Unlawful Identity by Amy Shannon - HTML preview

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Sam didn’t say a word when she entered the penthouse. She headed straight for her bedroom.

Parker followed behind her and sat next to her on the bed. “Sam, talk to me,” he whispered.
She quickly wiped the tears that streamed down her face. “I just killeda man,” she wept.
Parker wrapped his arm around her. “Let it out, babe,” he said softly.
“I … I don’t want you to think that I’m weak,” she cried, as she buried her face in her hands.
“You’re not weak. I know how hard that must’ve been for you. It’s not going to get any easier. I will be here for you. I’ll help you through this,” he wiped her tears and gazed into her eyes.
Sam pulled him into a long, passionate kiss. “Make the pain go away,” she cried.
“Are yousure?”
“I want you, PK, and I want younow,” she said, as he laid on top of her.
He lightly kissed her face and then her neck. “I never wanted anyone like I wanted you,” he whispered, as he unbuttoned her blouse.
She looked up at him. “PK?”
“What is it?”
“How do you feel about what I did?”
“Well, I was very proud of you. I know it’s very hard on you, as it is me, but you made quite an impression. Morrison wants to meet you.”
“Oh, why didn’t we go?”
“I told them that we have aprocedureafter a kill,” he grinned.
“Which is?”
He leaned in and kissed her softly as he ran his hands down her body. “This.”
“Oh, so, youplannedthis?”
“No, I figured you would need some time to yourself after each kill. I knew it’d be hard on you. I thought if I told them that you always have sex after each kill, it would be the perfect cover. Wedon’thave to. I didn’t plan this, honest,” he smiled.
“I do want you. Please, make me feel better,” she cried.
He wiped the tears. “No more tears, babe,” he kissed her softly as he made gentle love to her.

Sam curled up next to Parker and ran her hands down his chest. “I need to know something…”
“What’s that?”
“When this is over…”
“Sam, if we become something more than just part of the job, wewillcontinue, no matterwhat.”
“Do youwantsomething to become of us?” she whispered.
“I do. I have a lot of feelings swirling around in my heart for you. I am so attracted to you, not just physically, but emotionally. You’vetouchedmy heart,” he kissed her forehead.
“I guess … I was afraid.”
“Of what?”
“Having feelings for you. I am attracted to you, too.”
“I’ll always be here for you. I know this is the hardest job you will ever have to do. When this is all over, we may have to leave the state or even country. We can only see what happens. Sam, don’t be afraid of your feelings. I know on the job you have to hide your feelings, your fear, but, babe, when you come here, alone with me, I want you to let them out. Don’t hide them when we’re alone,” he said.
“I won’t. I am kind of hungry, though,” she whispered.
“I’ll order us a pizza,” he sat up.
She put on her robe and followed him into the kitchen. He picked up the phone and headed into the other room.

She opened the cooler and pulled out a bottle of wine. She set two glasses on the table and opened the wine, as he came back into the kitchen. “Pizza is on its way. Hope you like theworks,” he said.

“Yeah, how’d you know?” she smiled, as she handed him a glass of wine.
“I have to tell you something,” he sat down.
“What is it?”
“For about six months, I kind of watched you,” he smiled.
“Youwere mystalker?” she asked.
“You knew about me?”
“I didn’t know it was you, but I knewsomeonewas following me. I am a detective, you know. So, why were you following me?”
“We were first tracking your brother, and then, I started watching you. I knew you’d be perfect for this assignment.”
“Why’d you wait so long? Were you waiting for my family to die?” she stood up quickly.
“No, I wasn’t sure if you could do this. I learned all I could about you, but I’mstilllearning about you. If I had known that Morrison would go after your parents, I would’ve protected them. I am so sorry about your loss,” he placed his hand on her shoulder.
She turned around and hugged him tightly. “At least you told me the truth,” she said, as there was a knock on the door. “Probably the pizza,” she said.
“I’ll get it,” he left the kitchen and came back a few minutes later with the pizzas. “Sam, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before,” he said, as he sat down.
She sat next to him and smiled. “It’s all right. You don’t know everythingabout me and I still have a lot of learning about you,” she picked up the pizza and took a bite.

They ate in silence and then Parker cleared the table. Sam stood up. “I think I’m going to take a hot bath, if you don’t mind.”
“No, that’s all right. Drew is supposed to stop by with a few more things.”
“Oh, all right,” she said, as she quietly walked down the hall towards the bathroom. She turned on the hot water and watched the steam rise as she poured the bubble bath into the tub. She removed her robe and slowly stepped into the hot soapy water.

After an hour, when Sam didn’t come out of the bathroom, Parker knocked on the door. “Sam?” he said, as he opened the door.
Sam looked up and sighed. “Oh, what is it?”
“I got worried, you’ve been in here over an hour,” he said.
She slowly stood up. “Yeah, I guess the water is kind of cold now,” she said, as she wrapped a towel around her.
“I got a call.”
“Yeah, he wants to meet with us tomorrow at the bar,” Parker said.
“Tomorrow? Oh, all right,” she said quietly.
“Um, are you sure you’re all right?”
“Yeah, you did make me feel better,” she put on her robe and followed him into the living room. “How do I play this with him? I don’t want to be too anxious about being hired if that’s what he wants with me.”
“Be cold and direct. He likes that in his employees. Also, don’t become an employee, just acontractor.”
“Is that what you were?”
“Yes, since I lost the use of my hand for killing, I told them that you were not only my lover, but my partner.”
“How does Jack treat women?”
“Oh, I know that he has a wife and a mistress. He treats them like property. You need to always stand firm with him. I don’t know if he’ll try to make a pass at you or get you into bed, though. I don’t think he’s ever had a hitwomanon his payroll.”
“Well, I guess it will be interesting. Can you tell me if you can handle watching me be a bitch?”
“I know that you’re not. I think it’s interesting how you can act like a cold-hearted woman, when I know that you’re not. You play your role so well,” he said.
“I’m glad you know that I’m playing. I don’t want this job to get to me,” she sighed.
He put his arm around her. “Babe, I’m here for you. I will always back you up. I promise.”
“Thanks, you know, I think I’m going to head to bed. I am quite tired,” she said, as she stood up.
“Go on. I have a few things that I need to do. I’ll be in later, if you don’t mind,” he said.
“No, we’re going to share the bed, right?”
“If that’s what you still want,” he smiled.
“It is,” she said, as she headed down the hall towards the bedroom.