True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds by liran G - HTML preview

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Chapter 2: the broken door:

After crossing the threshold, prepared for whatever lay ahead, I beheld the lower level.

My thoughts murmured, ‘Curious, this occurrence strikes an unsettling chord within me.’

There it was, the ominous premonition that had always preceded an impending event. I instinctively positioned my right hand near my pocket, where a small blade resided.

Descending the staircase, my senses sharpened, ensuring no surprise assailants would startle my corpulent frame.

Reaching the bottom, I encountered a corridor branching off into two directions. The initial path revealed a securely locked door, while the second route extended to the left, preceding the aforementioned entrance.

Pondering for a moment, I resolved, ‘Indeed, I shall venture leftward.’

Thus, commencing my stride towards the door, just before reaching it, I abruptly veered to the left, where a stairway came into view.

Progressing towards the ascent, I ascended the steps until eventually, an open doorway granting access to the outside materialized before me.

Stepping into the open air, I perused my surroundings, casting my gaze to the right, where an enigmatic door beckoned my attention.

Perplexed, I muttered, ‘What in the world…’

Observing the slightly ajar door, an uncanny sensation stirred within me, as if an unseen presence lurked behind its threshold.

Compelled to investigate further, I advanced toward the door, only for it to abruptly slam shut with an audacious force.

Startled, I exclaimed!

In that moment, a notification chimed from my mobile device. Retrieving the device, I beheld a message from an unknown sender.

Tapping the message, I unraveled its contents.

Unknown: Divert your gaze to the right.

Message concluded.

Complying with the cryptic directive, I shifted my attention and discovered the second door wide open.

Frustrated, I muttered, ‘Aside from this entrance, it seems there is no alternative. It appears I have no choice.’

Turning towards the right, I approached the door, brandishing my knife and proceeding cautiously.

Passing through the portal, I found myself traversing a hallway leading leftward. Continuing my path, I weaved through various directions until an additional door to the left and another path to the right came into view.

A crimson hue caught my attention, and upon closer inspection, I discovered a macabre sight—

bloodstains splayed across the ground.

Taken aback, I exclaimed, ‘Good heavens… this defies all comprehension.’

And then, suddenly…


The door behind me flung open with great force. Swiftly pivoting, I stood aghast, beholding a humanoid figure—a grotesque, zombie-like being.

To my dismay, the creature clutched a knife.

Surprised, I stammered, ‘What on earth?!’

The creature lunged at me, launching a frenzied assault. Yet, regaining my composure, I swiftly evaded its blows, retaliating with a swift slash across its chest.

Momentarily, the creature recoiled.

Seizing the opportunity, I commanded, ‘Now!’

Summoning all my strength, I propelled myself toward the creature, thrusting my knife into its skull, vanquishing it. The creature slumped lifelessly to the ground.

Taking a moment to recover, I examined the grotesque being before me.

Uttering in disbelief, ‘What in the name of all that is holy… What were those abominations?!

Should I seek assistance?’

Raising my phone with my left hand, I dialed the authorities, yet my efforts yielded no response.

Frustrated, I muttered, ‘Damn it! It seems I must find my own way out.’

Averting my gaze from the lifeless creature, I surveyed my surroundings, fixating on the source from which it had emerged. My eyes caught sight of a ladder, leading downward into what appeared to be a sewer.

With a mix of exasperation and determination, I approached the ladder, peering down into the murky depths below. The pungent odor of filth assaulted my senses, but I braced myself for what lay ahead.

Descending the rungs, I found myself within the confines of a labyrinthine sewer system.

Navigating through its convoluted passageways, I followed various directions until a ladder emerged into view.

Ascending the ladder, I found myself facing a door. Summoning a glimmer of hope, I cautiously reached for the handle, and to my relief, it yielded.

Sighing with gratitude, I stepped through the door, finding myself in yet another corridor with diverging paths—one to the left and one to the right. A familiar sense of unease washed over me, prompting me to grasp my knife once more, prepared for any potential danger.

Moving forward with measured steps, I strained to discern any peculiar sounds. Suddenly, a strange noise pierced the silence, causing me to take a step back in alarm. It was then that I noticed a knife hurtling through the air, narrowly missing me. Its origin was the left side of the corridor.

Reacting swiftly, I lunged toward the left, clutching my knife tightly. And there, before my eyes, stood another deformed figure—this time wielding a sledgehammer with both hands.

Caught between fear and resolve, I hurled my knife with all my might, its trajectory finding its mark in the creature’s skull. It collapsed, life extinguished.

Uttering a bewildered cry, I pondered, ‘What in the world are these abominations? What unfathomable phenomenon engulfs me? Is this all some twisted jest?’

Drawing nearer to the fallen creature’s corpse, I peered down at it, reclaiming my knife from its skull.

Determined to escape this nightmarish realm, I turned my back on the grotesque scene and proceeded along the alternate path, maneuvering through the labyrinth of passageways until, at long last, a door materialized before me.

With trepidation, I gingerly turned the knob, and to my relief, the door swung open.

Exclaiming with a mix of relief and mild amusement, I murmured, ‘Thank the heavens… the thought of it being locked—how laughable.’

Passing through the threshold, I found myself once again in a corridor, offering two diverging routes—one leading to the left, the other to the right. An unsettling sensation resurfaced, tugging at my senses, causing me to clutch my knife tighter.

Proceeding with caution, I embarked on a deliberate exploration of these two paths. Suddenly, an eerie sound reached my ears, causing me to take a step back, and there, in front of me, a knife embedded itself into the wall.

It had been hurled from the left side.

Without a moment’s hesitation, I lunged toward the left, knife in hand, only to confront yet another deformed humanoid figure—this time armed with a sledgehammer grasped firmly in its hands.

Surprised and alarmed, I swiftly launched my knife toward the creature’s skull, using every ounce of strength within me. It struck its mark with deadly precision, and the creature collapsed, vanquished.

Perplexed and overcome with a maelstrom of emotions, I approached the lifeless form, retrieving my knife from its resting place.

Realizing the urgency of my escape, I turned away from the fallen creature and pressed forward, navigating through the winding passages, making a series of calculated turns. Finally, a glimmer of hope emerged—a ladder came into view.

Climbing up the ladder, I reached the top, where a door awaited me. With a mix of anticipation and apprehension, I grasped the doorknob and turned it. To my relief, it opened without resistance.

Uttering a grateful expression, I entered the room, finding myself in a familiar hallway adorned with multiple doors on either side, reminiscent of the layout etched within my memory.

Reflecting upon my surroundings, I murmured, “Ah, yes… this place I know all too well. From here, I can find my way out.”

Keeping a firm grip on my knife, I embarked upon the corridor, exploring each room as I moved along. Memories of my grandmother’s former residence flooded my mind, evoking both nostalgia and a longing for her presence—may she rest in peace, wherever she may be in the realm beyond.

While gazing at the building before me, I noticed a ladder ascending to the third floor, adjacent to a balcony. Motivated by a glimmer of hope, I climbed the ladder, steadily making my way towards the third-floor balcony, eventually reaching it.

Surveying the scene, I discovered grand windows that beckoned to be opened. Acting upon the impulse, I pushed them open, granting passage into the apartment.

Stepping inside, I found myself in a familiar hallway leading to a grand door at the end, accompanied by several smaller doors on either side—just as I had remembered.

Reflecting on my journey thus far, I contemplated, “Ah, yes… I know this place intimately. From here, I can chart my path to freedom.”




Chapter 3: the apartment:

I paused for a moment, recollecting the architectural features of the building. It comprised four floors, with each floor boasting a corridor leading to a sizable door. Upon entering through said door, one would find staircases and an elevator facilitating access to different levels.

My objective within this particular edifice was to descend to the first floor and make my exit, hoping to ascertain my next course of action.

Presently positioned on the third floor, I gazed toward the corridor culminating in the prominent door at its end. To my right, a pathway led to an elevator.

Myself: Let’s explore…

I approached the elevator, endeavoring to ascertain its functionality. After several attempts, it became apparent that it was non-operational.

Returning to the corridor, I began inspecting each door, searching for any that might be unlocked. Eventually, I discovered one.

Myself: Hm?

Stepping into the room, I found myself in a well-appointed kitchen, accompanied by several smaller bedrooms and a living room replete with a television.

Proceeding to the kitchen, my eyes fell upon a key bearing the inscription “at the end of the hallway.” In that moment, I surmised that this key likely granted access through the prominent door.

Before departing, I conducted a thorough search of the small apartment, hoping to uncover additional items of interest and, perhaps, some means of defense. Having encountered the peculiar zombie-like creatures, I harbored a premonition that I may confront them again.

It was a certainty.

While scouring the third floor, I fortuitously stumbled upon a pistol, accompanied by seven magazines.

Myself: Remarkable… This could prove useful.

Slipping the firearm into my right pocket, ensuring it remained within easy reach of my right hand, I readied myself for any potential encounters within the apartment.

Approaching the imposing door, I inserted the key I had found, and true to my recollection, a flight of stairs awaited me, offering both ascension and descent, alongside the presence of an elevator.

Descending to the second floor, a sense of unease gripped me once more, and suddenly…


Swiftly turning to my left, I beheld a grotesque creature that emitted a bloodcurdling roar before lunging at me.

Myself: Blast it!

Leaping away from the creature’s oncoming attack, I tumbled to the ground, swiftly retrieving my pistol and unloading several rounds into the creature until it ceased Its assault.

I pondered the origin and existence of these aberrations. It seemed as if reality itself was warping or, perhaps, the elderly man I had encountered earlier… was he somehow involved?...

Was this a meticulously orchestrated scheme?... I simply couldn’t fathom. Nevertheless, an instinctual certainty compelled me to believe that further encounters with these creatures lay ahead.

Regaining my footing, I proceeded downstairs to the first floor, where I laid eyes upon a main door leading to the outside.

Myself: Thank goodness…

Approaching the door, I tested its resistance, but despite several attempts, it remained steadfast.

Myself: Damn it… How shall I escape this predicament?! Perhaps a key is required? Or perchance I need to find a way to forcefully breach it?... Damn it all.

Glancing behind me, I espied the towering door leading to the corridor of interconnected rooms. Making my way toward it, I discovered, to my relief, that it stood ajar.

As I explored the first floor, my senses heightened, scanning for any open doors that might reveal something of value. Suddenly, my attention was drawn to a door, its surface marred by the presence of blood.

At that moment, my phone chimed with a notification. Retrieving the device, I read a message from an unknown sender:

Unknown: Enter.

The conclusion of the message left me with a sickening sensation, as if nausea threatened to overtake me. Gripping my pistol tightly, I entered a state of utmost vigilance.

Pushing open the bloodstained door, I cautiously stepped inside. What I witnessed within the confined space of the small dwelling was enough to make me retch. Every inch of the house was drenched in blood—an inexplicable sight that defied rational explanation. The kitchen, the walls, the ceiling, and even the rooms were all tainted by the repulsive crimson fluid.

Moving through the gruesome spectacle, I maintained a firm grip on my weapon, my senses on high alert. I spotted a closed door that likely led to a bedroom and, without hesitation, I forcefully kicked it open. As anticipated, the room revealed itself to be a small bedroom, its surfaces soaked in blood.

Upon the bed, a piece of paper caught my attention. It bore four numbers inscribed upon it:

“4, 8, 2, 1”

A realization dawned upon me—I understood the purpose of these numbers. They were likely the code to operate the elevator located near the staircase.

Folding the paper, I secured it within my pocket. Just then, a crash echoed through the air, accompanied by a piercing scream.

Myself: !!!

Swiftly pivoting, I exited the blood-drenched bedroom, scanning my surroundings with a sense of urgency. Left and right, nothing greeted my eyes.

Without delay, I hastened my departure from the macabre abode, an eerie sensation clinging to my very being. As I stepped out into the open, I glanced to my left, only to encounter the sight of two of those abhorrent creatures charging towards me.

With precision, I aimed my pistol, swiftly dispatching one of the fiends. However, the second creature pounced upon me, slamming me against the wall, causing my pistol to fall to the floor.

Myself: UGH!...

As I peered at the towering creature pinning me against the wall, its immense stature and muscular frame became apparent. Standing at a towering height of about 6’7”, it exuded a formidable presence. Its enraged countenance revealed rows of menacing shark-like teeth, accompanied by drooling saliva.

Summoning all my strength, I swiftly attempted to dislodge the creature, delivering a powerful punch to its liver region, followed by an uppercut to its menacing face. The impact forced the creature to stagger backward, giving me a momentary reprieve.

Seizing the opportunity, I sprinted toward my fallen pistol, reclaiming it with haste. Wasting no time, I emptied my first magazine into the beast, relentlessly firing until the monstrous abomination succumbed and collapsed lifelessly.

I gasped for breath, my chest heaving with exertion.

Myself: What are these creatures?! Are they… demons?

Taking a moment to compose myself, I reloaded my pistol, now left with only six magazines remaining.

Myself: Hm… I need to reach that elevator now that I have these numbers.

Returning to the prominent door at the end of the hallway, I opened it, stepping into the area with the stairs and the elevator. As I moved through the space, searching for an elevator upon which I could input the numerical code, I eventually located one on the fourth floor.

Now standing before the elevator, my eyes focused on the keypad.

Myself: Alright… the numbers are…

With a deliberate motion, I retrieved the paper from my pocket, carefully unfolding it.

Myself: 4, 8, 2, 1…

Returning the paper to its place in my pocket, I shifted my attention back to the keypad, fingers poised to input the sequence. With each key pressed, a sense of anticipation gripped me until, finally, success.

The elevator whirred to life, its mechanism reactivated, ready to transport me to the desired destination.

Myself: Okay…

Before stepping into the elevator, a foreboding sensation overcame me. I felt an impending sense of danger, yet there seemed to be no other option available.

Reluctantly, I entered the elevator, aware that my fate would soon be determined.

A few seconds passed as I waited patiently for the elevator to reach its destination. Finally, it came to a halt, and the doors slid open, revealing a nightmarish scene.

Stepping out of the elevator, I surveyed the surroundings with growing horror. It was as if I had entered an alternate version of the stairs and elevator, except everything was drenched in blood. The elevator, the stairs, the walls, and even the ceiling were shrouded in a macabre crimson hue. The stench that permeated the air was repulsive, assaulting my senses.

I couldn’t help but feel traumatized by the gruesome sight before me. The stairs seemed to lead only downward, into the unknown depths below.

Myself: Oh God…

An already unsettling feeling escalated to sheer terror. There was no choice but to continue descending. Gripping my gun tightly, fear coursing through my veins, I proceeded down the stairs, one “floor” at a time.

After descending several levels, I encountered a sprawling hallway that extended to the right at its end.

Myself: …

With trepidation, I ventured toward the ominous hallway, my heart pounding in my chest. Step by step, I advanced, reaching the end, where the other path branched off.

Cautiously, I peered ahead, noticing a straight corridor that led to a massive door.

Without hesitation, I pressed forward, reaching the door and pushing it open. Stepping inside, I found myself in a dimly lit room spanning 25 meters in length. As I entered, the door behind me mysteriously closed, sealing me inside.

Then, to my astonishment, the lights flickered to life.

Myself: !!!

In that moment, my eyes widened in shock as I beheld a colossal creature. Standing at an imposing height of approximately 10 feet, its immense form dominated the room. The creature held a menacing mace in its grasp, its presence exuding a palpable sense of danger.

The creature charged at me, wielding its massive mace, but I swiftly evaded its attack, moving out of harm’s way. As I glanced at its back, I noticed a prominent bulge, suggesting that it might be the creature’s vulnerability. I had to exploit that weak spot and destroy it.

Turning its attention back to me, the creature prepared to strike once more. I needed to create an opportunity to strike its weak point.

Me: Come on, you colossal fiend!

The creature let out a deafening roar, its mind consumed by rage. Despite its brute strength, I knew that by strategizing and working smart, I could overcome this formidable adversary.

As the creature lunged towards me, swinging its mace with tremendous force, I deftly evaded its attack, causing the weapon to collide with a metal wall, nearly shattering it. Seizing the moment, I aimed my gun at the vulnerable bump on the creature’s back and fired, eliciting a pained scream from the beast.


For several minutes, I exerted all my efforts, deftly avoiding the creature’s relentless assaults while relentlessly targeting its weak spot. With every ounce of strength, I relentlessly attacked.

Finally, the bump was destroyed.

The creature stood frozen for a moment, unleashing a bone-chilling roar. It dropped its mace to the ground, clutching its own head before tearing it from its body, collapsing lifeless onto the floor.

The sight of such a gruesome spectacle left me even more traumatized, but my exhaustion was overwhelming. I felt my strength waning, and pain coursed through my body.

Overwhelmed by the sheer ordeal, I couldn’t hold back any longer. I vomited and collapsed onto the ground, succumbing to unconsciousness.




Chapter 4: the doctor:


Upon regaining consciousness following my arduous battle with the demonic entity, I gradually opened my eyes, rousing from my state of unconsciousness.

The Initial observation that struck me immediately was that I found myself reclined within an unfamiliar chamber.

Myself: What on earth….

As I gradually regained full consciousness, I began to sense a certain presence or an entity within this room that accompanied me.

Gazing upwards, I beheld an individual donning a respirator mask.

In that moment, my instincts became heightened and erratic, compelling me to brandish my firearm and aim it directly at the doctor.

Myself: Pray tell, who might you be?!

The doctor swiftly elevated both hands in an act of self-defense.

The doctor: Please refrain from discharging your weapon! I assure you, I am not aligned with those malevolent beings!

Surveying our surroundings, I scrutinized the room we occupied and observed the presence of two distinct doors. The first door stood adjacent to the doctor, while the second door resided on the opposite side.

Myself: Not one of them?.... Have you also encountered these entities?

The doctor: Yes, indeed, I am not associated with these creatures… I implore you, kindly lower your weapon.

I proceeded to slowly holster my firearm in my pocket.

Curiously enough, despite the doctor’s voice being obscured by the gas mask, there was an uncanny familiarity about it… He seemed oddly recognizable.

Myself: How did I come to be in this place?... How did you stumble upon me?... And how did you manage to locate that accursed apartment? Are you acquainted with these abominations?

The doctor: Look, let us momentarily set aside these inquiries. Instead, let us direct our attention to the present moment. You are presently alive and in good health, and that is what truly matters.

Furthermore, yes, I have indeed encountered these creatures, just as you have. I must admit, I am astonished by your survival.

Myself: Very well…

Upon inspecting the doctor’s attire, my gaze fell upon a discernible name tag that read: “Eric Alexander, Psychiatrist.”

In that instant, I realized the identity of the person before me.

Myself: Eric?... Is it truly you? I am Liran! Do you remember?

Eric turned his gaze towards me and nodded.

Eric: Indeed, it is you… You have grown significantly since we last met. I am genuinely pleased to see you.

A smile adorned my face.

Myself: It has been quite some time… We crossed paths over a year ago, and yet you still remember me? I am truly grateful, hehe.

Eric: Yes, it has been a considerable length of time. However, I am afraid I cannot engage in further conversation at present. I must depart, but we shall meet again.

Myself: Wait… So abruptly? Please, do not leave me here!

Eric proceeded to open the nearby door, entered it, and promptly closed and locked it behind him.

Myself: Blast it all…”

Dr. Eric is an intriguing individual whom I had the fortune of encountering.

Eric is a highly skilled psychiatrist, specializing in the realm of mental health and various physiological conditions.

Our paths crossed due to the presence of inexplicable and distressing emotions that had plagued me. Interestingly enough, despite the distress, these feelings played a pivotal role in safeguarding me from imminent danger. I vividly recall our conversations during that period.


I found myself seated in Eric’s office, which was adorned with a desk, a computer, shelves filled with books, and all the trappings commonly associated with the realm of psychiatry.

I sat across from Eric, who was also seated, attentively observing me with a gentle smile.

Eric: Greetings, Liran. Please, do share with me what these “feelings” you have been experiencing entail.

Myself: Well, it’s rather peculiar. At times, I sense a disconcerting sensation in my stomach or experience intense nervousness and an inexplicable sense of pressure, seemingly without any specific cause. These sensations occur randomly and without warning.

Eric: So, when you experience these sensations, do they imply that something negative is inevitably about to occur?

Myself: Well, when I feel those sensations, it’s as if an urge compels me to take action. It’s a strong impulse, and I’ve grown accustomed to it over time.

Eric: What if you were to allow yourself to experience those sensations without acting upon them? Have you ever tried simply observing them without responding?

Myself: I honestly don’t know. I’ve never really remained still and allowed whatever comes next to unfold without my intervention.

Eric: I see. What do you believe triggered the emergence and development of these sensations within you? Have you experienced any traumatic events or are you perhaps a victim of abuse?

Myself: Well, I can’t say for certain, but when I was four years old, my father passed away due to cardiac arrest.

Eric: Please accept my condolences. If I may inquire further, how did the rest of your family, particularly those residing in the same household, treat you? Were you subjected to any form of abuse?

Myself: Well, I don’t have any siblings. It was just my mother and me. Unfortunately, she treated me poorly for the most part.

Eric: Really? If you feel comfortable sharing, could you provide more details?

Myself: My mother had a close relationship with my father, and his passing deeply affected her.

I’m not entirely certain if that was the direct cause of her mistreatment, but she began to take medication for depression, anxiety, and other related conditions.

Eric: I understand. However, could you elaborate on what your mother did to you?

Myself: She would constantly yell at me, often blaming me for things I hadn’t done. She would guilt-trip me and, on occasion, even resort to physical violence.

Eric: I’m sorry to hear that. Did she subject you to further mistreatment?

I started to feel overwhelmed, and at this point, I didn’t have the desire to continue discussing these matters.

Myself: I… I don’t want to talk about this anymore.

Eric nodded understandingly.

Eric: I completely understand, and I won’t push you any further. You’ve already shared a portion of your experiences, and I appreciate your willingness to do so.

Eric continued, shifting the focus to a different topic.

Eric: Moving on, aside from that, how are you doing? Is your mental state relatively stable? Are you finding enjoyment in life? How do you perceive the meaning of life?

Myself: Well, my mental state is… alright, I suppose. As for the meaning of life, I honestly don’t know. I just live day by day, taking things as they come.

Eric: Really? So you approach life with a sense of living in the present and finding relaxation? Do you contemplate the existence of a deeper meaning or perhaps the existence of a higher power?

Myself: I have pondered such questions before. The meaning of life is something uncertain to me. People offer various interpretations, but the truth is, no one truly knows. As for believing in a god… I don’t have a definitive answer. I don’t hold strong beliefs in the existence of a god. It’s difficult to say with certainty, as we lack concrete evidence.

I continued expressing my thoughts.

Myself: Even if there were a god, I wouldn’t feel compelled to worship or find meaning in it. I’m referring to the notion of a true, actual god, not the gods that are said to walk among us. It’s my life, and if I have free will, then I prefer to find joy and live without the burden of constant contemplation of a god. That’s essentially how I view it.

Eric: I see. You have an intriguing mind and unique perspective. I appreciate your honesty. I must admit, I’m not the biggest advocate of organized religion or the concept of a god either.

Myself: Well, at least we have discovered something about each other. Hehe.


Myself: Eric truly was an intriguing individual. It’s unfortunate that he left me here in this situation, but I suppose there’s nothing I can do about it now.

I stood up, my attention drawn to the second door in the room. With a sense of curiosity, I approached it and turned the handle, revealing a stairway beyond. Without hesitation, I ascended the stairs, following them until I reached another door. Opening it, I stepped through, finding myself now outside.




Chapter 5: Looking for the train:

After conversing with Eric and venturing outside, I began to wander the desolate streets. The fresh air was a welcome change, although the emptiness and eerie silence felt surreal. It was the middle of the night, and not a soul could be seen apart from myself, which only added to the unsettling atmosphere.

Despite the unusual circumstances, I still had the pressing need to return to my mother’s house.

I realized that I needed to find a way back, and a memory from the past resurfaced. I recalled my friends and me navigating through this very area, but I couldn’t recall how we had arrived here without access to a car or any means of transportation.

Then it hit me—we had used the trains.

With this realization, I took out my phone and consulted the GPS, discovering a train station a few minutes away on foot. Relief washed over me, knowing there was a viable option to make my way back. However, I also remembered the urgency of finding medication for my mother, knowing that most stores were likely closed at this late hour.

I continued walking through the streets, scanning for any signs of open establishments. After some time, I reached a relatively new street, with a broad road leading to a train station. It caught my attention, as upon entering the station, there appeared to be an underground passage leading to the train platforms themselves.

In that unsettling moment, a surge of fear washed over me, causing me to instinctively take a few steps back. Suddenly, the sound of a gunshot pierced the air, startling me further.

Miraculously, the bullet narrowly missed me, but the proximity of the shot sent chills down my spine.

Reacting swiftly, I began to run, seeking cover behind a nearby tree. My heart raced as I clutched onto my gun tightly, my senses heightened, anticipating any further danger. The sound of more gunshots rang out, prompting me to dash towards a parked car for additional shelter and concealment.

As I cautiously peered over the car, my eyes widened in disbelief and horror. It was another one of those grotesque creatures, but this time it was armed with a gun. The realization that they had acquired weapons sent a chilling shiver down my spine.

Reacting swiftly, I quickly dropped back down and took cover behind the car, narrowly avoiding a hail of bullets that riddled the vehicle. The creature paused to reload, providing me with a brief moment of opportunity. With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I mustered all my focus and determination. As soon as the creature was vulnerable, I rose from my hiding spot and swiftly aimed for its head, pulling the trigger without hesitation. The gunshot resonated through the air, and the creature’s lifeless body collapsed to the ground.

Breathing heavily, I surveyed the street, my eyes darting from one corner to another, ensuring that no other creatures were lurking nearby. For the time being, it seemed that I was alone, but the looming possibility of more creatures hidden in the shadows kept me on high alert.

I proceeded to the train station, swiftly opening the door and stepping inside. As I descended the stairs, I encountered the ticket checkers, managing to pass by them without any obstacles.

As I continued my journey through the station, an overwhelming sense of unease washed over me once again. My footsteps slowed, and my movements became more cautious. Approaching the area where the trains were stationed, my senses heightened, and then, the piercing sound of a gunshot shattered the air.

Reacting instantly, I sought cover behind a nearby wall, my heart pounding in my chest.

Confusion and concern enveloped me until I caught sight of someone familiar on the other side of the station. It was Eric.

My mind raced with questions. How did Eric end up here? Was he the one who fired the gunshot? The mix of relief and apprehension overwhelmed me as I cautiously observed his presence, unsure of his intentions and the circumstances that had brought us to this encounter.

As I cautiously emerged from my hiding spot, my mind raced with disbelief and confusion. Eric’s cold and callous words echoed in my mind, leaving me stunned. Had he truly killed someone, a fellow human being? The gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon me.

Taking a deep breath, I made my way to the other side of the station where Eric had been standing. Climbing the stairs, I braced myself for what awaited me. As I reached the top, I beheld the lifeless body of the person Eric had shot.

Grief and shock flooded over me as I looked upon the fallen human. It was a stark reminder of the darkness that had enveloped our world, where survival seemed to override all other considerations. I couldn’t help but question the circumstances that had led Eric to this point, the choices he had made, and the path he had taken.

Feeling a heavy weight upon my shoulders, I knew that I had to continue forward, navigate this treacherous world, and make sense of the chaos surrounding me. The journey ahead seemed even more uncertain and perilous now, but I steeled myself, determined to find answers and strive for a semblance of hope in the midst of this bleak reality.

Myself: What?... Why would Eric engage in such behavior?!... That individual appeared presentable; he did not resemble one of these beings.

I experienced a profound sense of fear and indignation when Eric ended the life of that individual… Why would he commit such an act? Could it be that the human provoked some form of transgression?... I sought answers to clarify the situation.

Regardless of that, I still needed to return to my mother’s abode utilizing one of these railway systems.

Regrettably, these trains had been deactivated, necessitating my presence in a control room located somewhere within the station in order to reactivate them.

After a considerable amount of time spent overcoming barriers, exercising patience, and encountering some of these eccentric creatures, I succeeded in locating the control room, and astonishingly enough… the door was ajar.

Subsequently, I entered the control room.

After thoroughly investigating and observing the array of buttons, I managed to discern the appropriate controls for activating the train on the left side (the direction aligned with my intended destination).

Prior to depressing the button, I noticed a message displayed above it, stating:

“After activation, the train will require approximately 10 minutes to initiate operation.”

Myself: At long last…

Subsequently, I proceeded to depress the button.

Following the activation and a brief walk to the train, I noticed that one of the train doors could be opened. Consequently, I proceeded to open the door and boarded the train.

I located a seat within the train and settled myself.

Soon after, an automated announcement emanated from the train.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we kindly request your patience as the train prepares to depart in a few minutes. Please take this opportunity to relax.”

Myself: Yes, yes… let us commence the journey promptly.

After a few minutes had elapsed, the train commenced its motion.

Time has elapsed, and I find myself seated on the train, demonstrating patience as I await my arrival at the train station near my mother’s residence.

During this period of repose, I began reflecting upon the sequence of events that have unfolded thus far.

My thoughts wander: Goodness gracious, what in the world has transpired recently? I was involved in a regrettable automobile collision, only to awaken in an unfamiliar and desolate location. Then, I found myself encountering and battling against those abominations, those diabolical entities that have persistently pursued my demise.

And Eric… He callously extinguished the life of that innocent individual without any apparent justification. While I remain ignorant of his motives, an ominous intuition begins to take hold within me. Could it be that Eric is somehow linked to this calamity? Is he the mastermind behind the creation of these monstrous beings? Alas, I am bereft of certitude.

What if all of this… is nothing more than a figment of my imagination? Perhaps, it is a grand illusion, a vivid dream.

My mind is plagued with confusion, and I yearn for answers. At the very least, upon my return to my mother’s abode, I hope to unveil the next chapter of this perplexing saga.

Me: ?!

An unsettling noise, reminiscent of a shattering window, resonated through the air. Strangely enough, it emanated from the carriage positioned behind the one I currently occupied.

A dreadful premonition gripped my being, compelling me to investigate the source of the disturbance. With a deep breath to steady my nerves, I mustered the courage to open the door leading to the suspicious carriage, weapon in hand.

Upon entering, my eyes fell upon two grotesque creatures, fixated on me with malicious intent, hurtling in my direction. Swiftly evading their attacks, I retaliated, unleashing a barrage of gunfire that brought about their swift demise.


Yet another window shattered, granting entry to two more of these abominations. From whence they emerged, I cannot fathom.

To my astonishment, one of the creatures brandished a firearm, while the other wielded a menacing sword. Without delay, the armed creature took aim in my direction. Instinctively, I sought cover and swiftly crouched behind one of the nearby chairs, seeking refuge from the imminent threat.

With deftness and precision, I swiftly adjusted my position, granting me an advantageous angle to neutralize the remaining creature. My shot found its mark, resulting in the demise of the menacing being.

As I rose to my feet, my attention fixated on the solitary creature remaining—a formidable adversary armed with a menacing sword. Emitting an earth-shaking roar, it lunged towards me, delivering lightning-fast strikes with its blade. Through nimble evasive maneuvers, I narrowly avoided a fatal blow, though its strike left a gash across my chest, inflicting pain but not causing a critical injury.

Gritting my teeth, I retaliated with an aggressive kick, disarming the creature and forcing it to relinquish its weapon. Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly pulled the trigger, obliterating the creature with a single shot from my firearm.

With each confrontation and subsequent dispatching of these abominable creatures, I found myself standing alone, the sole survivor in this nightmarish ordeal.

Breathless and filled with a sense of harrowing dread, I felt an overwhelming sensation of impending doom envelop me.

Suddenly, the train jolted violently, quaking with an intensity that foreboded a catastrophic crash.

Cursing under my breath, I instinctively held on tightly, desperately clinging to hope for survival as the train hurtled towards its inevitable collision.

And then…





Chapter 6: Im still alive:


After the train crash, which happened near the woods.

The carriage that liran was in was upside down… and liran quickly wakes up after the impact.


Upon regaining consciousness following the train’s unfortunate derailment, I became aware that the compartment I occupied had been rendered completely inverted, defying the laws of gravity. Miraculously, however, I found myself among the living.

In a moment of bewildered disbelief, I uttered expletives, struggling to comprehend the calamity that had unfolded before me. It dawned on me that immediate escape from the wreckage was imperative.

Surveying my surroundings, I discerned a fractured window, its shattered fragments serving as a portal to freedom. Approaching it with caution, I proceeded to navigate my way through the jagged aperture.

Emerging from the confines of the train, I found myself in close proximity to the wreckage. As I took in my new environment, a sense of profound uncertainty enveloped me.

Me: Astonishing! What could have precipitated such a catastrophic event?

I persisted in my examination of the surroundings.

Me: It appears that the train met its unfortunate demise in close proximity to this wooded area.

Familiarity dawned upon me, as I recognized these woods. Notably, my mother’s abode lies not far from this very thicket.

Driven by determination, I ventured into the forest, realizing the necessity of acquiring a light source to illuminate my path through the darkness.

Subsequently, I retrieved my phone, which astonishingly remained unscathed despite the havoc that had unfolded.

Me: Indeed, this resilient phone has proven its mettle. Hehe.

I activated the flashlight feature, casting its luminous beam to guide my onward journey.

As minutes turned into moments, I traversed the woodland terrain with nimble leaps, deftly maneuvering around fallen trees and various impediments.

The passage of time continued, and my footsteps carried me deeper into the thicket until, from a considerable distance of hundreds of meters, a familiar sight caught my eye—a mental hospital, the very institution where I had previously resided under the care of Dr. Eric.

Contemplating the situation, a thought emerged within me—I could potentially find the much-needed medication within those walls.

With renewed purpose, I commenced my approach toward the mental hospital. However, an unsettling sensation washed over me when I spotted a figure near the entrance gate. This disquietude compelled me to seek refuge behind a nearby tree, concealing myself from view.

Me: Who could that possibly be…?

With a closer inspection, to my disbelief, I discerned that the figure was none other than Eric himself—the very individual responsible for my past treatment.

My mind raced with confusion. Why would he be present in this location? What could have prompted his presence here?

Maintaining my concealed position, I watched in disbelief as Eric proceeded to unlock the gate, brandishing a firearm before ruthlessly eliminating the unsuspecting guard who had been resting nearby.

Utter shock consumed me. I struggled to comprehend Eric’s motives. This inexplicable behavior painted a picture of a man unhinged, further solidifying his classification as deranged.

Gathering my wits, I ceased my covert stance and cautiously approached the entrance of the mental hospital.

As I crossed the threshold of the gate, the lifeless body of the fallen guard met my eyes, invoking a profound sense of horror within me.

Overwhelmed by the gruesome sight, I uttered a curse under my breath, for this grisly scene unfolded before me as a testament to the depths of human depravity.

With caution, I proceeded to enter the mental hospital, gently swinging open its doors. I found myself now within the confines of the building.

Taking a moment to assess my surroundings, I surveyed the area with a thoughtful gaze.

Me: Hm…

Memories of the hospital’s layout resurfaced in my mind, offering me a semblance of familiarity.

The mental hospital, if I recall correctly, consisted of four distinct floors. I currently found myself on the second floor, which also served as an entrance to the outside world, the same location through which I had entered earlier.

The first floor lay beneath, partially underground, housing the control and power room, where activating the electricity was a possibility.

Ascending further, the third floor awaited, positioned directly above my current location.

Lastly, the fourth floor constituted the rooftop, offering a vantage point elevated above the rest of the building.

Armed with this recollection, I prepared myself to navigate the labyrinthine structure, mindful of the challenges that awaited me on each subsequent floor.

Me: Hm…

In that moment, two objectives occupied my thoughts. The first, driven by filial concern, was to locate the much-needed depression medication for my mother. The second, fueled by a deep-seated determination, was to confront and engage the enigmatic figure that was Dr. Eric.

Inner dialogue resounded within me, highlighting the necessity of acquiring the pills while also acknowledging the suspicious nature of Eric’s presence. Determined, I resolved to confront him and unravel the mysteries surrounding his actions.

Embarking on my search, I roamed the second floor, diligently scouring the area for any sign of Eric’s presence. However, to my disappointment, no trace of him could be found. Undeterred, I ascended to the third floor, determined to press forward.

After a few moments of exploration, my attention was captured by a hallway branching in two distinct directions. The first path led to a series of rooms, marking the conclusion of the hallway.

The second path, positioned prior to the rooms, veered towards a different set of corridors, presenting a potential route to follow.

I continued my stride, gradually making my way down the hallway, until I pivoted my gaze to the right direction, only to be greeted by an astonishing sight. Eric stood at the end, confined behind what seemed to be a barred gate or enclosure.

Filled with a mixture of shock and indignation, I approached him, unleashing my mounting frustration with piercing words.

Me: What in the actual fuck are you doing here? You’re completely deranged!

Eric: I anticipated your arrival…

Me: What the hell do you mean by that? I demand answers! All the madness that has befallen me… did you have prior knowledge? Did you orchestrate that goddamn train crash that nearly took my life?

Eric remained silent, his expression inscrutable, only deepening my agitation.

Me: And what about those innocent lives you took? They were human beings! They weren’t the abominations that suddenly emerged from nowhere! I demand answers!

Eric: Listen, I can explain everything that has transpired. But I need you to trust me, to believe that I have your best interests at heart.

Me: Trust you? Why on earth would I do that? After everything that has unfolded?

Eric: I understand that it’s difficult to comprehend, but there is a complex web of circumstances surrounding us. If you allow me, I can shed light on the truth. Please, consider placing your trust in me.

I paused, contemplating my decision carefully.

Me: I’m sorry, but I cannot extend my trust to you. Not after the immense turmoil I’ve experienced. Open that gate.

Eric: I see… im dissapointed in you… liran. You could have done better.

But whatever…

Eric then pulled out a key from his pant’s pocket, throwing it on the ground.

I then crouched down, approaching the key… and then…


I was shot by eric… the bullet hit my left shoulder.

Me: ughh!!.. fuck!...

I then quickly looked up at eric… eric then went to the door next to him, opening it, going through it completely closing it after.

Me: you crazy son of a bitch!... ill kill you!

My left shoulder was aflame with agony… I was compelled to extract the lodged projectile.

Subsequently, I grasped the key, rising to my feet and unlatching the gate.

At that juncture, I found myself at the terminus of the corridor… beholding two doors on either side.

The door to the left was the very one Eric traversed, meticulously shutting it in his wake, While the door to the right beckoned towards an adjoining chamber.

Exclaiming in frustration, I proceeded towards the door on the right, unlatching it and crossing the threshold into an exceedingly diminutive room adorned with a window.

While surveying the room, diligently exploring for any potential resources, I fortuitously stumbled upon a document disclosing the numerical combination required to unlock the door leading to the rooftop. The inscription read as follows: “Code for accessing the rooftop door: 3, 8, 6, 4.”

Taking note of this valuable information, I resolved to commit it to memory.

Continuing my expedition through the third level of the psychiatric facility, it wasn’t long before I chanced upon another piece of paper delineating the locations of rooms housing pharmaceuticals, medical kits, and other indispensable items for maintaining one’s well-being.

Exulting in this serendipitous discovery, I inwardly expressed my satisfaction at finding precisely what I required.

After proceeding to the designated rooms and successfully locating the essential medication required for my mother’s treatment, as well as discovering magazines and ammunition to replenish my arsenal, alongside various implements to facilitate the extraction of the lodged bullet from my shoulder,

Having accomplished these tasks, I adeptly applied a bandage I stumbled upon, effectively alleviating a considerable portion of the discomfort I had previously endured.

Satisfied with the noticeable improvement in my condition, I couldn’t help but acknowledge the lingering need to locate the elusive doctor. It seemed probable that he was concealing himself in some secluded corner, biding his time. If his intention truly was to terminate my existence, it would have been a straightforward task for him to achieve.

Recalling the paper containing the code for the roof, a thought sparked in my mind.

Internal monologue: “While I cannot be certain, there is a possibility that he might be on the roof.”

Motivated by this notion, I ascended to the fourth floor, proceeding towards the roof. Along the way, I encountered a door adorned with a keypad. Opening this door would grant me access to the roof.

Approaching the door, I entered the numerical sequence I had discovered onto the keypad. The device emitted a confirming sound, indicating that the door was now ready to be opened.

Acting upon this, I turned the doorknob and ventured inside, stepping onto the rooftop.

Once on the roof, I beheld its considerable expanse. While surveying the surroundings, my gaze fell upon a familiar figure — the detestable Eric.

With determination burning in my eyes, I confronted Eric.

Me: There you are…

Eric slowly turned around, locking eyes with me.

Me: Your demise is imminent… you are utterly and unequivocally finished!


