True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds by liran G - HTML preview

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Chapter 13: the deal:

Rythmeus: Pray, deliver your response promptly… in the affirmative or negative?

Rythmeus inquired as ‘his’ tentacle poised before me, awaiting a handshake.

I proceeded to clasp the tentacle firmly, engaging in the gesture, while expressing:

Me: Certainly… I shall divulge my tale.

Rythmeus then bestowed a smile, retracting ‘his’ tentacle, and uttered: Rythmeus: Marvelous! Pray, elucidate… how did you accomplish such a feat?

Me: Well, albeit it may appear ludicrous, foolish, or even wholly irrational… that could conceivably be the sole explanation.

Rythmeus: Hm?... Elucidate, I beseech you.

Me: You see… a maelstrom of hardships has beset my existence, profoundly impacting my mental state.

Rythmeus: So, what course of action did you pursue?

Me: I merely allowed it to unfold, so to speak. Essentially, I relinquished control over my ruminations and anxieties… and allowed them to transpire. I felt as though I was somehow transcending in the process, in a peculiar manner.

Do you apprehend my meaning?

Rythmeus: Hm… so you relinquished control over your pain and worries, allowing them to occur, and in doing so, you experienced a sort of transcendence. Remarkably intriguing. Did you encounter significant challenges during this process?

Me: Indeed, it was undoubtedly difficult. Doubts and uncertainties arose incessantly, and various other obstacles presented themselves. However, in the end, I discovered a sense of relief.

Rythmeus: Fascinating! I have never witnessed a mortal attaining such an ability merely by surrendering their worries and suffering. You must possess a unique essence indeed.

Yet, there is an even more perplexing matter at hand…

I gazed at Rythmeus, a sense of worry enveloping me.

Me: What do you mean?

Rythmeus: Curiously enough, I find myself unable to access your thoughts. It’s as if my powers have no effect on you…

Me: What?...

Rythmeus: Indeed, it seems that your aforementioned transcendence has endowed you with an unusual quality, rendering me unable to penetrate your mind.

Perhaps I should conduct a thorough study of your being… I assure you, I shall treat you with utmost respect.

Rythmeus uttered, a smirk adorning ‘his’ countenance.

There fell a weighty silence, followed by Brock’s inquiry: Brock: Um… alright then. Please enlighten us about the “Lands of Chaos” you spoke of a few moments ago.

Rythmeus then directed ‘his’ gaze towards Brock.

Rythmeus: Ah, well, since you have bestowed me with your knowledge, I shall reciprocate in kind. The Lands of Chaos, my friend, transcend the bounds of this reality as you humans perceive it.

Brock: What do you mean? What lies within that realm?

Rythmeus: Ah, words prove insufficient in capturing its essence. To comprehend what lies within the Lands of Chaos, one must personally witness its grandeur.

Brock: I see… And what about our present universe? What about the multitude of gods who walk amongst us?

Rythmeus: Ah, Brock… Those gods you behold are naught but manifestations in false guises.

They are entities hailing from higher dimensions, and even within this single universe, they hold their dominion.

Brock: What?... What do you mean?

Rythmeus: Allow me to elaborate further. Within this vast, infinite universe, there exists an unfathomable multitude of dimensions. Each dimension is like a layer, with beings from higher dimensions perceiving those in lower dimensions much like how humans view their own creations on paper or in stories.

Brock’s astonishment grew as he struggled to comprehend.

Brock: What?! Are you saying they exist on a plane far beyond our reach? And there are countless dimensions?

Please, enlighten me further!

Rythmeus let out a mischievous giggle before continuing: Rythmeus: Indeed, beyond this hierarchical arrangement of dimensions, there lies the “ultimate dimension.” It transcends your very notions of space and time. Within this enigmatic realm reside beings that surpass the boundaries of human imagination.

Indeed, within the vast expanse of the multiverse, all that exists in your universe is merely a single potentiality among an infinite array of possibilities. The manner in which humans came into existence, along with your notions of logic and understanding, represent but a solitary and insignificant probability.

It is crucial to acknowledge that even impossibilities retain a sliver of possibility, as their probability may be infinitesimal, yet nonzero. The multiverse encompasses an endless tapestry of possibilities, thereby granting viability to what may appear as impossibilities.

Do you now grasp the intricate nature of this concept?

Brock’s astonishment only grew, his mind overwhelmed by the enormity of the revelations.

Brock: What?! This is by far the most mind-boggling information I’ve ever encountered! I feel like my brain might explode! And the Lands of Chaos surpass all of this?

Rythmeus’s smile widened as ‘he’ responded:

Rythmeus: Indeed, the Lands of Chaos stand above everything we have discussed thus far.

Preceding the Lands of Chaos, there exist other entities or phenomena that surpass even this multiverse. However, that is a matter for another time.

With a snap of ‘his’ fingers, two bottles of water materialized out of thin air, appearing in front of me and Brock.

Rythmeus: I understand that after being exposed to such mind-bending knowledge, you must be weary. Drink, for you both must be in need of refreshment.

We both accepted the bottles of water, taking a few sips to quench our thirst. After we finished, I spoke up:

Me: So… are we becoming friends, perhaps?

Rythmeus gazed at me, a smirk playing on ‘his’ lips.

Rythmeus: Certainly, I wouldn’t mind that.

Brock chimed in with a smile on his face:

Brock: Well then, it seems like our paths may cross again in the near future. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

Brock appeared genuinely delighted and amazed by the newfound knowledge. He had an insatiable thirst for learning.

Rythmeus turned his attention to Brock and remarked:

Rythmeus: Ah, my dear friend, you seem more impressed than shocked. Although I couldn’t read your mind, you strike me as someone who relishes exploration and the acquisition of knowledge. I hold great respect for such individuals.

Brock expressed his gratitude:

Brock: Thank you so much…

I interjected, looking at Rythmeus:

Me: Well then… it was a pleasure meeting you, Rythmeus. We should be on our way now.

Rythmeus nodded in agreement:

Rythmeus: Very well, go ahead. It was a delightful encounter. Until we meet again, farewell.

Brock and I bid our farewells:

Me and Brock: Goodbye.

We then turned and walked away, filled with a sense of awe and the desire to continue our journey.

After a few minutes of walking through the streets, I turned to Brock, initiating a conversation.

Me: So, Brock, what are your thoughts on Rythmeus?

Brock: Honestly, I think “he” is pretty fascinating. But I couldn’t help but notice something…

there was an intriguing undertone to “his” interactions. It seemed like “he” had a particular interest in studying you in a rather unconventional manner.

Brock let out a giggle, clearly finding amusement in the situation.

Me: Oh, absolutely! I noticed those curious glances as well. It seems like I caught “his”

attention, and “he” got quite excited about it. But hey, I wouldn’t mind being the subject of study if it means learning more fascinating things.

We both shared a laugh.

Me: Anyway, I think it would be a great idea to meet Rythmeus again. We could delve deeper into the knowledge “he” possesses and have some more enlightening experiences. It’s bound to be an interesting and educational journey.

Brock: I agree.

We continued walking until we arrived at Brock’s house.

Me: This is your house? It looks nice.

Brock: Thank you. I’ll see you later, my friend. Goodbye.

Me: Take care. See you later.

Brock opened his door, entered his house, and closed the door behind him.

I continued on my way, eventually reaching my own house.

After a couple of minutes, I found myself sitting on my bed, deep in thought about everything that had transpired.

Me (in my mind): So, all of this is just one possibility among an infinite array of possibilities. It’s truly astonishing and captivating. I hope to meet Rythmeus again someday…

Lost in contemplation, I embraced the profound and enigmatic nature of the universe, eagerly awaiting what the future may bring.




Chapter 14: to the lands of chaos:


Several days had passed since my initial encounter with Rythmeus, yet I remained captivated by the notion that our comprehension of mathematics and physics might be mere illusions compared to the true nature of the universe. The shock of this revelation lingered within me.

I found myself in my house, lying on my bed, lost in deep contemplation of Rythmeus’s words.

Me (in my mind): So, everything I have studied and believed in… could it all be false? I must meet Rythmeus again. I need to see ‘him.’

With a resolute determination, I stood up, prepared myself, and ventured outside.

Me (in my mind): But is Rythmeus even present on this planet right now? I still remember the location of “his” palace… I could go there…

A couple of minutes passed as I walked away from the city, heading towards Rythmeus’s palace.

My desire for answers grew stronger with each step.

Finally, I arrived at the grand and majestic palace, just as I remembered it. The sight of it filled me with a mix of awe and anticipation.

Approaching the massive doors, I hesitantly knocked, hoping for a response from within.

Me: Hello? Is anyone there?

A brief moment of silence followed, and then, to my surprise, the doors swung open without anyone visibly opening them. I heard a voice resonating through the entrance.

???: Come inside… I have been expecting you.

Nervousness washed over me, but strangely, a sense of comfort accompanied it. I stepped forward, entering the palace. As I glanced behind me, the doors closed on their own.

Turning my attention to the surroundings, I took in the splendor of the palace, amazed by its grandeur and intricacy.

Me: Rythmeus?... Where are you?

Suddenly, Rythmeus materialized out of nowhere, standing right in front of me in his colossal form, just as Liran and I had seen him during our first encounter.

Rythmeus looked down at me, his voice resonating with power as he spoke.

Rythmeus: Hello, Brock. It has been a few days. Why have you come here alone?

Me: Hi… Yes, it has been some time. I came here alone because I need answers.

Rythmeus chuckled briefly before responding.

Rythmeus: Ah, it appears that my words left an impact on you, hm?

Me: You’re absolutely right. I have a deep passion for mathematics and other complex subjects, and when you mentioned that all of it is nothing more than a tiny fragment of what truly exists, I was truly shocked. It made me question everything.

Do you understand the impact of your words on me?

Rythmeus: I understand. Everything you have known and learned is merely a tiny fragment of what lies beyond this universe…

Me: Yes, and that’s precisely why I have come here. I want you to show me what truly exists.

Can you take me to the lands of chaos?

Rythmeus stood there, his expression turning serious as he responded.

Rythmeus: Why would I allow you to see the lands of chaos? Concepts break down and lose all meaning in that realm… You would perish as soon as you set foot there.

Me: Listen… I’m just an ordinary human, okay? My lifespan is short compared to you gods. Why can’t you show a single mortal like me one of the most incredible experiences out there?

What do you have to lose from it?

Rythmeus continued to stand there, his gaze fixed upon me, before a smile slowly formed on

“his” face.

Rythmeus: That’s a good counter-question. I was simply testing your determination. It seems that you are more driven to uncover the truths of the universe than your friend, Liran.

I can grant your request.

A smile spread across my face.

Me: Really? Thank you so much!

Rythmeus: You’re welcome. Since you asked so nicely, I will show you the realities of this multiverse.

But before we begin, there are a few things you need to understand. Your physical body is incapable of comprehending the lands of chaos. Therefore, I need you to go to sleep, and once you are asleep, I will transport your consciousness there.

Me: So, I fall asleep and then what happens?

Rythmeus: I will extract your essence, your idea, from your physical form and enhance it so that you can begin to comprehend the incomprehensible.

I paused for a moment, taking in the weight of his words, before nodding in agreement.

I: Goodness gracious… that sounds rather alarming…

Rythmeus, in turn, chuckles briefly.

Rythmeus: Hehe… brace yourself until you arrive at that point.

Are you prepared?

I: Indeed, I am…


Suddenly, Rythmeus snapped his fingers, inducing Brock to collapse onto the ground, succumbing to a deep slumber.

Raising his hand above Brock’s motionless form, Rythmeus began to manipulate something, and lo and behold,

A radiant Illumination emanated from within Brock’s body.

Rythmeus: Behold, it is revealed…

With great care, Rythmeus extracted the luminosity from Brock’s body, now suspended before him,

Rythmeus: Such a captivating essence…

Once more, Rythmeus snapped his fingers, prompting the light to metamorphose and assume the physical likeness of Brock’s corporeal frame.

After a brief interlude, the light took shape, mirroring Brock’s visage, and subsequently, Brock

“awakened,” opening his eyes.


Upon opening my eyes, I beheld Rythmeus gazing at me intently.

I: Whoa… what transpired?

Rythmeus: I induced slumber upon you, extracting the very essence of your being from its corporeal vessel and fashioning it to resemble your physical form.

How do you fare?

I glanced at myself, sensing a peculiar sensation of liberation.

I: I feel… peculiar… yet strangely unburdened, as if freedom has embraced me.

Rythmeus: Precisely so! You are unshackled from the confines of mortality, revealing the

“authentic” version of yourself!

Rythmeus’s proclamation left me astounded, yet simultaneously filled me with a sense of wonder.

I: Indeed… you speak the truth…

Rythmeus: And now… shall we commence our ascent?... I shall grant you an exquisite journey.

I: Yes… let us embark on this endeavor




Chapter 15: the lands of chaos:

Upon uttering those words, Rythmeus lifted his arms, and we took flight. Ascending higher and higher, our ascent knew no bounds.

I: Rythmeus, pray tell, where do our travels lead us?

Rythmeus: We are ascending to new heights, transcending the realms of existence. Observe keenly.

Continuing our ascent, we soared beyond the boundaries of the familiar dimensions, until we reached the enigmatic realm of the fourth dimension.

Looking down upon the third dimension from this vantage point, it appeared to me akin to characters meticulously penned or vividly sketched upon a sheet of paper—an ephemeral world of fiction.

I: Astonishing… this is beyond comprehension…

Rythmeus: Are you reveling in the spectacle? Remember, we have merely scratched the surface of the fourth dimension. In a single universe, an infinitude of dimensions await us. Brace yourself.

Continuing our ascent, we effortlessly traversed through dimensions, as if they were mere trifles. True to Rythmeus’s words, each subsequent dimension perceived the preceding one akin to how we perceive the inked imprints on a page—ephemeral and malleable.

A peculiar sensation of control surged within me, as if I possessed dominion over these dimensions without even exerting conscious effort.

I: Unbelievable… it feels incredibly peculiar, yet immensely captivating…

Our upward journey persisted, transcending boundaries, until Rythmeus spoke: Rythmeus: Very well, the time has come to transcend this hierarchy…

I: ?!?

In an instant, Rythmeus snapped “his” fingers, transporting us to an enigmatic location far removed from the confines of the dimensions we had traversed.

We found ourselves in a profoundly peculiar realm, an amalgamation of strangeness and potency that permeated the very air.

As I cast my gaze ahead, I beheld unfathomable beings, their forms defying conventional comprehension. Despite their bewildering appearance, they exuded a captivating beauty, accompanied by an overwhelming aura of power.

I: Where have we arrived?

Rythmeus: We have reached the pinnacle of the singular universe, known as the “ultimate dimension.” As I previously mentioned, it stands above the hierarchy of infinite dimensions. The entities before you, those ethereal beings, are known as “judges.”

I was taken aback by the revelation.

I: “Judges”? Tell me more about them…

Rythmeus: These beings stand as the apex of this universe, unchanging and eternal. They wield dominion over the fabric of existence within their domain, determining the fate of every living entity, the delicate balance of life and death.

They possess the power to shape and govern the unfolding events that transpire within their universe.

I: So, in essence, they control the very narrative or “story”?

Rythmeus: Indeed, that is precisely it. The judges hold sway over the intricate tapestry of existence, wielding the authority to shape and mold the destinies of all that dwell within their universe.

I: And what of their association with our souls? Is there a connection?

Rythmeus: Ah, that is a question that remains elusive to me. I am hesitant to unveil the answer and rob you of the awe and wonder that accompanies its revelation. However, if you choose to believe such a connection exists, then that belief shall be yours to hold.

I: I understand… I shall keep an open mind.

Rythmeus: Very well, let us transcend the realm of the judges.

Rythmeus once again snapped “his” fingers, propelling us beyond the confines of the “ultimate dimension” and this particular universe. What lay before me next was beyond description or comprehension. It felt as though my very consciousness teetered on the edge of overload, yet I remained strangely calm, bolstered by the fragment of power bestowed upon me by Rythmeus.

Rythmeus: Take in your surroundings… behold the infinite expanse of these universes. They are naught but an endless tapestry of possibilities, each one seemingly insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

Each “universe” within this multiverse operates according to its unique set of physical laws and mathematical principles, defining the very fabric of existence. Even those that appear nonsensical and defy conventional logic are, in the context of this expansive multiverse, inherently logical.

Can I truly grasp the magnitude of this realization? I found myself at a loss for words, overwhelmed by the enormity of what I was witnessing and comprehending. Yet, amidst the shock, a sense of enlightenment began to bloom within me, bringing forth a profound sense of wonder and a feeling of being connected to something greater.

I: Yes… it is simultaneously horrifying and wondrous, defying the limits of human comprehension.

Rythmeus grinned as “he” spoke:

Rythmeus: I had a feeling this revelation would captivate you!

Ah, and let us not forget, we have yet to venture into the realms of chaos.

I: ?!

Rythmeus snapped “his” fingers once more, and we began to ascend once again.

As we continued our ascent, rising higher and higher, a profound transformation occurred within me. My identity, stripped of any gender or earthly form, dissolved away. I transcended the limitations of being defined by societal constructs or physical attributes.

I simply ascended, unbound by the constraints of my former existence.

As we ascended, I became acutely aware of the sheer reliance I had on Rythmeus and “his”

extraordinary powers. In that moment, I came to the realization that Rythmeus’s very existence defied all logical understanding—it simply did not conform to the rules of conventional reasoning. And yet, I couldn’t help but feel an immense gratitude towards Rythmeus for guiding me through this mind-bending experience.

Rythmeus: Brock, as you witness the vast expanse of this multiverse that we are currently transcending, with its intricate hierarchy of possibilities, it is crucial to hold on tightly!

In that instant, surpassing the constraints of conventional speed, we arrived at a point beyond the multiverse. We gazed down upon the omniverse, a sight that left me more stunned than ever before.

Rythmeus: Indeed, as you behold the vastness of the omniverses, it becomes clear that they encompass an infinite array of possibilities. Each omniverse contains its own multitude of universes, and within those universes lie further possibilities.

I: So, you’re saying that there are infinite omniverses, each containing infinite universes? And all of these are merely possibilities?

Possibilities within possibilities?

Rythmeus: Precisely. A single omniverse encapsulates an infinite tapestry of possibilities, and there are infinite omniverses, each considered to be its own realm of possibilities.

The incomprehensibility of this reality is why it is challenging for beings like yourself to fully grasp. That is why I granted you a fraction of my power, enabling you to perceive and comprehend the true extent of what lies beyond. But our journey is far from over.

Rythmeus’s smile persisted as “he” continued to share:

Rythmeus: You see, amidst this vastness, there exists a being who safeguards it all. This entity is known as “the Ultimate One.” Residing at the pinnacle of the true omniverse, “he” observes and watches over everything. However, “he” transcends the concepts of “good” or “bad,” as these notions hold no relevance in the grand scope of “his” existence.

I: Are we going to meet “him”?

Rythmeus: Indeed, we are.

With another snap of “his” fingers, Rythmeus transported us to a realm of luminescence. All I could perceive was an overwhelming display of light, simultaneously invoking a sense of fear and awe-inspiring beauty.

Rythmeus: Within “his” dominion, the Ultimate One observes our journey, perceiving it as a form of entertainment akin to what you humans would call a “show.” “He” possesses the ability to alter and manipulate this “show” as “he” sees fit.

Suddenly, a resounding voice reverberated throughout the space, emanating from an indeterminate source yet seemingly encompassing all directions.

???: Rythmeus, you are leading this mortal into the realms of chaos, correct?

Rythmeus: Indeed, you are correct. I bring this mortal to experience the lands of chaos under your watchful gaze.

???: As you wish.

In that moment, before my eyes, a humanoid form began to take shape from the radiant light, gradually becoming more comprehensible to my perception. It was the Ultimate One, a being of brilliance and radiance, yet beyond human comprehension.

As I beheld the awe-inspiring yet terrifying beauty of the Ultimate One, I couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by a mix of emotions, including an unconventional arousal. However, the Ultimate One reassured me that such a reaction was natural, given the circumstances.

???: Fear not, Brock. It is a natural response. I am the Ultimate One, the guardian of these omniverses. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

I: I am deeply honored to meet you as well. Words cannot express the sheer joy and gratitude I feel to be in your presence.

The Ultimate One: I am glad to hear that. However, now both you and Rythmeus should ascend to the lands of chaos. Enjoy your journey.

With those words, the Ultimate One beckoned us to continue our ascent towards the realms of chaos, signaling that our adventure was far from over.

Rythmeus then conjures forth an imperious gesture, causing us to venture ever deeper into the ethereal realms…, we transcended the dominion of the ultimate one, finding ourselves in a realm that defies verbal depiction.

Rythmeus: Behold, dear companion, the celestial expanse of chaos. Gaze upon it intently.

As I surveyed my surroundings, words eluded me, for they proved inadequate in capturing the essence of this realm. Its sublime allure was juxtaposed with a dreadful aspect. The conventional notions of space and time, along with other abstract constructs, ceased to hold meaning in this juncture.

The lands of chaos exhibited an ephemeral metamorphosis, oscillating between magnificence and horror. Yet paradoxically, their essence remained immutable, defying the very notion of transformation.

Here, the laws that govern reality hold no sway, rendering them incomprehensible.

Had Rythmeus not bestowed upon me a fragment of his immense power, my existence would have been abruptly extinguished within this domain.

Rythmeus: Behold, the very realm from which I originated. Within this ethereal realm, I possess boundless agency, capable of shaping reality to my whims…

You see… the true omniverse that we just trascended can be considered the “physical universe”, the “physical universe” contains all that is, all that was, and all that can be and not be imagined…

Myself: So, what shall be our purpose in this enigmatic realm? What does it hold within its vast expanse? Is there, perchance, a metropolis where deities reside?

Rythmeus responded with a boisterous laughter.

Rythmeus: A metropolis, you jest! The entirety of the lands of chaos serves as our grand metropolis, dear companion.

Myself: Ah, I perceive. So, in essence, this realm transcends the realms we traverse within our dreams, extending beyond the boundaries of our physical universe. Pray, do share with me an intriguing fact, if you will.

Rythmeus: Indubitably! When you succumb to slumber, you shall often find yourself in a realm devoid of coherence, where rationality seems naught but a distant notion. Yet, remarkably, you possess the capacity to fathom its enigmatic nature.

The rationale behind this phenomenon lies in the interplay between mortal slumber and our intervention. As you mortals sleep, we descend upon you, gathering fragments of your

subconscious, unconscious, and the very essence of your conceptual understanding. These fragments we then transport to this realm.

Indeed, this realm transcends the confines of mortal comprehension, surpassing the boundaries of mere logic and imagination. Within its ethereal grasp, one may encounter visions that elicit both terror and chaos, as well as dreams filled with joy and tranquility.

Moreover, the gods themselves possess the power to bestow upon mortals the gift of lucid dreaming, if they so desire and are benevolent enough to grant such a boon, knowing the fervor with which you long for this experience.

As Rythmeus concluded his words, I couldn’t help but smile, overcome with a profound sense of gratitude.

Myself: Remarkable! This realm surpasses all expectations. I am genuinely grateful to have been brought here by your benevolence, Rythmeus.

Rythmeus: Your appreciation warms my heart. However, let me assure you, dear companion, that what lies ahead exceeds even the splendors we have witnessed thus far.

Myself: More wonders await beyond the current layer of the lands of chaos?

Rythmeus: Precisely. What we currently behold is but a solitary stratum amidst an unending cascade of layers.

Myself: Ah, it appears we have quite a tale ahead of us.

Rythmeus chuckled heartily before speaking again.

Rythmeus: Indeed, it is a lengthy narrative to unfold. But I ask you, dear companion, would you like to bear witness to the true realm that lies above, far beyond our current vantage point?

Myself: Without a doubt, I am eager to explore what lies ahead, sir.


