True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds by liran G - HTML preview

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Chapter 16: a cursed place:

Rythmeus: Oh, and ere we transcend these purportedly boundless strata of the realms of tumult… permit me to exhibit unto thee, Brock.

Me: Truly? Pray, what might it be?

Having thus queried, Rythmeus swiftly flicked “his” digits, whenceforth… an entire metropolis materialized ex nihilo…

Me: By what means-!

The city beheld a resplendent spectacle, resplendent abodes… colossal edifices stretching unto eternity… and lo, I espied prodigious celestial orbs, appearing increasingly arduous to attain.

Me: Verily… what might these celestial entities signify?

Rythmeus: As thou dost perceive… I hath fashioned a city that materializeth ex nihilo… and behold, the celestial orbs yonder art intricate and “infinitely” more remote than the erstwhile.

Me: “Infinite”? Doth the notion of “infinite” even bear significance at this juncture? We hath verily shattered the precepts of physics and other tenets mere by ascending hither… might these be vaster and loftier assemblages of “infinities” yet unexplored?

Rythmeus: Well… thou perceiveth, what thou dost witness presently is but a glimpse of the confines of a solitary stratum within the “lands of chaos.” Each stratum transgresseth its precursor by such prodigious measure that the prior stratum becometh naught but a reverie that the beings of greater essence can manipulate and govern.

Furthermore, thou must comprehend that thy conception of “higher infinities” becometh utterly irrelevant and even more intricate whilst traversing this hierarchy.

But lo, all of this grandeur pales in comparison to the vastness that lies beyond.

Me: Pray tell, what dost thou mean?

Rythmeus then regarded me with a grave countenance.

Rythmeus: There exists a realm, the mention of which should be eschewed, for it doth transcend even the lands of chaos.

Me: What manner of realm is this?

Rythmeus: Let us desist from further discourse and strive to attain that realm.

With a mere snap of “his” fingers, Rythmeus initiated our ethereal ascent.

As we ascended, ever higher, we beheld an increasing multitude of these intricate stars, scattered in unfathomable distances from one another… Each star grew more intricate and

unfathomable, while time lost its meaning and space dissolved, propelling us through ever loftier arrays of infinities.

Upon reaching the second stratum of the lands of chaos, I beheld the former stratum with a newfound perspective—it appeared akin to a mere diversion, malleable and subject to my whims.

In that moment, the immense power and magnitude of these deities became starkly apparent.

They possessed the capability to obliterate our very existence effortlessly. I comprehended our insignificance and feebleness in the face of such forces, yet such realizations held little consequence at that juncture.

Continuing our ascension, we traversed the third stratum, and then the fourth. With each ascent, the nature of this realm defied comprehension entirely. Every facet of this place surpassed the boundaries of understanding.

Rythmeus: Verily, thou dost perceive the “lands of chaos” as an exceedingly resplendent realm, a realm that surpasseth mortal comprehension and rendereth all former explorations meaningless.

And so it came to pass, we transcended the bounds of the lands of chaos…

Now, we find ourselves in a realm that transcendeth even these realms of “nightmares” and

“dreams.” We reached a place that is completely beyond and above the lands of chaos… We art in a place known as “nowhere,” yet even that designation lacketh existence, for it retaineth a semblance of being, albeit nebulous and indeterminate.

I beheld naught but an absence of all.

Me: Rythmeus?... Where art thou? What manner of place is this?

As I cast mine gaze about, I espied an immense castle, its scale transcending all notions of measurement. And then, I heard the voice of Rythmeus.

Rythmeus: Brock! Avert thine eyes!

In that moment, I endeavored to turn mine gaze away from the palace, yet it persisted, an indelible image etched upon mine sight. And there, I beheld ethereal entities devoid of color, existing alongside the enigmatic realm that Rythmeus and I now found ourselves in.

Rythmeus: We hast arrived, this is…

“The Palace of the Black King.”

Upon hearing Rythmeus’s revelation, a profound shock coursed through the very core of my being. The sheer mention of the name of this place possessed the ability to dismantle and annihilate concepts, surpassing any prior comprehension.

Rythmeus: I exert every ounce of my power to preserve our sanity and shield us from utter annihilation within this realm.

Our presence here is fleeting, for the very fabric of our existence is on the verge of collapsing!

Me: Even a being as formidable as yourself cannot fathom the depths of this place?

Rythmeus: Indeed, thou speaketh true. No denizen of the lands of chaos hath successfully traversed to this realm and remained indefinitely, escaping the clutches of absolute obliteration, both from existence and non-existence!

The supreme entity who fashioned this realm, transcending notions of “good” and “evil,” is known as the Black King. This omnipotent being holds absolute dominion over this domain and possessed foreknowledge of our arrival.

Me: Where doth the Black King reside?

Rythmeus: He existeth in every corner of this realm, and these other entities thou dost behold are his devoted servants, who exist solely to carry out his commands and offer him worship.

Me: I comprehend… Let us hastily depart from this place ere we meet our demise here.

Rythmeus: As thou dost wish.

With a snap of “his” fingers, Rythmeus initiated our descent.

And thus, we descended from that perilous realm.

The descent back to the physical world and Rythmeus’s castle was not an instantaneous occurrence but a gradual transition. Once we had returned, Rythmeus relinquished his influence over my perception, allowing “my concept” to be reintegrated with my physical and human form.

As I awoke, my eyes widened with astonishment.

Me: !!!

Rythmeus stood before me, wearing a smile upon “his” countenance.

Rythmeus: So, how didst thou find the experience?

Me: It was truly one of the most extraordinary encounters I have ever had. I gleaned an abundance of knowledge in a fleeting span of time. I am immensely grateful for this remarkable journey. Thank you wholeheartedly!

Rythmeus: Thou art most welcome. Now, allow me to satiate thy hunger.

With a subtle snap of “his” fingers, we were instantaneously transported to a splendid dining room. I found myself seated comfortably at a chair, my gaze fixed upon the delectable spread displayed before me.

The table was adorned with plates of mouthwatering dishes, emanating tantalizing aromas. The assortment included succulent meats, delectable hamburgers, and an array of other enticing delicacies.

I cast a glance around and beheld Rythmeus, positioned near the table.

Rythmeus: Enjoy thy meal.

As the moments passed, Rythmeus vanished from sight.

Tens of minutes elapsed, during which I relished the flavors and indulged in the delectable feast.

Eventually, my appetite was sated, and I felt content.

My mind filled with gratitude as I contemplated the profound experience bestowed upon me by Rythmeus. Not only did “he” guide me to a realm beyond my comprehension, but “he” also provided nourishment to ensure I did not go hungry. My appreciation for Rythmeus deepened even further.

With a sense of fulfillment, I rose from the table and made my way toward the exit. Exiting the palace, I embarked upon my journey back to my humble abode. Thoughts of the extraordinary

events that transpired filled my mind, and a smile graced my face. I returned home happier and more enlightened than ever before.

Rythmeus is truly a captivating and enigmatic being, and I am grateful for the remarkable encounter we shared.




Chapter 17: “special” events:


Two days had elapsed since my encounter with Rythmeus, and the vast knowledge I had gained continued to shape my understanding of the world. My appreciation for physics and mathematics had deepened significantly, and I found myself contemplating the profound implications of what I had experienced.

In my 7th-grade class, mathematics remained my favorite subject, and our teacher, a skilled mathematician within the boundaries of our human concepts, had always been a source of guidance and inspiration.

I found myself in the teacher’s office, engaging in a conversation about the true nature of existence. As I expounded upon the revelations I had encountered, the teacher’s countenance transformed into one of astonishment.

The teacher: What?! So thou art asserting that all we know and have diligently studied is naught but a minuscule fraction of the grand tapestry that lies beyond? In essence, our mathematical

framework is rendered insignificant when compared to the unfathomable truths that exist beyond our comprehension?

Me: Indeed, not only do our understanding of mathematics, but all the laws and principles of physics and mathematics that govern different universes pale in comparison to the vastness of the lands of chaos. I have been granted the privilege of witnessing the truth firsthand.

The teacher's astonishment grew even more pronounced.

The teacher: But how? By whom were you bestowed with such knowledge?

Me: Well, the being who shared this wisdom with me is named Rythmeus. I had the honor of encountering “him” alongside another dear friend of mine.

Rythmeus is an extraordinary deity, and “he” graciously revealed the depths of existence to me.

I feel truly blessed.

A smile spread across the teacher’s face.

The teacher: You are indeed blessed! It appears that some of the gods choose to bestow their knowledge upon fortunate individuals like us. This is absolutely astounding! We can harness this newfound knowledge for our advancement!

A couple of hours had passed since my enlightening conversation with the teacher. I found solace within the confines of my home, as my parents were absent, occupied with their work.

However, I carried the weight of a troubled relationship with my father, contrasting sharply with the affectionate treatment I received from my mother.

My father’s descent into abusive behavior, marked by instances of drinking, yelling, and mistreatment, pained me deeply. I could not fathom the reasons behind his downward spiral, but I clung to hope that he might undergo a transformation for the better.


A resounding knock at the door disrupted the calm of the household, causing me to rise from the couch and approach the entrance with cautious anticipation.

I swung open the door, revealing the imposing figure of Rythmeus, standing tall in “his” majestic form.

Me: Rythmeus? What a surprise! What brings you here?

Rythmeus gazed down at me, sporting a warm smile.

Rythmeus: Greetings, Brock. I simply wished to pay you a visit. How about taking a stroll through the streets?

Me: That sounds great! Just give me a moment to get ready—

Rythmeus: No need for that.

In an instant, my attire transformed effortlessly. I found myself dressed in stylish garments, complete with matching shoes. I couldn’t help but admire the newfound confidence that emanated from my refreshed appearance.

Me: Wow! How did you accomplish such a feat?

Rythmeus then chuckles and replies:

Rythmeus: Brock, if an entity such as myself can effortlessly detach your essence and elevate us to a realm surpassing your understanding… then it would be a trivial matter to perform that task. Hehe.

What are you hesitating for? You can venture outside.

Me: O-okay!

I proceeded to step outside.

A few minutes elapsed as Rythmeus and I strolled along the streets, engaging in conversation and exchanging inquiries with one another.

Me: So, Rythmeus… do you involve yourself in mortal affairs and similar matters?

Rythmeus: Hmm, not particularly. As you can observe, I am merely an individual entity originating from the dreamlands, and I have numerous other responsibilities to attend to, rather than confining myself to my palace.

Furthermore, one of my tasks involves guiding mortals to the realms of chaos, as I mentioned to you earlier… I assume different manifestations across various realities.

Me: That’s incredibly fascinating! So, all these other forms of yours are nothing more than mere representations of your true essence?

Rythmeus: Precisely. Each of these forms is merely a fragment of my authentic self, including the one you are conversing with presently. Consider yourself fortunate.

Me: I must admit, that revelation sent shivers down my spine.

Me: You’re absolutely right, it’s been a pleasure conversing with you.

Rythmeus then smiled as he spoke:

Rythmeus: I’m delighted to hear that. You’re truly an extraordinary individual… I will bid you farewell for now, as I have other matters to attend to.


Me: Goodbye!

And just like that, Rythmeus disappeared.

I stood there on the street, reflecting on the conversations I had with Rythmeus, feeling a sense of contentment.


It had been a few days since I last encountered Rythmeus, and I had heard rumors of Brock’s remarkable exploits involving Rythmeus. Intrigued, I decided to pay a visit to Rythmeus at his palace.

As nightfall settled, I emerged from my house, making preparations to journey to Rythmeus’s grand abode. Deep in thought, I pondered:

Me (in my mind): What might he be occupied with at this moment? I hope he is still within the confines of his palace…

With that thought lingering in my mind, I began my trek towards Rythmeus’s magnificent palace, eager to see what awaited me there.

After several minutes of continuous walking, I found myself gradually distancing from the city, until finally, I caught sight of Rythmeus’s imposing palace.

Me: There you are…

Approaching the grand structure, I reached its imposing doors, but a thought crossed my mind.

Me (in my mind): Hm… I recall Rythmeus mentioning that he couldn’t sense my presence and that some of his powers didn’t affect me. Perhaps I could surprise him?

Without hesitating, I stood before the palace doors and, instead of knocking, I attempted to open them. Surprisingly, they were not locked or closed.

It seems Rythmeus was so mighty and formidable that concerns over security were rendered unnecessary. Quite amusing, yet it aligns with his immense power.

As I cautiously entered the expansive and majestic castle, I moved with utmost care, ensuring not to create any noise.

Me (in my mind): Where are you…

Continuing my silent exploration of the palace, passing through various rooms and corridors, I unexpectedly came across a door. To my surprise, I heard a voice emanating from within, and it sounded like Rythmeus’s voice?

Rythmeus: Ah, do you relish worshiping my formidable physique? You mischievous human…

The utterance left me utterly shocked.

Me (in my mind): ??? What on earth?!

Did Rythmeus actually say that?!

Suddenly, I discerned another voice originating from within the room.

???: yes! I do!... youre my god!... you are so big.

Rythmeus: good mortal… I will fuck you so hard that your screams will shatter the mighty windows of this palace.



At that moment, I remember about that prank that I was about to pull on rythmeus… and then I did it.

I then opened the door… and I was even more shocked.

Me: Astonishing!

I witnessed Rythmeus, unclothed, showcasing his magnificent and imposing physique. Adjacent to him, a human reclined, with his head nestled betwixt Rythmeus’s prodigious pectoral muscles.

Me: Exclaiming expletives!

Rythmeus: LIRAN!? What compels your presence in this locale? Can you not discern that I am preoccupied?

Me: Is this how you choose to occupy your leisure hours? Engaging in intimate encounters with humans?... Truthfully, I cannot fault you.

I uttered this with a sly smile adorning my countenance, for the spectacle of Rythmeus and the mortal upon him instilled within me a sense of arousal.

Rythmeus: Hehe, I perceive that you derive pleasure from witnessing me in such a state.

Perhaps it is time for me to “study” you in return, don’t you agree?...

Me: You are absolutely correct.

Rythmeus then effortlessly snapped “his” fingers, causing the mortal on “him” to vanish into thin air. With a mischievous smirk on “his” face, Rythmeus turned to me.

Me: Where has the human gone?

Rythmeus: I have teleported that human back to his abode. Rest assured, I have created a replica of myself so that the human can enjoy his time within the comforts of his own home.

Me: Ah, I comprehend. You truly embody the essence of a playful deity, do you not?...

Rythmeus then placed “his” hands upon “his” immense and muscular pectoral muscles, gently caressing them.

Rythmeus: Do you find satisfaction in beholding this sight? These pectoral muscles of mine possess the ability to satiate the desires of any being within this vast multiverse…

I found myself increasingly captivated by the mesmerizing presence of Rythmeus. A surge of excitement coursed through my veins as I admired “his” magnificent form. My senses were heightened, and anticipation grew.

As Rythmeus gracefully revealed “his” imposing countenance, “his” powerful jaws and formidable teeth left an indelible impression. “His” serpentine tongue slithered forth, exuding an otherworldly allure.

Rythmeus, with a mischievous gleam in “his” eyes, declared “his” intent to embark on an intriguing exploration of my being. “He” expressed “his” desire to possess me, promising an unforgettable experience.

Drawn irresistibly closer, I approached the grand expanse of the bed on which Rythmeus lay.

The intensity of desire coursed through me.

With a swift motion, Rythmeus swept me into “his” grasp, tenderly placing me amidst “his”

cosmic and expansive pectorals. The sensation was ethereal, akin to resting upon the softest of clouds, surpassing the comfort of any earthly pillows.

Overwhelmed by ecstasy, I voiced my adoration. Rythmeus playfully acknowledged my appreciation, beckoning me to explore further. My hands eagerly caressed “his” supple chest, relishing the blissful texture beneath my fingertips. I longed for an intimate connection with Rythmeus, envisioning a passionate encounter that transcended boundaries.

In this moment, temptation entwined with desire, teasing me with the allure of Rythmeus’

titanic tentacles, igniting a longing that consumed my every thought.

I hungered for more, an insatiable appetite coursing through my veins.

I reveled in the game, pressing harder and harder against Rythmeus’ enticingly chiseled pecs, yearning for more.

Rythmeus, his voice dripping with satisfaction, teased, ‘Do you relish in my presence, craving every moment? My sweet Liran, do you ache for more?’

Inflamed with desire, I confessed, ‘Oh, yes… I yearn for you, aching for the touch of your body, yearning to be consumed by passion and set free… I want you inside me.’

Rythmeus chuckled, his amusement palpable as my words reached his ears. ‘Oh, my, I’ve stirred something deep within you… in the best possible way. Perhaps you yearn for a tantalizing kiss?’

Breathlessly, I gasped, ‘Yes!’

In a swift motion, Rythmeus snatched me up, his strong arms enveloping me, drawing me closer to his intoxicating presence. Our faces locked in a mesmerizing encounter, time itself seemed to stand still as I found myself lost in his captivating gaze…

The celestial complexion adorning his countenance, a manifestation of the cosmic tapestry itself, enthralled me. With every word he spoke, his razor-sharp teeth and serpentine tongue laid bare, I found myself captivated by his presence…

And then, we shared a passionate kiss. Our tongues entwined, exploring the depths of each other’s mouths. Rythmeus’s tongue skills were out of this world…

And in that moment, a delightful moan escaped my lips, signifying the pleasure I was experiencing…

Me: Ah!...

At that instant, Rythmeus paused, gazing at me with desire shining in his eyes.

Rythmeus: Keep that up! Even though the concept of horniness holds little relevance for me, I can still partake in your earthly endeavors. And your moans, my dear, tell me I’m doing an outstanding job.

Rythmeus then proceeded to give my face a lick, almost drenching it in his saliva. And once again, he engaged me in a passionate French kiss, this time with a hint of aggression, his hands gently caressing my body.

Me: Ahh!...

A louder moan escaped my lips, as I had never been pleasured like this before. I craved more…

Rythmeus, fueled by desire, tore my clothes apart and tossed them aside, his hands now exploring and massaging my buttocks.

Rythmeus: So soft…

He then began to finger me, eliciting an even louder moan from my euphoric state. And simultaneously, he continued our French kiss, overwhelming me with sensations.

Rythmeus: I’m going to pleasure you so intensely that you’ll transcend both existence and nonexistence.

With that, Rythmeus broke the kiss, withdrawing his tongue from my mouth, and gazed at me with a look of pure bliss reflected in his eyes.

Rythmeus: Ah, it appears that this might be your initial encounter with me. Fear not, for I shall endeavor to make it an unforgettable inaugural experience.

Rythmeus then ceased the act of caressing me with fingers, firmly grasping and repositioning my body, so that I now reclined upon “his” form… and as I gazed downward…

I beheld one of “his” appendages, raised and impressive in its appearance… long, luscious, and substantial…

And that tentacle… exuded a glistening substance, akin to the essence of anticipation.

Me: Oh my…

It was then that I became acutely aware of the engorged state of my own member, longing for release…

The tentacle in question approached my manhood, enveloping it with a gentle touch, initiating a pleasurable friction.

Me: AHH!...

It was a symphony of desire… both Rythmeus and I yearned for this union…

One of the most exquisite aspects of intimacy lies in the shared enthusiasm between partners…

a harmonious collaboration that elevates the encounter to even greater heights.

Me: YES!... MORE!

Yet another of Rythmeus’s tendrils drew near, oozing copious amounts of prelude.

Rythmeus: Are you prepared?

Me: YES!

That additional tentacle then ventured towards my posterior, penetrating me and commanding the surrender of every inch of my being.

I release a resounding cry, The intensity overwhelmed my senses, much like the embrace of one of “his” tentacles, providing a unique sensation.

Rythmeus: You possess a remarkable tightness, my dear, and your mischievous nature amplifies the experience. Indulge in this delightful offering.

The sheer magnitude of pleasure I encountered cannot be described adequately in words. It was as if every sensation aligned perfectly, creating an unparalleled euphoria.

My manhood began to produce an increasing amount of pre-ejaculate, and a growing warmth spread throughout my body.

Rythmeus: I shall extract every last drop from you, savoring your delectable essence as it becomes mine.

Rythmeus’s tentacles persisted relentlessly for several minutes until I sensed a forthcoming climax.

In an uncontrollable fashion, I moaned loudly and shouted: Me: Rythmeus! I am overwhelmed with pleasure! I am… I am reaching…

Rythmeus: Pray tell, my sweet Liran, what lies ahead for you?

And in that very moment, the culmination occurred.

Me: Ahhh!

As I continued to climax, the release was tremendously powerful. Some of my seed found its place upon the tentacle that had caressed me, while the majority decorated the bed and the floor.

Rythmeus: Ah, a commendable lad indeed…

One of Rythmeus’s tentacles then gracefully approached the essence, engrossing it and absorbing its essence.

Rythmeus: Much improved, I must say… my tentacles possess an unparalleled ability to extract and create various liquids… and your contribution, dear sir, proves to be a delectable feast for me…

The tentacle that was caressing my member gently yet firmly entwined itself around my manhood, with its tip adorned by substantial suction cups similar to those found on its other appendages. It began engaging in a gentle yet rhythmic motion, reminiscent of a delicate

“sucking” sensation…

I found myself being gently milked, akin to the manner in which a bovine creature undergoes the extraction of its nourishment.

The suction cups on the tentacle securely fastened onto my phallus, encompassing its apex and encircling it entirely.

In that moment, I experienced sensations akin to heavenly bliss, as if colossal oral cavities were ceaselessly enveloping and drawing forth my essence, with an astonishing force to complement the pleasure…

Another one of Rythmeus’s tentacles found its place on my delicate orbs, engaging in a gentle suction.

Such was the overwhelming delight and ecstasy that tears of joy streamed from my eyes… it was a truly remarkable experience, simultaneously overwhelming and perfect in its own unique way.

As the majestic Rythmeus continued its fervent dance, intertwining its tentacles with mine, a symphony of pleasure and desire resonated through the air. In the midst of our passionate exchange, Rythmeus, with an air of anticipation, declared: Rythmeus: Prepare yourself, for I am about to reach the pinnacle of ecstasy and bestow upon you the essence of my desire, as you embody the epitome of sensuality.

Overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment, words escaped me, and I succumbed to the abyss of pleasure that enveloped my being. At that precise instant, Rythmeus climaxed, filling me with its opulent nectar, like a vessel overflowing with intoxicating passion. The sheer abundance of its release left me in a state of blissful euphoria, my senses heightened by the intimate connection we shared.

Unyielding in its pursuit of pleasure, Rythmeus persisted, engaging in a rhythmic rhythm of fervent thrusts, continuing to satiate my deepest desires while skillfully coaxing forth the essence of my own release. Each undulating caress of its tendrils, adorned with majestic suction cups, incited an unrelenting surge of pleasure within me, pushing me to reach new heights of ecstasy, transcending the limits of my mortal vessel.

Rythmeus: Yes, revel in the pleasures I bestow upon you. Surrender to the euphoria, and let your essence intertwine with mine.

As I surrendered to the currents of passion coursing through my veins, the relentless suction cups persisted, coaxing every last drop of life’s elixir from my being. In that transcendent moment, it felt as if my very soul was being pulled towards higher realms, ascending to a state of blissful transcendence.

Several minutes passed, a tapestry of unending pleasure woven into the fabric of our encounter.

I had been completely drained, yet simultaneously replenished, as Rythmeus, sensing the culmination of our dance, gracefully withdrew its tendrils, marking the end of our sublime union.

In that very moment, I felt as if I were on the verge of collapsing into the sweet embrace of sleep, but lo and behold, Rythmeus swooped in and clasped me tightly.

Rythmeus: “You’ve been quite exemplary, my friend. I’m genuinely proud of you. Now, allow yourself to rest and drift away in the comfort of my arms.”

And with those heartfelt words… I succumbed to a deep slumber, my heart brimming with immense contentment and sheer joy.




Chapter 18: aftermath…:

I awoke several hours later, feeling utterly fatigued and overwhelmed by the remnants of Rythmeus’s seminal fluid within me. To my astonishment, I discovered that I was the sole occupant of the bed, with no sign of Rythmeus in the room.

Me: Groaning… Blast…

As I surveyed myself, a peculiar realization dawned upon me—I observed that Rythmeus’s seed had inexplicably vanished. It was no longer present within my being.

Me: What on Earth…

Just as I contemplated this enigma, the sound of the room’s door being opened reached my ears. I turned my gaze towards the intruder, and to my surprise, it was Rythmeus himself.

Rythmeus: Good morning. I have brought you some water. It is important to stay hydrated after expending bodily fluids in such a manner… Haha.

I smiled and chuckled briefly in response.

Me: You certainly did perform admirably last night. I am curious, though, is this a regular occurrence for you with other humans?

Rythmeus approached me, extending the glass of water in “his” hand. “He” replied: Rythmeus: Well, it is not an everyday occurrence, but I do engage in such encounters from time to time. You see, when individuals, regardless of their gender, are exposed to a colossal and alluring being like myself, they often experience intense infatuation…

My physique and presence seem to elicit an overwhelming attraction in mortals, and they develop a strong affinity for me and my body…

Me: What if there are individuals who do not find your form appealing?

Rythmeus: In such cases, I possess the ability to transform my appearance to suit their desires. I have the power to shapeshift.

Me: Ah, I understand.

I proceeded to drink from the glass, consuming all of its contents.

After finishing, I set the glass aside.

Me: Phew… that was refreshing.

Rythmeus: I am pleased to have been of assistance. It is akin to a “reward” for me in a certain sense.

Hearing your sweet little moans while I completely dominate and fuck you… sounds pretty nice, don’t you think?

I found myself blushing in response to those words.

Me: Yes, you truly possess a dominant presence as a god…

Rythmeus chuckled briefly before speaking again.

Rythmeus: I was merely teasing you, no need to worry. But if you desire, I can allow you to have a similar experience in the future, if you so wish~

Me: Well… that sounds like an intriguing idea for another time. For now, I think I need to take a bath.

Rythmeus: Certainly… come along with me.

Rythmeus proceeded towards the door, waiting for me to join him. I stood up and walked towards “him”.

Rythmeus: Allow me to teleport us there instead.

In that moment, Rythmeus snapped “his” fingers, causing us to teleport directly to his bathroom. As I looked around, I was astounded by the enormity of the space. Everything in the bathroom seemed tailored to Rythmeus’s size—the bathtub resembled a swimming pool that could easily accommodate me, and everything else reflected the same grand scale.

Rythmeus gazed at the bathtub and posed a question:

Rythmeus: So, would you prefer to bathe alone?

Upon hearing that, my blush intensified further.

Me (in my mind): Alone? Could it mean that I have the opportunity to take a bath with Rythmeus himself? Hell yeah! I’d love to bathe with “him.”

With newfound confidence, I responded:

Me: No, I would like to bathe with you.

Rythmeus then looked at me, a smile adorning “his” face.

Rythmeus: Excellent choice. Since both of us are already unclothed, we can step in together.

Rythmeus snapped “his” fingers, causing the bathtub to fill with hot water that seemingly appeared out of thin air. Afterward, Rythmeus lifted me up, carrying me gently as we approached the inviting bathtub.

As we stood before the bathtub, Rythmeus gracefully entered the tub, reclining comfortably and cradling me in “his” arms like a cherished pet.

The water enveloped us, its warmth and soothing embrace bringing me a sense of contentment.

I found myself relishing in the sensation.

Rythmeus: So… what are your thoughts? Is it to your liking?

Me: Yes, I truly enjoy it… And also, I have a few questions.

Rythmeus: Of course, feel free to ask.

Me: Did you and Brock engage in any activities while I was absent?

Rythmeus: Ah, yes. I exposed Brock to the wondrous realms that exist beyond this universe, and he was utterly enthralled by the experience.

Me: That’s truly remarkable.

Rythmeus: Indeed, Brock’s mind has expanded significantly as he acquired newfound knowledge. He now possesses a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness.

A smile formed on my face as I listened to Rythmeus’s words.

Me: I understand. Brock is an exceptionally intelligent young individual. Despite being only 13

years old, he possesses a wealth of knowledge and exhibits remarkable gifts.

Rythmeus: I am well aware of Brock’s potential. I sense tremendous promise within him. As he grows older, I am confident he will become an extraordinary individual.


After taking a bath, eating, and getting ready, I got out from rythmeus’s palace, I was pretty satisfied of how he treated me, yet I was curious of what happened more between him and brock…

I wanted to ask brock couple questions left and right, and asking about his views of life… his views of what he truly thinks, I was curious about that.

Couple minutes have passed and I returned to the city, I didn’t really know if brock was in his house or that he was somewhere else…

As I kept going, I went to brock’s house, approaching its door and knocking on it.

Me: …

No one answered.

I then knocked on the door again… and yet, no one answered.

Me(mind): hmm.. he is probably not here, ill leave.

And as I turned around, I heard a sound of the door behind me, opening, I then turned around.

Me: ?...

To my surprise, the individual who opened the door was not Brock but an adult man, presumably his father.

The man inquired:

Man: Who are you? Is there something you need?

I responded:

Me: Yes, I am searching for a dear friend of mine named Brock. Are you his father?

Man: Yes, I am his father… Who are you exactly?

Me: I’m Liran, one of his friends. Has Brock mentioned anything about me to you?

Brock’s father smiled warmly and replied:

Brock’s father: Yes, I’ve heard about you. My son holds you in high regard. He finds you quite fascinating and cool.

I couldn’t help but smile at his words.

Me: Well, that’s delightful to hear. Do you happen to know where he is at the moment?

Brock’s father: He’s not here right now. He’s at school; they have some activities taking place there.

Me: I see. Thank you so much for informing me. I’ll pay him a visit at school then. Goodbye.

Brock’s father: You’re welcome. See you later.

With those parting words, Brock’s father closed the door.

In that moment, I knew my next destination. I began making my way toward the school where Brock was currently attending.


