Unlawful Identity by Amy Shannon - HTML preview

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Sam stood on the roof and leaned on the edge. She peered

through the scope and watched and waited. Her watch beeped to indicate it was ten o’clock. She waited and waited until his secretary left his office. She watched as he sat down at his desk and sipped his coffee. He then stood up, looked at his watch, and walked over to the window.

With him in her line of sight, she slowly squeezed the trigger. She stared at the speeding bullet as it flew towards her target. The glass slowly shattered as the man flew backwards and landed on the ground. She stared through the scope and watched as the blood slowly seeped out of his forehead. She took a deep breath and wiped the tear from her eye. She disassembled the rifle and wiped it down. She placed it in a plastic bag, and then put it in her dufflebag. She put on her baseball cap and headed towards the stairs.

She sat in her car and stared out the window. She placed her hand on her heart. “God, please, forgive me,” she cried, as she started the car. She drove down the street as police cars, with sirens blaring, sped down the road in the opposite direction.

She slowly walked into the penthouse and dropped her bag on the sofa. “Sam?” she knew that wasnotParker’s voice.
“Jack? Where are you?” she asked.
He came out of the kitchen and walked over to her. “Is it done?”
“Yes, but what are you doing here?”
“Helping myself to a drink. Want one?”
“What are you drinking?”
“You had a bottle of Port on your counter, so I helped myself.”
“Oh, I don’t like Port. That was Parker’s. I’ll have a glass of white, if you don’t mind.”
“No, whatever you need,” he grabbed her arm and pulled her into a long, hard kiss. “Is it time for procedure?”
“Business first. I thought you were coming at six?” she said, as they went into the kitchen.
He sipped his wine. “Mmm, this is good. I came because I thought by six, you may not be in the mood anymore. I didn’t want to miss my next opportunity to get atasteof you,” he grinned.
“Are youalwaysso rude?”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound rude. I don’t want to be rude or crude to you,” he said, as he moved closer to her.
She got a bottle of wine out of the cabinet and poured herself a drink. She swirled it around and smelled it. She slowly took a sip. “Like I said,businessfirst. Want some white?” she asked.
“No, this is good,” he said.
“Wait, um, don’t drink that…” she said.
“Um … that’s not a good year,” she said.
“It’s fine,” he said as he guzzled the wine down and poured himself another glass. “I have the money in the brief case in the other room.”
“Good,” she reached in her pocket. “Here’s his business card, even has his home number on it.”
“Did you sleep with him?”
“Nope, didn’t have to,thankgod. I hate lawyers,” she laughed slightly.
“That’s why I had you eliminate him,” he said. “Now that business is taken care of, I want you to show me this procedure,” he moved closer to her as she drank down her wine. He drank down his wine and pulled her close to him. He ran his hands down her body as he kissed her hard and passionately.
She took his hand and led him into the bedroom. “This is how I do it and since it’smyprocedure, we do itmyway!” she said, as she pushed him on the bed.
“Whatever you want,Allure,” he grinned.
“I want your mouth to water,” she flirted.
“Oh, I like this,” he said.
She slowly unbuttoned her blouse and let it slide off her shoulders and drop to the ground. She unhooked her bra and dangled it around her finger and tossed it on the floor. She moved closer to him as she removed her pants. She took his hands and allowed him to touch her body. “Can you feel it?” she whispered harshly.
“Oh, let me…”
She loosened his tie and threw it on the floor. She unbuttoned his shirt and took it off him. She ran her hands down his chest and unbuckled his belt. She pushed him to lie down on the bed and slowly removed his pants. She slowly removed her panties and allowed him to touch her as she straddled his naked body. “How bad do you want it?” she whispered.
“I want you now. I can’t take it anymore,” he said, as he slowly dozed off.
“Jack? Jack?” she called, but he was out. “PK?”
He came out of the closet. “I’m here. Are you all right?”
“Yeah, it was close.Too close, but he finally passed out. How long do you think he’ll be out?” she said, as she put on a robe.
“A few hours maybe,” he said, as he pulled Jack’s body up to the head of the bed.
“I better stay in here with him, in case he wakes up,” she said.
“Sam, let’s do it,” he said.
“What?Nextto him?”
“Yeah, we need to make it real, don’t we?” he grinned.
“After whatIdid?” she cried. “No, I can’t. I’m sorry. Ican’tdo it.”
“Please, you are so beautiful. I am so turned on right now. You are so sexy. I love you,” he begged.
She slightly pushed him away from her. “No, Ican’tdo it. I’m sorry.”
“Oh, well, all right,” he said. “You better get in with him.”
She slowly climbed into the bed. Parker covered her and Jack’s body up. “Where will you be?”
“I’ll be around, unseen. Don’t worry. I love you, Sam,” he said, as he kissed her mouth.
She rolled over and curled up next to Jack and waited, as Parker left the room. She closed her eyes and cried to herself,and, to think if he wasn’t here, I would’ve made love to you. Why did you drink the damn wine?