True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds by liran G - HTML preview

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Chapter 7: gunfight

Upon witnessing Eric’s evasive actions, my senses heightened, anticipating an impending confrontation. Eric sprinted towards a massive barricade composed of stacked boxes, seeking cover.

Reacting swiftly, I surveyed the area, noticing another substantial cluster of boxes positioned as a barrier opposite the one Eric had taken cover behind.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, my heart raced as I swiftly darted towards the opposing box barricade.

It was evident that a fierce gunfight was on the horizon.

Taking cover behind the protective shield of boxes, I tightly gripped my firearm.

Me: Bring it on!

Eric emerged from cover, attempting to target me with his weapon.

Remaining hidden behind the boxes, I patiently awaited an opportune moment to take aim and strike. However, as I rose to fire at Eric, he adeptly evaded my shots.

Me: Damn it!

Swiftly crouching back down, I bided my time, waiting for the perfect opening.

Seizing a fleeting chance, I stood upright once more, scanning the area for Eric. In a sudden turn of events, Eric also rose, aiming his firearm in my direction. With split-second reflexes, I narrowly evaded his shots, swiftly crouching down once more to maintain my safety.

Me: !!!

After a tense few seconds, I successfully located a favorable vantage point from which to engage Eric. I fired at him, but to my dismay, the shots failed to incapacitate him completely.

Eric: Ugh!

Reacting swiftly, Eric crouched down, utilizing the cover provided by his own wall of boxes.

It dawned upon me that I needed to reload my firearm urgently.

Internal monologue: “Oh no… This battle is going to be a formidable challenge.”

I braced myself mentally for the arduous fight that lay ahead.

After several minutes of engaging in a tense exchange of gunfire, each of us maneuvering and conserving our ammunition, I suddenly realized that my magazines were depleted.

Internal monologue: “What? No… this can’t be happening!”

Just as despair threatened to consume me, an overwhelming sensation compelled me to turn my head to the right. In that instant, my eyes beheld a grotesque creature brandishing a firearm, its malevolent gaze fixed upon me.

Me: !!!

Without hesitation, the creature discharged a shot, narrowly missing my head as I evaded it by a hair’s breadth.

Summoning every ounce of strength and resolve, I launched myself towards the assailant, hurling my pistol with all my might, striking the creature square on the head and sending it crashing to the ground.

Me (mind): Dammit… I must acquire that creature’s firearm. It could be my chance against Eric!

With a surge of determination, I swiftly rose from cover and sprinted towards the incapacitated creature. However, as I made my move, Eric regained his footing, firing a shot that pierced my left shoulder.

Me: Ugh!

Though in pain, I persisted, pushing through and reaching the fallen creature. Seizing its gun, I swiftly dispatched it, ensuring it posed no further threat. I then turned my attention to Eric’s weapon, unleashing a barrage of shots that rendered it useless.

Eric: ?!

But my torment escalated when a dreadful realization dawned upon me. I glanced around and beheld four additional creatures, three brandishing swords, while the fourth held a firearm.

Me: Shit!

The creature with the gun fired once again, the bullet finding its mark in my already injured left shoulder, intensifying my agony.

Me: Ahh!

Driven by instinct and fury, I retaliated by swiftly aiming and shooting at the creature’s head, effectively ending its life.

Consumed by rage, I surged forward, launching a relentless assault on the remaining three despicable creatures. Combining fierce punches and deadly shots, I fought with unbridled fury until a sudden blow struck me.

Me: !!!

I was abruptly knocked to the ground, disoriented and shaken. Regaining my bearings, I swiftly turned around, the anger dissipating as clarity returned to my mind. I refocused my attention, fully aware of the gravity of the situation.

The Individual who had dealt the blow was none other than Eric himself.

Me: So, you wish to engage in hand-to-hand combat? Very well.

With resolve, I holstered my firearm and rose to my feet, facing Eric head-on.

Eric: You won’t survive this encounter.

Me: We shall see.

Simultaneously, we charged towards each other, exchanging powerful punches that reverberated through the air.

Both of us: !!!

Eric aimed a punch towards my liver, but through quick reflexes, I managed to evade, retaliating with a forceful strike to his stomach followed by an uppercut, causing Eric to stagger backward.

Eric: Ugh!

In a desperate maneuver, Eric launched himself at me, attempting to land multiple blows.

Despite my best efforts, he successfully connected with a solid kick, momentarily staggering me.

Me: !?

Unexpectedly, Eric delivered a powerful uppercut that sent me flying several feet backward.

Continuing his relentless assault, Eric relentlessly pursued me, leaping and striking. However, seizing an opportune moment, I caught him off guard with a surprise punch to his face. Eric was fortunate to be wearing a gas mask, which cushioned the blow. Otherwise, it could have incapacitated him.

Seizing the advantage, I lunged at Eric, unleashing a series of forceful punches to his body, executing a well-timed combo that culminated in a powerful kick, sending him sprawling to the ground.

Me: …

Approaching cautiously, I prepared to deal the final blow. However, to my astonishment, Eric displayed an astounding burst of speed, swiftly rising to his feet and delivering a lightning-fast kick to my jaw, causing me to collapse in pain.

Me: ?!?!

The pain from the impact was excruciating, leaving me momentarily dazed and vulnerable.

Me: Ugh…

Eric, now standing over me, approached with a menacing presence.

Eric: Well, well… It appears you’re not as formidable as you thought. Credit to you for landing a few hits, but it ends here.

Eric then proceeded to pick up one of the guns scattered on the ground before closing in on me.

Me: So, you’re just going to end it here, by killing me?

Eric: Well, it’s the consequence of your own mistrust… Goodbye.

As Eric raised his gun, ready to take my life, a sudden turn of events unfolded.


A gaping wound appeared on Eric’s chest, causing him to stumble and collapse to the ground.

Eric: What the?!...

Me: …

I rose to my feet, my gaze steady and unwavering.

Me: Did you truly believe you had won? Did you fail to notice what just occurred?

Eric: How… How did you do that?

Me: Heh… Before I entered the mental hospital, I observed you entering it first. It sparked a thought within me.

You see, when I witnessed you mercilessly shooting and killing the guard at the entrance before making your way inside, a realization struck me. I had an inkling that our paths would cross within those walls, and I had a premonition that our encounter would be anything but pleasant.

Eric: Pray tell, what actions did you undertake?

Me: Subsequently, I employed the blade within my possession, which I had wielded in previous skirmishes against these formidable creatures. Moreover, I procured an exceedingly diminutive and slender string from within this edifice prior to our encounter. I adroitly affixed a section of the blade onto the string.

And when our paths crossed… subsequent to your firearm discharging upon my shoulder, I expeditiously hurled the string with the blade in your direction… thereby incising your chest until eventually… it cleaved you asunder.

Eric: I never expected that… please!

I then approach eric… I was extremely angry.

Eric: please!.. don’t kill m-

I then stomped on eric’s head as hard as I could.



Again… and again, crushing eric’s head along with his mask, revealing his crushed and destoyed face with some of the destroyed parts of the gas mask… that were on him…

And as I looked up for a second… I then sigh… taking a deep breath.

I managed to win.




Chapter 8: mom’s house:

After dispatching Eric, I stood atop the rooftop, my gaze wandering for a brief interval, as I mentally assimilated the events that had just transpired.

I maintained a contemplative silence, grappling with an inexplicable sentiment that pervaded my being. Despite having vanquished Eric, a human being, an uncanny sensation pervaded my consciousness.

Even after terminating these peculiar creatures I have encountered, the act of extinguishing a human life evoked an unsettling sensation within me. The notion of extinguishing a being possessing thoughts, emotions, recollections, and a vibrant existence was disconcerting.

All of the richness encompassing their essence had been irrevocably snuffed out.

I shall speak candidly; it was an arduous task to take the life of a fellow human being, regardless of their nature or affiliation.

Indeed, I found myself bereft of alternatives.

It boiled down to either Eric extinguishing my life, or my resolve to fiercely combat for my own survival, ultimately resulting in his demise.

I cast my gaze upon Eric’s lifeless form, a sense of somberness enveloping me.

Afterward, I took a moment to collect myself, engaging in introspection.

Internally, I ruminated: “Well… I may have emerged victorious over Eric, but my journey is far from concluded. I must proceed to my mother’s abode… Thankfully, I have chanced upon these medicinal capsules.”

Before departing from the confines of the mental institution and making my way towards my mother’s dwelling, I had one remaining task to attend to: the extraction of the two bullets lodged within my left shoulder.

After a span of several minutes, I found myself within the confines of the hospital, where I received medical attention for my injured left arm. The bullets were successfully extracted, and the area was now ensconced in bandages. Although my shoulder still throbbed with discomfort, the pain had subsided compared to earlier.

I murmured to myself, acknowledging the improvement: “That’s better…”

Subsequently, I retrieved my phone from my pocket to ascertain the time, discovering that it was nearly 6 am. Astonished by the swift passage of time, I conjectured that I must have succumbed to unconsciousness for a considerable duration following either the train crash or the encounter with the demon at the apartment—memories that now seemed distant.

Placing the phone back into my pocket, I stood on the second floor of the hospital, casting my gaze upon the exit door. Determined, I approached it, grasping the handle and swinging it open.

And there I stood, now outside.

I sauntered through the woods for a few minutes, basking in the morning light that filtered through the trees. The sensation of traversing this serene forest in the gentle embrace of the early hours was nothing short of extraordinary.

These indescribable sentiments, so captivating and beautiful, stirred within me. Their essence eluded precise explanation, yet their impact was profound. It was as though a profound sense of tranquility enveloped my being.

A smile graced my face as I relished in this wondrous sensation while continuing my leisurely stroll through the forest.

However, my attention was soon captured by the sight of a tranquil lake. Intrigued, I drew nearer to the water’s edge, my gaze fixed upon its serene expanse.

And there, at the far end of the lake, I beheld a small house nestled amidst the surrounding scenery, with boats adorning its vicinity. Instantly, a wave of recognition washed over me. This was the very lake that, during my childhood, my mother occasionally brought me to. We would immerse ourselves in its waters, taking the boats out to simply revel in the ambiance that surrounded us.

It possessed a certain majestic quality, evoking a profound sense of nostalgia within me.

I noticed a nearby boat with two paddles, a convenient means of transportation for my journey to my mother’s house from the lake.

“I can make use of this,” I mused aloud, considering the practicality of utilizing the boat.

Without hesitation, I boarded the boat, ready to embark on the next leg of my expedition.

Several minutes transpired as I propelled the boat across the lake, relishing in the remarkable experience it provided.

Upon reaching the house situated on the other side of the lake, I disembarked from the boat, closing the distance between myself and the quaint abode.

Having traversed the small house and made my way outside once again, my gaze fell upon a road that led to the street where my mother resided. Determined, I embarked on this path, steadily progressing towards my destination.

After several minutes of walking, I found myself traversing my mother’s street. However, a peculiar and unsettling phenomenon presented itself—there was an eerie absence of human presence. No one ventured outside their homes, no pedestrians roamed the sidewalks. Even the absence of the creatures I had encountered before seemed unnatural.

A sense of unease permeated the air, and an unshakable feeling of wrongness settled within me.

Internally, I questioned the disconcerting sight before me: “What in the world… Why is there no one on the streets? Where has everyone gone? Am I truly the sole inhabitant of this place?”

After a continued journey, navigating through various houses and taking turns, I finally caught sight of my mother’s house.

Relief washed over me as I whispered to myself, “Finally… I have arrived. I sincerely hope that my mother is safe and sound.”

Approaching the familiar dwelling, I clutched the bag containing the precious pills tightly. With a mixture of anxiety and anticipation, I stepped up to the front door.

My heart raced as I stood before the entrance, unsure of what awaited me on the other side.

Taking a deep breath, I mustered the courage to twist the doorknob and stepped inside.

“Mom?” I called out, my voice filled with both hope and concern. “Are you here? I’ve brought the pills.”

Silence enveloped the house, and no response reached my ears.

Growing increasingly anxious, I repeated my plea, “Mom? Where are you?!”

Driven by worry, I began to explore the rooms of the house, starting with the living room, then the kitchen, and finally making my way to my mother’s bedroom.

My heart sank as my desperate cries echoed through the empty house, yielding no response.

“MOM!” I screamed once more, my voice trembling with anguish. “Don’t leave me! Where are you?!”

Tears streamed down my face, my panic intensifying with each passing moment. Frantically, I scoured every inch of the house, searching for any sign of my mother’s presence, but she was nowhere to be found.

Emotion overwhelmed me as I sank to the kitchen floor, the weight of isolation crushing my spirit. In the midst of my sorrow, I approached the table adjacent to the kitchen, my trembling hands reaching out to touch its surface.

In that moment of profound solitude and despair, tears cascading from my eyes, I retrieved my pistol, gripped by a desperate impulse.

I directed my gaze towards the shattered remnants of my former self, sprawled upon the floor.

The gruesome sight of my own disheveled form, surrounded by a pool of crimson, gave me pause.

In that fleeting moment, a profound realization swept over me. If I were to succumb to the temptation of self-inflicted demise, I would be denying myself the opportunity to embrace the wonders of existence. After all, life is a singular gift bestowed upon us.

Motivated by an indomitable spirit, I swiftly withdrew the firearm from the precipice of my mouth, flinging it against the wall with force, causing it to shatter into irreparable fragments.

As I gazed upon the shattered remnants of the weapon, I turned my gaze away, inhaling deeply to calm my troubled soul. Determination welled up within me, resonating through the clenching of my fist as I defiantly raised it.

“No,” I declared resolutely. “I shall not succumb to the allure of surrender. Though I have lost all that was dear and cherished, I shall persist and embrace the life that is rightfully mine!”

I shall not cast aside this bestowed gift… I shall not linger here and persist in my affliction!

I shall enhance myself… I shall extricate MYSELF from this somber abyss.

And I shall attain liberation.




Chapter 9: the mind:


Following the recent turn of events, I resolved to persist in my existence and forge ahead, leaving behind the tumultuous past.

I found myself back within the confines of my own abode, distanced from my maternal abode.

Engaged in scholarly pursuits, I became cognizant of various insights that could facilitate my personal growth.

In due course, a revelation dawned upon me.

The intricacies of our cognitive faculties, encapsulated within the enigmatic entity known as the

“brain,” possess a profound allure. This organ, inherently bestowed upon us all, can prove to be either a boon or a bane, contingent upon the manner in which we harness its potential.

However, that is not the crux of the matter.

The crux lies in the notion that when we encounter a distressing experience, one that inflicts wounds upon our being and elicits profound misery, we instinctively undertake remedial actions to restore our equilibrium and reclaim a sense of well-being.

Flashing back to a particular moment:

Eric: “What if, instead, we allowed ourselves to endure those emotions without intervening?”

Returning to the present:

That inquiry continues to linger within my recollections. What would truly befall us if we were to surrender ourselves to the onslaught of our darkest ruminations, emotions, and all other

accompanying elements? What would unfold if we simply permitted them to unfold unimpeded?

Epiphany struck me in that very instant, illuminating the path I must traverse.

The sole remedy, in order to attain profound self-improvement and liberate oneself, resides in the act of relinquishing our attachments.

We shall endure excruciating anguish, anxiety, burdens, shame, and guilt, among myriad afflictions.

For therein lies the crux:

True freedom can solely be achieved through the crucible of suffering.

It is by navigating this treacherous terrain that we emancipate ourselves from the clutches of guilt, the cyclic grip of anxiety, and the manifold burdens that besiege us.

And so, I undertook a resolute course of action.

I renounced the allure of pornography, the enticement of alcohol, and every other façade of solace that threatened to impede my progress. Subsequently, I embraced the daunting choice of allowing myself to undergo this transformative journey, relinquishing control and surrendering to the depths of my own metamorphosis.

The journey proved to be exceptionally arduous, as my mind raced incessantly, besieging me with a deluge of thoughts.

The experience was nothing short of harrowing.

I found solace in seclusion, seeking respite from the overwhelming tumult within. Each time I ventured into the public sphere, traversing amidst ordinary mortals and revered deities, an overpowering sense of trepidation consumed me.

Within the recesses of my consciousness, vivid and disturbing visions unfolded. I witnessed the specter of death, intertwined with explicit and perverse imagery, encompassing individuals from all walks of life. No one was immune to the grasp of these brutal and sexual thoughts that plagued my psyche—children, infants, adults, men, women, and all other manifestations of humanity bore witness to this torment.

The relentless onslaught of panic, anxiety, and pressure threatened to overpower me, driving me perilously close to collapse. My mind, an unyielding adversary, tormented me ceaselessly, unrelenting in its assault.

I became intimately acquainted with the raw essence of my thoughts, as if they permeated my entire being. They possessed an omnipresence that disassociated me from my own existence, rendering me detached from reality.

The added agony lay In the fact that those around me, mere onlookers to my suffering, seemed to cast their gaze upon me. The weight of their scrutiny compounded my anguish, fueling a deep sense of shame and humiliation.

One particularly distressing memory etched itself into my consciousness not too long ago. I found myself seated in a train, surrounded by fellow passengers. In the grip of my torment, I withdrew into myself, choosing not to respond or intervene, allowing the relentless onslaught of anxiety to envelop me. The sheer intensity of the experience proved insurmountable, rendering me paralyzed in the face of overwhelming distress.

I found myself gripped by fear that others would cast mocking glances in my direction, exacerbating my anxiety. It became imperative to extricate myself from the confines of that train. Seeking respite, I averted my gaze, deliberately disregarding the presence of those around me, even as my anxiety continued to escalate unabated.

In that moment, an unexpected sight caught my peripheral vision—an enchanting couple. The goddess possessed an ethereal allure, her physical form exuding cosmic beauty and endowed with ample bosom that gracefully swayed. Her captivating curves exuded an undeniable allure.

Seated beside her was a god, his physique exuding an aura of formidable strength and muscularity. He stood tall and robust, a testament to his physical prowess. Their presence stirred within me a tumultuous mix of emotions, including a latent sense of arousal.

And then, the couple kissed, they kissed passionately, french kissing and caressing eachother’s bodies. Yet no one noticed,

The god then caressed her tits, feeling her soft curves.

I was so horny and aroused, my dick was so hard.

That goddess then let out a loud moan, as the god then rips of her clothes, fucking and penetrating her pussy and then her massive ass with his giant cock.

And all of what the couple did…

Only happened in my mind.

The veracity of the situation is that I found myself gazing at that couple akin to an eccentric, only to abruptly regain my presence of mind and avert my gaze.

Inner monologue: Goodness… that was exceedingly mortifying…

Several weeks transpired, and I endured relentless anguish. It transcended mere pain, as I perceived my corporeal form ablaze with its intensity. I remained confined to my bed, submitting myself to the onslaught of emotions, pondering upon the profound uncertainties of this earthly realm and the realms beyond.”

At a certain juncture, I succumbed to the overwhelming agony and collapsed upon my bed. The pain was all-consuming, yet paradoxically, I felt a peculiar sense of transcendence, as if ascending to a higher state of being.

I experienced every conceivable doubt, as though my mind had transformed into a personal inferno that both judged and chastised me for each and every transgression I had committed. I became aware of profound truths and realizations. It seemed to me that continuing to live was devoid of purpose, an utter waste of time, and that ending my own existence would be a preferable course of action.

We exist merely to traverse the cycle of life and death, bereft of any intrinsic significance. When will I ever attain true liberation? When will the ceaseless suffering dissipate?

Yet, as I pondered these questions, I gradually grasped their fleeting nature. They held no inherent meaning, for the world continues to spin incessantly, oblivious to our thoughts and our tribulations. We all move forward, irrespective of our individual experiences. And so, as I persisted in my journey, I surrendered to the flow, allowing life to unfold unabated.

Several weeks elapsed since those tumultuous times, and one day, I awakened to a profound transformation.

I felt an overwhelming sense of goodness enveloping me, an indescribable sensation of wonder and happiness. Peace permeated my being, casting aside the previous burdens.

Having recently celebrated my 19th birthday, though the occasion may not have been ideal, I nonetheless embraced the festivities.

But for now, the details of that day are inconsequential.

Presently, I find myself reclining on my bed, relishing in a newfound freedom and tranquility.

Stepping outside, everything seems imbued with a heightened sense of joy. Merely observing people engaged in mirthful activities fills me with contentment.

I ventured towards the beach, a place of serene beauty that has always provided solace to my soul. Perhaps the connection lies in the fact that my father once served as a lifeguard there, although I cannot say for certain. Nevertheless, its soothing ambiance never fails to resonate with me.

As I gazed upon the undulating waves, a smile naturally graced my countenance.

Life, my dear friend, is simply good, don’t you agree?




Chapter 10: the strange kid:

I strolled through the bustling streets, basking in an enhanced state of well-being. Happiness permeated my being, overshadowing the lingering thoughts that once troubled me.

As I meandered through the throngs of people, the ordinary and the extraordinary intertwined harmoniously. Life seemed to unfold before me, and I reveled in the sheer joy of existence.

However, amidst this blissful ambiance, my attention was captured by a sight—a mother accompanied by her young child. The child appeared remarkably mature for their tender age, exuding an aura that piqued my curiosity.

Our paths converged, and for a fleeting moment, our eyes met. A desire to prevent any semblance of awkwardness led me to speak:

Me: Good morning.

The mother responded with a warm smile:

The mother: Hello!

I cast a brief gaze upon her child and engaged in a lighthearted exchange: Me: Greetings, young brother.

The child responded with a mischievous smirk adorning his face: The child: Greetings. You know, you exude an air of happiness and coolness. May I share a joke with you?

I expressed my willingness to partake in his spontaneous jest: Me: Certainly!

Although taken aback by his sudden request to share a joke, I remained open and receptive. I eagerly awaited the forthcoming punchline, curious to see what the young wit had in store.

The child, with an air of confidence, teased:

The kid: Are you truly prepared? This joke is so amusing that it may leave you utterly flabbergasted!

I eagerly encouraged him to proceed:

Me: Please, go ahead!

My curiosity heightened as he built up the anticipation. And then, he delivered the punchline: The kid: You.

I was initially taken aback by the simplicity and unexpected nature of his joke. Uncertain of how to respond, I found myself laughing:

Me: Haha… What?

The child maintained his smirk, seemingly content with his playful act: The kid: You heard me.

The room filled with a blend of confusion, amusement, and an inexplicable surge of happiness within me. I struggled to comprehend the meaning behind the joke, yet its sheer randomness and unexpectedness seemed to amplify its comedic effect. I couldn’t help but burst into laughter:

Me: Haha… HAHAHA!

The absurdity of the moment enveloped me, and I found myself surrendering to the infectious laughter. I couldn’t fully grasp what had transpired, but it didn’t matter—I was enveloped in an indescribable joy that defied explanation.

I found myself sprawled on the floor, overcome by uncontrollable laughter. It had been ages since such mirth had consumed me. As onlookers stared at me, their expressions mingling between confusion and shock, a sense of embarrassment should have washed over me. Yet, in that moment, their opinions held no sway.

For I was simply happy.

Rising to my feet, I wiped away a tear of laughter from my eye.

Me: Wow… Haha, I did NOT see that coming!

Brock: Yep, I was well aware of that.

Curiosity sparked within me as I sought to know more about this jovial companion.

Me: What’s your name?

Brock: I’m Brock. And you?

Me: I’m Liran. Pleasure to meet you.

We exchanged a handshake, sealing our newfound connection.

Me: Well, Brock, that was quite an unexpected encounter. I never anticipated such a swift delivery of that joke.

Brock: It is what it is. I’ll catch you later. How does that sound?

Me: Absolutely, Brock. You strike me as a remarkably astute young individual. Until we meet again.

We departed, each setting off on our respective paths, carrying the memory of this delightful meeting.

I returned to the comfort of my home and reclined on my bed, deep in contemplation about the enigmatic Brock.

Inner monologue: Wow… There’s something captivating about Brock. There’s an air of wisdom and purpose about him. It would be fascinating to cross paths with him once more.

2 days elapsed, and I found myself once again traversing the infamous “The Wankers 12”

street—an area known for its illicit activities and unsavory occurrences. It was noon, and an eerie silence pervaded the surroundings. I spotted no one in sight… until an unforeseen encounter altered the course of events.

Random man: Come here!

Startled, my senses heightened as a single man confronted me. To my shock, he was not alone; two additional individuals flanked him.

Without warning, the man forcefully pushed me, effectively trapping me in a precarious situation. Cornered, I was coerced down a desolate alley. As we reached its end, the assailants cornered me, pinning me against a fence with brutal force, pressing my head against it.

The man: Look… We can settle this peacefully… or we can resort to violence.

Me: What the hell do you want?

Suddenly, one of the man’s companions brandished a knife, wielding it as a menacing threat.

The man: If you refuse to comply with our demands, we won’t hesitate to end your life. Do you understand?

I remained silent, paralyzed by fear and uncertainty.

The man: Good. Now, hand over your money.

As the man reached into my pocket, rummaging for my wallet, a sudden eruption shattered the tense atmosphere.


Gunshots rang out, piercing the air. I instinctively shut my eyes, crouching down and bracing for the inevitable. The chaos ensued as the assailants were met with resistance, engaged in a desperate struggle against the unknown assailant. And then…


Miraculously, I remained unscathed, untouched by the bullets that had whizzed through the air.

Slowly, I rose to my feet, cautiously opening my eyes. I turned around, and there stood a figure shrouded in darkness, shorter in stature than myself, cloaked in black attire that concealed their face and body.

Me: W-Who are you?

The figure’s voice carried a sense of familiarity that resonated deep within me. Could it be? No, it couldn’t possibly…

Me: Just show me your face!

The figure obliged, removing their mask, revealing their true identity.

It was Brock.

Me: Brock?! Is that really you?

Brock chuckled softly.

Brock: Yep, it’s me. I can see that you’re quite perplexed right now.

Me: Confused doesn’t even begin to describe it. How did you end up here? And how did you even acquire that gun?

Brock: Well, I happened to spot you walking along this notorious street. I knew all too well that it’s teeming with unsavory characters driven by power and greed.

Me: Okay, but how did you come into possession of that gun you’re holding right now?

Brock: It’s a long story, but to keep it brief, I managed to acquire it and learned how to conceal it effectively. Now, take a moment to look around you.

I glanced around the dimly lit alley, taking in my surroundings.

Me: Um… What am I supposed to be looking for?

Brock: Have you noticed any security cameras around here?

Me: No, why would there be?

Brock: Well, you see, this particular alley we’re in is the hunting ground for these scumbags who target unsuspecting victims like you.

This alley is secluded and eerily quiet, making it the perfect setting for these criminals’ activities.

Clever, isn’t it?

I looked at Brock, impressed by his strategic thinking.

Me: Yeah, that was a remarkably shrewd move on your part. If I may say so, you’re quite intelligent for your age. Speaking of which, how old are you?

Brock: I’m 13 years old. You seem to be in your early twenties… or perhaps late teens.

Me: You’re right, I’m 19 years old. But Brock, what should we do now? What if someone comes looking for them?

Brock: Don’t worry about that. Since there are no security cameras here, there is no evidence.

And with these special gloves I’m wearing, no one will be able to trace the gun back to me.

Brock then tossed the pistol on the ground, breaking it.

Brock: And now, there’s no weapon left.

Me: Heh… Thank you, Brock, for everything.

Brock: You’re welcome. I’ll see you later.

Brock then walked away, leaving me standing there in a state of shock, trying to process the events that had just unfolded.

Inner monologue: Wow… I’ve possibly just encountered one of the most intelligent and kind-hearted individuals out there. He took it upon himself to bring justice to those who seek violence and power. What an extraordinary kid.

Lost in contemplation, I eventually made my way home.

Couple hours later…

I found myself lying on my bed, deep in thought, replaying the events of the day in my mind.

Me (mind): Hmm… Perhaps I should reach out to Brock. It would be great to have a meaningful conversation with him. He seems like a remarkable young person.

With thoughts of meeting Brock swirling in my mind, I drifted off to sleep, contemplating the best course of action to connect with him in the future.


