Unknown by Anne adefesobi - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


Last year my mom lost her elder brother, Tao oh's father and due to some unclear explanation that my mom gave me, Tao oh started living in our house. Tao oh father's death is something I knew my mom would never recover from and sometimes when I walked into their room, I would see my mom keeping something which I knew was one of their child hood pictures hurriedly under a pillow or a blanket with her eyes red.

Even though Tao oh was given the whole visitor's room which was next to mine, he still uses my room more than his which annoyed me but I kept my silence. With Tao oh in the house my room was no longer safe and my cookies were always disappearing.

In school Tao oh was everything I wasn't and I always felt jealous of him. He was popular, strong and lady-like and even though I've spent my whole life in that school I felt like an outcast compared toTao oh who knew more than me.

Chun jo was now going out with a dancer who looks nothing like Jeremy when it comes to handsomeness but what girls sees in guys is something that should be considered a course in universities, because I don't know what Chun jo saw in him that made her dumped Jeremy.

Jeremy been dumped put him off for weeks until he couldn't take it any longer, so he asked for my help. Ever since we had became friends I never intervened in their relationship not because I don't want to but because I hardly intervene in anybody's life and privacy. So being asked for my intervention was something I considered good luck and it made me feel honoured.

"Don't worry, I will try and talk to her" I said scanning my brain on how to start the conversation.

I hardly go to Chun jo's house, so going over there to start the conversation was out of it. So I was praying for her to come over to my house which she did five days later.

We started the conversation randomly, taking a glance at the television to catch a word or two which was being spoken and even all through the conversation I was still scanning my brain on how to begin the real issue.

"And how are you with your boyfriend?"I asked, praying internally that I haven't blown my cover.

"We are fine" she answered looking at me curiously as if she knew what I was up to.

"Oh, okay" I said looking back at the screen.

"Why did you ask?" she asked and that was when I realized that she was still staring at me.

"Oh...the question, I just ask, you know, I'm just curious, as in, we have been friends for years but you didn't even make mention that you are not comfortable with him, I mean Jeremy" I said trying to find the appropriate words.

"Did he sent you?"

"Send me to do what?"

"To be saying what you are saying now because I've never seen you discussing Jeremy's and I situation"

"Yeah I've never said anything because I thought you guys are okay"

"Yeah we've always been okay but I just need a change"

"So it was because of a change you dumped him" I asked turning red in the face and I guessed Chun jo also saw the effect because she immediately shifted back on her seat. "So it was because of a change you left him. Do you know how much he loves you? Do you know how hard he is taking this? Just because you need a change. Wow, Chun jo you are something else" and then I laughed out loud and the conversation made our relationship sour for the second time