Unlawful Identity by Amy Shannon - HTML preview

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Sam took Parker’s hand and the two of them headed into

the bar. She took a deep breath and walked into The Razor’s Edge. They walked over to the bar and Parker nodded to the mirror that was behind the bar.

Soon, the door to the office opened and Cal walked out. “He wants to see her, only.”
Sam looked at Parker. “No.”
Cal turned around and looked Jack, who was sitting behind the desk. “She said no.Nowwhat?”
He nodded to Cal. Cal turned around and looked at Parker and Sam. “This way,” he said.
Sam and Parker followed Cal into the office. She crossed her arms and looked around the room. Jack looked at his men and nodded, the men left the room without saying a word.
“Please, sit,” he pointed to the chair in front of his desk.
“I’llstand. So, what do you want from me?” Sam asked.
Jack stood up and ran his hands through his dark hair. His blue eyes stared coldly at her. “Lee?” he asked.
“Um, no. It’sSam. You must bemistaken,” she said nervously. “I’m Kyle’ssister,” she glared at him.
“Right,” he cleared his throat. “So,Sam.You killed one of my men.”
“And?” she said.
“Hetouchedme. What’s it to you?” she asked.
“He was one of my men!”
“And now he’s dead. I’m sure he’s not the first one and hewon’t be the last,” she said.
“Parker,thisisyourwoman?” he asked.
“No, he’s my man!Noone owns me,” she spat.
“Ibegyour pardon,” Jack said.
Parker smiled slightly. “We’re partners, Jack. So, we’re here. What did you want?”
“I know that you’re a cop. I want to know why you two are together.”
“Iusedto be a cop. That’s not who I am anymore. So, whyamI here?”
“I have a job for you, Parker,” he said.
“I don’t do jobs anymore. Sam does them.”
“I see. Now,whyis that?” Jack crossed his arms.
“Youknowwhy. I’m not out of the business. Sam is my partner. We’re in thistogether. That’s all.”
“I understand. I have a job that I’d like to discuss with you. Please, both of you, have a seat,” Jack said, as he sat down.
Sam and Parker sat down. “So? What kind of job?” Sam asked.
“First, I need to know that I can trust you both,” Jack said.
“Well, I haven’t killedyouyet,” she smiled.
“I guess that issomething,” he smiled lightly.
“What do you need me to do?” she asked.
“First, what is your fee?”
“Depends on the job. I don’t take anything less than $25,000. That’s my minimum. Also, I have rules and I donotbend my own rules,” she said.
“What are your rules,Allure?”
“First, call meSam.Don’tcall me anything else,” she glared at him and shook her head. “I am not yourAllure.”
“All right,Sam,what are your other rules?”
“No one, and I mean, no one touches me, except for Parker.”
“I understand.”
“I don’t eliminate children and I don’t eliminate mothers of children.”
“What about women?”
“I have no problem eliminating a woman or a man,” she said, as she crossed her legs.
“Why did you stop being a cop?”
“Personal reasons. Idon’tshare my personal life either.”
“All right. I do have a job for you.”
Sam stood up and leaned over the desk. “I will hear the job tomorrow. From now on, anytime you want to speak to us, you meet us at our home. I don’t trust this place. How do I know that one ofyour men isn’t an undercover?”
“I donothire cops,” he stood up quickly.
“Maybe, maybe not, butIcan’t take that chance. You want to talk with us, you call and then show up. That’s it. As far as money, half up front and the other half when the job is completed. I only accept cash. No checks and no wire transfers. Any questions?”
“I still need proof that you’re no longer a cop,” he cleared his throat.
“Which man do you want dead?” she crossed her arms.
He pointed at Parker. “Him. I wanthimdead.”
“I don’t kill my lover. I will never kill himunlesshe betrays me, but I canalwayseliminate you,” she smirked.
“I will call you tomorrow,” Jack said, as he sat down in his chair.
“Until then,” she said, as she took Parker’s hand.
Jack watched as she held Parker’s hand. “Sam, wait. I want to speak to you alone.”
She nodded to Parker and he left the office. “What?”
“Don’t you haveanythingto say to me?” he asked, as he crossed his arms.
“More than you’ll ever know, but now isnotthe time. Just you wait,” she smirked and left the office.
Jack leaned back and smiled, as he opened his desk drawer. He wiped off the dusty photo and smiled. “Iknewit,Allure.”

Sam walked over to Parker and led him out of the bar. He opened the car door for her and helped her into the car.

“Are you all right?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s go,” she said, as he closed the door and
walked around to the driver’s side of the car.
“Any place special?”
“Yeah, I want to go to the cemetery. I need to see my mother,”
she sighed.
“All right,” he said, as he started the car.

“Do you want me to go with you?” he asked, as he pulled down the dirt road.
“I need to do this myself, if you don’t mind,” she said softly.
“Go ahead. I’ll wait here,” he said, as she got out of the car.
She looked at the bouquet of flowers in her hand and slowly walked towards the large stones.Anna Lange, beloved mother and wife, Gerald Lange, beloved father and husband.“Mom, Dad, I’m so sorry about this. I doubt that Kyle knew he was putting you in danger. Please, don’t blame him. I hope you don’t blame me. I tried to save him,” she looked over at her brother’s stone. “I will get this man. I will bring him and his men down. I know I’m doing all the wrong things. I feel trapped. I don’t know what’s going on in my life anymore,” she cried, as she put the flowers against her mother’s stone. “Mom, forgive me for everything that I’ve done and that I’m going to do. I will always take care of Dylan. I promise,” she looked towards the car, and watched as Parker sat on the hood. “I found someone, Mom. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but out of this whole mess, he makes me feel good. That’s good, right?”
She laid her hand on the stone and put her head down. “Oh, Mom, I hope wherever you are, you’re still with me,” she cried, as she stood up.
As she solemnly walked over to the car, she glanced at the small headstone next to her mother’s,Jack Edward Lange. “I’m sorry, now is not the time. No one knows about you but Dylan. I’m so sorry. Someday, I’ll explaineverythingto you,” she cried, as she kneeled down and kissed the stone. She walked over to Parker. “I’m ready to go now.” Parker took her hand and he stood up. He looked around. “I think we’re being followed.”
“I know. I saw the sedan when we pulled in,” she took his face in her hands and kissed him softly. “If they want a show, let’s give them one. Come on, let’s go home. I have a feeling they will be watching us until they’re all dead,” she sighed.
He kissed her again and then they got in the car. Parker drove out of the cemetery and back to their building.