True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds by liran G - HTML preview

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Chapter 59: good girl:


We had been seated on Rythmeus’s sofa for a while before ‘he’ returned with a couple of water cups…

Rythmeus: Here you are…

Subsequently, Rythmeus placed the water cups on the table positioned between the sofas. After a few moments, ‘he’ settled back onto the adjacent sofa, facing us.

Rythmeus: So, what activities are you gentlemen engaged in?

Me: Well, we have vanquished ‘death’ and ‘despair,’ yet I possess a premonition that we may confront an adversary of even greater magnitude…

Eve: Are there entities more formidable than those two?

Rythmeus: Correct, while those two were formidable, they merely serve the Black King…

Eve: The Black King? Who is he?

Rythmeus: The Black King reigns as the mightiest within ‘his’ domain, occupying the pinnacle.

‘He’ is the creator of those two entities and ‘his’ other loyal subjects…

Eve: I comprehend. Will we encounter ‘him’ in the days to come?

Rythmeus: Hmm, I am uncertain. For now, let us seek respite; you all deserve some rest…

Eve: I don’t mind at all…

Me: Where will we be lodging?

Rythmeus: Allow me to show you…

Upon Rythmeus’s suggestion, I rose from Eve’s voluminous thighs, which had unexpectedly stirred my senses…

I then disembarked from the couch, and a few moments later, Eve also stood up from the couch…

We now found ourselves standing on the floor, awaiting Rythmeus’s guidance to our designated quarters…

After a short while, Rythmeus too stood up from his seat, and after a brief pause, he proceeded to lead us in the direction of our room…

Shortly thereafter, we began following him…

After a few minutes of walking, we finally arrived at a sizable door that led to the bedroom…

Rythmeus: Alright, the two of you can find rest in this bedroom. Allow me to open the door…

After a brief moment, Rythmeus proceeded to open the door leading to the bedroom, and then we entered…

Rythmeus stood by the door, closing it… Now, Eve and I were alone in the bedroom.

Eve: Oh my, this bedroom is quite lovely…

Eve gracefully approached the bed, climbed onto it, and reclined…

Eve: Come here, Liran…

Me: Very well…

I cautiously approached the bed, joining Eve and settling down beside her…

The bed, while not excessively large, provided adequate space for the two of us. However, most of the bed was occupied by Eve’s remarkable stature alone…

Given the circumstances, cuddling was the only option, allowing me to experience her magnificent curves and imposing presence. Standing at a towering height of at least 9 feet, Eve appeared unperturbed by the arrangement…

Eve reciprocated by embracing me tightly, enveloping me in her affectionate hold…

Eve: You’re simply adorable~

Blushing momentarily, I found myself oddly at ease with her remark…

She proceeded to gently stroke my back, a gesture that evoked both tranquility and arousal…

Eve: Do you enjoy this? Hmm?...

I: I concur, your benevolence towards me is truly commendable…

Eve: My cogitations wander towards lascivious realms concerning your persona, as I find myself immensely aroused in this very moment…

Subsequently, Eve uttered those words and proceeded to vigorously and intensively massage my back…

Eve: Throughout the annals of time, my affinity for you has been unwavering. In your presence, serenity and tranquility have perpetually engulfed my being, and now, we have the opportunity to embark upon myriad ventures…

Eve then drew me nearer to her, aligning our countenances in intimate proximity. Her visage flushed with a profound blush, signifying her ardently desired desire… it was unmistakably evident upon her countenance.

And after couple moments, we kissed, we kissed passionately, our tongues were exploring each other’s mouths, and after couple moments, eve let out a moan…

Upon hearing that moan, I instinctively disengaged momentarily, diverting my gaze towards her visage. Her blush intensified, depicting an even deeper longing… she yearned for this moment.

Eve: Liran, my affection for you knows no bounds…

Before I could articulate a response, Eve initiated a kiss of heightened intensity, surpassing all previous displays of passion. Subsequently, she gently guided me onto the bed, positioning herself above me in an ardent embrace…

Her gentle hands glided over my physique, proceeding to remove my trousers and undergarments, exposing my fervently aroused member…

Subsequently, she set aside my garments, and after a brief interlude, she directed her gaze toward my intimate region.

As I beheld her countenance, I discerned naught but an amalgamation of passion and longing within her eyes…

Eve: Indeed, this is precisely what I yearned for…

With an abrupt motion, Eve liberated herself from the confines of her attire, rending it asunder…

Now, unclothed and positioned above me, an embodiment of unadorned beauty…

She boldly approached me, positioning her face directly in front of my pulsating member. And then, without hesitation, she indulged in the art of oral gratification…

My ecstatic moans reverberated through the room as her relentless actions continued, never faltering, as if she were determined to drain me completely…

In the midst of this passionate exchange, I couldn’t help but let out an expletive…

Me: Ah!... Damn…

Eve’s seductive efforts persisted, as if my manhood were a delectable treat or a tantalizing snack in her eyes. And after a brief pause, she withdrew momentarily, teasingly flicking her tongue against the tip of my throbbing cock…

Her gaze fixed upon me, brimming with intensified lust and desire…

Eve: This has always been my deepest desire, and you, my dear, fulfill it so exquisitely…

Me: Is this… your first time?

Eve: Of course, darling, I’m a virgin after all~

I was taken aback, a mixture of surprise and excitement washing over me at her confession…

Me: What?! Are you saying you’re a virgin? What about those other insincere acquaintances you used to associate with?

Eve: They attempted to engage in sexual activities with me, but I turned them down. They were insignificant and inauthentic…

Me: I understand…

Eve: I’ve always desired to share this experience with you. You’ve consistently been a kind-hearted individual, even if you weren’t popular in school. You genuinely care about those around you, and that’s why I hold such affection for you…

I smiled upon hearing these heartfelt words.

Me: Thank you, I’m grateful to hear such kind words from you. I’ve always known that you’re also a good-hearted person. When you distanced yourself from those false friends and transformed your life for the better…

I can finally see the true essence of who you are…

Tears welled up in Eve’s eyes as she was deeply moved by my words.

Eve: I… I… don’t know what to say. I’m just happy that we’re together in this moment…

With deep love and desire in her eyes, she took the lead, straddling me and adjusting herself for a wild ride…

As I gazed into her face, I could see the intense affection and longing she had for me…

This is it, we’re about to experience a passionate encounter…

With the motion initiated, she began riding me, our bodies coming together, and the pleasure intensified as I entered her. Her moans echoed loudly, expressing her enjoyment…

Eve: Oh, yes… Give it to me…

With each moment, she rode me with fervor, even gripping the bed to withstand the intensity…

She continued to ride me passionately, showcasing her skills as a delightfully enthusiastic partner. Her voice reverberated with pleasure as she whispered my name, acknowledging my prowess.

The intensity of our connection heightened as I penetrated her velvety core, and the sensations became increasingly intoxicating.

Sensations of warmth coursed through my body, signaling the impending climax.

Me: Oh, the sheer ecstasy I’m experiencing!

Our intimate dance continued, her slickness enveloping me, until…

I reached the pinnacle of pleasure, releasing my essence deep within her, as she eagerly embraced my offering.

Eve: Yes…this is precisely what I desired.

After a few moments of blissful repose, Eve delicately disengaged, nestling beside me, her embrace providing comfort and solace.

Me: Eve, there are further delights I can bestow upon you.

Eve: Show me. I’m craving your touch.

I closed the distance between us, burying my face between her ample bosom. Our passion ignited anew as I tenderly explored her breasts, savoring the delicate play of fingertips against her tantalizing nipples.

Eve: Ah!...

Eve emitted a resounding moan as I engaged in that act, amplifying her arousal and intensifying her carnal desires…

I continued caressing her nipples, and after a few moments, they became taut and rigid…

And shortly thereafter, I ceased my manipulations, leaving Eve consumed by an even greater hunger and longing…

Me: Eve, I beseech you to recline upon your dorsal surface, allowing me to provide assistance…

Eve: Yes…

Subsequently, Eve assumed a supine position, granting me a comprehensive view of her physique. She now possesses a heightened stature and more pronounced curves, with her bosom having swelled and expanded momentarily. Her thighs exhibit a slight increase in size and engorgement, while her entire upper and lower anatomy have undergone a subtle augmentation…

She now resides in the depths of euphoria,

Her sole desire, an undeniable yearning… and that yearning is me.

I then approached her lower region, beholding her intimate area, and after a brief interval, I neared it, positioning myself in front of her womanhood…

And so, with a gentle touch, I grazed her clitoral region for a fleeting moment, eliciting an even more fervent moan…

Eve: AGH!...

I momentarily withdrew, enticed by the intensity of her reaction, but my exploration didn’t cease there. Soon after, I began to caress and stimulate her feminine parts, meticulously attending to her delicate folds and the tender spot of pleasure. Eve’s moans grew even louder,

as her mind succumbed to the overwhelming wave of ecstasy. This was what she yearned for, a desire etched deep within her…

After a few seconds of skillful stimulation, her clitoral bud responded by engorging and increasing in sensitivity…

I persisted, my fingers deftly teasing her swollen and responsive clitoris, all the while maintaining a steady rhythm on her moist entrance. She became a symphony of moans, uttering my name and surrendering to the sheer delight that enveloped her…

Eve: YES!... MORE!...

Undeterred, I continued my ministrations, my fingers exploring her depths and her sensitive pearl, gradually coaxing more of her essence to flow from within…

My thoughts raced: Oh my, she’s on the brink of climax…

And after a series of intoxicating moments, gently caressing her most intimate regions, Eve finally succumbed to the throes of orgasm, showering me with her essence for several exquisite seconds…

Eve was in quite a state, her mind shattered and her eyes rolling back. And then, the moment of ecstasy came to a halt…

Me: Are you alright?...

After catching her breath, Eve looked at me with a mischievous smile before responding: Eve: Oh, more than alright! I feel fabulous and thoroughly satisfied!

Me: Well, well, there’s always room for more excitement… hehe…

Eve: Really? Show me what you’ve got!

After that invitation from Eve, I took charge and positioned myself on top of her, drawing closer until our bodies intertwined. The temperature rose as my anticipation met her delicate spot…

Eve blushed intensely, clearly taken aback by my bold move…

Eve: Oh my!...

And then, the symphony of pleasure began as I embraced her, thrusting passionately into her.

The room filled with her delightful moans, harmonizing with the rhythm of our intimate connection.

Eve expressed her pleasure as I engaged in intimate relations with her, carefully thrusting and claiming her. Surprisingly, Eve seemed to relish the experience, actively desiring and enjoying it.

With forceful yet controlled movements, I continued to stimulate her most intimate area, delivering intense sensations. The sensation of her warmth and the shared connection brought me great satisfaction, as I reveled in the symphony of her moans and screams. I maintained my rhythm, tightly embracing her, as the intensity heightened.

After several minutes of this passionate exchange, a familiar sensation started to build within me. The warmth in my loins indicated an impending release. I could not contain my exclamation amidst the pleasure.

Me: Ah… expletive…

Moments later, a surge of ecstasy washed over me, and I reached climax once again, releasing inside her. Eve’s vocalizations grew even louder, reflecting her gratification.


I complied, continuing the act, as my essence filled her, engendering profound satisfaction. After a few more moments, the torrent subsided, and I ceased my release.

After a few moments, I withdrew, and now my manhood finds itself in close proximity to her delicate entrance.

Me: Oh, my… this is truly extraordinary…

Eve then turned her gaze upon me…

Eve: You seem to be quite enraptured by this experience, aren’t you?...

Me: Indubitably so, my dear. You deserve nothing short of the finest pleasures…

Eve: Thank you. I’m thoroughly enjoying this encounter. Might we explore further for a while?

Me: Absolutely. Allow me to engage in the act of intimate exploration, focusing on your posterior…

Eve: Yes…

After expressing her desire, Eve gracefully turned around, unveiling her voluptuous and alluring derriere. After a brief interlude, she assumed a doggy-style position, presenting her posterior enticingly…

She elegantly raised her derriere, offering it to my gaze…

After relishing the sight of her splendid posterior for a few moments, I playfully delivered a firm smack…

Eve: ?!...

Eve gasped in surprise as my hand connected with her behind, leaving a rosy imprint in its wake.

Me: Such an exquisite posterior…

After uttering those words, I gently grasped her derriere, gently stretching it, revealing her enticing rear entrance…

Me: Prepare yourself for an extraordinary experience…

With those words, I positioned myself to engage in the act of intimate connection, nearly reaching an upright stance, with my member in close proximity to her inviting rear orifice…

And shortly thereafter, I commenced the passionate encounter…

I continued to passionately engage with her magnificent posterior, generating resounding claps and rhythmic pounding noises…

Amidst passionate engagement, I firmly held and embraced her posterior while engaging in intimate exploration. The sensation brought forth an immense pleasure…

Eve’s delightful vocalizations echoed as I maintained a fervent rhythm, evoking profound happiness and contentment within her…

With each firm stroke, my hand met her buttocks, heightening my connection while indulging in the depths of her desires…

After moments of fervent and affectionate union, a surge of euphoria consumed me as I reached climax, leaving her filled with my essence. And as the moments of release subsided, I gradually withdrew…

Eve, once again facing me, reclined gracefully on her back, her gaze fixated upon my presence…

Her expression exuded utmost satisfaction and joy…

Eve: “Thank you, kind sir, for your delightful company. Please, come closer…”

In response to her invitation, I approached, resting upon her form… and after a few cherished moments, she reciprocated, drawing me nearer until my head found solace within her ample bosom…

Following a tranquil pause, Eve gently embraced me, guiding us to lie side by side on the bed. In this shared repose, I found comfort, and we began to enjoy the blissful embrace of cuddling…

My head is now buried between her massive breasts as I kept hugging her…

And lo and behold, Eve reciprocates the tender embrace, entwining our souls in the warmth of affection…

As time gently passes, we surrender to the sweet embrace of sleep, both adorned with smiles of pure bliss and complete satisfaction…




Chapter 60: getting ready.:

Upon awakening in the morning, I surveyed the surroundings only to find that Eve was absent from the bedroom.

Me (thoughtfully): Where could she have ventured?

After a brief interlude, I disembarked from the bed, assuming an upright position, and made my way towards the door. With a gentle turn of the handle, I exited the room, finding myself in the hallway.

Me (inwardly): Ah, perhaps she is currently engaged in a cleansing ritual. I, too, must tend to my personal hygiene and partake in a rejuvenating shower.

Subsequently, I commenced my stroll along the hallway, mindful of my attire which consisted solely of a lack of undergarments and trousers. It became paramount to swiftly locate a suitable lavatory facility.

Me: …

After a few minutes of traversing the hallway, my journey led me to a substantial door. As I neared its vicinity, an audible sound reached my ears—a symphony reminiscent of running water.

Me (thoughtfully): It appears someone is currently engaged in the act of bathing.

After a momentary pause, I proceeded to gently knock upon the door.

Me: Is there anyone present within?

Following my query, a familiar voice, belonging to Eve, resonated from within: Eve: Indeed, I am presently immersed in a showering endeavor.

Me: Um, would it be permissible for me to enter? For I find myself in a state of partial undress…

Eve: Certainly! Please, do come in…

Upon receiving her consent, I cautiously opened the door, stepping into the bathroom and ensuring its closure behind me. As my gaze swept across the space, I beheld Eve gracefully enveloped by the cascading water.

Eve: Ah, how fortuitous. Join me, won’t you?

In response, I unfastened and discarded my shirt with a fluid motion, subsequently making my way towards her, entering the shower’s domain.

And so, now I stand before her, the water’s embrace enveloping us both…

She bestowed upon me a gentle gaze, her countenance adorned with a soft smile.

Eve: Let us attend to your ablutions, for you are in need of a thorough cleansing.

With those words, Eve gracefully descended, her delicate touch caressing my visage before commencing the process of showering me.

Water cascaded over my form, eradicating any remnants of our previous intimacy, cleansing away her essence.

After several minutes, she ceased the flow of water, setting the showerhead aside.

Eve: Now, we shall avail ourselves of some cleansing agent.

She retrieved a bottle of soap, and with deliberate care, dispensed the liquid upon my body, bestowing upon me a sensation of utmost relaxation and serenity.

Soon after, she retrieved the showerhead, activating the water once more, as she resumed the task of showering me.

A few more minutes transpired as we indulged in the shared act of cleansing, meticulously purifying ourselves.

Afterward, we reached a mutual conclusion, halting our endeavors under the shower’s embrace.

Eve, with a radiant smile, proceeded to deactivate the showerhead, carefully setting it aside.

Her gaze descended upon me once more, filled with warmth.

Eve: Splendid, we have successfully cleansed ourselves. Shall we make our departure?

We stepped out of the shower, finding ourselves in the center of the bathroom.

Me: Hm, we are in need of garments and towels…

Eve: Fret not…

Eve then summoned forth the power within her, her glove still adorning her hand since our arrival. Within moments, two towels and appropriately sized attire materialized on the floor, patiently awaiting our donning. I cast a brief glance towards Eve.

Me: My, my, it appears you hold great affection for the gift bestowed upon you by Derek—the glove, that is.

Eve: Indeed, it serves as a cherished present, a token of appreciation. I shall employ it for virtuous endeavors.

Now, let us proceed with our preparations…

After several minutes dedicated to drying ourselves following our shower, we commenced the process of adorning ourselves with the newly acquired garments. Soon enough, we stood fully attired.

Me: Very well, we are ready to depart…

I proceeded to open the door, exiting the bathroom, with Eve following suit, now standing beside me. We found ourselves in the hallway, ready to embark on our next destination.

Together, we walked in the direction leading to the living room, a journey that took a couple of minutes to complete. Upon arrival, we noticed Derek seated on his couch, engrossed in television.

Me: Greetings, Derek.

Upon hearing my voice, Derek turned his attention towards us.

Derek: Hi, good morning.

Me: Good morning. Where is Rythmeus?

As I posed the question, Rythmeus materialized, seemingly out of thin air, standing a few meters in front of us.

Rythmeus: Good morning. How are you all?

Me: Derek, Eve, and I are in good spirits. Thank you for inquiring.

Rythmeus: I am pleased to hear that. So, what are your current pursuits?

Me: We are merely indulging in relaxation, nothing of great significance.

Rythmeus: I understand. By the way, do you have any plans regarding the Black King?

Me: Hm, I have been plagued by a sense of foreboding. I strongly believe that we may encounter “him” in the future, and caution must be exercised.

Rythmeus: I see. Do you have any strategies in mind?

Me: Well, “he” could potentially descend upon us, confronting us here. Alternatively, we could venture into “his” realm once more and confront “him” there.

Rythmeus: Hm, so the options are either “his” appearance here or confronting “him” in “his”


Derek: What do you think we should do? Shall we enter “his” realm or await “his” arrival?

Me: I am uncertain at the moment. Let us step outside first…

Rythmeus: Very well…

After a brief interlude, Derek gracefully rose from the couch, making his way toward us until he stood beside me.

Me: Rythmeus, please join us. It is time for you to accompany us on our journey.

Rythmeus: Very well. Let us proceed.

Rythmeus approached us, now standing in front of our small group.

Rythmeus: We should venture outside. Perhaps we will revisit the desert or explore the base.

After a few moments, we embarked in the direction that led to the exit.

Several minutes passed, and we found ourselves outside.

Rythmeus: So, shall we make our way to the desert?

Me: Agreed.

With that settled, we began our journey toward the desert, eager to uncover what awaited us there.





There is no purpose in creating additional subordinates with the intention of dispatching them to pursue Liran and his companions, for they possess an overwhelming level of power that surpasses the capabilities of my minions…

Liran’s mere existence challenges my authority and represents a significant menace to my reign… He and his allies must be eradicated, and the sole entity capable of accomplishing such a task is none other than myself.

Nevertheless, I find myself compelled to locate him, as his presence eludes my senses, impeding my ability to employ my supernatural abilities in tracking him down…

However, I am cognizant that both ‘Death’ and ‘despair’ met their demise within the arid expanse of the desert…

Therefore, it is solely within the confines of the desert that I can potentially encounter him.

I, with unwavering determination, shall uncover your whereabouts, and you and your associates shall be confronted by my formidable presence…




Chapter 61: face off.:


Following several minutes of traversing, we have arrived at the desert and currently find ourselves positioned at its very core…

Rythmeus: Ah, we have arrived at our destination…

Me: Hm, this is peculiar. Once more, I am sensing an unfamiliar sensation. It is quite possible that “he” shall manifest in this very location…

Rythmeus: Hm, perchance we ought to initiate a portal—!?

Before Rythmeus could conclude “his” utterance, an overwhelming and ominous aura encompassed all of us, instilling an eerie sense of foreboding…

Me: …

Simultaneously with the surging energy, an undeniable realization overcame me—I knew that the Black King had arrived, and I harbored little doubt that his intentions were far from benevolent…

Eve and Derek, bewildered by the inexplicable phenomenon, sought comprehension…

Eve: What is that?...

Derek: What the hell…

I, subsequently, redirected my gaze, and as I did so, I bore witness to an enigmatic spectacle.

Before me stood an entity of remarkable peculiarity, transcending the might of all the minions under the Black King’s dominion…

That entity, emerging from the very depths of nonexistence, embodied a peculiar amalgamation of boundless darkness—a humanoid manifestation devoid of color and substance, or rather, a state of existence even more ethereal than nothingness itself.

As the solitary individual to initially confront this enigmatic being, I stood resolute, while Eve, Derek, and Rythmeus subsequently pivoted to face this enigma…

Eve: My, oh my… Who might that be?

Me: That, my dear companions, is none other than the Black King.


There before us stood the Black King in “his” true form, suspended effortlessly in mid-air, regarding us with a disdainful gaze. Despite having arrived at “his” palace previously, I had never witnessed the Black King assuming a corporeal manifestation.

The sight was simultaneously awe-inspiring and horrifying, evoking a mix of emotions within me.

As we continued to fixate our gaze upon “him,” the Black King began to address us:

The Black King: At last, all of you have gathered here…

Liran: You have returned to flaunt your presence once again. What is it that you seek?

The Black King: You have dared to defy me. You have dismantled the forces of “Death” and

“Despair.” And now, you audaciously step foot within my very stronghold…

The Black King: Ah, but it is not your potential to eliminate me that intrigues me, Liran. No, forget about “killing.” I am genuinely fascinated by you…

Liran: Intrigued? What do you mean?

The Black King: Your very existence possesses the extraordinary ability to nullify my powers. You possess a unique gift, capable of rendering even the most formidable beings, such as myself, powerless…

Pray, enlighten me. What have you done to attain such extraordinary abilities?

Liran: It is a rather convoluted tale, and even I do not fully comprehend it myself…

The Black King: Truly? How perplexing…

Liran: Indeed. I recall “Death” mentioning a desire to bring me to you. I was uncertain whether it was for a mere conversation or something more profound. Yet here we are, engaged in discourse…

The Black King: Correct. I wished for my servant to deliver you to me, as I found you intriguing.

However, I am now disappointed…

Liran: That is not my concern. Your servant should not have harmed Derek, and that is what angered me…

In fact, I shall present you with two choices…

The first option is for you to depart from this place and never again set foot in our presence. The second option entails me thrashing you mercilessly before the eyes of all present…

Now, what say you?

After Liran’s statement, the Black King emitted a chilling laughter, resonating through the air.

The Black King: You believe you possess the audacity to dictate my actions? How foolish and ignorant you are…

In response to Liran’s defiance, the Black King declared intentions to annihilate us and our companions personally, resorting to sheer brute force.

Reacting swiftly, I stepped forward, positioning myself in front of Liran, determined to face the Black King head-on.

Liran: Rythmeus? What are you doing?

Rythmeus: Stand behind me, Liran. I will handle “him”…

Liran: Are you out of your mind? “He” will utterly obliterate you!...

Rythmeus: Do not concern yourself with it…

I locked eyes with the Black King, engaging in an intense gaze, meeting “him” face-to-face.

The Black King reciprocated the gaze, his eyes fixated upon me.

The Black King: Are you willing to sacrifice your life for these insignificant mortals? A feeble and pitiful deity like yourself?

Me: While I may bear the title of a “god,” I must confess that neither of us truly embody the essence of divinity. Thus, I kindly request that you retract that word.

The Black King: What do you plan to do? You are nothing more than a speck, a mere insect from the chaotic realms…

Rythmeus: We shall see…

In that very moment… No, in a realm that transcended the concept of time itself, a profound transformation occurred. I shed my previous limitations, becoming something beyond comprehension—something mighty and formidable, a being that surpassed all the illusory forms I had assumed across countless realities…

Liran: ?...

The Black King: …

I ascended, assuming a state that defied the bounds of absolute nothingness…

And there I stood, a being devoid of color yet imbued with the essence of every conceivable and inconceivable hue—an existence both colorless and filled with all the colors imaginable. I had

transcended into my true self, embodying the purest manifestation of my being. This was my authentic form.


I observed in awe as Rythmeus underwent a breathtaking transformation, ascending to “his”

true form. “He” exuded a resplendent aura, radiating with all the vivid and ethereal colors imaginable, yet “his” essence remained colorless and transcendent.

It was a sight to behold, and in that moment, I realized that Rythmeus would be the first to confront the Black King in battle.

Rythmeus spoke with unwavering resolve:

Rythmeus: If you seek to harm them, you must first go through me.

The Black King sneered in response:

The Black King: You dare challenge me? You will come to regret those words…

Rythmeus, undeterred, replied with defiance:

Rythmeus: Bring it on. I am prepared to face you.




Chapter 62: true colors.:

At that pivotal moment, the clash between the Black King and Rythmeus ensued, their combat unfurling in a relentless flurry of strikes and an array of extraordinary maneuvers.

Eve and Derek stood in stunned amazement, witnessing the sheer power displayed by both combatants.

Derek: Whoa…

Eve: Incredible! They possess tremendous strength…

Rythmeus, at this point, surpassed the combined might of all the Black King’s servants, reaching a level of power that allowed “him” to withstand the forces of absolute nothingness with ease.

Within my mind, I called out to Rythmeus:

Me (mind): Rythmeus…

Rythmeus and the Black King engaged in a relentless exchange of blows, each strike surpassing the previous one in devastation—a testament to their unrivaled prowess.

Suddenly, Rythmeus delivered a crushing blow to the Black King, sending “him” hurtling through the air. However, the Black King swiftly recovered and retaliated, striking Rythmeus with great force, knocking “him” to the ground.

Rythmeus remained undeterred, showing little sign of injury from the Black King’s strike. With determination, “he” swiftly rose to “his” feet, resuming the battle without hesitation…





I continued to engage in a fierce battle with the Black King, utilizing my skills to land strikes while evading “his” formidable attacks. It was undeniably challenging, but I had no other option.

Even if I were to exist for eternity, witnessing my friends succumb to the malevolent force before us would forever haunt my conscience.

Derek, you are an extraordinary human being. Your determination to better yourself and build a fulfilling life is truly commendable. Liran and I take immense pride in your accomplishments. We are genuinely happy to have you by our side.

Eve, although I have only recently met you, I sensed your genuine kindness and compassion.

Your warmth and care towards Liran and Derek are truly admirable, and having you here with us fills me with pride.

Liran, you are an exceptional individual. Meeting someone like you has been a blessing. You hold a special place in my heart, and I cannot bear the thought of losing you, just as we lost Brock.

Brock, where do I even begin? Despite being young, you possessed incredible intelligence and a beautiful spirit. Your thirst for knowledge and your ability to find joy in life were awe-inspiring.

However, you are no longer with us, taken from this world at the tender age of 13. I do not know what lies beyond death, but I believe that you have found peace in a serene realm, a “true and unknown reality” that we will all eventually return to.

I am grateful that I was able to be with you until the end, but now, I cannot fail you. I will defend them, honor your memory, and protect those who are dear to me.

These emotions and sentiments encompass my true essence. This is my unwavering resolve, driven by my personal convictions and for the sake of everyone, particularly for you, Brock.

For brock, myself and everyone else…





I steadfastly observed the enthralling clash between Rythmeus and the ebony monarch, an awe-inspiring spectacle indeed. Rythmeus unveiled the genuine essence of “his” being, a truly resplendent revelation. At a certain juncture, Rythmeus triumphed, overpowering the regal ebony figure “himself”…

However, the momentous turn of events unleashed a torrent of fury within the black king…

A cacophonous and profane scream erupted from the black king’s lips, an outcry so thunderous that it forcefully propelled Rythmeus backwards…

Rythmeus: ?!...

Subsequently, the black king lunged towards Rythmeus, delivering a devastating blow that sent

“him” crashing down, yet the black king persisted unyieldingly.

“He” lunged once more at Rythmeus, landing another forceful punch that sent “him” tumbling yet again…

With an iron grip, the black king ensnared Rythmeus tightly…

The black king: Admirable effort, indeed. You may possess the resolve to engage in combat, but against me, such determination is utterly futile.

Rythmeus: I shall not permit you to extinguish their lives. In my eyes, they are extraordinary beings…

The black king: Fear not, for once I am through with you, I shall seize these remarkable entities from your grasp, forever obliterating your presence from their sight…

Upon hearing these words, Rythmeus unleashed a monstrous kick upon the black king, violently propelling “him” away…

Rythmeus: …

The black king: Although you may exhibit “might,” your power shall never ascend to my echelon…

You already dwell beneath my supremacy; thus, kneel down and pay homage to me. This encounter is naught but a futile endeavor…

Rythmeus: Nay, I shall not waver…

The black king: Very well…

The black king swiftly launched himself at Rythmeus, delivering a merciless blow that sent him crashing to the ground…

Derek: !!...

Eve: !!...

Me: …

With a commanding presence, the black king peered down upon Rythmeus…

The black king: Any final words?

Rythmeus: Even if you were to succeed in ending my life, there will always arise a mightier entity, one destined to vanquish you…

The black king: Very well…

Just as the black king prepared to strike Rythmeus with a fatal blow, I impulsively lunged towards Rythmeus, rescuing “him” from the black king’s impending strike…

The black king: ?!...

Rythmeus and I distanced ourselves from the black king, creating a substantial gap. I gently laid Rythmeus on the ground before rising to my feet…

Me: Rythmeus, your contributions have far exceeded our expectations. You have revealed your true essence, and I am filled with immense pride…

You may remain here; I shall confront “him” myself.

Rythmeus: Liran, I am at a loss for words… Thank you…

I then turned around, facing the black king, who stood a few meters in front of me…

The black king: Heh, now I can engage in combat with someone of greater strength…

Me: …

The black king: You choose to remain silent? So be it…

I advanced towards the black king, now standing directly in front of “him”…

The black king: Let us ascertain the extent of your power…

Me: …




Chapter 63: from nothing to something.: I launched a fierce attack on the black king, landing a powerful punch that sent “him” staggering backward…

The black king: ?!...

Rythmeus: ?!...

With relentless determination, I swiftly charged at the black king, delivering a forceful kick that sent “him” crashing to the ground…

The black king struggled to rise, attempting to unleash a flurry of punches upon me, but my agility allowed me to evade every single strike…

I effortlessly dodged each punch the black king aimed at me. Even when “he” tried to employ

“his” powers to overpower me, they proved ineffective, nullified against my resilience…


I stood in utter disbelief as I witnessed Liran’s astonishing prowess. His strength and speed were unparalleled, as he not only managed to bring the black king himself down but also flawlessly evaded each of the king’s retaliatory strikes. I was beyond impressed!

Never before had I witnessed a human engage in combat against the black king, let alone elude

“his” attacks and mount a formidable resistance. The notion of a mere mortal confronting a being as formidable as the black king seemed ludicrous and almost comical…

But now, what was once a jest has transformed into a stark reality, surpassing my comprehension…

I continued to observe their battle, witnessing the black king unleash his full might, yet it all proved futile… Liran stood indomitable, his power unmatched…


As I watched Liran engage in combat with “him,” I found myself at a loss for words. Liran effortlessly overwhelmed me, Eve, and Rythmeus as if we were insignificant.

Me: Wow… Is this the true extent of Liran’s power?

Eve: I have no idea… He seems to be handling that “black king” with astonishing skill…

Truly, it is an awe-inspiring spectacle to behold…

Me: I concur…





I continued to engage in combat with the black king, who relentlessly attempted to bring me down and eliminate me. Yet, “he” proved powerless in the face of my superior strength…

I delivered a resounding punch to the black king, forcefully propelling “him” backward…

The black king: !!?...

I stood there, steadfast, fixing my gaze upon “him”…

Me: Are you finished? This fight serves no purpose…

The black king: How dare you speak to me in such a manner! You have no understanding of the consequences you’re inviting upon yourself…

Me: The same can be said to you…

You may believe that you are clever by presenting me with the lifeless form of my father in the past…

The black king: …

Me: However, that is inconsequential. Your attempt to ensnare me with that “trap” or

“deception” has proven fruitless…

And now, as you stand before me, attempting to extinguish the lives of me and my companions, I believe it is imperative for me to eradicate you… right here and now…

Upon uttering those words, the black king surged with heightened power. I could sense an intensification of “his” malevolent, sinister, and dreadful energies, yet they failed to perturb me…

I launched myself at “him” once again, successfully landing a devastating blow that sent “him”

sprawling to the ground…

The black king: ?!...

Following the forceful kick I delivered, those ominous energies dissipated…

Me: Are you finished?

The black king: No, I refuse to be defeated by you. All you mortals are insignificant and inconsequential, your fragile lives hold no weight in comparison to beings like us. You mortals are minuscule and devoid of significance…


Me: It matters not whether we are small or mighty, weak or powerful. We are all interconnected, encompassed within the grand tapestry of existence, irrespective of our prowess…

The black king: …

Do you honestly believe that mortals can stand on the same echelon as us?

Me: It is true that some among us possess great strength and power, and I do not deny that.

However, we are all interconnected, intertwined in the vast fabric of existence…

The black king let out a mocking laughter…

The black king: How pitiful! You mortals are so deluded to think that you can stand on equal footing with us…

Me: I could say the same. Just because you are strong and mighty does not grant you the right to arbitrarily kill and mistreat others…

Derek was right, Death was an egotistical and prideful being… and the same can be said for you.

You are no different…

Upon uttering those words, the black king retaliated by kicking me, forcefully propelling me backward…

Me: …

The black king then rose to “his” feet, approaching me until “he” stood directly in front of me…

The black king: Do not fret. Once I have slain you and your friends, you will no longer need to concern yourself with my alleged “egotism” and “pride”… You, pathetic human…

With that, the black king delivered a punch to me, yet it had no effect whatsoever. I remained unaffected and undeterred…

The black king: ?!...

In response, I delivered a forceful punch, sending “him” reeling backward. I turned my attention to Rythmeus…

Me: Rythmeus! Join me! Let us defeat “him” together!

Rythmeus locked eyes with me…

Rythmeus: Yes!

Rythmeus rose to his feet and approached me. I then turned my gaze to Derek and Eve…

Me: Derek and Eve! Stand with us! Let us fight together and overcome “him”!

Derek and Eve joined us, standing by my side. We formed a united front. And then, as one, we charged at the black king. Derek and Eve unleashed a barrage of punches, striking “him”

relentlessly. They swiftly withdrew, allowing Rythmeus to take the lead. Rythmeus launched himself at the black king, delivering a devastating blow that sent “him” crashing to the ground…

As “he” lay there, flames began to emanate from “his” body…

Rythmeus: LIRAN! Do it now!

Seizing the moment, I propelled myself towards the black king, unleashing a punch of unparalleled might and power. The impact shattered and obliterated the black king completely…

The black king let out a resounding, unholy scream… And then, a brilliant burst of light engulfed the area. As the radiance dissipated, there stood no trace of the black king before us.

In “his” palace, the black king ceased to exist. “He” was utterly eradicated, reduced to nothingness and even less than that…

“He” couldn’t heal from the erasure of “his” plot because his powers were nullified…

The black king is vanquished.

We emerged victorious.




Chapter 64: Thank you.:

We have vanquished the ebony monarch, and this accomplishment was a collective endeavor.

As Rythmeus, Eve, and Derek alighted upon the terrestrial realm, they drew near to my presence.

Now they stand in silent accord behind me.

In that moment, I pivoted and fixed my gaze upon them…

Myself: We have triumphed…

Rythmeus: Indeed, we are cognizant of our victory over ‘him’; this is undeniably an extraordinary juncture…

Derek: What course of action shall we pursue henceforth?...

Myself: Frankly, I am bereft of any concrete notion; for now, we may simply luxuriate in repose…

Eve: So, in actuality, we have successfully overcome that ‘entity’? Can we now seek respite?

Myself: It appears so… yes…

Eve’s countenance softened with an assuaging smile upon hearing those words…

Eve: How remarkable it is! We have accomplished this feat together – you, me, Rythmeus, and Derek. We ought to be profoundly proud of ourselves…

Me: well, lets just hug eachother…

Eve: id like to hug you first~

Eve then approached me, shes now infront of me and shortly after, she then kneeled down and pulled me closer to her with her arms, pulling my head and burying it between her massive breasts…

After a few moments, Eve disengaged, rising to her feet.

Derek then approached me, and we embraced briefly before parting, following which he extended his hand, signaling a gesture of a handshake.

Derek: Thank you.

Myself: You’re most welcome…

I proceeded to shake Derek’s hand, our palms connected for a few seconds before we released our grip. Subsequently, I turned my gaze towards Rythmeus…

Myself: Rythmeus, I must express my gratitude to you as well. Our achievement would not have been possible without your presence.

Rythmeus then drew closer, assuming “his” former guise, shedding the counterfeit façade, now standing a few meters ahead of me.

Rythmeus: Liran, I am grateful for the fortuitous encounter with you and your comrades.

Humanity possesses a remarkable essence. Come closer…

Rythmeus raised one of “his” tentacles, extending it towards me. As it reached me, the tentacle encircled my body, firmly embracing and pulling me closer to Rythmeus.

Once I was in close proximity, Rythmeus enfolded me tightly, my head nestled between “his”

colossal pectoral muscles.

After a brief interlude, Rythmeus gently released me, retracting the tentacle that had enveloped my form. I now stood upon the sandy terrain.

Myself: Well, what can I say? We have accomplished it! We can now indulge in a period of relaxation…

Rythmeus: What course of action should we pursue henceforth?...

Myself: Honestly, let us venture towards your palace or a similar abode… Additionally, should we inform the foundation of our triumph over the black king?

Rythmeus: Well, that responsibility falls upon you…

Myself: Very well…




NO ONE’S Perspective:

Liran and his companions, through their collective efforts, succeeded in vanquishing the formidable black king himself. This accomplishment underscores the significance of friendship in our personal lives. Even if our circle of friends may be small, their presence can greatly impact and enhance our journey.

Having genuine and supportive friends is invaluable. They play a pivotal role in assisting and enriching our lives. It is essential to extend a helping hand not only to ourselves but also to those around us. We must recognize that individuals may be enduring unseen struggles day after day. Each small step we take, consistently and compassionately, has the power to improve our own lives and contribute to a better world.

Though our time on Earth is limited, we can continuously evolve and strive for self-improvement until the very end. Remember, we have but one life to live, and it is within our reach to effect positive change and leave a lasting impact.


