magnificent couches, and upon reaching its vicinity, we effortlessly ascended onto its plush surface. The couch proved to be incredibly comfortable…

Eve: How delightful…

I settled myself next to Eve, marveling at her statuesque figure, towering at least 9 feet in height. Slowly, I reclined on the couch, resting my head upon her majestic left thigh…

Eve: ?!...

A blush adorned Eve’s visage, yet her reaction exhibited neither displeasure nor anger. Instead, a sense of serenity permeated her being, for she too found solace in the moment.

After a brief interlude, Rythmeus approached and settled on the adjacent couch, joining us. And then, after a few moments of contemplation, he began to speak: Rythmeus: Perhaps you two might require a more secluded chamber… if you catch my drift~

Eve’s blush deepened at his remark, prompting her to cover her face in embarrassment.

Eve: Oh my…

Rythmeus: Hehe, fear not, my jest was in good humor. Now, do enlighten me—what adventures did you partake in?

Derek, who was seated beside me, took the initiative to respond: Derek: Well, we successfully infiltrated the base, and things unfolded rather smoothly…

Rythmeus: Truly? Pray, elaborate further.

Derek: To put it succinctly, Liran expressed his desire to work alongside them and improve existence, which led to his acceptance. I, too, was welcomed into their ranks.

Rythmeus: And what transpired thereafter?

Derek: We engaged in various experiments and encountered a myriad of beings on our path.

Additionally, Liran had the pleasure of meeting Eve as well…

Upon hearing Derek’s account, Eve directed her gaze towards Rythmeus.

Eve: Hello!

Rythmeus returned Eve’s gaze with interest.

Rythmeus: Ah, so that is your name. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Eve. I am Rythmeus.

Eve: Greetings, Rythmeus. You truly have remarkable friends.

Rythmeus: I am grateful for your kind words.

Rythmeus then shifted his attention towards Derek, indicating for him to continue.

Derek: Following Liran’s encounter with Eve, two deceptive individuals claiming to be researchers from the Palace of the Black King appeared.

Upon Liran’s return to the base, he was overwhelmed by a sense of dread, suspecting that these impostors were none other than “Death” and “Despair.”

Rythmeus: What?! “Death” and “Despair”? Pray, what unfolded next?

Derek: To summarize, we engaged in a fierce battle against them, utilizing the gloves you bestowed upon us. I managed to vanquish and eliminate “Death,” while Eve triumphed over


Rythmeus was visibly astonished by Derek’s revelation.

Rythmeus: What?! You and Eve have vanquished “Death” and “Despair”?...

Derek: Indeed, we were able to achieve victory with relative ease. By combining the powers of the gloves with our unwavering determination, we emerged triumphant against these adversaries.

Rythmeus was thoroughly impressed, his astonishment evident in his expression.

Rythmeus: Truly remarkable! Both you and Eve, to have conquered “Death” and “Despair”

themselves. This surpasses all expectations…

Eve then extended her right hand, revealing the glove she had donned.

As Rythmeus laid his eyes upon the glove, confirming Derek’s account, Eve gently lowered her arm, placing it upon her other imposing thigh.

Rythmeus: What can I say? I am immensely proud and astounded. I am sincerely grateful that the two of you achieved such a feat. You have truly excelled…

Derek and Eve exchanged smiles, basking in Rythmeus’s praise.

Derek: So, what shall we do next?

Rythmeus: All of you shall rest here. It is already afternoon…

Would that be agreeable to all of you?

Me: Certainly, I have no objections.

Rythmeus: Very well, you are welcome to recline upon these couches if you wish. I shall fetch some water…

Me: Thank you, we appreciate it…

Rythmeus gracefully rose from his seat and made his way towards the path leading to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Eve, Derek, and I remained seated on the couch, embracing the tranquility of the moment. I found myself sinking further into relaxation, resting my head upon Eve’s monumental thigh.

A sense of calm and serenity enveloped us, creating an atmosphere of profound peace.





“Death” and “despair” were vanquished, utterly obliterated and eliminated by the valiant efforts of Liran and his comrades…

Liran, what an intriguing specimen of humanity… perchance I shall descend and personally address you and your companions…

Liran, you shall confront me once more…


